3 research outputs found
A clinical trial to evaluate the effect of the Mediterranean diet on smokers lung function
Mediterranian diet; Smoke; Lung functionDieta mediterránea; Fumar; Función pulmonarDieta mediterrània; Fumar; Funció pulmonarData on the association between lung function and some dietary patterns have been published. However, it is not yet well known if whether the Mediterranean Diet (MD) pattern can preserve or improve lung function. Our purpose is to evaluate the effect of increased MD adherence on lung function in smokers. A multicenter, parallel, cluster-randomized, controlled clinical trial is proposed. A total of 566 active smokers (>10 packs-year), aged 25-75 years will be included, without previous respiratory disease and who sign an informed consent to participate. Twenty Primary Care Centres in Tarragona (Spain) will be randomly assigned to a control or an intervention group (1:1). All participants will receive advice to quit smoking, and the intervention group, a nutritional intervention (2 years) designed to increase MD adherence by: (1) annual visit to deliver personalized nutritional education, (2) annual telephone contact to reinforce the intervention, and (3) access to an online dietary blog. We will evaluate (annually for 2 years): pulmonary function by forced spirometry and MD adherence by a 14-item questionnaire and medical tests (oxidation, inflammation and consumption biomarkers). In a statistical analysis by intention-to-treat basis, with the individual smoker as unit of analysis, pulmonary function and MD adherence in both groups will be compared; logistic regression models will be applied to analyze their associations. We hope to observe an increased MD adherence that may prevent the deterioration of lung function in smokers without previous respiratory disease. This population may benefit from a dietary intervention, together with the recommendation of smoking cessation
Història gràfica de la Segarra
Direcció: Max Turull Rubinat ; coordinació: Elena Armengol Cera ... [et al.] ; selecció i textos: M. Dolors Allué Albareda ... [et al.].El volum que teniu a les mans representa i és, sens dubte, el testimoni gràfic més complet de la nostra historia recent, reflex fidel d'un temps pretèrit, però no tan allunyant per a nosaltres, entranyable per tot un seguit de raons i, naturalment, emotiu en tots els ordres per a tots aquells que conformen part d'aquesta comunitat segarrenca. Al llarg de les seves pagines, que ens transporten en un viatge imaginen, es pot recórrer el que ha estat la historia de la comarca, els esdeveniments més importants que varen succeir, les festes i tradicions, moltes encara avui, sortosament, arrelades i altres, malauradament, desaparegudes. També es pot reviure el
desenvolupament de les activitats de tota mena, tant econòmiques com industrials, educatives, laborals, etc., que representaven els pilars fonamentals de la vida econòmica i social de la Segarra..