12 research outputs found

    Referensi sebagai Penanda Kohesi dalam Berita Utama Harian Bali Post

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    There are two kinds of reference found in this writing based on the reference direction such as anaphoric and cataphoric reference. Anaphoric reference refers to information that has been mentioned immediately before (the left side), meanwhile cataphoric reference refers to the information that comes in the following text (the right side). Both anaphoric and cataphoric reference can be in form of personal pronoun and demonstrative pronoun. Personal pronouns can be in form of enclitic –nya and third person pronoun; meanwhile demonstrative pronouns are the words that determine something, such as this or that. The theory used in this writing is cohesion theory, which is proposed by M.A.K. Halliday, and Ruqaiya Hasan in their book entitled Cohesion in English (1976). Cohesion is the device to show the cohesiveness within the text or paragraph, meanwhile the paragraph is above the sentence level (Riana, 1985:71). Cohesion occurs when the interpretation of the text depends on the interpretation of other elements in the same text

    Kamus Budaya Bali : bidang istilah music tradisional bali

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    The article, entitled Analysis of the Language Style of Cosmetics Advertisements and Indonesian Language Drugs in Print Mass Media in Bali, aims to discuss the problem of how the assignment of each sentence in cosmetics advertisements and drugs in Indonesian on the print mass media specifically on commercial advertisements (commercial) , covering what kind of language style is used? In addition, it aims to contribute to the development, preservation and development of the Indonesian language. This paper uses a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was carried out using the literature review method. Methods and techniques for Presentation of Analysis Results, use formal and informal methods. Based on the analysis results found six kinds of language styles, namely (1) Climax, (2) Repetition, (3) Hyperbole, (4) Personification, (5) Epithet, and (6) Equation or Semile. This paper uses the theory of persuasive functions. The theory of the persuasive function of language is the theory used and it is possible to answer the problem in advertising as a discourse that cannot be separated from its main purpose, namely selling. The main function is predominantly utilized to support the main function of advertising, namely the persuasive function of language as already alluded to implicitly by some advertising researchers (see Hoed, 1992: 5; Leech, 1966: 26; Kasali, 1992: 9; Cook, 1992: 5; Asmah, 1984: 3). In this paper, two views are expressed regarding the theory of language functions, including Jakobson (1963) and Leech (1974). Jacobson's view (1963; in Welaga, 2000: 37-38) stated six kinds of language functions and included persuasive language functions with the term conative function as an expression of the wishes of the speaker directly or immediately carried out by the listener. In this case, language is used to indicate the involvement of the recipient's attention, and also to influence to do what the sender of the message suggests. The conative function is mainly characterized by the use of the pronouns "you" or "you all", and the use of command sentence forms. Noth (1990: 421) in his book Handbook of Semiotics also emphasizes that the six language functions that Jakobson conveys in the communication model are in advertisements. However, the conative function has more roles. Furthermore, it is said that the function of the phatic (phatic) as opening, maintaining relationships or contacts between speakers and listeners and the poetic function (phoetic) as encoding the message is also very prominent in advertising

    Struktur Bahasa Bajo

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    Secara umum, penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap aneka perpaduan leksikal sebagai penanda kohesi antarkalimat dalam wacana bahasa Bali. Secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan memecahkan masalah aneka perpaduan leksikal apa saja sebagai penanda kohesi antarkalimat dalam wacana bahasa Bali. Teori yang digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam penelitian ini adalah teori kohesi yang dikembangkan oleh M.A.K. Halliday dan R. Hasan. Buah pikiran mereka tertuang dalam sebuah buku berjudul Cohesion in English (1976). Beberapa konsep dasar yang dapat dipetik dari teori tersebut dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut. Disebutkan kohesi adalah alat bahasa untuk menyatakan adanya kepaduan di dalam sebuah wacana, dan wacana merupakan tataran di atas kalimat. Halliday dan Hasan (1976:1) mengemukakan bahwa teks adalah pemakaian bahasa baik lisan maupun tulisan, dalam bentuk prosa maupun puisi, dalam bentuk dialog maupun monolog, yang membentuk satu kesatuan gagasan. Teks inilah yang sering disebut dengan wacana. Kohesi muncul jika penafsiran unsur tertentu di dalam sebuah teks tergantung pada penafsiran unsur yang lain di dalam teks yang sama. Penelitian ini bermaksud membahas penanda hubungan leksikal. Dalam penelitian ini, dipaparkan sekadar pengertian dari aneka perpaduan leksikal disertai dengan beberapa contohnya. Pembicaraan aneka perpaduan leksikal itu meliputi: (1) repetisi, (2) sinonim, (3) kata generik, (4) kolokasi, dan (5) superordinat

    Medan Makna Dalam Bahasa Bali

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    Representation of Dewi Sri in Balinese farming ceremonies: A multimodal study

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    This research applies a multimodal study to discover how Balinese people represent Dewi Sri as the goddess of rice and fertility through language and visuals in Balinese farming ceremonies. Therefore, this research analyzed the ideational function of the language and the representational meaning of visuals. This research is a qualitative study. The results show that language and visual elements work together to reveal and explain the representation of Dewi Sri in the ceremonies. The language elements show material processes as the dominant process and further, explain the form of Dewi Sri in ceremonial activities. The visual elements show symbolic suggestive representation processes as the dominant processes and identify the representative value of Dewi Sri. Furthermore, this research also discusses why the Balinese people honor Dewi Sri