9 research outputs found

    Pyridine vapors detection by an optical fibre sensor

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    An optical fibre sensor has been implemented towards pyridine vapors detection;to achieve this, a novel vapochromic material has been used, which, in solid state, suffers achange in colour from blue to pink-white in presence of pyridine vapours. This complex isadded to a solution of PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride), TBP (Tributylphosphate) andtetrahydrofuran (THF), forming a plasticized matrix; by dip coating technique, the sensingmaterial is fixed onto a cleaved ended optical fibre. The fabrication process was optimizedin terms of number of dips and dipping speed, evaluating the final devices by dynamicrange. Employing a reflection set up, the absorbance spectra and changes in the reflectedoptical power of the sensors were registered to determine their response. A linear relationbetween optical power versus vapor concentration was obtained, with a detection limit of 1ppm (v/v).Financial support from the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología within projects TEC2006-12170/MIC, TEC2004-05936-C02-01/MIC, BQU2001-3221, CTQ2005-09023 and Project of Excellence RNM666 de la Junta de Andalucía, is acknowledged

    Optical sensors based on lossy-mode resonances

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    Lossy-mode resonance (LMR)–based optical sensing technology has emerged in the last two decades as a nanotechnological platform with very interesting and promising properties. LMR complements the metallic materials typically used in surface plasmon resonance (SPR)–based sensors, with metallic oxides and polymers. In addition, it enables one to tune the position of the resonance in the optical spectrum, to excite the resonance with both transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) polarized light, and to generate multiple resonances. The domains of application are numerous: as sensors for detection of refractive indices voltage, pH, humidity, chemical species, and antigens, as well as biosensors. This review will discuss the bases of this relatively new technology and will show the main contributions that have permitted the optimization of its performance to the point that the question arises as to whether LMR–based optical sensors could become the sensing platform of the near future

    Development of an In-Fiber Nanocavity Towards Detection of Volatile Organic Gases

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    A fiber optic sensor for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) detection has beendeveloped and characterized for some organic gasses. The sensor is based on a novelvapochromic material, which is able to change its optical properties in presence of organicvapors in a reversely way. A nano Fabry Perot is constructed onto a cleaved ended opticalfiber pigtail by Electrostatic Self Assembly method (ESA), doping this structure with thevapochromic material. Employing a reflection scheme, a change in the intensity modulatedreflected signal at 850 nm have been registered. The response of the sensor has beenevaluated for five different VOCs, and a deeper study has been made for vapors of threedifferent alcohols

    Micro and Nanostructured Materials for the Development of Optical Fibre Sensors

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    The measurement of chemical and biomedical parameters can take advantage of the features exclusively offered by optical fibre: passive nature, electromagnetic immunity and chemical stability are some of the most relevant ones. The small dimensions of the fibre generally require that the sensing material be loaded into a supporting matrix whose morphology is adjusted at a nanometric scale. Thanks to the advances in nanotechnology new deposition methods have been developed: they allow reagents from different chemical nature to be embedded into films with a thickness always below a few microns that also show a relevant aspect ratio to ensure a high transduction interface. This review reveals some of the main techniques that are currently been employed to develop this kind of sensors, describing in detail both the resulting supporting matrices as well as the sensing materials used. The main objective is to offer a general view of the state of the art to expose the main challenges and chances that this technology is facing currently