925 research outputs found

    Acque fenicie

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    una delle maggiori difficoltĂ  per la ricostruzione della storia della religione fenicia Ăš la perdita delle fonti letterarie di questa civiltĂ . Le fonti classiche e cristiane che riportano notizie sulla cultura fenicio-punica sono ideologicamente orientate e quindi da utilizzare con cautela. In questo contributo si propone un confronto tra il modo di presentare la mitologia fenicia del teologo cristiano Eusebio di Cesarea e del filosofo neoplatonico Damascio e la struttura narrativa dello scrittore francese George Pere

    Root canal morphology of the mandibular second premolar: a systematic review and meta- analysis

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    Background: The aim of this paper was to systematically review the root canal configuration (RCC) and morphology literature of the mandibular second premolar (Mn2P). Methods: Systematic research of five electronic databases was performed to identify published literature concerning the root canal configuration (RCC) of the Mn2P up through July 2020. Studies were selected according to predefined search terms and keywords inclusion criteria: “root canal configuration”, “root canal system”, “root canal morphology”, “mandibular second premolar”, “mandibular premolars”, “morphology” and “anatomy”. Further possible studies were identified by cross-referencing and screening the bibliographies of the selected articles. Results: From 1622 retrieved studies, 44 studies investigating the internal morphology of 17,839 Mn2Ps were included. Most examined Mn2Ps were single-rooted (89.5–100%); two-rooted (0.1–8%) and three-rooted (0.1–3.5%) Mn2Ps at lower frequency. Most frequent RCCs reported were 1–1–1/1 (55.3–99.6%) followed by 1–1–2/2 (0.5–57%) and 2–2–2/2 (0.6–18%). The meta-analysis of seven studies demonstrated that a significantly higher number of RCC type 1–2–1/1 (OR [95%CI] = 2.05 [1.27, 3.33]) and 2–2–2/2 (OR [95%CI] = 2.32 [0.65, 8.63]) were observed in male than in female patients. Conclusions: Different RCC research methods have been reported. Whereas clearing and radiographs were com- monly used in the past, CBCT has been prevalent in recent years. A globally high frequency of a 1–1–1/1 RCC in the Mn2P has been reported. Nevertheless, the probability that different, more complicated RCCs can appear in Mn2Ps should not be underestimated and, thus, should be taken into consideration when making decisions during an endo- dontic treatment

    Global radiant flux from active volcanoes: the 2000–2019 MIROVA database

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    Since 2000, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) has acquired infrared images of the Earth’s surface daily. These data have made it possible to measure the thermal energy radiated by the world’s most famous volcanoes and also to discover and track eruptions in remote and poorly monitored regions. In this work, we present the database of Volcanic Radiative Power (VRP, in W) time series, recorded by the MIROVA (Middle Infrared Observation of Volcanic Activity) system over 2 decades of MODIS observations (2000–2019) at 111 active volcanoes. The database reveals that globally, the number of thermally active volcanoes each year varies between 60 and 80, almost equally partitioned between volcanoes with a basic (50%) and intermediate (45%) composition, while only 5% is represented by volcanoes erupting acidic lavas. Within the investigated period, the global-scale heat flux was almost stationary, and occasionally punctuated by peaks associated with the largest effusive eruptions (e.g., Bardarbunga and Kilauea). The Volcanic Radiative Energy (VRE, in J) emitted by basic volcanoes (~1.8 × 1018 J) in 20 years constitutes 91% of the total, while intermediates and acids contribute only 8% (~1.8 × 1017 J) and 1% (~1.7 × 1016 J), respectively. A comparison with the volume of lava erupted effusively by the same volcanoes reveals that this difference is attributed to the lower efficiency in radiating thermal energy of increasingly acidic (viscous) lava bodies. Each compositional group is associated with a specific relationship between VRE and erupted volume which characterises most of the effusive volcanoes. On the other hand, some open-vent volcanoes reveal that much more heat is released than that theoretically radiated by the erupted lava. This imbalance (hereby called excess radiation) is attributed to an additional heat source, likely associated with an underlying convective magma column and/or to outgassing through a permeable conduit. We are convinced that the database presented in this work will be useful to support new emerging studies on globalscale volcanism and will contribute to a better understanding of each volcanic system

    Multiproxy archaeological investigation and Garden Archaeology in the Charterhouse of Calci (Tuscany, central Italy) and its territory: results and research data

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    A wide-ranging archaeological research programme at the Charterhouse and in the broader area of the Municipality of Calci has been performed since 2018. The archaeological research included the collection of legacy and aerial archaeology data, invasive and non-invasive investigations, as well as natural scientific analysis in the monastic complex. Special attention was paid to the archaeological investigations of three different monks’ cells gardens (the Prior’s, the Apothecary’s, and the Master’s), and stratigraphic excavations were combined with archeozoological and archaeobotanical analyses to define the horticultural practices implemented over the centuries of occupation of the Charterhouse. Among the three case studies, the most representative is the Prior’s meditation garden, where the excavation explored the phases prior to the construction of the building (14th century), the 18th-century renovation in the current form, and its abandonment at the end of the 20th century. Pollen analysis has allowed to reconstruct the richness of herbal species characterising an ever-blooming garden, with flowers and ornamental plants, such as roses, lilac, and water lilies, and also vegetables. According to charcoal and fruit-remain analyses, the Charterhouse exploited local hilly woods, satisfying the requirements of fuel by maquis and thermophilous deciduous forest. The agricultural practices included the cultivation of fruit trees, such as chestnut, olive, almond, and vine. Finally, archaeozoological analysis attests the domestic cat as the most frequent taxon in all contexts, probably common in the monastery as a pet and cell companion. This paper presents an overview and a discussion of the results of the investigations conducted and the complete archaeological dataset

    Do best-selected strains perform table olive fermentation better than undefined biodiverse starters? A comparative study

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    Twenty-seven Lactobacillus pentosus strains, and the undefined starter for table olives from which they were isolated, were characterised for their technological properties: tolerance to low temperature, high salt concentration, alkaline pH, and olive leaf extract; acidifying ability; oleuropein degradation; hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid production. Two strains with appropriate technological properties were selected. Then, table olive fermentation in vats, with the original starter, the selected strains, and without starter (spontaneous fermentation) were compared. Starters affected some texture profile parameters. The undefined culture resulted in the most effective Enterobacteriaceae reduction, acidification and olive debittering, while the selected strains batch showed the lowest antioxidant activity. Our results show that the best candidate strains cannot guarantee better fermentation performance than the undefined biodiverse mix from which they originate

    Development of antigen-specific ELISA for circulating autoantibodies to extracellular matrix protein 1 in lichen sclerosus

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    Lichen sclerosus is a common, acquired chronic inflammatory skin disease of unknown etiology, although circulating autoantibodies to the glycoprotein extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) have been detected in most patients’ sera. We have examined the nature of ECM1 epitopes in lichen sclerosus sera, developed an ELISA system for serologic diagnosis, and assessed clinicopathological correlation between ELISA titer and disease. Epitope-mapping studies revealed that lichen sclerosus sera most frequently recognized the distal second tandem repeat domain and carboxyl-terminus of ECM1. We analyzed serum autoantibody reactivity against this immunodominant epitope in 413 individuals (95 subjects with lichen sclerosus, 161 normal control subjects, and 157 subjects with other autoimmune basement membrane or sclerosing diseases). The ELISA assay was highly sensitive; 76 of 95 lichen sclerosus patients (80.0%) exhibited IgG reactivity. It was also highly specific (93.7%) in discriminating between lichen sclerosus and other disease/control sera. Higher anti-ECM1 titers also correlated with more longstanding and refractory disease and cases complicated by squamous cell carcinoma. Furthermore, passive transfer of affinity-purified patient IgG reproduced some histologic and immunopathologic features of lichen sclerosus skin. This new ELISA is valuable for the accurate detection and quantification of anti-ECM1 autoantibodies. Moreover, the values may have clinical significance in patients with lichen sclerosus

    Evaluation of different peach genotypes for resistance to Plum pox virus

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    Different responses to the experimental inoculation with a PPV-M isolate were observed in peach germplasm derived from crosses between Prunus persica and peach related species showing resistance to several pathogens. The response evaluation was performed by correlating the phenotypic analysis with serological and molecular tests. Twenty-one individuals, asymptomatic and with low concentration of the virus inside the leaf tissues, have been selected. This germplasm can be considered ‘highly tolerant’ or ‘resistant’ and must be submitted to further investigations.Keywords: PPV, Prunus persica, P. davidiana, P. ferganensis, toleranc

    Enhanced audio-tactile multisensory interaction in a peripersonal task after echolocation.

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    Peripersonal space (PPS) is created by a multisensory interaction between different sensory modalities and can be modified by experience. In this article, we investigated whether an auditory training, inside the peripersonal space area, can modify the PPS around the head in sighted participants. The auditory training was based on echolocation. We measured the participant's reaction times to a tactile stimulation on the neck, while task-irrelevant looming auditory stimuli were presented. Sounds more strongly affect tactile processing when located within a limited distance from the body. We measured spatially dependent audio-tactile interaction as a proxy of PPS representation before and after an echolocation training. We found a significant speeding effect on tactile RTs after echolocation, specifically when sounds where around the location where the echolocation task was performed. This effect could not be attributed to a task repetition effect nor to a shift of spatial attention, as no changes of PPS were found in two control groups of participants, who performed the PPS task after either a break or a temporal auditory task (with stimuli located at the same position of echolocation task). These findings show that echolocation affects multisensory processing inside PPS representation, likely to better represent the space where external stimuli, have to be localized
