1,390 research outputs found

    How does easing liquidity constraints affect aggregate employment?

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    We measure the impact of removing liquidity constraints on aggregate employment by focusing on a sudden and unexpected large liquidity injection to Spanish firms in early 2012, when the Spanish central government paid all invoices of firms to regional and municipal governments that were in arrears. We identify the effect on employment from the cross-sectional variation in the size of the liquidity injection received by Spanish municipalities. Our preliminary finding sindicate that labor market responses can be detected both in the municipality where the liquidity injection occurs and in the municipality where firms are headquartered. We find evidence that the effect on unemployment is stronger where the liquidity injection originates whereas the effect on employment is stronger where the firms are located

    New perspective in the design of quality management systems

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    This article aims to analyze the different trends and models of the current quality management systems, identifying areas of opportunity in these to establish proposals for care that give rise to a new management system, flexible, efficient and effective Supported by a system of sociotechnical work. The competitive climate in today's business has multiplied significantly in the face of the dynamics of change and the presence of ever shorter business cycles. It is a fact that in the last decades the market has been acquiring an increasing dynamism. Today, companies are developing in a more competitive national and international economy, with increasing demands for productivity, where market laws force them to deepen and change strategies and policies, to plan, create and innovate, to have a high degree of resilience and Sensitivity to anticipate future needs and to be able to survive and develop in a complex and increasingly competitive environment. In these times the markets are increasingly informed, so their expectations are increasingly demanding, for this reason is that quality becomes a differentiating element and at the same time the key factor of a company's lasting success

    Comparing Computational Architectures for Automated Journalism

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    The majority of NLG systems have been designed following either a template-based or a pipeline-based architecture. Recent neural models for data-to-text generation have been proposed with an end-to-end deep learning flavor, which handles non-linguistic input in natural language without explicit intermediary representations. This study compares the most often employed methods for generating Brazilian Portuguese texts from structured data. Results suggest that explicit intermediate steps in the generation process produce better texts than the ones generated by neural end-to-end architectures, avoiding data hallucination while better generalizing to unseen inputs. Code and corpus are publicly available.Comment: Accepted at the 19th National Meeting on Artificial and Computational Intelligence (ENIAC 2022

    The end of the demographic dividend in Latin America: challenges for economic and social policies

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    Artículo de revistaPopulation ageing is a major global challenge. The Latin American economies have a younger population structure than other emerging and advanced economies, which has allowed them to enjoy the so-called demographic dividend (a favourable working age/non-working age population ratio). However, according to the latest demographic projections of the United Nations (UN), it is estimated that in 2020 the Latin American population pyramid will resemble that of the advanced economies in 1990 and that, by around 2050, both groups will have similar population profiles. This article documents the current demographic trends in Latin America and discusses the main related challenges, in particular, those arising from the adaptation of social welfare systems to population ageing

    Transmission of Helium through Graphynes Pores: First Principles Calculations and Quantum Mechanical Simulations

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    AMOC 2015, Anharmonicity in médium-sized molecules and cluster, CSIC, Madrid (Spain), 26-30 April 2015; http://tct1.iem.csic.es/AMOC2015.htmPeer Reviewe

    HPC-oriented Canonical Workflows for Machine Learning Applications in Climate and Weather Prediction

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    Machine learning (ML) applications in weather and climate are gaining momentum as big data and the immense increase in High-performance computing (HPC) power are paving the way. Ensuring FAIR data and reproducible ML practices are significant challenges for Earth system researchers. Even though the FAIR principle is well known to many scientists, research communities are slow to adopt them. Canonical Workflow Framework for Research (CWFR) provides a platform to ensure the FAIRness and reproducibility of these practices without overwhelming researchers. This conceptual paper envisions a holistic CWFR approach towards ML applications in weather and climate, focusing on HPC and big data. Specifically, we discuss Fair Digital Object (FDO) and Research Object (RO) in the DeepRain project to achieve granular reproducibility. DeepRain is a project that aims to improve precipitation forecast in Germany by using ML. Our concept envisages the raster datacube to provide data harmonization and fast and scalable data access. We suggest the Juypter notebook as a single reproducible experiment. In addition, we envision JuypterHub as a scalable and distributed central platform that connects all these elements and the HPC resources to the researchers via an easy-to-use graphical interface

    Piezoelectric sensor for acoustic wave detection in anisotropic systems

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    This paper describes a seismic wave sensor, its readout electronics and data acquisition system. The seismic sensor is based on piezoelectric materials, which show the ability of transforming mechanical into electrical signals. In particular, the present sensor is based on a piezoelectric polymer, poly(vinilidene fluoride) as its main characteristics made it suitable for detecting the amplitude and frequencies involved in seismic events. After a general background on seismic events, waves and piezoelectric materials, the main steps on the sensor design and fabrication, the data acquisition system and the first test results are presented.The authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology FCT (Grant PTDC/CTM/69362/2006) for financial suppor

    Distribution and Outcomes of a Phenotype- Based Approach to Guide COPD Management: Results from the CHAIN Cohort

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    Rationale The Spanish guideline for COPD (GesEPOC) recommends COPD treatment according to four clinical phenotypes: non-exacerbator phenotype with either chronic bronchitis or emphy- sema (NE), asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS), frequent exacerbator phenotype with emphysema (FEE) or frequent exacerbator phenotype with chronic bronchitis (FECB). How- ever, little is known on the distribution and outcomes of the four suggested phenotypes. Objective We aimed to determine the distribution of these COPD phenotypes, and their relation with one-year clinical outcomes. Methods We followed a cohort of well-characterized patients with COPD up to one-year. Baseline characteristics, health status (CAT), BODE index, rate of exacerbations and mortality up to one year of follow-up were compared between the four phenotypes. Results Overall, 831 stable COPD patients were evaluated. They were distributed as NE, 550 (66.2%); ACOS, 125 (15.0%); FEE, 38 (4.6%); and FECB, 99 (11.9%); additionally 19 (2.3%) COPD patients with frequent exacerbations did not fulfill the criteria for neither FEE nor FECB. At baseline, there were significant differences in symptoms, FEV 1 and BODE index (all p<0.05). The FECB phenotype had the highest CAT score (17.1±8.2, p<0.05 compared to the other phenotypes). Frequent exacerbator groups (FEE and FECB) were receiving more pharmacological treatment at baseline, and also experienced more exacer- bations the year after (all p<0.05) with no differences in one-year mortality. Most of NE (93%) and half of exacerbators were stable after one year. Conclusions There is an uneven distribution of COPD phenotypes in stable COPD patients, with signifi- cant differences in demographics, patient-centered outcomes and health care resources use

    Plastia sustitutiva del LCA con tendones de la pata de ganso cuadruples

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    Se han estudiado retrospectivamente 44 casos de pacientes a los que se les realizó por vía artrocóspica una plastia sustitutiva intraticular de reconstrucción del LCA, con tendones de Semitendinoso y Recto Interno antólogos, en 4 fascículos. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 25 años. Los resultados a corto plazo (2 años) obtenidos con KT-1000 a 30 Ib han sido excelente-bueno en 40 casos y aceptable en 4 casos. Cuatro casos referían sensación de inestabilidad. Los test de Lachman y Pívot-Shift fueron positivos en 3 casos. Con el test de Lysholm se obtuvo resultado excelente-bueno en 36 casos, regular en 6 y malo en 2 casos. Este tipo de plastia presenta una baja morbilidad de la zona dadora del injerto, comparativamente con la plastia HTH patelar antóloga, y sin alteración del aparato extensor.A retrospective study of 44 patients, who underwent an arthroscopically assisted ACL (anterior cruciata ligament) reconstruction with quadrupled semitendinosus/gracilis tendon autografts was performed. The mean age was 25 years. Short term outcomes of knee stability (2 years follow-up) with KT-1000 arthrometer at 30 pounds were excellent or good in 40 cases and acceptable in 4. Pain or joint swelling were not found. Instability complaints were found in 4 cases. Lachman and Pivot-shift were found positive in 3 cases. Lysholm questionnaire scores were excellent or good in 36 cases, fair in 6 cases and per in two cases, the donor site morbidity associated with hamstring harvest seems to be minimal compared with bonepatellar tendon-bone autograft without impairment of the extensor mechanism