1,054 research outputs found

    MDM2 overexpression is rare in Ovarian Carcinoma irrespective of TP53 mutation status

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    Somatic mutations in TP53 are seen in many human cancers. In addition, the protein product of the wild-type TP53 can be sequestered by the protein MDM2 (murine double minute 2). This protein is commonly overexpressed in human sarcomas and gliomas, usually as a result of gene amplification. In this study, 43 ovarian carcinomas (OCs) were analysed for aberrations in the TP53 gene by immunohistochemistry (IHC), loss of heterozygosity (LOH) or mutation analysis. The MDM2 gene and its product was studied by Southern blotting and IHC. Over 50% of the OCs studied showed mutations in TP53 by either direct sequencing (19/36, 53%), positive IHC (23,43, 53%) or both, whereas 0/32 had amplification of MDM2 and only 1/37 tumours had positive IHC using the anti-MDM2 antibody IF-2. The solitary example of positive IHC in this series was seen in a mixed müllerian tumour with sarcomatous differentiation and was not accompanied by MDM2 DNA amplification. These results support previous data showing that around 50% of OCs have mutations in TP53 and in addition, suggest that MDM2 is not amplified in OC, but the presence of sarcomatous features in mixed müllerian tumours may result in positive immunohistochemistry with IF-2

    Analysis of RAD51C germline mutations in high-risk breast and ovarian cancer families and ovarian cancer patients

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    There is strong evidence that overtly inactivating mutations in RAD51C predispose to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer but the prevalence of such mutations, and whether they are associated with a particular clinical phenotype, remains unclear. Resolving these questions has important implications for the implementation of RAD51C into routine clinical genetic testing. Consequently, we have performed a large RAD51C mutation screen of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer families, and the first study of unselected patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Our data confirm a consistent but low frequency (2/335 families) of inactivating RAD51C mutations among families with a history of both breast and ovarian cancer and an absence of mutations among breast cancer only families (0/1,053 families). Our data also provide support for the designation of the missense variant p.Gly264Ser as a moderate penetrance allele

    Some Recent Developments on Kink Collisions and Related Topics

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    We review recent works on modeling of dynamics of kinks in 1+1 dimensional ϕ4\phi^4 theory and other related models, like sine-Gordon model or ϕ6\phi^6 theory. We discuss how the spectral structure of small perturbations can affect the dynamics of non-perturbative states, such as kinks or oscillons. We describe different mechanisms, which may lead to the occurrence of the resonant structure in the kink-antikink collisions. We explain the origin of the radiation pressure mechanism, in particular, the appearance of the negative radiation pressure in the ϕ4\phi^4 and ϕ6\phi^6 models. We also show that the process of production of the kink-antikink pairs, induced by radiation is chaotic.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures; invited chapter to "A dynamical perspective on the {\phi}4 model: Past, present and future", Eds. P.G. Kevrekidis and J. Cuevas-Maraver; Springer book class with svmult.cls include

    Have the roles of two functional polymorphisms in breast cancer, R72P in P53 and MDM2-309 in MDM2, become clearer?

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    Genetic differences between individuals have been predicted to account for disparate outcomes in patients diagnosed with cancer. The search for genetic determinants has been ongoing for a considerable amount of time and it is only now that insights have been gained into which polymorphisms are most likely to be important in determining not only disease likelihood but also outcome. The quest to be able to accurately predict patient outcomes in breast cancer may now be a step closer as increased sample size is leading to more robust statistical analysis and a better understanding of molecular mechanisms of disease are forthcoming

    Variability of wavefront aberration measurements in small pupil sizes using a clinical Shack-Hartmann aberrometer

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, instruments for the measurement of wavefront aberration in the living human eye have been widely available for clinical applications. Despite the extensive background experience on wavefront sensing for research purposes, the information derived from such instrumentation in a clinical setting should not be considered a priori precise. We report on the variability of such an instrument at two different pupil sizes. METHODS: A clinical aberrometer (COAS Wavefront Scienses, Ltd) based on the Shack-Hartmann principle was employed in this study. Fifty consecutive measurements were perfomed on each right eye of four subjects. We compared the variance of individual Zernike expansion coefficients as determined by the aberrometer with the variance of coefficients calculated using a mathematical method for scaling the expansion coefficients to reconstruct wavefront aberration for a reduced-size pupil. RESULTS: Wavefront aberration exhibits a marked variance of the order of 0.45 microns near the edge of the pupil whereas the central part appears to be measured more consistently. Dispersion of Zernike expansion coefficients was lower when calculated by the scaling method for a pupil diameter of 3 mm as compared to the one introduced when only the central 3 mm of the Shack – Hartmann image was evaluated. Signal-to-noise ratio was lower for higher order aberrations than for low order coefficients corresponding to the sphero-cylindrical error. For each subject a number of Zernike expansion coefficients was below noise level and should not be considered trustworthy. CONCLUSION: Wavefront aberration data used in clinical care should not be extracted from a single measurement, which represents only a static snapshot of a dynamically changing aberration pattern. This observation must be taken into account in order to prevent ambiguous conclusions in clinical practice and especially in refractive surgery

    Treating breast cancer through novel inhibitors of the phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase pathway

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    Recent studies indicate that constitutive signaling through the phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3K) pathway is a cause of treatment resistance in breast cancer patients. This implies that patients with tumors that exhibit aberrant PI3K signaling may benefit from targeted pathway inhibitors. The first agents to make it to the clinic are the rapamycin analogs. These compounds inhibit the downstream PI3K effector mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin). A study presented in this issue of Breast Cancer Research suggests that recently developed inhibitors of phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1, a more proximal target of the PI3K pathway, may provide an alternative route to effective PI3K pathway inhibition for breast cancer treatment

    Pathway to Hope: an indigenous approach to healing child sexual abuse

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    Background. The Alaska Native (AN) population has endured multiple historical traumatic events. This population has poorer health outcomes on nearly all factors compared with Alaska non-Natives with more than 75% reportedly being physically assaulted in their lifetime, and child sexual abuse nearly 6 times the national average. Objective. This article describes the Pathway to Hope (PTH) program, which is an indigenous approach to ending silence and denial related to child sexual abuse and encourages multigenerational healing. Design. PTH was developed by ANs who believe that each community is unique, thus strategies for ending denial and support for healing must be woven from the historical context, cultural strengths of individual communities. Strengths-based solutions built on truth, honesty, compassion and shared responsibility for healing and protecting today’s children have been profound and successful. The PTH curriculum addresses child sexual abuse from a historical perspective; that the higher rates of sexual abuse among certain Tribes, regions and communities is linked in part to years of victimisation, but may also be perpetuated by internalised oppression and lateral violence among Tribal members. Results. Data suggest that community-based dialogue and wisdom of Native elders and spiritual leaders paired with readiness of community service providers are necessary for sustained change. At all levels, this Indigenous model for learning, sharing, helping and healing brings hope for an end to denial and silence about child sexual abuse for Native people. Conclusions. The PTH program utilises the wisdom and values that have sustained Native people for generations. Ending silence and denial about child sexual abuse and building upon strengths have assisted many Indigenous communities begin the journey toward wellness. Through the PTH, communities have taken steps to accept the challenges associated with establishing safety for children, supporting child victims in healing and to holding offenders accountable

    The epidemiological transition in Antananarivo, Madagascar: an assessment based on death registers (1900–2012)

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    Background: Madagascar today has one of the highest life expectancies in sub-Saharan Africa, despite being among the poorest countries in the continent. There are relatively few detailed accounts of the epidemiological transition in this country due to the lack of a comprehensive death registration system at the national level. However, in Madagascar's capital city, death registration was established around the start of the 20th century and is now considered virtually complete. Objective: We provide an overview of trends in all-cause and cause-specific mortality in Antananarivo to document the timing and pace of the mortality decline and the changes in the cause-of-death structure. Design: Death registers covering the period 1976–2012 were digitized and the population at risk of dying was estimated from available censuses and surveys. Trends for the period 1900–1976 were partly reconstructed from published sources. Results: The crude death rate stagnated around 30‰ until the 1940s in Antananarivo. Mortality declined rapidly after the World War II and then resurged again in the 1980s as a result of the re-emergence of malaria and the collapse of Madagascar's economy. Over the past 30 years, impressive gains in life expectancy have been registered thanks to the unabated decline in child mortality, despite political instability, a lasting economic crisis and the persistence of high rates of chronic malnutrition. Progress in adult survival has been more modest because reductions in infectious diseases and diseases of the respiratory system have been partly offset by increases in cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms, and other diseases, particularly at age 50 years and over. Conclusions: The transition in Antananarivo has been protracted and largely dependent on anti-microbial and anti-parasitic medicine. The capital city now faces a double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. The ongoing registration of deaths in the capital generates a unique database to evaluate the performance of the health system and measure intervention impacts