224 research outputs found

    Leading the Sales Team: Using Greenleaf\u27s Servant Leadership Paradigm to Facilitate Team Building

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    According to Peter Drucker, Robert K. Greenleaf is known as the grandfather of the modern empowerment movement in business leadership. Greenleaf fervently believed that true leaders are those who lead by serving others. He was also a strong proponent of ethics and integrity in the ranks of managers/leaders. A research study in the Journal of Marketing Management, Spring/Summer 1997, reported that the personal factor found to have the greatest influence in the performance of sales managers was training. This paper applies the Servant Leader Model to the demands of the sales leadership role. Traditional sales training concentrates on the mechanics of the sales manager role: How to set quotas, distribute territories, learn the sales reporting tools, etc. By adopting the model proposed in this paper the new sales manager will have a set of tools to deal with the people side of equation. This paper looks at the Five Ways of Being presented by James A. Autry in his book The Servant Leader and develops a model that new sales managers can use to develop a mutually successful relationship with their sales team. The five ways, Be Authentic, Be Vulnerable, Be Accepting, Be Present and Be Useful, offer the new sales leader a template for action. A step by step guide that will allow them to forge a highly responsive relationship with their sales team based on the theory of one to one marketing. In the highly charged sales environment one size never fits all and new sales leaders will excel only if they are able to gain the trust and support of the people on their team. This model will give them the tools to inspire the people they serve to achieve outstanding results

    Guidelines for the monitoring of Lucanus cervus

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    Lucanus cervus is one of the most charismatic saproxylic beetles, widely distributed in Europe. The species is typical of mature deciduous forests, especially oak woodlands. Loss and fragmentation of suitable habitats is one of the major threats for this species which is included in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. Despite several studies carried out in the last years for the monitoring methods of the species, an analytical comparison between them is still lacking. The aims of this paper are (i) to review the current knowledge about systematics, ecology and conservation practices on L. cervus and (ii) to present the research carried out during the Life MIPP project, in order to define a standard monitoring method with a suitable protocol to be used for addressing the obligations of the Habitats Directive. Overall, five methods were tested during three years in two different study areas. Based on these results, a suitable standard method for L. cervus is proposed in this paper and, in order to assess the conservation status of populations and to compare them over time, a simple method for the calculation of a reference value is provided

    Genome sequence of Rhizobium sullae HCNT1 isolated from Hedysarum coronarium nodules and featuring peculiar denitrification phenotypes

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    The genome sequence of Rhizobium sullae strain HCNT1, isolated from root nodules of the legume Hedysarum coronarium growing in wild stands in Tuscany, Italy, is described here. Unlike other R. sullae strains, this isolate features a truncated denitrification pathway lacking NO/N2O reductase activity and displaying high sensitivity to nitrite under anaerobic conditions


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    Background:Despite the therapeutic armamentarium for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) has considerably expanded over the last thirty years, there is a huge necessity of finding effective drugs for this disease. JAK inhibitors (JAKi) are small molecules able to interfere with the JAK/STAT pathway, involved in the pathogenesis of PsA (1). Up to now Tofacitinib is the only JAKi approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of PsA but in the next few years the number of approved JAKi is expected to rise significantly.Objectives:To assess the efficacy and safety of different JAKi for the treatment of PsA.Methods:A systematic review of the literature was performed to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs), by electronic search of MEDLINE and EMBASE database until October 2020. Studies were considered eligible if they met the following criteria: I) study was a RCT; II) only patients with PsA were included; III) JAKi was compared to placebo in addition to the standard of care. Two reviewers (FC and AZ) performed study selection, with disagreements solved by the opinion of an expert reviewer (AS). The outcomes were expressed as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Statistical heterogeneity was assessed with the I2 statistic.Results:We identified 557 potentially relevant studies. A total of 554 studies were excluded based on title and/or abstract screening. Three RCTs for a total of 947 PsA patients treated with JAKi were included (2,3,4). Two were phase III studies on the efficacy and safety of Tofacitinib (OPAL Beyond and OPAL Broaden) and one was a phase II study on Filgotinib (Equator). All three studies were judged at low risk of bias according to Cochrane criteria (5). The primary efficacy outcome in all the studies was the number of patients who achieved the response rate of the American College of Rheumatology 20 score (ACR20). The outcomes evaluation was performed at 12 week for the Filgotinib trial and at 16 week for the Tofacitinib trials. We used for the main analyses the group of patients randomized to Tofacitinib 5 mg because this is the only dosage approved by the EMA for the treatment of PsA. JAKi showed a significantly higher ACR20 response rate compared to placebo (OR 3.54, 95% CI 1.76 - 7.09, I^2 = 74%). JAKi also showed a significantly higher ACR50 response rate (OR 3.36, 95% CI 2.22 - 5.09, I^2 = 0%), ACR70 response rate (OR 2.82, 95% CI 1.67 - 4.76, I^2 = 20%), PsARC response rate (OR 2.67, 95% CI 1.26 - 5.65, I^2 = 79%), PASI75 response rate (OR 3.15, 95% CI 1.61 - 6.15, I^2 = 45%) compared to placebo. JAKi were also associated with significantly better HAQ-DI (mean difference -0.23 95% CI -0.31 - -0.14) and fatigue, measured with FACIT-F (mean difference 3.54 95% CI 2.13 - 4.94). JAKi compared to placebo were associated with a non-statistically significant different risk of serious adverse events (OR 0.56, 95% CI 0.11 - 2.91, I^2 = 38%).Conclusion:This is the first published systematic review that performed a comprehensive and simultaneous evaluation of the efficacy and safety of JAKi for PsA in RCTs. Our analysis suggests a statistically significant benefit of JAKi, that appears to be effective and safe over placebo. The impact of these data on international clinical guidelines needs further investigation.References:[1]George E Fragoulis, et al. JAK-inhibitors. New players in the field of immune-mediated diseases, beyond rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatology, Volume 58, Issue Supplement_1, February 2019, Pages i43–i54[2]Mease P, et al. Tofacitinib or adalimumab versus placebo for psoriatic arthritis. N Engl J Med 2017; 377: 1537-50.[3]Gladman D, et al. Tofacitinib for psoriatic arthritis in patients with an inadequate response to TNF inhibitors. N Engl J Med 2017; 377: 1525-36.[4]Mease P, et al. Efficacy and safety of filgotinib, a selective Janus kinase 1 inhibitor, in patients with active psoriatic arthritis (EQUATOR): results from a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. Lancet 2018;392:2367–77.[5]Higgins JP, et Al. Measuring inconsistency in meta-analyses. BMJ 2003;327:557-560Figure 1.ACR20 response rate of Jaki over PlaceboDisclosure of Interests:None declared

    Patient organ and effective dose estimation in CT: comparison of four software applications

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    Background: Radiation dose in computed tomography (CT) has become a topic of high interest due to the increasing numbers of CT examinations performed worldwide. Hence, dose tracking and organ dose calculation software are increasingly used. We evaluated the organ dose variability associated with the use of different software applications or calculation methods. Methods: We tested four commercial software applications on CT protocols actually in use in our hospital: CT-Expo, NCICT, NCICTX, and Virtual Dose. We compared dose coefficients, estimated organ doses and effective doses obtained by the four software applications by varying exposure parameters. Our results were also compared with estimates reported by the software authors. Results: All four software applications showed dependence on tube voltage and volume CT dose index, while only CT-Expo was also dependent on other exposure parameters, in particular scanner model and pitch caused a variability till 50%. We found a disagreement between our results and those reported by the software authors (up to 600%), mainly due to a different extent of examined body regions. The relative range of the comparison of the four software applications was within 35% for most organs inside the scan region, but increased over the 100% for organs partially irradiated and outside the scan region. For effective doses, this variability was less evident (ranging from 9 to 36%). Conclusions: The two main sources of organ dose variability were the software application used and the scan region set. Dose estimate must be related to the process used for its calculation

    Genomic comparison of lactobacillus helveticusstrains highlights probiotic potential

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    Lactobacillus helveticus belongs to the large group of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which are the major players in the fermentation of a wide range of foods. LAB are also present in the human gut, which has often been exploited as a reservoir of potential novel probiotic strains, but several parameters need to be assessed before establishing their safety and potential use for human consumption. In the present study, six L. helveticus strains isolated from natural whey cultures were analyzed for their phenotype and genotype in exopolysaccharide (EPS) production, low pH and bile salt tolerance, bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity, and antibiotic resistance profile. In addition, a comparative genomic investigation was performed between the six newly sequenced strains and the 51 publicly available genomes of L. helveticus to define the pangenome structure. The results indicate that the newly sequenced strain UC1267 and the deposited strain DSM 20075 can be considered good candidates for gut-adapted strains due to their ability to survive in the presence of 0.2% glycocholic acid (GCA) and 1% taurocholic and taurodeoxycholic acid (TDCA). Moreover, these strains had the highest bile salt deconjugation activity among the tested L. helveticus strains. Considering the safety profile, none of these strains presented antibiotic resistance phenotypically and/or at the genome level. The pangenome analysis revealed genes specific to the new isolates, such as enzymes related to folate biosynthesis in strains UC1266 and UC1267 and an integrated phage in strain UC1035. Finally, the presence of maltose-degrading enzymes and multiple copies of 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase genes in our strains indicates the capability to metabolize sugars other than lactose, which is related solely to dairy niches

    TaWRKY10 transcription factor is a novel Jasmonic Acid signalling regulator involved in immunity against Septoria tritici blotch disease in wheat

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    Septoria tritici blotch (STB), caused by the fungus Zymoseptoria tritici, is currently the main threat to worldwide wheat production in temperate climates. Understanding the genetic mechanisms that underpin the Z. tritici–wheat interaction will be crucial for generating new control strategies against STB. Plant hormones are essential regulators of growth and immunity. In particular, jasmonic acid (JA) plays a central role in defence against necrotrophic plant pathogens, but its role in mediating immunity against Z. tritici is largely unknown. Here we identify the transcription factor TaWRKY10 that is taxonomically restricted to the grass subfamily Pooideae as a novel regulator of JA responses in wheat. We demonstrate by using virus-induced gene silencing that silencing TaWRKY10 leads to increased resistance against Z. tritici with an earlier onset of necrotic symptoms, but with reduced pathogen sporulation. Wheat plants silenced for TaWRKY10 show an up-regulated JA response. Transcriptional profiling of TaWRKY10 knock-down plants indicates that it is a negative regulator of the JA receptor TaCOI1 gene expression. Our data indicate that TaWRKY10 down-regulates JA responses, contributing to the susceptibility of wheat to Z. tritici. We postulate that manipulating TaWRKY10 may provide a strategy to boost STB resistance in wheat

    A first assessment of genetic variability in the longhorn beetle Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Italian Apennines

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    The Rosalia longicorn (Rosalia alpina) is a strictly protected saproxylic beetle, widely distributed in Central and Southern Europe and mainly associated with ancient beech forests. To improve knowledge about the conservation status of R. alpina in Italy, available molecular markers (microsatellites and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I(COI)) were tested for the first time on Italian populations. The study was performed in four sampling sites distributed in two areas placed in Northern (“Foreste Casentinesi” National Park) and Central Apennines (“Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise” National Park) where populational data about Rosalia longicorn were collected in the framework of the European LIFE MIPP Project. The genetic relationship among Apennine and Central/South-eastern European populations was explored by a comparison with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data from literature. Microsatellite markers were only partially informative when applied to R. alpina Italian individuals, although providing some preliminary indication on an extensive gene flow among populations from the Apennines and local ongoing processes of genetic erosion. Genetic data are consistent with previous ecological data suggesting that the maintenance of variability in this species could be related to both habitat continuity and preservation of large senescent or standing dead trees in forests. Finally, a peculiar origin of the Apennine populations of R. alpina from a putative “Glacial Refugium” in Italy was inferred through COI data. The high genetic distance scored among the analysed populations and those from Central and South-eastern Europe indicates that the R. alpina deme from Apennine Mountains might represent a relevant conservation unit in Europe. Further genetic analyses will allow assessing other possible conservation units of R. alpina and, thus, defining large-scale conservation strategies to protect this endangered longhorn beetle in Europe

    Guidelines for the monitoring of Rosalia alpina

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    Copyright Alessandro Campanaro et al. Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus, 1758) is a large longhorn beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) which is protected by the Habitats Directive and which typically inhabits beech forests characterised by the presence of mature, dead (or moribund) and sun-exposed trees. A revision of the current knowledge on systematics, ecology and conservation of R. alpina is reported. The research was carried out as part of the LIFE MIPP project which aims to find a standard monitoring method for saproxylic beetles protected in Europe. For monitoring this species, different methods were tested and compared in two areas of the Apennines, utilising wild trees, logs and tripods (artificially built with beech woods), all potentially suitable for the reproduction of the species. Even if all methods succeeded in the survey of the target species, these results showed that the use of wild trees outperformed other methods. Indeed, the use of wild trees allowed more adults to be observed and required less intensive labour. However, monitoring the rosalia longicorn on wild trees has the main disadvantage that they can hardly be considered “standard sampling units”, as each tree may be differently attractive to adults. Our results demonstrated that the most important factors influencing the attraction of single trunks were wood volume, sun-exposure and decay stage. Based on the results obtained during the project LIFE MIPP, as well as on a literature review, a standard monitoring method for R. alpina was developed
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