236 research outputs found

    El virus que produeix leucèmia

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    Molts de nosaltres tenim clar que els virus són una important causa de malalties en humans, però sabem que alguns virus també ens poden provocar càncers? Aquest és el cas del HTLV-1, el virus tipus 1 limfotròfic de les cèl·lules T humanes. Actualment, al món s’estima que hi ha entre uns 10 i 15 milions d’afectats per HTLV-1. I un 5% acabaran desenvolupant leucèmia. Malgrat això no hi ha massa coneixement sobre els seus mecanismes d’acció, ni molt menys cap tractament antivíric ni vacuna.      &nbsp

    Sobre l'amor i la mort

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: Vila Pou, Eva[cat] Aquest projecte neix amb la intenció de recuperar un imaginari esborrat, pel pas del temps, de les memòries de qui el visqué. Un diàleg entre l'arxiu personal i un de familiar, separats entre ells per tres salts generacionals. Aquest arxiu apropiat s'utilitza com a llavor per a llaurar el que esdevé una reinterpretació dels records de qui capturà aquelles vivències. Tot això, prenent com a principi la idea de reutilitzar l'arxiu fotogràfic que ha evitat l'oblit d'aquells moments.[eng] This project was conceived with the intention of recovering an imaginary which, through the passage of time, had been lost from the memories of those who lived it. A dialogue between the personal archive and a family one, separated by three generations. This appropriated archive is used as a seed to cultivate what becomes a reinterpretation of the memories of those who captured those experiences. All of this, taking for a principle the idea of reusing the photographic archive which has kept those moments from being forgotten

    Technical and documentary language by brazilian eduardo coutinho

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    1. Introducción. Eduardo Coutinho representa el desarrollo y la innovación del documental brasileño. Todavía, su trayectoria es marcada por una técnica novedosa de entrevistas con los participantes, además de la mezcla del documental con otras técnicas comunicacionales, especialmente la ficción y el periodismo. Este artículo ofrece una recuperación de la trayectoria de Coutinho y de sus principales obras. 2. Método. Se aplica una investigación bibliográfica y una análisis de discurso fílmico para comprender la trayectoria y los lenguajes adoptados por Coutinho durante su carrera como documentalista. 3. Quien fue. Antes de actuar como documentalista, Coutinho ha estudiado Derecho pero siempre actuó con teatro y artes visuales. Esa discusión presenta Coutinho antes de los documentales. 4. Encuadres de Eduardo Coutinho. Las principales obras del documentalista son presentadas, así como sus características importantes que transforman la filmografía del director en una de las más importantes de Brasil. 5. Conclusiones. Se concluye que Eduardo Coutinho ha dejado un hueco en el documental brasileño, desde su muerte en 2014. Sin embargo, sus contribuciones son transformaron el género, como presentado en los resultados del artículo.1. Introduction. Eduardo Coutinho represents the development and innovation of the Brazilian documentary. His career is still marked by a novel technique of interviews with participants also mix documentary with other communication techniques, especially fiction and journalism. This article provides a recovery path Coutinho and his major works. 2. Method. A literature review and analysis of filmic discourse is applied to understand the history and languages adopted by Coutinho during his career as a documentary. 3. Who was. Before acting as a documentary, Coutinho has studied law but always acted in theater and visual arts. This discussion presents Coutinho before documentaries. Frames by Eduardo Coutinho. The main works of the documentary are presented, as well as its important features that transform the filmography of director in one of the most important in Brazil. Conclusions. We conclude that Eduardo Coutinho has left a gap in the Brazilian documentary, since his death in 2014. However, their contributions are transformed the genre, as the results presented in the article. © 2015, University of La Laguna. All rights reserved

    The Valsalva Maneuver for Assessment of Cardiovagal Baroreflex Sensitivity

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    The cardiovagal baroreflex is fundamental to understanding normal autonomic neural function, but can be difficult to assess. PURPOSE: In this study, we highlight the utility of the Valsalva maneuver for the assessment of cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity during both vagal inhibition and activation. METHODS: Thirteen supine male subjects (21 ± .7 yrs; 173 ± 2 cm; 78 ± 4 kg) were instrumented with an electrocardiogram and a finger photoplethysmograph (Finometer, to assess beat-by-beat arterial pressure). Subjects then exhaled against resistance to an expiratory pressure of 40 mmHg for 15 s followed by a 2-min recovery. Subjects performed three trials, and we averaged systolic arterial pressure (SAP) reductions during phase II straining, and SAP increases during phase IV release from strain. Cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity during vagal inhibition (phase II) and activation (phase IV) was assessed by calculating linear regressions between SAP and R-R interval. RESULTS: During phase II straining, SAP decreased by 26 ± 4 mmHg (mean ± SE), and during phase IV increased by 39 ± 6 mmHg. Correlation coefficients (r) during phase II were .92 ± .02, and .75 ± .04 during phase IV. Cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity (β1x) was 11 ± 2 ms/mmHg during phase II, and 10 ± 2 ms/mmHg during phase IV. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that the Valsalva maneuver is a simple, yet informative non-invasive technique yielding insight into dynamic changes of the cardiovagal baroreflex during both vagal inhibition and activation. This descriptive study identifies responses of apparently healthy, college-age men, and provides baseline data from which comparisons might be made with other matched subjects with conditions characterized by autonomic dysfunction

    Disseminated neoplasia in blue mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, from the Black Sea, Romania

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    Disseminated neoplasia, also called leukemia or hemic neoplasia, has been detected in 15 species of marine bivalve mollusks worldwide. The disease is characterized by the presence of single anaplastic cells with enlarged nuclei and sometimes frequent mitosis, in hemolymph vessels and sinuses. The neoplastic cells gradually replace normal hemocytes leading to the increased mortality of animals. The neoplasia reaches epizootic prevalences in blue mussels, Mytilus trossulus, in some areas, whereas prevalences in Mytilus edulis are generally very low. Mytilus galloprovincialis was suggested to be resistant to the disease although very low prevalences were documented from Spain in the Atlantic Ocean and Italy in the Mediterranean Sea. A case of disseminated neoplasia was discovered in M. galloprovincialis from among 200 specimens studied from the coast of the Romanian Black Sea. Histological preparation revealed the presence of large anaplastic cells with lobed nuclei. This observation extends the geographic range of marine bivalve mollusks with disseminated neoplasia to include the Black Sea

    Materiales de construcción

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    Oxidative stress triggers the preferential assembly of base excision repair complexes on open chromatin regions

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    How DNA repair machineries detect and access, within the context of chromatin, lesions inducing little or no distortion of the DNA structure is a poorly understood process. Removal of oxidized bases is initiated by a DNA glycosylase that recognises and excises the damaged base, initiating the base excision repair (BER) pathway. We show that upon induction of 8-oxoguanine, a mutagenic product of guanine oxidation, the mammalian 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase OGG1 is recruited together with other proteins involved in BER to euchromatin regions rich in RNA and RNA polymerase II and completely excluded from heterochromatin. The underlying mechanism does not require direct interaction of the protein with the oxidized base, however, the release of the protein from the chromatin fraction requires completion of repair. Inducing chromatin compaction by sucrose results in a complete but reversible inhibition of the in vivo repair of 8-oxoguanine. We conclude that after induction of oxidative DNA damage, the DNA glycosylase is actively recruited to regions of open chromatin allowing the access of the BER machinery to the lesions, suggesting preferential repair of active chromosome regions

    Phi-score: A cell-to-cell phenotypic scoring method for sensitive and selective hit discovery in cell-based assays

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    International audiencePhenotypic screening monitors phenotypic changes induced by perturbations, including those generated by drugs or RNA interference. Currently-used methods for scoring screen hits have proven to be problematic, particularly when applied to physiologically relevant conditions such as low cell numbers or inefficient transfection. Here, we describe the Phi-score, which is a novel scoring method for the identification of phenotypic modifiers or hits in cell-based screens. Phi-score performance was assessed with simulations, a validation experiment and its application to gene identification in a large-scale RNAi screen. Using robust statistics and a variance model, we demonstrated that the Phi-score showed better sensitivity, selectivity and reproducibility compared to classical approaches. The improved performance of the Phi-score paves the way for cell-based screening of primary cells, which are often difficult to obtain from patients in sufficient numbers. We also describe a dedicated merging procedure to pool scores from small interfering RNAs targeting the same gene so as to provide improved visualization and hit selection

    Characterization of bovine respiratory syncytial virus isolated in Brazil

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    This paper presents the first isolation of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in Brazil and its physicochemical, morphological and molecular characterization. The virus was isolated from 33 samples of nasotracheal secretions, successively inoculated into a Madin-Darby bovine kidney cell culture, which was characterized by physicochemical tests and morphological observation by electron microscopy. The Brazilian sample is an RNA pleomorphic, enveloped, thermolabile and non-hemagglutinating spicular virus. Reverse transcription, followed by nested polymerase chain reaction (nRT-PCR) assay was carried out using oligonucleotides B1, B2A, B3 and B4 for the fusion proteins (F) and B5A, B6A, B7A and B8 for the attachment protein (G). The nRT-PCR-F amplified a fragment of 481 bp corresponding to part of the gene that codes for protein F, whereas nRT-PCR-G amplified a fragment of 371 bp, in agreement with part of the G gene. The virus isolated from Brazilian samples in this study corresponded to the bovine respiratory syncytial virus, and RT-PCR proved to be useful for the diagnosis of bovine clinical samples.21321