30 research outputs found

    Regulation of store-operated and voltage-operated Ca2+ channels in the proliferation and death of oligodendrocyte precursor cells by golli proteins

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    OPCs (oligodendrocyte precursor cells) express golli proteins which, through regulation of Ca2+ influx, appear to be important in OPC process extension/retraction and migration. The aim of the present study was to examine further the role of golli in regulating OPC development. The effects of golli ablation and overexpression were examined in primary cultures of OPCs prepared from golli-KO (knockout) and JOE (golli J37-overexpressing) mice. In OPCs lacking golli, or overexpressing golli, differentiation induced by growth factor withdrawal was impaired. Proliferation analysis in the presence of PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor), revealed that golli enhanced the mitogen-stimulated proliferation of OPCs through activation of SOCCs (store-operated Ca2+ channels). PDGF treatment induced a biphasic increase in OPC intracellular Ca2+, and golli specifically increased Ca2+ influx during the second SOCC-dependent phase that followed the initial release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. This store-operated Ca2+ uptake appeared to be essential for cell division, since specific SOCC antagonists completely blocked the effects of PDGF and golli on OPC proliferation. Additionally, in OPCs overexpressing golli, increased cell death was observed after mitogen withdrawal. This phenomenon could be prevented by exposure to VOCC (voltage-operated Ca2+ channel) blockers, indicating that the effect of golli on cell death involved increased Ca2+ influx through VOCCs. The results showed a clear effect of golli on OPC development and support a role for golli in modulating multiple Ca2+-regulatory events through VOCCs and SOCCs. Our results also suggest that PDGF engagement of its receptor resulting in OPC proliferation proceeds through activation of SOCCs

    Targeted overexpression of a golli–myelin basic protein isoform to oligodendrocytes results in aberrant oligodendrocyte maturation and myelination

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    Recently, several in vitro studies have shown that the golli–myelin basic proteins regulate Ca2+ homoeostasis in OPCs (oligodendrocyte precursor cells) and immature OLs (oligodendrocytes), and that a number of the functions of these cells are affected by cellular levels of the golli proteins. To determine the influence of golli in vivo on OL development and myelination, a transgenic mouse was generated in which the golli isoform J37 was overexpressed specifically within OLs and OPCs. The mouse, called JOE (J37-overexpressing), is severely hypomyelinated between birth and postnatal day 50. During this time, it exhibits severe intention tremors that gradually abate at later ages. After postnatal day 50, ultrastructural studies and Northern and Western blot analyses indicate that myelin accumulates in the brain, but never reaches normal levels. Several factors appear to underlie the extensive hypomyelination. In vitro and in vivo experiments indicate that golli overexpression causes a significant delay in OL maturation, with accumulation of significantly greater numbers of pre-myelinating OLs that fail to myelinate axons during the normal myelinating period. Immunohistochemical studies with cell death and myelin markers indicate that JOE OLs undergo a heightened and extended period of cell death and are unable to effectively myelinate until 2 months after birth. The results indicate that increased levels of golli in OPC/OLs delays myelination, causing significant cell death of OLs particularly in white matter tracts. The results provide in vivo evidence for a significant role of the golli proteins in the regulation of maturation of OLs and normal myelination

    Region-Specific Myelin Pathology in Mice Lacking the Golli Products of the Myelin Basic Protein Gene

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    The myelin basic protein (MBP) gene encodes two families of proteins, the classic MBP constituents of myelin and the golli-MBPs, the function of which is less well understood. In this study, targeted ablation of the golli-MBPs, but not the classic MBPs, resulted in a distinct phenotype unlike that of knock-outs (KOs) of the classic MBPs or other myelin proteins. Although the golli KO animals did not display an overt dysmyelinating phenotype, they did exhibit delayed and/or hypomyelination in selected areas of the brain, such as the visual cortex and the optic nerve, as determined by Northern and Western blots and immunohistochemical analysis with myelin protein markers. Hypomyelination in some areas, such as the visual cortex, persisted into adulthood. Ultrastructural analysis of the KOs confirmed both the delay and hypomyelination and revealed abnormalities in myelin structure and in some oligodendrocytes. Abnormal visual-evoked potentials indicated that the hypomyelination in the visual cortex had functional consequences in the golli KO brain. Evidence that the abnormal myelination in these animals was a consequence of intrinsic problems with the oligodendrocyte was indicated by an impaired ability of oligodendrocytes to form myelin sheets in culture and by the presence of abnormal Ca^(2+) transients in purified cortical oligodendrocytes studied in vitro. The Ca^(2+) results reported in this study complement previous results implicating golli proteins in modulating intracellular signaling in T-cells. Together, all these findings suggest a role for golli proteins in oligodendrocyte differentiation, migration, and/or myelin elaboration in the brain

    Tbr1 Regulates Differentiation of the Preplate and Layer 6

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    AbstractDuring corticogenesis, early-born neurons of the preplate and layer 6 are important for guiding subsequent neuronal migrations and axonal projections. Tbr1 is a putative transcription factor that is highly expressed in glutamatergic early-born cortical neurons. In Tbr1-deficient mice, these early-born neurons had molecular and functional defects. Cajal-Retzius cells expressed decreased levels of Reelin, resulting in a reeler-like cortical migration disorder. Impaired subplate differentiation was associated with ectopic projection of thalamocortical fibers into the basal telencephalon. Layer 6 defects contributed to errors in the thalamocortical, corticothalamic, and callosal projections. These results show that Tbr1 is a common genetic determinant for the differentiation of early-born glutamatergic neocortical neurons and provide insights into the functions of these neurons as regulators of cortical development

    The multiple roles of myelin protein genes during the development of the oligodendrocyte

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    It has become clear that the products of several of the earliest identified myelin protein genes perform functions that extend beyond the myelin sheath. Interestingly, these myelin proteins, which comprise proteolipid protein, 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase and the classic and golli MBPs (myelin basic proteins), play important roles during different stages of oligodendroglial development. These non-myelin-related functions are varied and include roles in the regulation of process outgrowth, migration, RNA transport, oligodendrocyte survival and ion channel modulation. However, despite the wide variety of cellular functions performed by the different myelin genes, the route by which they achieve these many functions seems to converge upon a common mechanism involving Ca2+ regulation, cytoskeletal rearrangements and signal transduction. In the present review, the newly emerging functions of these myelin proteins will be described, and these will then be discussed in the context of their contribution to oligodendroglial development

    Golli myelin basic proteins regulate oligodendroglial progenitor cell migration through voltage-gated Ca2+ influx

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    Migration of OL progenitor cells (OPCs) from proliferative zones to their final location in the brain is an essential step in nervous system development. Golli proteins, products of the myelin basic protein gene, can modulate voltage-gated Ca(++) uptake in OPCs during process extension and retraction. Given the importance of process extension/retraction on movement, the consequences of golli expression on OPC migration were examined in vivo and in vitro using time-lapse imaging of isolated OPCs and acute brain slice preparations from golli KO and golli overexpressing mice (JOE). The results indicated that golli stimulated migration, and this enhanced motility was associated with increases in the activity of voltage operated Ca(++) channels (VOCCs). Activation of VOCCs by high K(+) resulted in a significant increase in the migration speed of JOE OPCs vs control cells and golli-mediated modulation of OPC migration disappeared in the presence of VOCC antagonists. During migration, OPCs generated Ca(++) oscillations that were dependent on voltage-calcium influx and both the amplitude and frequency of these Ca(++) transients correlated positively with the rate of cell movement under a variety of pharmacological treatments. The Ca(++) transient amplitude and the rate of cell movement were significantly lower in KO cells and significantly higher in JOE cells suggesting that the presence of golli promotes OPC migration by increasing the size of voltage-mediated Ca(++) oscillations. These data define a new molecule that regulates Ca(++) homeostasis in OPCs, and are the first to demonstrate that voltage-gated Ca(++) channels can regulate an OPC function, such as migration