1,862 research outputs found

    Canonical solution of a system of long-range interacting rotators on a lattice

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    The canonical partition function of a system of rotators (classical X-Y spins) on a lattice, coupled by terms decaying as the inverse of their distance to the power alpha, is analytically computed. It is also shown how to compute a rescaling function that allows to reduce the model, for any d-dimensional lattice and for any alpha<d, to the mean field (alpha=0) model.Comment: Initially submitted to Physical Review Letters: following referees' Comments it has been transferred to Phys. Rev. E, because of supposed no general interest. Divided into sections, corrections in (5) and (20), reference 5 updated. 8 pages 1 figur

    Scaling laws for the largest Lyapunov exponent in long-range systems: A random matrix approach

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    We investigate the laws that rule the behavior of the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) in many particle systems with long range interactions. We consider as a representative system the so-called Hamiltonian alpha-XY model where the adjustable parameter alpha controls the range of the interactions of N ferromagnetic spins in a lattice of dimension d. In previous work the dependence of the LLE with the system size N, for sufficiently high energies, was established through numerical simulations. In the thermodynamic limit, the LLE becomes constant for alpha greater than d whereas it decays as an inverse power law of N for alpha smaller than d. A recent theoretical calculation based on Pettini's geometrization of the dynamics is consistent with these numerical results (M.-C. Firpo and S. Ruffo, cond-mat/0108158). Here we show that the scaling behavior can also be explained by a random matrix approach, in which the tangent mappings that define the Lyapunov exponents are modeled by random simplectic matrices drawn from a suitable ensemble.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Canonical Solution of Classical Magnetic Models with Long-Range Couplings

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    We study the canonical solution of a family of classical nvectorn-vector spin models on a generic dd-dimensional lattice; the couplings between two spins decay as the inverse of their distance raised to the power α\alpha, with α<d\alpha<d. The control of the thermodynamic limit requires the introduction of a rescaling factor in the potential energy, which makes the model extensive but not additive. A detailed analysis of the asymptotic spectral properties of the matrix of couplings was necessary to justify the saddle point method applied to the integration of functions depending on a diverging number of variables. The properties of a class of functions related to the modified Bessel functions had to be investigated. For given nn, and for any α\alpha, dd and lattice geometry, the solution is equivalent to that of the α=0\alpha=0 model, where the dimensionality dd and the geometry of the lattice are irrelevant.Comment: Submitted for publication in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Protein extraction from grape tissues by two-dimensional electrophoresis

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    At the onset of proteomic studies protein samples have to be accurately separated by two dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE); subsequently polypeptides are identified. Grape tissues, in particular roots, can be very problematic due to their hardness and to the high content of compounds that interfere in classical protein extraction. We have used a phenol-based extraction method in the presence of a protease inhibitor and Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP). In this paper we demonstrate that this extraction method gives satisfactory and reproducible protein separation allowing the identification of some proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS).

    Linear theory and violent relaxation in long-range systems: a test case

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    In this article, several aspects of the dynamics of a toy model for longrange Hamiltonian systems are tackled focusing on linearly unstable unmagnetized (i.e. force-free) cold equilibria states of the Hamiltonian Mean Field (HMF). For special cases, exact finite-N linear growth rates have been exhibited, including, in some spatially inhomogeneous case, finite-N corrections. A random matrix approach is then proposed to estimate the finite-N growth rate for some random initial states. Within the continuous, NN \rightarrow \infty, approach, the growth rates are finally derived without restricting to spatially homogeneous cases. All the numerical simulations show a very good agreement with the different theoretical predictions. Then, these linear results are used to discuss the large-time nonlinear evolution. A simple criterion is proposed to measure the ability of the system to undergo a violent relaxation that transports it in the vicinity of the equilibrium state within some linear e-folding times

    La importancia de la histéresis en las exportaciones de manufacturas de los países de la UEM

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    En este trabajo se pretende comprobar la posible existencia de histéresis en la oferta de exportaciones de manufacturas en algunos países de la zona del euro, es decir, se analiza si los movimientos transitorios del tipo de cambio tienen un impacto permanente sobre las exportaciones. La presencia de costes irrecuperables en la entrada y salida del mercado a los que se enfrentan los productores puede justificar la existencia de histéresis en el comercio, ya que las empresas exportadoras tomarían en consideración el tipo de cambio futuro como una variable adicional a la hora de decidir si se entra o no en el mercado, afectando de esta forma al volumen de exportación agregado. Así, el trabajo presenta una estimación de un modelo de oferta y demanda de exportaciones de manufacturas para la mayoría de los países de la zona euro, donde la oferta toma en cuenta la evolución futura del tipo de cambio a partir de la estimación secuencial de sus dos primeros momentos. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, el tipo de cambio esperado no es, en la mayor parte de los casos, una variable explicativa de la evolución de la oferta de exportaciones. De este modo, en contra de la evidencia disponible con datos de empresas, el análisis macroeconómico efectuado no detecta efectos de histéresis significativos en la oferta de exportaciones.Histéresis; tipo de cambio; exportaciones; unión monetaria; zona euro;

    Antisense reduction of thylakoidal ascorbate peroxidase in Arabidopsis enhances Paraquat-induced photooxidative stress and Nitric Oxide-induced cell death

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    The production and characterization of Arabidopsis plants containing a transgene in which the Arabidopsis tAPX is inserted in antisense orientation, is described. tAPX activity in these transgenic tAPX plants is around 50% of control level. The tAPX antisense plants are phenotypically indistinguishable from control plants under normal growth conditions; they show, however, enhanced sensitivity to the O 2- -generating herbicide, Paraquat. Interestingly, the tAPX antisense plants show enhanced symptoms of damage when cell death is triggered through treatment with the nitric oxide-donor, SNP. These results are in accordance with the ones recently obtained with transgenic plants overexpressing tAPX; altogether, they suggest that tAPX, besides the known ROS scavenging role, is also involved in the fine changes of H 2O2 concentration during signaling events

    In situ sulphated CuOx/ZrO2 and CuOx/sulphated-ZrO2 as catalysts for the reduction of NOx with NH3 in the presence of excess O2

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    Sulphated catalysts containing the same amount of sulphates (2.6 SO4 nm2) and a different amount of copper (0.3–3.9 Cu atoms nm2), Cu/SZ, were prepared by impregnation of sulphated-ZrO2 with toluene solutions of Cu(acetylacetonate)2. Sulphated catalysts containing the same amount of copper (0.3 or 2.5 atoms nm2) and a different amount of sulphates (up to 4.9 SO2 nm2), Cu/ZSg, were prepared by sulphation of CuOx/ZrO2 (Cu/Z) via the gas-phase. Samples were characterised by Fourier transformed IR spectroscopy. The selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 in the presence of excess O2 (SCR reaction), the NH3 + O2 and the NO + O2 reactions were studied in a flow apparatus. Activity and selectivity did not depend on the sulphation method used for catalyst preparation but depended on the amount of copper and sulphate, particularly on the sulphate/copper ratio. As on Cu/Z, on Cu/SZ CuII was active for both SCR and NH3 + O2 reactions. The presence of covalent sulphates caused lower reducibility of CuII to CuI and higher Lewis acid strength of CuI in Cu/SZ than in Cu/Z. For (i) SCR, (ii) NH3 + O2 and (iii) NO + O2, Cu/ZSg were less active than the parent Cu/Z. As the sulphate content in Cu/ZSg increased, the NO yield in the NH3 + O2 reaction markedly decreased, thus accounting for the increased selectivity in the SCR reaction. In CuOx/ sulphated-ZrO2 copper ions were less prone reversibly to undergo the redox process CuII/CuI. These findings provide new information on the role of copper and sulphate in determining the activity and selectivity for the SCR with NH

    Implications of the Unitarity Triangle `uc' for J, δ\delta and VCKM|V_{CKM}| elements

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    The Jarlskog rephasing invariant parameter J|J| is evaluated using one of the six Unitarity Triangles involving well known CKM matrix elements \vud, \vus,~\rub, ~\vcd, ~\vcs~ and ~\vcb. With PDG2000 values of \vud~ etc. as input, we obtain J=(2.71±1.12)×105|J|=(2.71 \pm 1.12) \times 10^{-5}, which in the PDG representation of CKM matrix leads to the range 21o to 159o21^o~to~159^o for the CP violating phase δ\delta. The CKM matrix elements evaluated using this range of δ\delta are in agreement with the PDG CKM matrix. The implications of refinements in the input on J|J|, δ\delta and CKM matrix elements have also been studied.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures (eps), updated in the light of latest PDG2000 dat