93 research outputs found

    Species-Specific Therapy of Acute Lymphoid Leukemia

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    Forty years ago, Farber and associates described temporary remissions of acute leukemia in children produced by folic acid antagonists [13]. This ignited the hope that this most frequent and always fatal childhood cancer might be curable by drugs. Twenty years ago, Aur and as-sociates completed accession of patients to total therapy study V, the first treat-ment protocol to result in 50 % cure of acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) [3]. Their results stand 20 years later (Fig. 1), and have been reproduced throughout the world in many thousands of children [6]. More important, recent national vital statistics of the United States and the United Kingdom indicate a 50 % reduc-tion in childhood leukemia mortality [4, 29]. Further, the cured children generally enjoy a normal life-style without need for medication. In the past 20 years, efforts have been directed at improving the cure rate of ALL while simplifying curative treat-ment, reducing its side effects, and im-proving its availability and accessibility. In a Stohlman Lecture at Wilsede 10 years ago the following statement was made [32]:- The most significant opportunity for improving the treatment of acute lymphoid leukemia in the past five years has been its biological and clini-cal classification by immunological cell surface markers. This allows spe-cies identification of the leukemia cells, the first step toward developing specific cytocidal or cytostatic therapy