14 research outputs found
O efeito do yoga na redução da sintomatologia de pacientes com transtorno de pânico
Introdução: Devido aos seus conhecidos efeitos no corpo e mente, o yoga tem sido alvo de investigações cientificas há décadas. A maioria dos estudos relacionados evidencia a efetividade destas técnicas no tratamento de transtornos mentais como ansiedade, pânico e depressão. O yoga tem sido considerado um método preventivo e seguro, capaz de representar grande economia para a saúde pública do país. Objetivos: o objetivo primário deste estudo foi observar a eficácia de técnicas de yoga no tratamento dos sintomas relacionados ao transtorno de pânico. Método: foram selecionados 17 sujeitos diagnosticados previamente com transtorno de pânico. Os sujeitos foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais: o grupo 1 participou de sessões de terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC) e o grupo 2 participou de práticas de yoga. Os sujeitos foram avaliados duas vezes durante a pesquisa, no início e no final do tratamento, que durou dois meses. Os participantes foram avaliados através das seguintes escalas: Beck de Depressão e Beck de Ansiedade, Escala para Pânico e Agorafobia, Questionário de Crenças de Pânico, Escala de Sensações Corporais, Escala de Cognições Agorafóbicas, Inventário de Mobilidade, SWB-PANAS, SF-36 – Questionário de Qualidade de Vida e Escala Brasileira de Assertividade. Resultados: após análise estatística, os resultados mostraram significativa redução nos níveis de ansiedade, sensações corporais associadas ao pânico, número e intensidade dos ataques de pânico e melhora na qualidade de vida apenas dos sujeitos que freqüentaram as sessões de yoga terapia (grupo 2). Conclusão: Em acordo com os estudos atuais da literatura, a presente investigação observou melhora significativa dos sintomas relacionados ao pânico em pacientes que praticaram yoga. Conclui-se que esta prática milenar pode representar uma eficaz metodologia de tratamento dos transtornos de ansiedade, podendo ser utilizada sozinha ou incorporada à psicoterapia tradicional, trazendo benefícios emocionais, psicológicos e comportamentais para os pacientes
Neurociência do Exercício, Saúde Mental e Aprendizagem
Nas últimas duas décadas, uma grande quantidade de estudos vem demonstrando o impacto do exercício no cérebro. O engajamento em práticas físicas tem consequências significativas na química e anatomia cerebrais, com correlações diretas na saúde mental, funções cognitivas e aprendizagem de crianças, adultos e idosos. O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir as evidências neurocientíficas acerca dos impactos do exercício no cérebro e suas interfaces com a cognição e a aprendizagem matemática
Reducing the symptomatology of panic disorder: the effects of a yoga program alone and in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy
Introduction: Yoga is a holistic system of different mind body practices that can be used to improve mental and physical health. It has been shown to reduce perceived stress and anxiety as well as improve mood and quality of life. Research documenting the therapeutic benefits of yoga has grown progressively for the past decades. Objectives: The primary goal of this study was to investigate the effects of yoga in patients suffering from panic disorder. We aimed at observing the efficacy of yoga techniques on reducing the symptomatology of panic disorder, compared to a combined intervention of yoga and psychotherapy. Method: Twenty subjects previously diagnosed with panic disorder were selected. Subjects were randomly assigned to both experimental groups: Group 1 (G1-Yoga: 10 subjects) attended yoga classes and Group 2 (G2-CBT + Yoga: 10 subjects) participated in a combined intervention of yoga practice followed by a cognitive behavioral therapy session. Subjects were evaluated two times during the study: pre-test and post-test. Psychometric tools included the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), The Panic Beliefs Inventory (PBI) and Body Sensations Questionnaire (BSQ). Results: Statistical analysis showed significant reductions in anxiety levels associated with panic disorder, panic-related beliefs and panic-related body sensations both in G1 and G2. However, the combination of yoga and cognitive behavioral therapy (G2) showed even further reductions in all observed parameters (mean values). Conclusion: This study observed significant improvement in panic symptomatology following both the practice of yoga and the combination of yoga and psychotherapy. While contemplative techniques such as yoga promote a general change in dealing with private events, CBT teaches how to modify irrational beliefs and cognitive distortions. This indicates that the techniques might have complemented each other, increasing the intervention efficacy
The impact of yoga Nidra and seated meditation on the mental health of college professors
Background: World statistics for the prevalence of anxiety and mood disorders shows that a great number of individuals will experience some type of anxiety or mood disorder at some point in their lifetime. Mind–body interventions such as Hatha Yoga and seated meditation have been used as a form of self-help therapy and it is especially useful for challenging occupations such as teachers and professors. Aims: In this investigation, we aimed at observing the impact of Yoga Nidra and seated meditation on the anxiety and depression levels of college professors. Materials and Methods: Sixty college professors, men and women, aged between 30 and 55 years were randomly allocated in one of the three experimental groups: Yoga Nidra, seated meditation, and control group. Professors were evaluated two times throughout the 3-month study period. Psychological variables included anxiety, stress, and depression. Results: Data analysis showed that the relaxation group presented better intragroup results in the anxiety levels. Meditation group presented better intragroup results only in the anxiety variable (physical component). Intergroup analysis showed that, except for the depression levels, both intervention groups presented better results than the control group in all other variables. Conclusions: Prepost results indicate that both interventions represent an effective therapeutic approach in reducing anxiety and stress levels. However, there was a tendency toward a greater effectiveness of the Yoga Nidra intervention regarding anxiety, which might represent an effective tool in reducing both cognitive and physiological symptoms of anxiety
<p></p><p>ABSTRACT The evolutionary hypothesis of endurance running states that movement played a crucial role in the emergence of typically human anatomical features, as well as in the shaping and structure of the human brain. The close relationship between exercise and human evolution is evidenced by the fact that inactivity make us sick. Effectively, the human body, including the brain, has evolved to withstand extended periods of cardiovascular stress. Movement is so essential to the brain that regular physical activity is imperative for it to function properly. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise increases neuron proliferation, neurotrophic factors synthesis, gliogenesis, synaptogenesis, regulates neurotransmission and neuromodulation systems, and reduce systemic inflammation. All of these effects have a significant impact on improving mental health, reducing age-related gray matter decline, and improving cognitive functions. Thus, the purpose of this article is to present an update on the subject of physical exercise and mental health. Given the recent advances presented in this manuscript on the neurobiology of exercise and its therapeutic and economic potential for the general population, it is expected that future research that correlate basic studies with psychological variables and imaging studies may elucidate the mechanisms by which exercise improves brain health.</p><p></p
Changes in quantitative EEG absolute power during the task of catching an object in free fall Mudanças na potência absoluta no EEG quantitativo durante tarefa de apreensão de um objeto em queda livre
The aim of this study was to verify changes in absolute power (qEEG), in theta, during the catch of a free falling object. The sample consisted of 10 healthy individuals, of both genders, with ages between 25 and 40 years. A three-way ANOVA followed by Post-Hoc analysis was applied. The results demonstrated main effects for time and position. In conclusion, a motor task that involves expectation produces deactivation of non-relevant areas in the ipsilateral hemisphere of the active limb. On the other hand, the patterns of results showed activation in areas responsible for planning and selection of motor repertories in the contralateral hemisphere.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar mudanças na potência absoluta (EEGq), em teta, durante a pegada de objeto em queda livre. A amostra consistiu de 20 indivíduos saudáveis, de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre 25 e 40 anos. Foi utilizada uma ANOVA three-way seguida de uma análise Post-Hoc. Os resultados demonstraram efeito principal para momento e posição. Concluindo, uma tarefa motora que envolve expectativa produz desativação de áreas não-relevantes no hemisfério ipsilateral do membro ativo. Por outro lado, o padrão dos resultados mostrou ativação em áreas responsáveis por planejamento e seleção de repertórios motores no hemisfério contralateral
Changes in quantitative EEG absolute power during the task of catching an object in free fall
AbstrAct -the aim of this study was to verify changes in absolute power (qEEG), in theta, during the catch of a free falling object. the sample consisted of 10 healthy individuals, of both genders, with ages between 25 and 40 years. A three-way ANOVA followed by Post-Hoc analysis was applied. the results demonstrated main effects for time and position. In conclusion, a motor task that involves expectation produces deactivation of non-relevant areas in the ipsilateral hemisphere of the active limb. On the other hand, the patterns of results showed activation in areas responsible for planning and selection of motor repertories in the contralateral hemisphere. Key wOrds: absolute power, qeeG, planning, sensorimotor integration. Mudanças na potência absoluta no EEG quantitativo durante tarefa de apreensão de um objeto em queda livre resumO -O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar mudanças na potência absoluta (EEGq), em teta, durante a pegada de objeto em queda livre. A amostra consistiu de 20 indivíduos saudáveis, de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre 25 e 40 anos. Foi utilizada uma ANOVA three-way seguida de uma análise Post-Hoc. Os resultados demonstraram efeito principal para momento e posição. concluindo, uma tarefa motora que envolve expectativa produz desativação de áreas não-relevantes no hemisfério ipsilateral do membro ativo. Por outro lado, o padrão dos resultados mostrou ativação em áreas responsáveis por planejamento e seleção de repertórios motores no hemisfério contralateral. PAlAvrAs-chAve: potência absoluta, eeGq, planejamento, integração sensório-motora. motor behavior is the product of a fine integration between cortical and peripheral components associated to afferent information. the central nervous system (cNs) captures, identifies and processes sensory stimuli in order to prepare and adjust motor behavior 1 . the prefrontal cortex (PFc) is an integration cortex. It is considered neither a sensory nor a motor cortex; it is an association region, providing integration sensory stimuli to motor centers 2,3 . the PFc is involved in cognition, attention maintenance, planning and organization, including the capacity to follow certain thought sequences and behavior strategy choices 4 . Plastic alterations might occur in this area regarding motor reactions (reaction time, anticipatory movements and motor learning), which might lead to performance and gesture precision improvement 5 . Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) has made possible the elucidation of cognitive processes and motor learnin
EEG spectral cohrence inter and intrahemispheric during catching object fall task Coerência espectral do eletrencefalograma inter e intra-hemisférica durante a tarefa de apreensão de um objeto em queda livre
The aim of the present study was to evaluate coherence measures at Theta through qEEG during the accomplishment of a specific motor task. The sample consisted of 23 healthy individuals, both sexes, with ages varying between 25 and 40 years old. All subjects were submmitted to a specific motor task of cacthing sequences of falling balls. A three-way ANOVA was employed for the statistical analysis, which demonstrated main effects for the following factors: time, block and position. However, there was no interection between the factors. A significant and generalized coherence reduction was observed during the task execution time. Coherence was also diminished at the left frontal cortex and contralateral hemisphere of the utilizing limb (comparing to the right frontal cortex). In conclusion, these findings suggest a certain specialization of the neural circuit, also according to previous investigations. The inter-coherence reduction suggests a spatial inter-electrode dependence during the task, rather than a neuronal specialization.<br>O objetivo do presente experimento foi avaliar medidas de coerência na banda Teta através do EEGq durante a realização de uma atividade motora. A amostra constituiu-se de 23 sujeitos saudáveis, ambos os sexos, faixa etária entre 25 e 40 anos. Os sujeitos foram submetidos à tarefa motora de apreensão seqüencial de bolas em queda livre. Para análise estatística foi realizada uma ANOVA (Three-Way) que demonstrou efeito principal para os fatores: momento, tempo e posição. Porém não houve interação entre os fatores. Uma diminuição generalizada significativa da coerência ocorreu ao longo do tempo de execução da tarefa que também se apresentou reduzida no córtex frontal esquerdo, hemisfério contralateral ao membro utilizado (em comparação com o córtex frontal direito). Em conclusão, estes achados sugerem especialização do circuito neural que estão em consonância com experimentos prévios. A diminuição da coerência inter-hemisférica sugere uma dependência espacial inter-eletrodos durante a tarefa e não uma especialização neuronal