237 research outputs found

    Age polyethism in Plebeia emerina (Friese) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies related to propolis handling

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    Stingless bees collect plant resins and make it into propolis, although they have a wider range of use for this material than do honey bees (Apis spp.). Plebeia spp. workers employ propolis mixed with wax (cerumen) for constructing and sealing nest structures, while they use viscous (sticky) propolis for defense by applying it onto their enemies. Isolated viscous propolis deposits are permanently maintained at the interior of their colonies, as also seen in other Meliponini species. Newly-emerged Plebeia emerina (Friese) workers were observed stuck to and unable to escape these viscous propolis stores. We examined the division of labor involved in propolis manipulation, by observing marked bees of known age in four colonies of P. emerina from southern Brazil. Activities on brood combs, the nest involucrum and food pots were observed from the first day of life of the marked bees. However, work on viscous propolis deposits did not begin until the 13th day of age and continued until the 56th day (maximum lifespan in our sample). Although worker bees begin to manipulate cerumen early, they seem to be unable to handle viscous propolis till they become older

    Shortened first-line TB treatment in Brazil: potential cost savings for patients and health services.

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    BACKGROUND: Shortened treatment regimens for tuberculosis are under development to improve treatment outcomes and reduce costs. We estimated potential savings from a societal perspective in Brazil following the introduction of a hypothetical four-month regimen for tuberculosis treatment. METHODS: Data were gathered in ten randomly selected health facilities in Rio de Janeiro. Health service costs were estimated using an ingredient approach. Patient costs were estimated from a questionnaire administered to 126 patients. Costs per visits and per case treated were analysed according to the type of therapy: self-administered treatment (SAT), community- and facility-directly observed treatment (community-DOT, facility-DOT). RESULTS: During the last 2 months of treatment, the largest savings could be expected for community-DOT; on average USD 17,351-18,203 and USD 43,660-45,856 (bottom-up and top-down estimates) per clinic. Savings to patients could also be expected as the median (interquartile range) patient-related costs during the two last months were USD 108 (13-291), USD 93 (36-239) and USD 11 (7-126), respectively for SAT, facility-DOT and community-DOT. CONCLUSION: Introducing a four-month regimen may result in significant cost savings for both the health service and patients, especially the poorest. In particular, a community-DOT strategy, including treatment at home, could maximise health services savings while limiting patient costs. Our cost estimates are likely to be conservative because a 4-month regimen could hypothetically increase the proportion of patients cured by reducing the number of patients defaulting and we did not include the possible cost benefits from the subsequent prevention of costs due to downstream transmission averted and rapid clinical improvement with less side effects in the last two months

    Guinada conservadora e mudanças políticas de acesso à terra no Brasil: uma análise do período entre 2015 e 2020

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    O presente artigo se propõe a contribuir com o atual panorama de reflexões acerca das políticas de acesso à terra no Brasil, tendo como foco principal a guinada conservadora na qual a política brasileira tem se deparado nos últimos anos. Para isso foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais, sendo de base qualitativa e com caráter indutivo. Os resultados se dão através de análise em três diferentes níveis. No primeiro foi feito o levantamento da temperatura da controvérsia; em um segundo nível, destaca-se a mudança de termos nos últimos anos: a escolha pelo termo “regularização fundiária” em detrimento de “reforma agrária”; e por último, no terceiro nível, foi possível observar a formação de uma eventual aliança entre setores heterogêneos, que nem sempre se articulam em coalizões, e que se colocaram contra a MP 910 em manifestações virtuais organizadas. Nossos achados demonstram que o avanço do paradigma neoliberal nas políticas de acesso à terra gerou impactos nas legislações do tema, bem como possibilitaram uma maior privatização das terras, ampliando a visão desta como mercadoria.Palavras-Chave: Conservadorismo; Regularização fundiária; Reforma agrária

    PET-Saúde Interprofissionalidade: experiência de interconsultas

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    Introdução: O Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde (PET-Saúde) visa fortalecer a parceria entre o ensino e o serviço. Na sua última edição o programa traz como tema central a Interprofissionalidade, atendendo ao chamado da Organização Mundial de Saúde para implementar a educação interprofissional (EIP) como ferramenta essencial para o desenvolvimento e fortalecimento da força de trabalho na saúde, contribuindo para a redução de muitos desafios enfrentados pelos sistemas de saúde no mundo. Nesse sentido, o PET-Saúde constitui-se uma estratégia de indução de mudanças no processo de formação profissional, possibilitando a identificação de necessidades frequentes vivenciadas no serviço de saúde. A EIP ocorre quando duas ou mais profissões aprendem sobre os outros, com os outros e entre si para uma colaboração mútua e melhoria dos resultados em saúde1. Objetivo: O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar a experiência vivenciada por um grupo de acadêmicos da área da saúde, participantes do PET–Saúde Interprofissionaldiade, sobre a simulação da realização de interconsultas. Metodologia: Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre a preparação para a realização de interconsultas, realizado por acadêmicos de enfermagem, fisioterapia, medicina, nutrição, psicologia e farmácia de variados semestres, juntamente com seus preceptores e tutores, durante o mês de agosto de 2019. Inicialmente, foram desenvolvidos os materiais físicos que iriam compor o prontuário interprofissional e subsidiar as consultas. Para o atendimento na atenção primária o grupo julgou necessário a elaboração de uma ficha de caracterização do sujeito, genograma, ecomapa e a classificação internacional de funcionalidade (CIF). Posteriormente os membros forma divididos em dois grupos (1 e 2). Resultados: O grupo 1 realizou a vivência de uma interconsulta através de simulação com paciente standartizado, enquanto o grupo 2 observou a condução do grupo 1. Após o atendimento todos os membros de ambos os grupos discutiram os aspectos positivos da interconsulta e os aspectos a serem melhorados sob a ótica das práticas colaborativas. O exercício dessa atividade possibilitou aos acadêmicos uma reflexão da importância e desafios do trabalho em equipe, desde a construção do prontuário interprofissional até a realização do atendimento. A dificuldade da realização da interconsulta está relacionada à complexidade dos saberes das diversas profissões em saúde, principalmente por não haver conhecimento sobre as práticas comuns e colaborativas entre os profissionais. Considerações Finais: Dessa forma, a partir da experiência do treino da interconsulta, evidencia-se a importância dos profissionais de saúde terem contato com profissões colegas e aprenderam a trabalhar em equipe, desde a graduação, para prestar um atendimento mais eficaz e de qualidade aos pacientes, principalmente no Sistema Único de Saúde. Palavras-chave: Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente. Práticas Interdisciplinares. Ensino

    Schizophrenia and work: aspects related to job acquisition in a follow-up study

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    Objective: Work is considered one of the main forms of social organizationhowever, few individuals with schizophrenia find work opportunities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between schizophrenia symptoms and job acquisition. Method: Fifty-three individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia from an outpatient treatment facility were included in an 18-month follow-up study. After enrollment, they participated in a prevocational training group. At the end of training (baseline) and 18 months later, sociodemographic, clinical data and occupational history were collected. Positive and negative symptoms (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale - PANSS), depression (Calgary Depression Scale), disease severity (Clinical Global Impression - CGI), functionality (Global Assessment of Functioning - GAF), personal and social performance (Personal and Social Performance - PSP) and cognitive functions (Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia - MATRICS battery) were applied at baseline and at the end of the study. Results: Those with some previous work experience (n = 19) presented lower scores on the PANSS, Calgary, GAF, CGI and PSP scales (p < 0.05) than those who did not work. Among those who worked, there was a slight worsening in positive symptoms (positive PANSS). Conclusions: Individuals with less severe symptoms were more able to find employment. Positive symptom changes do not seem to affect participation at workhowever, this calls for discussion about the importance of employment support.Programa de Esquizofrenia (PROESQ)Centro de Atencao Integrada a Saude Mental (CAISM)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2011/50740-5]Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)FAPESPConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)CAPESUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Carlos UFSCar, Dept Med, Sao Carlos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Carlos, Dept Terapia Ocupac, Sao Carlos, SP, BrazilFac Ciencias Med Santa Casa Sao Paulo, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP [2011/50740-5]Web of Scienc

    Testing synchrotron models and frequency resolution in BINGO 21 cm simulated maps using GNILC

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    To recover the 21 cm hydrogen line, it is essential to separate the cosmological signal from the much stronger foreground contributions at radio frequencies. The BINGO radio telescope is designed to measure the 21 cm line and detect BAOs using the intensity mapping technique. This work analyses the performance of the GNILC method, combined with a power spectrum debiasing procedure. The method was applied to a simulated BINGO mission, building upon previous work from the collaboration. It compares two different synchrotron emission models and different instrumental configurations, in addition to the combination with ancillary data to optimize both the foreground removal and recovery of the 21 cm signal across the full BINGO frequency band, as well as to determine an optimal number of frequency bands for the signal recovery. We have produced foreground emissions maps using the Planck Sky Model, the cosmological Hi emission maps are generated using the FLASK package and thermal noise maps are created according to the instrumental setup. We apply the GNILC method to the simulated sky maps to separate the Hi plus thermal noise contribution and, through a debiasing procedure, recover an estimate of the noiseless 21 cm power spectrum. We found a near optimal reconstruction of the Hi signal using a 80 bins configuration, which resulted in a power spectrum reconstruction average error over all frequencies of 3%. Furthermore, our tests showed that GNILC is robust against different synchrotron emission models. Finally, adding an extra channel with CBASS foregrounds information, we reduced the estimation error of the 21 cm signal. The optimisation of our previous work, producing a configuration with an optimal number of channels for binning the data, impacts greatly the decisions regarding BINGO hardware configuration before commissioning.Comment: Submitted to A&

    The BINGO Project IX: Search for Fast Radio Bursts -- A Forecast for the BINGO Interferometry System

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    The Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations (BINGO) radio telescope will use the neutral Hydrogen emission line to map the Universe in the redshift range 0.127z0.4490.127 \le z \le 0.449, with the main goal of probing BAO. In addition, the instrument optical design and hardware configuration support the search for Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). In this work, we propose the use of a BINGO Interferometry System (BIS) including new auxiliary, smaller, radio telescopes (hereafter \emph{outriggers}). The interferometric approach makes it possible to pinpoint the FRB sources in the sky. We present here the results of several BIS configurations combining BINGO horns with and without mirrors (44 m, 55 m, and 66 m) and 5, 7, 9, or 10 for single horns. We developed a new {\tt Python} package, the {\tt FRBlip}, which generates synthetic FRB mock catalogs and computes, based on a telescope model, the observed signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) that we used to compute numerically the detection rates of the telescopes and how many interferometry pairs of telescopes (\emph{baselines}) can observe an FRB. FRBs observed by more than one baseline are the ones whose location can be determined. We thus evaluate the performance of BIS regarding FRB localization. We found that BIS will be able to localize 23 FRBs yearly with single horn outriggers in the best configuration (using 10 outriggers of 6 m mirrors), with redshift z0.96z \leq 0.96; the full localization capability depends on the number and the type of the outriggers. Wider beams are best to pinpoint FRB sources because potential candidates will be observed by more baselines, while narrow beams look deep in redshift. The BIS can be a powerful extension of the regular BINGO telescope, dedicated to observe hundreds of FRBs during Phase 1. Many of them will be well localized with a single horn + 6 m dish as outriggers.(Abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, submitted to A&

    The BINGO Project VI: HI Halo Occupation Distribution and Mock Building

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    BINGO (Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations.) is a radio telescope designed to survey from 980 MHz to 1260 MHz, observe the neutral Hydrogen (HI) 21-cm line and detect BAO (Baryon Acoustic Oscillation) signal with Intensity Mapping technique. Here we present our method to generate mock maps of the 21-cm Intensity Mapping signal covering the BINGO frequency range and related test results. (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&

    The BINGO Project IV: Simulations for mission performance assessment and preliminary component separation steps

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    The large-scale distribution of neutral hydrogen (HI) in the Universe is luminous through its 21 cm emission. The goal of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations -- BINGO -- radio telescope is to detect baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) at radio frequencies through 21 cm intensity mapping (IM). The telescope will span the redshift range 0.127 <z<< z < 0.449 with an instantaneous field-of-view of 14.75×6.014.75^{\circ} \times 6.0^{\circ}. In this work we investigate different constructive and operational scenarios of the instrument by generating sky maps as they would be produced by the instrument. In doing this we use a set of end-to-end IM mission simulations. The maps will additionally be used to evaluate the efficiency of a component separation method (GNILC). We have simulated the kind of data that would be produced in a single-dish IM experiment such as BINGO. According to the results obtained, we have optimized the focal plane design of the telescope. In addition, the application of the GNILC method on simulated data shows that it is feasible to extract the cosmological signal across a wide range of multipoles and redshifts. The results are comparable with the standard principal component analysis method.Comment: 16 pages. Version to appear in A&