14 research outputs found

    What are the impacts of the common bean production system on production and quality attributes of the grains?

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    The cultivar choice can promote significant impacts on yield and grain quality of common bean within a production system. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of common bean cultivars from the Carioca commercial group on grain yield and quality in a production system, as well as to verify the correlation between the variables. The experiment was carried out in Southeastern Brazil in the winter/spring season. A randomized block design with four replications was used. The treatments consisted of 13 common bean cultivars (Pérola, BRSMG Majestoso, BRS Estilo, BRSMG Madrepérola, IPR Campos Gerais, IPR Tangará, IPR Andorinha, IPR 139, IAC Imperador, IAC Formoso, IAC Alvorada, IAC Milênio and TAA Bola Cheia). The cultivar factor promoted differences of up to 34% in yield, 20% in sieve yield greater than or equal to 12 (SY≥12), 16% in grain protein content and 47% in cooking time. Among the cultivars, BRSMG Majestoso had the highest grain yield (3805 kg ha-1). All cultivars provided SY≥12 above 70%, highlighting IPR Andorinha (93%). The cultivar BRSMG Madrepérola stood out for its grains with clear tegument. Grain yield increases as the number of pods per plant and grains per pod increase, negatively correlated with crude protein content and cooking time. These results demonstrate the importance of choosing the correct cultivar in a production system, helping to increase yield and profit for farmers.The choice of a cultivar can significantly affect grain yield and quality of common bean crops in production systems. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of common bean cultivars of the carioca commercial group on grain yield and quality in a production system, and assess the correlation between their variables. The experiment was carried out in the Southeast region of Brazil, in the winter-spring crop season. A randomized block design was used, with 13 treatments and four replications per treatment. The treatments were consisted of common bean cultivars (Pérola, BRSMG-Majestoso, BRS-Estilo, BRSMG-Madrepérola, IPR-Campos Gerais, IPR-Tangará, IPR-Andorinha, IPR-139, IAC-Imperador, IAC-Formoso, IAC-Alvorada, IAC-Milênio, and TAA-Bola Cheia). The choice of a cultivar affects production and quality attributes of common bean in production systems, as it can result in increases of up to 34% in grain yield, 20% in grain yield in sieves equal to or higher than 12 (GYS≥12), 16% in grain protein contents, and 47% in cooking time. The cultivar BRSMG-Majestoso presented the highest grain yield (3,805 kg ha-1), and IPR-Andorinha and BRSMG-Madrepérola stood out with GYS≥12 of 93% and grains with clear integument, respectively. Grain yield increases as the number of pods per plant and grains per pod increase, presenting a negative correlation with crude protein contents and cooking time

    Produtividade e qualidade do feijoeiro cultivado sobre palhadas de gramíneas e adubado com nitrogênio em plantio direto

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of top-dressed nitrogen fertilization and of the straws of corn crop, of corn intercropped with Brachiaria, and of Brachiaria on grain yield and quality of common bean. The experiment was carried out under irrigation, in winter cropping, after five years from the implementation of a no-tillage system, in a clayey Oxisol. A randomized block design with split plots and three replicates was used. The plots consisted of the straws of corn, of corn intercropped with Brachiaria, and of Brachiaria; while the split plots consisted of top-dressed N at levels corresponding to 0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg ha-1. All the treatments received 17 kg ha-1 N at sowing. Common bean cropped over Brachiaria straw reaches higher grain yield and has increased agronomic efficiency. The evaluated straws did not affect the qualitative attributes of common beans. The application of top-dressed N increased protein contents and cooking time of the beans, besides grain yield up to the level of 136 kg ha-1 N.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de doses de nitrogênio em cobertura e das palhadas de milho, de milho consorciado com braquiária e de braquiária sobre a produtividade e a qualidade de grãos do feijoeiro. O experimento foi realizado em área irrigada, no cultivo de inverno, após cinco anos da implantação do sistema plantio direto, em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico de textura argilosa. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas e três repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por palha de milho, palha de milho consorciado com braquiária e palha de braquiária; enquanto as subparcelas, pelas doses de N em cobertura correspondentes a 0, 40, 80, 120 e 160 kg ha-1. Todos os tratamentos receberam 17 kg ha1 de N na semeadura. O feijoeiro cultivado sobre palha de braquiária atinge maior produtividade de grãos e maior eficiência agronômica. Os atributos qualitativos dos grãos não são alterados pelas diferentes palhadasavaliadas. A aplicação do N em cobertura aumentou o teor de proteína bruta e o tempo de cozimento dos grãos de feijão, além da produtividade de grãos do feijoeiro até a dose de 136 kg ha-1 de N

    Doses de nitrogênio em cobertura no feijoeiro em sucessão a gramíneas no cultivo de inverno-primavera

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    The common bean has been explored in different management systems, with emphasis on no-tillage system, since it presents interesting agronomic and commercial characteristics. In tropical regions, however, the greatest difficulty for success in this system is the maintenance of the straw, because of the high rate of decomposition in these regions. For this reason, species of high C/N ratio are the most suitable to render the management system with the common bean, such as corn and brachiaria. However, more attention should be given to nitrogen fertilization, due immobilization process that can occur in no-tillage system. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of topdressed nitrogen fertilization on the irrigated common bean in succession with maize and brachiaria, in single or intercropped grown, under no-tillage system. The experiment was conducted in eutrophic red latosol, loam texture, in split plot design with three replications. The plots consisted of: M + F) exclusive maize in summer and common bean in winter - spring, MB + F ) of maize intercropped with brachiaria in summer and common bean in winter - spring and B + F ) exclusive brachiaria in summer and common bean winter - spring. The subplots consisted of four topdressed rates of nitrogen, corresponding to 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1 of N and a witness that was omitted the nitrogen fertilization. Agronomic characteristics of maize (exclusive and intercropped) were evaluated, such as characteristics of the straw of the predecessor crop and agronomic and technological quality of the common bean crop. Intercropped brachiaria does not affect the characteristics of maize, compared to exclusive grown. When grown after brachiaria, the common bean have the highest yield (exclusive brachiaria bean in summer and in winter - spring). In all management systems, 136 kg ha-1 of nitrogen gave the maximum yield, mainly influenced by ...O feijoeiro vem sendo explorado em diversos sistemas de produção, com grande destaque no plantio direto, uma vez que apresenta características agronômicas e comerciais interessantes para esse sistema. Em regiões tropicais, contudo, a maior dificuldade para se obter sucesso neste sistema está na manutenção da palhada, em razão da alta taxa de decomposição nestas regiões. Por este motivo, espécies de alta relação C/N são as mais indicadas para compor o sistema de produção junto ao feijoeiro, a exemplo do milho e da braquiária. Todavia, maior atenção deve ser dada à adubação nitrogenada, uma vez que pode ocorrer imobilização do nitrogênio, que é o elemento requerido em maior quantidade pelo feijoeiro. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura no feijoeiro em sucessão à milho e braquiária, em cultivo exclusivo ou em consórcio, no quinto ano de implantação do sistema plantio direto. O experimento foi conduzido em um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, textura argilosa, em blocos ao acaso no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas de: M+F) cultivo de milho exclusivo no verão e do feijoeiro no inverno-primavera, MB+F) de milho consorciado com braquiária no verão e feijoeiro no inverno-primavera e B+F) braquiária exclusiva no verão e feijoeiro no invernoprimavera. As subparcelas foram constituídas de quatro doses de nitrogênio aplicado em cobertura no feijoeiro, correspondendo a 40, 80, 120 e 160 kg ha-1 de N e uma testemunha onde se omitiu o nutriente via adubação de cobertura. Foram avaliadas as características agronômicas do milho (exclusivo e em consórcio), características da palhada das culturas antecessoras ao feijoeiro e características agronômicas e qualidade tecnológica do feijoeiro. O cultivo de milho consorciado com braquiária não afeta ..

    Livros de literatura para a primeira infância: a questão da qualidade

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    Este artigo visa refletir sobre qualidade na literatura infantil, concebendo-a como arte e elencando critérios para análise e seleção de obras. Ressalta-se o compromisso da escola, bem como de políticas públicas na garantia do direito das crianças à literatura de qualidade e na sua formação como leitoras. Consideram-se obras de qualidade aquelas cujos elementos textuais, imagéticos e paratextuais possibilitam ampliação das experiências de seus leitores. Propõe-se uma análise comparativa entre obras de literatura infantil, visando refletir sobre aspectos de qualidade textual, gráfica e temática (Paiva, 2016) que se sobressaem. Com base no referencial teórico, apontam-se elementos para orientar as escolhas de livros literários por professoras, priorizando aqueles que valorizam a experiência estética e possibilitam ampliação da imaginação e contribuem para a formação das subjetividades infantis. This article aims at discussing quality in children\u27s literature, conceiving it as art and listing criteria for the analysis and selection of books. The article highlights the school\u27s commitment and the public policies into ensuring children\u27s right to quality literature and formation as readers. Quality works are considered to be those whose textual, imagery and paratextual elements make it possible to expand the experiences of their readers. A comparative analysis of children\u27s literature books is proposed, aiming to discuss aspects of textual, graphic and thematic quality (Paiva, 2016) that stand out. Based on the theoretical framework, it points out elements that can guide the choices of literary books by teachers, giving priority to those that value aesthetic experience and enable the expansion of imagination and the formation of children\u27s subjectivities

    Effect of nitrogen doses and grass crop residue on common bean in no-tillage / Effect of nitrogen doses and grass crop residue on common bean in no-tillage

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    Nitrogen (N) is the most absorbed nutrient by the common bean, and the availability of this element changes according to the crop residues present on the soil surface. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of top-dressed doses of N and crop residue (maize alone, maize intercropped with brachiaria and brachiaria alone) on the performance of irrigated common bean. The experiment was conducted in a split-plot arrangement, where the plots consisted of residues of maize crop alone, maize intercropped with brachiaria, and brachiaria alone and the subplots consisted of doses of top-dressed N applied to common bean (0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg ha-1). Brachiaria alone and maize intercropped with brachiaria provided full coverage of the soil surface. The C/N ratio in the maize crop residue was higher than that in the brachiaria crop residue. This result characterizes maize as a material with slower and more gradual decomposition compared to brachiaria, which had a higher N content because it was desiccated at the time of its full vegetative vigor. Crop residue affected grain yield, particularly the cultivation on brachiaria alone. The maximum grain yield was achieved at an estimated dose of 136 kg ha-1 of N. These results demonstrate the effect of crop succession and nitrogen fertilization on the common bean agronomic performance in the no-tillage system, helping farmers and technicians in decision making

    Physiological seed quality in cultivars of the carioca bean produced in the North of São Paulo and kept under storage

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    New bean cultivars, in addition to having high productivity, should meet requirements regarding the physiological attributes of the seeds, maintaining them during storage, minimising their deterioration and guaranteeing the producer a crop that is quickly and uniformly established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological attributes of the seeds of thirteen bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from the carioca commercial group, produced during the winterspring harvest in the North of the state of São Paulo, at two different times: after harvest and during the eighth month of storage. The experimental design was completely randomised, in a 13 x 2 factorial scheme with four replications. The factors corresponded to the 13 carioca bean cultivars (Pérola, BRSMG Majestoso, BRS Estilo, BRSMG Madrepérola, IPR Campos Gerais, IPR Tangará, IPR Andorinha, IPR 139, IAC Imperador, IAC Formoso, IAC Alvorada, IAC Milênio and Bola Cheia) and two periods of evaluation (0: after harvest and 8: eight months after harvest). Each of the cultivars under study displayed physiological qualities that were within the required standards after harvest. The BRS Estilo, BRSMG Madrepérola, BRSMG Majestoso, IAC Imperador and IPR Andorinha cultivars maintain germination within these standards after eight months of storage. The seeds of the IAC Imperador cultivar show greater vigour than those of the other cultivars when produced during the winter-spring harvest in the North of the state of São Paulo

    Agronomic and qualitative traits of common bean as a function of the straw and nitrogen fertilization1

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT The no-tillage system can change the nitrogen dynamics in the soil, being necessary to adjust the nitrogen fertilization in order to provide this nutrient during critical phases of the common bean growth. This study aimed at evaluating the agronomic and qualitative traits of common bean grown under different straw types, as a function of the topdressing nitrogen fertilization splitting. A randomized block experimental design, in a split-plot arrangement, with four replications, was used. The plots consisted of three straw types (maize, maize intercropped with brachiaria and brachiaria), while the subplots comprised the combination of these straw materials with 8 topdressing nitrogen fertilization splitting arrangements. The common bean on brachiaria straw shows higher grain yields and crude protein contents. The nitrogen fertilization splitting, as topdressing, interacts with the straw types, increasing the number of pods per plant. The common bean plants growing on plots with single-maize straw had a shorter time for maximum hydration. The topdressing nitrogen fertilization splitting has no effect on the common bean qualitative traits.</p></div


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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the agronomic and technological performance of common-bean crop following three straw mulch production system (sole corn, corn-Urochloa ruziziensis inter- crop and sole U. ruziziensis) and topdressing nitrogen fertilization (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1 of N) in the fourth year after the no-tillage system implementation. A randomized block design, in a splitplot array, with three replications was used. The use of U. ruziziensis intercropped with maize allowed a greater straw mulch formation and a more adequate coverage of the soil surface aiming the beans cultivation in succession. The nitrogen fertilization influenced the common-bean productivity in succession to U. ruziziensis unique and maize intercropped with U. ruziziensis. The common-bean crop in succession to the straw mulch production system with U. ruziziensis allowed higher grain production and sieve yield. The grain cooking time decreased due to the rates of N used in the dry bean crop in succession of maize exclusive

    Adubação nitrogenada no feijoeiro após palhada de milho e braquiária no plantio direto

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the agronomic and technological performance of common-bean crop following three straw mulch production system (sole corn, corn-Urochloa ruziziensis inter-crop and sole U. ruziziensis) and topdressing nitrogen fertilization (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha(-1) of N) in the fourth year after the no-tillage system implementation. A randomized block design, in a splitplot array, with three replications was used. The use of U. ruziziensis intercropped with maize allowed a greater straw mulch formation and a more adequate coverage of the soil surface aiming the beans cultivation in succession. The nitrogen fertilization influenced the common-bean productivity in succession to U. ruziziensis unique and maize intercropped with U. ruziziensis. The common-bean crop in succession to the straw mulch production system with U. ruziziensis allowed higher grain production and sieve yield. The grain cooking time decreased due to the rates of N used in the dry bean crop in succession of maize exclusive