19,010 research outputs found

    Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Energy Storage

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    In electricity transmission networks, energy storage systems (ESS) provide a means of upgrade deferral by smoothing supply and matching demand. We develop a mixed integer programming (MIP) extension to the transmission network expansion planning (TEP) problem that considers the installation and operation of ESS as well as additional circuits. The model is demonstrated on the well known Garver's 6-bus and IEEE 25-bus test circuits for two 24 hour operating scenarios; a short peak, and a long peak. We show optimal location and capacity of storage is sensitive not only to cost, but also variability of demand in the network

    Pastoral settlement of far south-west Queensland (1866-1900)

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    Induced subgraphs of zero-divisor graphs

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    Funding: Peter J. Cameron acknowledges the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, for support and hospitality during the programme Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives (supported by EPSRC grant no. EP/R014604/1), where he held a Simons Fellowship. For this research, T. Kavaskar was supported by the University Grant Commissions Start-Up Grant, Government of India grant No. F. 30-464/2019 (BSR) dated 27.03. T. Tamizh Chelvam was supported by CSIR Emeritus Scientist Scheme (No. 21 (1123)/20/EMR-II) of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India.The zero-divisor graph of a finite commutative ring with unity is the graph whose vertex set is the set of zero-divisors in the ring, with a and b adjacent if ab=0. We show that the class of zero-divisor graphs is universal, in the sense that every finite graph is isomorphic to an induced subgraph of a zero-divisor graph. This remains true for various restricted classes of rings, including boolean rings, products of fields, and local rings. But in more restricted classes, the zero-divisor graphs do not form a universal family. For example, the zero-divisor graph of a local ring whose maximal ideal is principal is a threshold graph; and every threshold graph is embeddable in the zero-divisor graph of such a ring. More generally, we give necessary and sufficient conditions on a non-local ring for which its zero-divisor graph to be a threshold graph. In addition, we show that there is a countable local ring whose zero-divisor graph embeds the Rado graph , and hence every finite or countable graph, as induced subgraph. Finally, we consider embeddings in related graphs such as the 2-dimensional dot product graph.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Application of a new screening model to thermonuclear reactions of the rp process

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    A new screening model for astrophysical thermonuclear reactions was derived recently which improved Salpeter's weak-screening one. In the present work we prove that the new model can also give very reliable screening enhancement factors (SEFs) when applied to the rp process. According to the results of the new model, which agree well with Mitler's SEFs, the screened rp reaction rates can be, at most, twice as fast as the unscreened ones.Comment: 8 RevTex pages + 7 ps figures. (Revised version). Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Full pf shell study of A = 47 and A = 49 nuclei

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    Complete diagonalizations in the pf major shell, lead to very good agreement with the experimental data (level schemes, transitions rates, and static moments) for the A=47 and A=49 isotopes of Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, and Mn. Gamow-Teller and M1 strength functions are calculated. The necessary monopole modifications to the realistic interactions are shown to be critically tested by the spectroscopic factors for one particle transfer from 48Ca, reproduced in detail by the calculations. The collective behaviour of 47Ti, and of the mirror pairs 47V-47Cr and 49Cr-49Mn is found to follow at low spins the particle plus rotor model. It is then analysed in terms of the approximate quasi-SU(3) symmetry, for which some new results are given.Comment: 30 Pages, RevTeX and epsf.sty, 23 figures included. Postscript version available at http://www.ft.uam.es/~gabriel/a47-49.ps.g

    Virgo cluster early-type dwarf galaxies with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IV. The color-magnitude relation

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    We present an analysis of the optical colors of 413 Virgo cluster early-type dwarf galaxies (dEs), based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging data. Our study comprises (1) a comparison of the color-magnitude relation (CMR) of the different dE subclasses that we identified in Paper III of this series, (2) a comparison of the shape of the CMR in low and high-density regions, (3) an analysis of the scatter of the CMR, and (4) an interpretation of the observed colors with ages and metallicities from population synthesis models. We find that the CMRs of nucleated (dE(N)) and non-nucleated dEs (dE(nN)) are significantly different from each other, with similar colors at fainter magnitudes (r > 17 mag), but increasingly redder colors of the dE(N)s at brighter magnitudes. We interpret this with older ages and/or higher metallicities of the brighter dE(N)s. The dEs with disk features have similar colors as the dE(N)s and seem to be only slightly younger and/or less metal-rich on average. Furthermore, we find a small but significant dependence of the CMR on local projected galaxy number density, consistently seen in all of u-r, g-r, and g-i, and weakly i-z. We deduce that a significant intrinsic color scatter of the CMR is present, even when allowing for a distance spread of our galaxies. No increase of the CMR scatter at fainter magnitudes is observed down to r = 17 mag (Mr = -14 mag). The color residuals, i.e., the offsets of the data points from the linear fit to the CMR, are clearly correlated with each other in all colors for the dE(N)s and for the full dE sample. We conclude that there must be at least two different formation channels for early-type dwarfs in order to explain the heterogeneity of this class of galaxy. (Abridged)Comment: 17 pages + 12 figures. Accepted for publication in A

    The learning experiences of health and social care paraprofessionals on a foundation degree

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    Foundation degrees have been developed in the UK as a means of meeting the learning needs of paraprofessionals in health and social care and the services within which they work in a cost-effective fashion. Workplace learning is an intrinsic component to these degrees. Taking a socio-cultural perspective, this paper examines how the students' workplaces, life circumstances and sense of career trajectory shaped their learning experience and motivation. A small-scale evaluation study, using semi-structured interviews, focused on the learning experiences of a group of paraprofessionals enrolled in a foundation degree in health and social care. Data revealed fragmented employment patterns, underpinned by consistent vocational drives. While the study resonated with vocation, participants were ambivalent or lacked information about career progression. Workplace conditions, relationships and limited time shaped learning and coping strategies. A strategic and focused approach to student learning is required and includes attention to career pathways, workforce development strategy, the requirements of a range of stakeholders, workplace supervision and support for learning

    The Luminosity Function of X-ray Selected Active Galactic Nuclei: Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes at High Redshift

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    We present a measure of the hard (2-8 keV) X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of Active Galactic Nuclei up to z~5. At high redshifts, the wide area coverage of the Chandra Multiwavength Project is crucial to detect rare and luminous (Lx > 10^44 erg s^-1) AGN. The inclusion of samples from deeper published surveys, such as the Chandra Deep Fields, allows us to span the lower Lx range of the XLF. Our sample is selected from both the hard (z 6.3x10^-16 erg cm^-2 s^-1) and soft (z > 3; f(0.5-2.0 keV) > 1.0x10^-16 erg cm^-2 s^-1) energy band detections. Within our optical magnitude limits (r',i' < 24), we achieve an adequate level of completeness (>50%) regarding X-ray source identification (i.e., redshift). We find that the luminosity function is similar to that found in previous X-ray surveys up to z~3 with an evolution dependent upon both luminosity and redshift. At z > 3, there is a significant decline in the numbers of AGN with an evolution rate similar to that found by studies of optically-selected QSOs. Based on our XLF, we assess the resolved fraction of the Cosmic X-ray Background, the cumulative mass density of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs), and the comparison of the mean accretion rate onto SMBHs and the star formation history of galaxies as a function of redshift. A coevolution scenario up to z~2 is plausible though at higher redshifts the accretion rate onto SMBHs drops more rapidly. Finally, we highlight the need for better statistics of high redshift AGN at z > 3, which is achievable with the upcoming Chandra surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 25 pages, 18 figure