911 research outputs found

    Bridge number and integral Dehn surgery

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    In a 3-manifold M, let K be a knot and R be an annulus which meets K transversely. We define the notion of the pair (R,K) being caught by a surface Q in the exterior of the link given by K and the boundary curves of R. For a caught pair (R,K), we consider the knot K^n gotten by twisting K n times along R and give a lower bound on the bridge number of K^n with respect to Heegaard splittings of M -- as a function of n, the genus of the splitting, and the catching surface Q. As a result, the bridge number of K^n tends to infinity with n. In application, we look at a family of knots K^n found by Teragaito that live in a small Seifert fiber space M and where each K^n admits a Dehn surgery giving the 3-sphere. We show that the bridge number of K^n with respect to any genus 2 Heegaard splitting of M tends to infinity with n. This contrasts with other work of the authors as well as with the conjectured picture for knots in lens spaces that admit Dehn surgeries giving the 3-sphere

    The Power of Peers: Rethinking Victim Assistance

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    Peer support is a psychological tool that can expedite recovery time and have longlasting positive results for landmine/explosive remnants of war survivors

    Teaching Economics Principles as Part of Development Studies

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    SUMMARY The article starts from the proposition that present divisions in the subject of economics, its practice and teaching, are due to the existence of fundamental irreconcilable differences, which can be characterised as alternative theories of value. Three such theories are briefly outlined; the subjective preference theory which starts from the proposition of individual utility maximisation and logically derives monetarist policy; cost of production theory which sees the complex technical interrelationships of industrial society as demanding active, detailed state intervention to regulate and coordinate; and abstract labour theory, with the tensions of class struggle finding their reflection in political activity and threatening the position of the commodity relationship as the basis of social existence under capitalism. The authors suggest that teaching economics principles would be better organised if these different theories of value were taught sequentially as internally consistent rival schools of thought. RESUME L'enseignement des principes économiques dans le cadre des études sur le développement L'article part de la proposition que les divisions actuelles dans l'étude de l'économie, sa pratique et son enseignement sont dues à l'existence de différences fondamentales irréconciliables qui peuvent être caractérisées comme des théories de valeur rivales. Trois de ces théories sont brièvement décrites; la théorie de la préférence subjective qui part de la proposition de la maximisation de l'utilité individuelle et aboutit logiquement à une politique monétaire; la théorie du coût de production qui considère que les interrelations techniques complexes de la société industrielle exigent une intervention de l'état active et détaillée pour assurer une direction et une coordination; et la théorie abstraite du travail, selon laquelle les tensions de la lutte de classe se reflètent dans l'activité politique et menacent la position du rapport des marchandises comme base de l'existence sociale sous un régime capitaliste. Les auteurs suggèrent que l'enseignement des principes économiques serait mieux organisé si ces différentes théories de valeur étaient enseignées en séquence comme étant des écoles de pensée rivales et intérieurement conséquentes. RESUMEN Enseñanza de los principios económicos como parte de los estudios de desarrollo El artículo comienza declarando que las divisiones actuales del tema de economía, su práctica y enseñanza, se deben a la existencia de diferencias fundamentales irreconciliables que se pueden caracterizar como teorías alternativas del valor. Se reseñan brevemente tres de dichas teorías: la teoría de preferencia subjetiva que comienza basándose en la maxi?mización de la utilidad individual y lógicamente deriva en la política monetarista; la teoría sobre costo de producción que contempla las complejas relaciones técnicas de la sociedad industrial como una exigencia activa y detallada en favor de la intervención estatal para la reglamentación y coordinación; y la teoría abstracta del trabajo, con las tensiones creadas por la lucha de clases que se reflejan en la actividad política y amenazan la posición de la relación entre productos básicos como la base de la existencia social bajo el capitalismo. Los autores sugieren que la enseñanza de los principios económicos podría organizarse mejor si se enseñasen estas diversas teorías del valor de manera consecutiva como escuelas rivales de ideas con consistencia interna

    DaVinci Institute 2002-2003 Lecture Series

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    Flyers for events of the 2002-2003 DaVinci Institute Lecture Series

    The Achaemenid Empire in South Asia and Recent Excavations in Akra in Northwest Pakistan

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    The impact of the Achaemenid annexation of northwestern Pakistan has remained a focus for archaeological research for more than a century. A lack of well-stratified settlements and a focus on artifacts that are not necessarily appropriate for assessing the effects of imperial control have until now obfuscated our understanding of this issue. In this article, we present the results of three seasons of excavations at Akra located in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Although research was cut short in 2001 by global events, our preliminary results indicate that the relation;;hip between urbanism, trade, and the Achaemenid annexation was considerably more complex than previously argued by scholars. Akra experienced rapid growth in settlement at the beginning of the first millennium B.C., several centuries before the Achaemenids ruled this area, and exhibited contacts with regions in both peninsular India and Central Asia during this time. When we are able to return to Pakistan, we hope to investigate further the causes of this settlement expansion and trade

    The Achaemenid Empire in South Asia and Recent Excavations in Akra in Northwest Pakistan

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    The impact of the Achaemenid annexation of northwestern Pakistan has remained a focus for archaeological research for more than a century. A lack of well-stratified settlements and a focus on artifacts that are not necessarily appropriate for assessing the effects of imperial control have until now obfuscated our understanding of this issue. In this article, we present the results of three seasons of excavations at Akra located in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Although research was cut short in 2001 by global events, our preliminary results indicate that the relation;;hip between urbanism, trade, and the Achaemenid annexation was considerably more complex than previously argued by scholars. Akra experienced rapid growth in settlement at the beginning of the first millennium B.C., several centuries before the Achaemenids ruled this area, and exhibited contacts with regions in both peninsular India and Central Asia during this time. When we are able to return to Pakistan, we hope to investigate further the causes of this settlement expansion and trade

    A Typology of Reasoning in Deliberative Processes: A Study of the 2010 Oregon Citizens’ Initiative Review

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    Deliberative democracy processes encourage people to engage in thoughtful analysis and well-reasoned discussion about a public issue. Though scholarship examining deliberative forums has expanded greatly in recent years, there is still much to learn about information processing in deliberation – more specifically, how citizens express different forms of reasoning, and how they voice disagreement with their fellow participants. To more closely examine these two areas, we conducted a qualitative thematic analysis of transcripts from a notable deliberative forum, the Citizens’ Initiative Review (CIR), with a focus on the 2010 Oregon CIR forum on medical marijuana legalization. We used this analysis to develop a typology of different forms of reasoning expressed in deliberation: inductive, deductive, causal, analogical, expressing uncertainty, and questioning. In addition, we identified four primary forms of voicing disagreement in deliberation: questioning, repackaging, agreeing-to-disagree, and discrediting others. We conclude by exploring the implications of this analysis for deliberation scholarship and practice, and suggesting future areas of research that could further explore reasoning and disagreement in deliberative democracy

    Rigorous Real-Time Feynman Path Integral for Vector Potentials

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    we will show the existence and uniqueness of a real-time, time-sliced Feynman path integral for quantum systems with vector potential. Our formulation of the path integral will be derived on the L2L^2 transition probability amplitude via improper Riemann integrals. Our formulation will hold for vector potential Hamiltonian for which its potential and vector potential each carries at most a finite number of singularities and discontinuities

    Functional dairy protein supplements for elite athletes

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    Elite athletes require a greater dietary protein intake than recreationally active people to maintain optimal muscular function. The timing of protein ingestion relative to exercise is critical to maximizing its physiological impact on skeletal muscles. Sports protein supplements provide a convenient means of supplying athletes with an adequate and timely source of quality dietary protein. There is now strong evidence that not all dietary proteins are equipotent in their effects on various aspects of athletic performance and specific protein isolates can provide benefits to athletes beyond simple supply of nutritional amino acids. Thus, there is an opportunity to develop new functional protein supplements to maximize athletic performance. This paper outlines the clinical evidence for the benefits of dairy proteins in sports performance and describes the development of new dairy protein supplements to build muscle strength, and to expedite recovery of strength following muscle-damaging eccentric exercise.<br /