7 research outputs found

    Évaluation d'une intervention par conférence web à l'intention d'aidantes d'un proche atteint de démence

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    L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé estime que 76 millions d’individus seront atteints d’un trouble neurocognitif majeur (TNM) d’ici 2030. Dans la plupart des cas, des proches aidants offriront un soutien à ces individus. Ce soutien ira en croissant au fur et à mesure que la maladie progressera,souvent au détriment du bien-être du proche aidant. Il existe un besoin grandissant pour des interventions efficaces et accessibles visant une réduction de la détresse parmi les proches aidants des personnes vivant avec un TNM. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer l’efficacité et l’acceptabilité d’une intervention par conférence web à l’intention de proches aidants d’une personne atteinte d’un TNM. L’intervention offerte se déroule en groupe de 4 ou 5 personnes et a lieu une fois par semaine pendant 13 semaines. Les participants sont encouragés à développer et à utiliser des stratégies de régulation émotionnelle afin de diminuer leur détresse psychologique. L’objectif ultime d’un tel programme est de promouvoir des stratégies d’adaptation saines et une gestion du stress adapté chez les proches aidants, leur permettant ainsi de continuer à s’occuper de leurs proches sans mettre en péril leur propre santé. L’introduction présente une mise à jour de la documentation actuelle portant sur les impacts du rôle de proche aidant. Elle examine ensuite les programmes d’intervention mis en place pour remédier aux conséquences négatives de la prise en charge. Ensuite, les connaissances actuelles sur les interventions offertes par Internet sont présentées et une recension des études proposant des interventions pour les proches aidants par Internet est menée. Le chapitre 1 documente l’implantation et l’acceptabilité de cette intervention offerte par conférence web. Les résultats démontrent que la majorité des participantes étaient à l’aise avec l’utilisation de la conférence web comme mode de communication et qu’elles ont apprécié la participation à distance. Ces résultats sont corroborés par un taux de participation élevé. Au chapitre 2, l’efficacité de l’intervention de groupe par conférence web à l’étude est évaluée. Les résultats obtenus auprès des 23 participantes ayant complété l’étude suggèrent qu’à la suite de l’intervention, elles perçoivent moins de problèmes de comportement chez leur proche et qu’elles sont moins réactives lorsqu’elles sont confrontées à ces comportements. De plus, une diminution de la perception des aspects négatifs de la prise en charge est identifiée. Une augmentation de l’utilisation de la réévaluation positive, une stratégie de la régulation des émotions adaptées, est également notée. Enfin, la dernière section présente une discussion globale des résultats obtenus et explore leurs implications méthodologiques et cliniques.The World Health Organisation estimates that 76 million individuals will be living with a major neurocognitive disorder by 2030. In most cases, family caregivers will offer ever-increasing support to their loved ones as the disease progresses, often at the expense on their own wellbeing. There is a growing need for efficacious and accessible interventions aimed at decreasing the high rates of distress among family caregivers of individuals living with a major neurocognitive disorder. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of a web-conference based group intervention for these family caregivers. The intervention is offered in groups of 4 or 5 people and takes place once a week for 13 weeks. They are encouraged to develop and use emotional regulation strategies in order to diminish their psychological distress. The ultimate objective of such a program is to promote healthy coping strategies and stress management among caregivers, thus allowing them to continue caring for their loved ones. The introduction presents an update of the current literature on the impacts of the caregiving role. It then explores intervention programs that have been put into place to address these negative consequences of caregiving. Afterwards, the current knowledge on Internet-based interventions is presented and a review of studies that offer Internet-based interventions to family caregivers is conducted. Chapter 1 documents the implementation and acceptability of this web-conference based intervention. Results indicate that the majority of participants were comfortable using webconferences as a mode of communication and appreciated being able to participate from home. These findings are supported by a high participation rate. In Chapter 2, the effectiveness of the group intervention under study is evaluated. Results obtained from the 23 participants who completed the study suggest caregivers report fewer problem behaviours and are less reactive when confronted with these behaviours following the intervention. Furthermore, they perceive fewer negative aspects of the caregiving role. An increase in the use of positive revaluation as an emotion regulation strategy is also shown. Finally, the last chapter presents a global discussion of the results obtained and explores their methodological and clinical implications

    Genetic Interactions between Chromosomes 11 and 18 Contribute to Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Mice

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    We used two-dimensional quantitative trait locus analysis to identify interacting genetic loci that contribute to the native airway constrictor hyperresponsiveness to methacholine that characterizes A/J mice, relative to C57BL/6J mice. We quantified airway responsiveness to intravenous methacholine boluses in eighty-eight (C57BL/6J X A/J) F2 and twenty-seven (A/J X C57BL/6J) F2 mice as well as ten A/J mice and six C57BL/6J mice; all studies were performed in male mice. Mice were genotyped at 384 SNP markers, and from these data two-QTL analyses disclosed one pair of interacting loci on chromosomes 11 and 18; the homozygous A/J genotype at each locus constituted the genetic interaction linked to the hyperresponsive A/J phenotype. Bioinformatic network analysis of potential interactions among proteins encoded by genes in the linked regions disclosed two high priority subnetworks - Myl7, Rock1, Limk2; and Npc1, Npc1l1. Evidence in the literature supports the possibility that either or both networks could contribute to the regulation of airway constrictor responsiveness. Together, these results should stimulate evaluation of the genetic contribution of these networks in the regulation of airway responsiveness in humans

    Development and feasibility of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy for fear of cancer recurrence

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    This paper describes the development, content, and preliminary results of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for fear of cancer recurrence (FCR). A manualized CBT intervention was developed and offered to 38 patients with various cancer types and stages in two hospitals. Four weekly group CBT sessions were administered by two licensed psychologists as part of routine care. Patients completed self-report scales before the first treatment session and, a second time, 1 month after the last session. Overall, 33 patients had clinical levels of FCR at baseline. The participants’ satisfaction toward the group CBT for FCR was high. Significant reductions on the total score and most subscales of the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory (FCRI) were observed, as well as significant improvements on most of the other psychological variables measured (i.e., insomnia, anxiety, depression, dysfunctional beliefs about cancer, and intolerance of uncertainty). In addition, 52% of the patients with clinical levels of FCR (FCRI-severity subscale score ≥ 13) at baseline no longer reached this clinical threshold at posttreatment. These preliminary results suggest that our group CBT for FCR is well accepted and feasible, and shows promising efficacy for decreasing FCR and improving other psychological variables among cancer patients. The next step is to investigate the efficacy of this minimal intervention in larger and controlled clinical trials, as well as its usefulness as part of a stepped care approach. This low-cost intervention is easy to implement in various clinical settings and has a strong potential to help large numbers of patients with FCR

    AllerGen’s 8th research conference

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    AllerGen’s 8th research conference

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    AllerGen’s 8th research conference

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