278 research outputs found

    Descripcions i notícies del gabinet Salvador en llibres de viatges, guies i altres documents impresos (1713-1895)

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    Between the beginning of the 18th century and the mid-19th century the Salvador cabinet was a must for all those interested in natural history or simply curious people or scholars who passed through the city of Barcelona. Not all of these visitors have left written testimony of its passage by the cabinet, nor even less printed testimony, but the half a hundred of notices, descriptions or opinions that we have been able to locate cover virtually the whole of this period (even exceed it) and constitute a valuable witness to the transformations of the cabinet along time and of the evolution in the appraisal of the cabinet and its contents by the successive visitors. An Appendix includes texts and bibliographic references of this notices, descriptions or opinions about the Salvador cabinet.Entre comienzos del siglo XVIII y mediados del siglo XIX el gabinete de los Salvador era de visita obligada para cuantos interesados por la historia natural o simplemente curiosos o eruditos que pasaban por la ciudad de Barcelona. No todos aquellos visitantes han dejado testimonio escrito de su paso por el gabinete, ni menos aún testimonio publicado, pero el medio centenar de noticias, descripciones o juicios que hemos podido localizar cubren prácticamente la totalidad de este período (incluso lo superan) y constituyen un valioso testimonio de las transformaciones del gabinete y de la evolución en la valoración de éste y de su contenido por parte de los sucesivos visitantes. En el apéndice se incluyen los textos y las referencias de estas noticias, descripciones y juicios acerca del gabinete Salvador. [ca] Entre començaments del segle XVIII i mitjan segle XIX el gabinet dels Salvador va ser de visita obligada per a tots els interessats per la història natural o simplement curiosos o erudits que passaven per la ciutat de Barcelona. No tots aquells visitants han deixat testimoni escrit del seu pas pel gabinet ni encara menys testimoni imprès però el mig centenar de notícies, descripcions o judicis que hem pogut localitzar cobreixen pràcticament la totalitat d’aquest període (fins i tot l’ultrapassen) i constitueixen un valuós testimoni de les transformacions del gabinet i de l’evolució en la valoració del gabinet mateix i del seu contingut per part dels successius visitants. En l’apèndix s’inclouen els textos i les referències d’aquestes notícies, descripcions i judicis sobre el gabinet Salvador

    Mapping temporally-variable exposure to flooding in small Mediterranean basins using land-use indicators

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    This article deals with mapping exposure (or external vulnerability) to flood risk in two typical Mediterranean ephemeral streams: the Barranco de Carraixet and the Rambla de Poyo. The floodplains of both streams are within the metropolitan area of the city of Valencia (Spain"s third largest city). Following the Mediterranean model, they are very fertile areas (with intense periurban and highly productive agriculture) which have recently absorbed the great urban expansion of the metropolis. Hydrologically these basins remain dry for most of the year, but become particularly dangerous during flash-flood events. They generate a risk pattern highly dependent on exposure since, in general, the hazard factor is very difficult to map, given the unpredictable nature of flash-floods. This work constitutes a proof of concept based on simple estimators obtained from land uses. External vulnerability or exposure is evaluated as a function of economic land value and human exposure to hazard. Land value is directly taken from the cadastre whilst human exposure is indirectly estimated from the location of population in relation to timeeactivity profiles. The temporal dimension is introduced and three exposure scenarios have been mapped, related to different time periods: working days, nights, weekends and holidays. The results show different patterns of exposure for each plain. In Carraixet floodplain exposure is greater at night and on weekends and holidays than during working hours, on account of the dominant agricultural and residential land uses. In the Poyo plain there are no major contrasts in absolute terms between day and night time, although spatial patterns of exposure vary from day to night: during the day, exposure is higher in industrial and commercial areas (around communication routes) whilst at night residential areas show more exposure

    1,3,5-Triazines with aromatic amino acids: Exploring their potential as lectin mimetics

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    VII Escuela de verano de la SEQT, Sociedad Española de Química Terapeútica, Barcelona, 19-21 Julio, 202

    La acústica submarina y su desarrollo desde la creación del Instituto de Acústica

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    PACS: 43.30.Xm; 43.30.Yj; 43.30.Vh; 43.30.Nb; 43.30.Ma.-- Publicado en el Vol. XXXI, núm. 3-4, tercer y cuarto trimestre 2000 de la Revista de Acústica: Número especial dedicado al XXV Aniversario del Instituto de Acústica del C.S.I.C.[ES] La Acústica Submarina fue una de las líneas de la Acústica que se desarrollan en el Instituto desde los primeros tiempos. Este trabajo describe como se inició, cómo se desarrolló y el estado actual de este campo.[EN] Underwater Acoustics was one line of Acoustics first developped at the Instituto de Acústica. This paper presents a description of the activities in the underwater field, done since 1969, when the Underwater Tank was installed, up to the present times.Peer reviewe

    Organic synthesis in a modular robotic system driven by a chemical programming language

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    The synthesis of complex organic compounds is largely a manual process that is often incompletely documented. To address these shortcomings, we developed an abstraction that maps commonly reported methodological instructions into discrete steps amenable to automation. These unit operations were implemented in a modular robotic platform using a chemical programming language which formalizes and controls the assembly of the molecules. We validated the concept by directing the automated system to synthesize three pharmaceutical compounds, Nytol, rufinamide, and sildenafil, without any human intervention. Yields and purities of products and intermediates were comparable to or better than those achieved manually. The syntheses are captured as digital code that can be published, versioned, and transferred flexibly between platforms with no modification, thereby greatly enhancing reproducibility and reliable access to complex molecules

    Burden of intracranial artery calcification in white patients with ischemic stroke

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    Introduction: The diagnostic workup of stroke doesn’t identify an underlying cause in two-fifths of ischemic strokes. Intracranial arteriosclerosis is acknowledged as a cause of stroke in Asian and Black populations, but is underappreciated as such in whites. We explored the burden of Intracranial Artery Calcification (IAC), a marker of intracranial arteriosclerosis, as a potential cause of stroke among white patients with recent ischemic stroke or TIA. Patients and methods: Between December 2005 and October 2010, 943 patients (mean age 63.8 (SD ± 14.0) years, 47.9% female) were recruited, of whom 561 had ischemic stroke and 382 a TIA. CT-angiography was conducted according to stroke analysis protocols. The burden of IAC was quantified on these images, whereafter we assessed the presence of IAC per TOAST etiology underlying the stroke and assessed associations between IAC burden, symptom severity, and short-term functional outcome. Results: IAC was present in 62.4% of patients. Furthermore, IAC was seen in 84.8% of atherosclerotic strokes, and also in the majority of strokes with an undetermined etiology (58.5%). Additionally, patients with larger IAC burden presented with heavier symptoms (adjusted OR 1.56 (95% CI [1.06–2.29]), but there was no difference in short-term functional outcome (1.14 [0.80–1.61]). Conclusion: IAC is seen in the majority of white ischemic stroke patients, aligning with findings from patient studies in other ethnicities. Furthermore, over half of patients with a stroke of undetermined etiology presented with IAC. Assessing IAC burden may help identify the cause in ischemic stroke of undetermined etiology, and could offer important prognostic information.</p

    Nested star-shaped objects segmentation using diameter annotations

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    Most current deep learning based approaches for image segmentation require annotations of large datasets, which limits their application in clinical practice. We observe a mismatch between the voxelwise ground-truth that is required to optimize an objective at a voxel level and the commonly used, less time-consuming clinical annotations seeking to characterize the most important information about the patient (diameters, counts, etc.). In this study, we propose to bridge this gap for the case of multiple nested star-shaped objects (e.g., a blood vessel lumen and its outer wall) by optimizing a deep learning model based on diameter annotations. This is achieved by extracting in a differentiable manner the boundary points of the objects at training time, and by using this extraction during the backpropagation. We evaluate the proposed approach on segmentation of the carotid artery lumen and wall from multisequence MR images, thus reducing the annotation burden to only four annotated landmarks required to measure the diameters in the direction of the vessel's maximum narrowing. Our experiments show that training based on diameter annotations produces state-of-the-art weakly supervised segmentations and performs reasonably compared to full supervision. We made our code publicly available at https://gitlab.com/radiology/aim/carotid-artery-image-analysis/nested-star-shaped-objects