835 research outputs found

    Los elementos traza (Mg, Sr, Ha, Fe, Mn) en carbonatos: ambiente genético del Karst del techo de la unidad intermedia de la Cuenca neógena de Madrid.

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    Este trabajo trata de caracterizar geoquímicamente el karst del techo de la U. Intermedia del Mioceno en las partes centrales de la Cuenca de Madrid. Para ello se han estudiado una serie de elementos traza (Mg, Sr, Na, Fe y Mn) mediante fluorescencia de rayos X. En base a este estudio se han distinguido dos tipos de procesos: De reemplazamiento y/o recristalización, que implican la litificación y homogeneización química de un sedimento calcítico-dolomítico; y procesos de precipitación química de espeleotemas en función de su contenido en Sr, asignando un probable origen aragonítico a los de mayor contenido en Sr

    TCP performance enhancement over wireless mesh networks by means of the combination of multi-RAT devices and the MPTCP protocol

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    The last trends at communications realms, in particular, wireless technologies, where it is more and more usual that devices carry more than one interface (i.e. multi-RAT, Radio Access Technology), to get access to the Internet, question the classic single-path paradigm, imposed by the mainstream transport protocol, TCP. In this work we assess the behavior of Multipath TCP (MPTCP), which allows the transparent breakdown of a single TCP session into multiple simultaneous subflows. This straightforward feature might lead to remarkable performance enhancements, yielding as well a stronger resilience against failures within any of the routes. Moreover, we evaluate three different routing algorithms (link, node and zone disjoint) that aim to discover the optimal route configuration of disjoint paths over a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN), exploiting the possibilities arisen by this brand new protocol. We use the obtained results to evaluate, by means of simulation, the behavior of the MPTCP protocol, showing that the aggregated performance is significatively higher than that of achieved by the traditional single-path and single-flow TCP.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish government for its funding in the project “Connectivity as a Service: Access for the Internet of the Future”, COSAIF (TEC2012-38574-C02-01)

    The rotavirus vaccine landscape, an update

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    Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe acute childhood gastroenteritis, responsible for more than 128,500 deaths per year, mainly in low-income countries. Although the mortality rate has dropped significantly since the introduction of the first vaccines around 2006, an estimated 83,158 deaths are still preventable. The two main vaccines currently deployed, Rotarix and RotaTeq, both live oral vaccines, have been shown to be less effective in developing countries. In addition, they have been associated with a slight risk of intussusception, and the need for cold chain maintenance limits the accessibility of these vaccines to certain areas, leaving 65% of children worldwide unvaccinated and therefore unprotected. Against this backdrop, here we review the main vaccines under development and the state of the art on potential alternatives

    Bullying in Primary and Secondary school in the view of University Students

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    Bullying is one of the most serious problems that education has, and one of the most serious problems of the educational system in this day and age. It affects almost all students, with them either being a bully, a victim of bullying, or a bystander. But it also has an important effect on the teaching staff, the schools themselves, and the educational system. For this research, we asked first- and second-year university students about their perception of bullying in their stages as students of primary and secondary education. To do this, we evaluated 654 university students: 195 men (29.82%) and 459 women (70.18%). These students were from eight different departments at the University of Zaragoza. The age of the participants ranged from 18 to 27 years, with an average of 22.54 years (s.d. = .292). The results showed that men tend to be bullies to a greater extent than women, and no relationship was found between gender and being a victim of bullying. In addition, it was found that nearly two out of every three students have experienced bullying during these stages of education and that almost all students (nine out of ten) have seen episodes of bullying. As a conclusion, we must point out the need for further studies and research work to discuss and analyze the phenomenon of bullying – a phenomenon that affects both students and our educational system

    High LDL levels are associated with increased lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) activity on nitric oxide synthesis and reactive oxygen species formation in human endothelial cells

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    Objective: To evaluate in vitro the effects of serum and LDL fractions isolated from hypercholesterolemic patients on nitric oxide (NO) synthesis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Design and methods: Serum and LDL isolated from subjects with high (n=18) and normal (n=21) LDL-cholesterol levels were analyzed on NO synthesis and ROS production in vitro models of HUVECs. LDL was furthers characterized in their chemical composition and activities of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) (Lp-PLA(2)), cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) and paraoxonase. Results: NO bioavailability was significantly lower and ROS production higher in HUVECs incubated with serum samples from patients with high LDL-cholesterol levels in comparison to control subjects. Moreover, hypercholesterolemic patients presented higher CETP and Lp-PLA(2) activities than control subjects. LDL fractions isolated from patients and controls were not different in their chemical composition, Lp-PLA(2) activity, and their capacity to reduce NO synthesis and increase ROS production. Conclusion: Alterations of serum from hypercholesterolemic patients could be due to the increment in LDL concentration, main Lp-PLA(2) carrier, and not to LDL composition or intrinsic Lp-PLA(2) activity

    Causas internas del éxito internacional: de la heterogeneidad de los recursos a la construcción de capacidades organizativas

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    Nuestro estudio tiene por objeto comprobar si las dotaciones heterogéneas de recursos de las empresas son causa suficiente para explicar los diferentes resultados exportadores de las empresas, tal como propone la teoría de recursos y capacidades. Partiendo de las aportaciones de la literatura en recursos y capacidades se diseñan dos espacios multidimensionales para situar a las empresas en el espacio recursos y en el espacio resultado exportador. Cada uno de los espacios está constituido por una serie de ítems que han sido ampliamente considerados y validados en la literatura como puntos relevantes para determinar el compromiso exportador, 53 en el caso de los recursos y 5 en el del compromiso exportador. Posteriormente, tras comprobar la ortonormalidad de los ítems en cada uno de los espacios, se sitúa a las empresas en el espacio definido por sus recursos, y se mide la distancia euclídea existente entre ellas. De modo similar se calcula la distancia existente entre las empresas, en función de los componentes de sus resultados exportadores. Para obtener los datos del estudio se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a los gerentes de siete empresas del sector del mueble riojano, con el fin determinar la fuente interna de las diferencias en los resultados empresariales, y más concretamente en exportación. Los resultados del estudio muestran que la heterogeneidad en las dotaciones de recursos no explica de forma suficiente las diferencias en los resultados exportadores, ya que no existe una alta correlación de las distancias entre las empresas en ambos espacios. Como aportación final se plantea un mapa de actividad que representa las capacidades organizativas complejas desarrolladas por la empresa de la muestra que ha obtenido mayor éxito exportador. Las capacidades son estudiadas por la complejidad que genera el conjunto de relaciones que se establecen entre los recursos que la integran. Este análisis permite concluir que no son los recursos los que hacen diferentes los resultados exportadores, sino que son las capacidades organizativas distintivas, complejas y particulares que se desarrollan dentro de cada empresa, las que las hacen diferentes a ellas y a sus resultados empresariales.Our paper try to prove if heterogeneity in resources among firms is enough to explain differences in export performance, as Resources Based-View proposes (RBV). Starting from RBV literature’s contribution, two multidimensional spaces are designed to place each firm in the resources-space and in the export performance-space. Each space is made up of a group of items that have been considered and validated in literature as relevant to determine export performance, 53 for resources and 5 for export performance. Then, after to confirm if every item of each space is orthonormal, each firm is placed in the space defined by its resources and the Euclidean distance between them is calculated. In the same way, the distance among firms according to the components of export performance is calculated. The data of the study were obtained through in-depth interviews, made to the managers of seven firms of the furniture industry in La Rioja. The objective was to establish the internal source of differences in results, specifically in export. The results of the study show that heterogeneity in resources does not explain adequately the differences in export performance, because it does not exist a high correlation in distance between firms in both spaces. As a final contribution it is shown an activity map that represents the complex organizational capabilities developed by the firm that has obtained the greatest success among the seven studied. These capabilities are studied due to the complexity generated by the group of relations that make it up. This analysis let us to conclude that resources do not make export performance different, but the distinctive organizational capabilities, complex and particular, that are developed inside firms and that make them different and also their performance

    Water binding to the atmospheric oxidation product methyl vinyl ketone

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    Producción CientíficaMethyl vinyl ketone is one of the major oxidation products of isoprene, and therefore, an important precursor of secondary organic aerosol. Understanding its interactions with water is relevant to gain insight into aerosol formation and improve the predictive power of atmospheric chemistry models. The molecular complex formed between methyl vinyl ketone and water has been generated in a supersonic jet and characterized using high-resolution microwave spectroscopy in combination with quantum chemistry calculations. In this study, we show that methyl vinyl ketone interacts with water forming four 1:1 isomers connected by O − H···O and C − H···O hydrogen bond interactions. Water has been found to preferentially bind to the antiperiplanar conformation of methyl vinyl ketone. Evidence of a large amplitude motion arising from the methyl internal rotation has been found in the rotational spectra of the dimer. The threefold methyl internal rotation barrier heights have been further determined and discussed for all the species.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grants PID2020-117925GA-I00 and PGC2018-098561-B-C22

    Nuestra experiencia con un sistema de evaluación por objetivos de las prácticas de patología y terapéutica dental

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    Con el objeto de facilitar al alumno el aprendizaje práctico de la Operatoria y la Endodoncia, y que éste sea más fáclimente objetivable por los profesores, en el Master en Odontología Conservadora del departamento de Odontología Conservadora de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid se ha reestructurado el programa de prácticas preclínicas para los alumnos de tercer curso de la Licenciatura en Odontología. Para cada una de ellas han sido diseñados y definidos unos objetivos a alcanzar, como medio más homogéneo para que los alumnos sean evaluados de la manera más objetiva por diferentes personas. La evaluación de cada una de las prácticas se basa en la recogida del número de objetivos alcanzados por el alumno respecto de los totales propuestos, mediante unos cuadros de calificación idénticos para cada profesor. Este sistema presenta como principales ventajas el que permite unificar los criterios de evaluación, posibilita contrastar grupos de alumnos, permite el intercambio de profesores, minimiza los errores de calificación y permite así mismo variar las condiciones de la evaluación modificando el porcentaje de objetivos a alcanzar en que se fija el aprobado. // In order to make easier the Operatory and Endodontic practical activities to students and ease the learning/teaching process, the practical evaluation system of Dental Pathology and Therapeutics has been redesigned as an activity of the Master Program of the Conservative Department of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The program was carried out during the preclinic laboratory activities of the third year students of the Licenciature in Odontology. For each practice a number of objectives to achive was defined. The evaluation of each practice was done comparing the number of objectives achieved respect to the whole. Each teacher had an identical calification chart. The advantages of this system are: the unification of the evaluation criteria, the possibility of comparing diferent groups of students, the deacreasing of qualification errors and the easing of the interchange of teachers. Evaluation conditions could be changed as well, modifiying the percentage of objectives that have to be achieved to graduate

    Dysautonomia Differentially Influences the Effect of Affective Pain Perception on Quality of Life in Parkinson’s Disease Patients

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    [EN] Background. Our aim was to evaluate the real effect of dysautonomic symptoms on the influence of affective pain perception on quality of life in PD patients. Methods. An observational cross-sectional study was carried out using 105 Parkinson's disease (PD) patients of the Movement Disorders Unit, Hospital de Cruces (Bilbao, Spain) [men 59 (56.2%), women 46 (43.85%)]. Statistical analysis was made in order to evaluate the possible association of pain with life quality. Results. Quality of life measured by PDQ-39 (Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire for quality of life) was statistically associated with affective dimension of pain (PRIA, affective pain rating index). However, the influence of this dimension on PDQ-39 was different in the specific case of PD patients that experimented a high score (>12) in SCOPA-AUT (Scale for Outcomes in PD-Autonomic scale). Conclusions. These results confirm the effect of affective perception of pain in life quality of PD patients, indicating the critical role of autonomic symptoms in the modulation of the influence of pain on quality of life and showing the possible utility of dysautonomia as clinical prognostic indicator of quality of life in PD patients affected by painS