265 research outputs found

    Evolución Organizacional del IFP de la UOyEP para el Sector Plástico de la Industria: Respuestas Pertinentes a Demandas Innovadoras

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    El propósito del trabajo es describir la gestión de la innovación del Instituto de Formación Profesional (IFP) para la industria plástica de la UOyEP, para proveer de respuestas pertinentes a la creciente demanda de formación y capacitación del sector productivo de esta industria. Esta actividad educativa se inició con la asistencia técnica recíproca entre la UTN-FRA y la UOyEP. La UOyEP, Mediante un diagnóstico previo sobre el estado situacional y contextual, logró acceder a un plan de mejoras provisto por el Banco Mundial y administrado por el MTEySS, cuyo objetivo estuvo dirigido, en primera instancia, a la reorganización de la gestión institucional, para luego afianzar y expandir las actividades educativas desarrolladas tanto, en su sede central como en las distintas delegaciones regionales ubicadas en distintas las provincias. A lo largo del desarrollo de esta investigación se da cuenta de las tres etapas que constituyen dicho proceso. En la primera etapa se enfatizó sobre las acciones que han tenido lugar en la sede central del IFP, sita en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. En el nuevo orden institucional se avanzó en la certificación de la calidad de la oferta educativa, con los nuevos formatos de la documentación para la administración de la educación y la construcción de los manuales de procedimientos para luego implementar las mejoras que fue necesario realizar sobre la organización sobre la base de ciertas acciones y estrategias de modo de propender Finalmente diseñar las estrategias y el manual de calidad. Por este motivo, se implementaron correcciones, en un primer momento, en el personal propio, fortaleciendo el trabajo interno. Por último se describe cómo se logró la certificación de la calidad educativa en la mencionada sede y se ha instituido del manual de calidad. Se trata de una investigación de carácter descriptivo, que responde a la metodología mixta (cuali-cuantitativa). En este sentido, no sólo se da cuenta del proceso de reconversión institucional sino también se explicitan los resultados alcanzados

    La pertinencia de la capacitación en el sector productivo. Análisis y resultados de la implementación del curso “Tecnología de los materiales Plásticos” (convenio UTN-FRAy la UOyEP)

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    El trabajo tiene por objeto describir la incumbencia de la vinculación entre la UTN-FRA y la UOyEP, en el marco de las relaciones entre universidad y empresa. Esta vinculación nació en el año 2002 y representa un ejemplo contundente sobre cómo desde los diferentes ámbitos –académicos, sindicales, industriales y empresariales– se pueden ejecutar políticas tendientes a la capacitación y a la especialización de los recursos necesarios para cumplimentar los requerimientos productivos de los distintos sectores. A estos fines, se hará un recorrido cronológico que dé cuenta de dichas relaciones, tomando como punto de referencia tanto a los indicadores internos como a los externos. En el primer caso se considerarán la cantidad de alumnos matriculados y egresados por año, desde el inicio de la institución. Los altibajos en la matrícula, las deserciones y los egresos servirán para interpretar las inflexiones del contexto en este ámbito. En el segundo caso se tomarán en consideración los siguientes factores: las fluctuaciones de la industria y las nuevas condiciones generadas por la crisis económica mundial del año 2008; las trabas a la capacitación de los obreros y por último, las políticas educativas que apuntan a fortalecer los vínculos generados por este tipo de instituciones

    1983 Ruby Yearbook

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    A digitized copy of the 1983 Ruby, the Ursinus College yearbook.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/ruby/1086/thumbnail.jp

    Treatment volume of aedes albopictus with X rays generated from electrons

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    Irradiation is a common method used for sterilizing objects in several fields. In the entomology sector, insects are sterilized through irradiation and released in to the wild to sexually compete with the population at large reducing the chance for reproduction. This practice is the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Traditionally irradiation sources for SIT purpose are radioisotopes but many reasons compelled to getting efforts to develop other radiative technologies. Since gamma rays and electrons have similar sterilizing effects, the choice of source for SIT irradiation is based on considerations about penetration and environmental factors. Gamma irradiators are usually simpler to operate, and less expensive, than electron accelerators, at least within the range of power required for SIT applications. Currently, the increased difficulties to manage and ship radioisotopes is being successfully resolved by the introduction of novel X-ray irradiators that enable a safer use of irradiator machines and procedures for SIT applications. In the ENEA Frascati research center we developed irradiators for clinical radiotherapy consisting in a radiation converter from electrons to X-rays. Since X-rays penetrate deeper than the electrons from which they are generated, we used this technology in a configuration that delivers a uniform dose on large targets to irradiate insects for SIT aim. In this topic, we gained practical experience working with Aedes albopictus, a mosquito vector of various tropical diseases such as dengue and zika. Several dosimetric studies have been conducted to achieve male sterility without affecting male mating competitiveness in comparison with untreated males. Lower doses have been also tested on an Ae. albopictus strain modified with the bacterium Wolbachia, which also determines male sterility, to sterilize the females eventually escaping the sexing procedures preliminary to the releases of the males

    Lung regions differently modulate bronchial branching development and extracellular matrix plays a role in regulating the development of chick embryo whole lung.

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    Normal branching development is dependent on the correlation between cells and extracellular matrix. In this interaction glycosaminoglycans, cytokines and growth factors play a fundamental role. In order to verify the distribution and influence of extracellular matrix and related enzymes on chick embryo lung development, 6 day-old whole lungs were maintained in vitro with testicular hyaluronidase, beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase and chondrotinase ABC or in linkage with apical, medial and caudal lung regions of 6-day development before and after enzyme treatment. In a separate lung region beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase and hyaluronidase were determined. Our data show that the whole lung cultures increase bronchial branching development when the medial region is admixed separately, while the separate apical or caudal regions or apical combined with caudal region do not affect bronchial branching development. The enzyme treatment of medial region prevents the branching development in associated whole lung. The bronchial branching development of whole lung cultured in medium containing the enzymes related to glycosaminoglycans turnover is significantly altered. In conclusion, these data show that the different influence of separate apical, medial, caudal lung regions on bronchial branching development is related to the extracellular matrix composition

    IDO Mediates TLR9-Driven Protection from Experimental Autoimmune Diabetes

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    Abstract Originally predicated on the recognition of an increasing prevalence of allergy, the hygiene hypothesis was later found to accommodate the contrasting epidemiologic trends in developed countries for infectious vs autoimmune diseases. Experimentally, reduced exposure to infections will increase the risk of disease in several models of experimental autoimmunity. Although TLRs were initially considered as stimulatory molecules capable of activating early defense mechanisms against invading pathogens, emerging data suggest that they can also exert a regulatory function. In the present study, we evaluated whether TLR3 and TLR9, recognizing microbial dsDNA and CpG-containing DNA sequences, respectively, play a role in the protection from experimental autoimmune diabetes induced in C57BL/6 mice by streptozotocin. In wild-type animals, the disease was accompanied by up-regulation of IDO in pancreatic lymph nodes and would be greatly exacerbated by in vivo administration of an IDO inhibitor. Conversely, administration of a CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotide greatly attenuated the disease in an IDO-dependent fashion. TLR9-, but not TLR3-deficient mice developed a more robust disease, an event accompanied by lack of IDO induction in pancreatic lymph nodes. Thus, our data suggest that the TLR9-IDO axis may represent a valuable target in the prevention/therapy of type 1 diabetes

    Etiology and management of pediatric intestinal failure: Focus on the non-digestive causes

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    Background: Intestinal failure (IF) is defined as reduction in functioning gut mass below the minimal amount necessary for adequate digestion and absorption. In most cases, IF results from intrinsic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (digestive IF) (DIF); few cases arise from digestive vascular components, gut annexed (liver and pancreas) and extra-digestive organs or from systemic diseases (non-digestive IF) (NDIF). The present review revised etiology and treatments of DIF and NDIF, with special focus on the pathophysiological mechanisms, whereby NDIF develops. Methods: We performed a comprehensive search of published literature from January 2010 to the present by selecting the following search strings: “intestinal failure” OR “home parenteral nutrition” OR “short bowel syndrome” OR “chronic pseudo-obstruction” OR “chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction” OR “autoimmune enteropathy” OR “long-term parenteral nutrition”. Results: We collected overall 1656 patients with well-documented etiology of IF: 1419 with DIF (86%) and 237 with NDIF (14%), 55% males and 45% females. Among DIF cases, 66% had SBS and among NDIF cases 90% had malabsorption/maldigestion. Conclusions: The improved availability of diagnostic and therapeutic tools has increased prevalence and life expectancy of rare and severe diseases responsible for IF. The present review greatly expands the spectrum of knowledge on the pathophysiological mechanisms through which the diseases not strictly affecting the intestine can cause IF. In view of the rarity of the majority of pediatric IF diseases, the development of IF Registries is strongly required; in fact, through information flow within the network, the Registries could improve IF knowledge and management

    Acceleration of Functional Maturation and Differentiation of Neonatal Porcine Islet Cell Monolayers Shortly In Vitro Cocultured with Microencapsulated Sertoli Cells

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    The limited availability of cadaveric human donor pancreata as well as the incomplete success of the Edmonton protocol for human islet allografts fasten search for new sources of insulin the producing cells for substitution cell therapy of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Starting from isolated neonatal porcine pancreatic islets (NPIs), we have obtained cell monolayers that were exposed to microencapsulated monolayered Sertoli cells (ESCs) for different time periods (7, 14, 21 days). To assess the development of the cocultured cell monolayers, we have studied either endocrine cell phenotype differentiation markers or c-kit, a hematopoietic stem cell marker, has recently been involved with growth and differentiation of β-cell subpopulations in human as well as rodent animal models. ESC which were found to either accelerate maturation and differentiation of the NPIs β-cell phenotype or identify an islet cell subpopulation that was marked positively for c-kit. The insulin/c-kit positive cells might represent a new, still unknown functionally immature β-cell like element in the porcine pancreas. Acceleration of maturation and differentiation of our NPI cell monolayers might generate a potential new opportunity to develop insulin-producing cells that may suite experimental trials for cell therapy of T1DM

    Glycosidases during chick embryo lung development and their colocalization with proteoglycans and growth factors

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    During development, the epithelial component of the lung goes through a complex orderly process of branching, following strict patterns of space and time. Proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans and growth factors are fundamental components of the extracellular matrix and perform a key role in differentiative processes. The embryonic chick lung shows a specific glycosaminoglycan composition at different levels of branching and at different embryonic stages. Proteoglycan and glycosaminoglycan accumulation is the result of secretion, absorption and degradation processes. In this pathway, enzymes, such as glycosidases, growth factors and cytokines are involved. We examined the behaviour of glycosidases, such as ß-hexosaminidases (ß-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase, ß- N-acetyl-D-galactosaminidase), ß-glucuronidase and ß-galactosidase, during the development of the lung bud. Our data show that the activity of the enzymes is closely linked to the processes of epithelial proliferation, bronchial tubule lengthening and infiltration of the surrounding mesenchyme. The glycosaminoglycans colocalize with transforming growth factor ß2 and inter- leukin-1 in the basement membrane and in the mesenchymal areas where the epithelium grows, and are complementary to the presence of the glycosidases. In conclusion, the activity of these glycosidases is spatially and temporally programmed and favors the release of the factors and the events which they influence