13 research outputs found


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    Objective: Through this work, a study on the integrity of the human being and the fractionation of public procurement has been carried out.Methods: As part of the study, the authors reviewed scientific works on the subject.Results: After analyzing the contracting law 30225, its regulations and other aspects that are part of the contractual procedure, certain factors have been determined that intervene in the actions of the agents in charge of public contracting, such as: i) normative disparity; ii) incapacity of those in charge of the selection processes; and iii) acts of corruption, which put at risk the denaturalization of the norms, generating the splitting of a contract.Conclusions: The splitting of a contracting procedure corresponds more to a subjective decision where the official or servant in charge of the contracting process has the power to discern the good from the bad. The bad decision that entails an illicit conduct will generate liability

    Emotional Intelligence in Times of Covid-19: a Comparative Study in Peruvian Universities

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    Objective:The aim of the study was to compare emotional intelligence in Peruvian university students from public and private universities.Theoretical framework: In higher education, emotionally intelligent students have the ability to interact appropriately with others, achieve good academic results, and reach personal and professional goals.Method: The methodology was descriptive-comparative, the sample consisted of 838 university students of both sexes from public (471) and private (364) universities belonging to the coast, highlands and jungle regions of Peru. A sociodemographic form created for the study and the emotional intelligence scale (TMMS-24) were used as measurement instruments.Results and conclusion:The results showed that university students over 30 years of age, women, those from the highlands and those who worked had high levels of emotional intelligence.Implications of the research:It is necessary for university institutions to reorganize their academic conditions and provide the necessary inputs to apply socioemotional strategies to students. Researchers linked to the lines of research on emotional intelligence should develop predictive studies to know which factors may be predicting adequate or inadequate emotional intelligence in university students.Originality:This study demonstrates that it is essential to attend to and provide emotional intelligence tools to those students whodo not have the necessary resources to face different situations in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and contributes to the training of educators, especially environmental educators in crisis contexts

    Job satisfaction of public workers in Northern Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the job satisfaction of public workers in the provincial municipalities of the Tumbes region (Peru).Method:The method used was a descriptive, non-experimental cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 319 male and female workers from the 3 provincial municipalities. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire were used as data collection instruments. Results: The results showed that only 10% of the participants had high job satisfaction. Within the dimensions, the majority showed low satisfaction (67%) with the remuneration received. No significant differences were found between men and women with respect to job satisfaction, and those with permanent employment status had lower levels than those who work on a temporary basis. Conclusions: It is concluded that most of the personnel working in the provincial municipalities of the Tumbes region have low levels ofjob satisfaction, so it is important to develop programs aimed at strengthening the bond and favorable attitude of workers with the institution where they work

    Worldwide scientific production on teleworking in Scopus in times of COVID-19

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    Given the impact of COVID-19, teleworking has become an alternative work modality, so it is important to evaluate the scientific activity on the subject. Thus, the objective was to analyze the global scientific production on teleworking in times of COVID-19. Retrospective and descriptive study, whose unit of analysis was the publications on teleworking in journals indexed in the Scopus database between January 2020 and December 2021. The search was performed using the fields Article Title, Abstracts, Keywords, where 24 search terms were applied: teleworking, telecommuting, work from home, teleworking, telecommuting, work from home, online work, e-work, telecommuting, teletrabajo, trabado desde casa, trabajo online, e-trabajo, trabajo a distancia, teletrabalho, trabalho a partir de casa, trabalho em linha, trabalho electrónico, trabalho à distancia, and their relation with the term Covid-19. Likewise, 995 articles were found and 75.38% of them were original manuscripts. United States is the country with the largest scientific production with 21.21%. The Università degli Studi di Torino of Italy has published 10 papers and 80% of the articles on teleworking in times of COVID-19 have been published in quartile 1 and 2 journals. Teleworking in times of COVID-19 has been studied in several countries around the world as well as in different academic disciplines, which allows us to know progress on the subject, thereby generating policies and lines of research for the prevention of occupational hazards.Campus Arequip

    Producción científica Iberoamericana sobre TIC en el contexto educativo

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    ICT in the educational context can be seen as information transmitting resources that link the teacher and the student in the improvement of teaching-learning adapted to the needs and characteristics of each subject. From this perspective, we seek to describe the state of Iberoamerican scientific production on the inclusion of ICT in the educational discipline in the period 2010 to 2020, based on a retrospective descriptive analysis of publications collected in journals indexed in Scopus. A total of n=1976 contributions were collected. It was found that production increased by 8.51%. Spain is the Iberoamerican country that contributes with the highest scientific production, authors with Iberoamerican affiliation usually publish through conference articles, highlighting ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. In front of an analysis of maturity of knowledge we are facing a development of scientific production in process of growth.Las TIC en el contexto educativo pueden verse conocidos como recursos transmisores de información que vincula al docente y al estudiante en la mejora de la enseñanza - aprendizaje adaptado a las necesidades y características de cada sujeto. Desde esta perspectiva se busca describir el estado de la producción científica Iberoamericana sobre la inclusión de las TIC en la disciplina educativa en el periodo 2010 al 2020. El estudio se basa en el análisis descriptivo retrospectivo de publicaciones recopiladas en revistas indizadas en Scopus. Se recolectó un total de n=1976 contribuciones. Se encontró que la producción aumentó en un 8,51%. España es el país Iberoamericano que contribuye con mayor producción científica, los autores con afiliación Iberoamericana suelen publicar a través de Artículos de conferencia, destacando ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Frente a un análisis de madurez de conocimiento estamos ante un desarrollo de producción científica en proceso de crecimiento

    Producción científica Iberoamericana sobre TIC en el contexto educativo

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    ICT in the educational context can be seen as information transmitting resources that link the teacher and the student in the improvement of teaching-learning adapted to the needs and characteristics of each subject. From this perspective, we seek to describe the state of Iberoamerican scientific production on the inclusion of ICT in the educational discipline in the period 2010 to 2020, based on a retrospective descriptive analysis of publications collected in journals indexed in Scopus. A total of n=1976 contributions were collected. It was found that production increased by 8.51%. Spain is the Iberoamerican country that contributes with the highest scientific production, authors with Iberoamerican affiliation usually publish through conference articles, highlighting ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. In front of an analysis of maturity of knowledge we are facing a development of scientific production in process of growth.Las TIC en el contexto educativo pueden verse conocidos como recursos transmisores de información que vincula al docente y al estudiante en la mejora de la enseñanza - aprendizaje adaptado a las necesidades y características de cada sujeto. Desde esta perspectiva se busca describir el estado de la producción científica Iberoamericana sobre la inclusión de las TIC en la disciplina educativa en el periodo 2010 al 2020. El estudio se basa en el análisis descriptivo retrospectivo de publicaciones recopiladas en revistas indizadas en Scopus. Se recolectó un total de n=1976 contribuciones. Se encontró que la producción aumentó en un 8,51%. España es el país Iberoamericano que contribuye con mayor producción científica, los autores con afiliación Iberoamericana suelen publicar a través de Artículos de conferencia, destacando ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Frente a un análisis de madurez de conocimiento estamos ante un desarrollo de producción científica en proceso de crecimiento

    Producción científica Iberoamericana sobre TIC en el contexto educativo

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    ICT in the educational context can be seen as information transmitting resources that link the teacher and the student in the improvement of teaching-learning adapted to the needs and characteristics of each subject. From this perspective, we seek to describe the state of Iberoamerican scientific production on the inclusion of ICT in the educational discipline in the period 2010 to 2020, based on a retrospective descriptive analysis of publications collected in journals indexed in Scopus. A total of n=1976 contributions were collected. It was found that production increased by 8.51%. Spain is the Iberoamerican country that contributes with the highest scientific production, authors with Iberoamerican affiliation usually publish through conference articles, highlighting ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. In front of an analysis of maturity of knowledge we are facing a development of scientific production in process of growth.Las TIC en el contexto educativo pueden verse conocidos como recursos transmisores de información que vincula al docente y al estudiante en la mejora de la enseñanza - aprendizaje adaptado a las necesidades y características de cada sujeto. Desde esta perspectiva se busca describir el estado de la producción científica Iberoamericana sobre la inclusión de las TIC en la disciplina educativa en el periodo 2010 al 2020. El estudio se basa en el análisis descriptivo retrospectivo de publicaciones recopiladas en revistas indizadas en Scopus. Se recolectó un total de n=1976 contribuciones. Se encontró que la producción aumentó en un 8,51%. España es el país Iberoamericano que contribuye con mayor producción científica, los autores con afiliación Iberoamericana suelen publicar a través de Artículos de conferencia, destacando ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Frente a un análisis de madurez de conocimiento estamos ante un desarrollo de producción científica en proceso de crecimiento

    Latin American authors in the scientific production on depression in times of COVID-19

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    We have read with great interest the study on “Reducing the stigma of mental health disorders with a focus on low- and middle-income countries”. This study states that mental health disorders are a growing public health challenge and affect mostly low and middle income countries (Javed et al., 2021). In Latin America, social inequalities could increase during the COVID − 19 pandemic and consequently, people’s mental health (Angulo, 2020). There is little information about the psychological impact of COVID − 19 in the world and even less in Latin America. Therefore, it is important to know studies carried out about it (Alonzo et al., 2021). Mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression, have increased during the pandemic (Wang et al., 2020, Vitagliano et al., 2021). Depression is considered the most prevalent mental health disorder in the population. However, it is more documented in high-income countries, and there is little information about it in Latin America. (Errázuriz and Crisostomo, 2021). For that reason, it is essential that mental health professionals develop research and implement intervention programs on this problem that increasingly afflicts people. A retrospective study was conducted, reviewing articles on depression during COVID-19 published and indexed in the Scopus database. Their authors have been affiliated with Latin American institutions from January 2020 to June 2021, considering the following fields Article Title, Abstract, Keywords, using the following search terms: "depression” OR “depressions” OR “depressed” OR “despondent” OR “gloomy” OR “depressive” and their relationship with the terms “2019-nCoV” OR “SARS-CoV-2″ OR “2019 novel coronavirus” OR “COVID-19″ OR "Coronavirus disease 2019″. A total of 452 articles were found and their authors are affiliated with Latin American institutions, and in the analysis, 05 types of publishable documents were included, highlighting: articles (72.12%); reviews (13.94%); letters to the editor (8.63%); editorials (3.10%) and notes (2.21%)

    Funcionamiento familiar e ideación suicida en estudiantes peruanos

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    The aim was to determine the relationship between family functioning and suicidal ideation in high school students of state educational institutions of Villa El Salvador-Peru. The study had a quantitative approach, non-experimental design and correlational type. The sample consisted of 225 female students and 213 male students, aged 12 to 17 years. The instruments used were the Family Apgar Scale and the Suicidal Ideation Scale (SS-I). The results showed that the level of mild family dysfunction predominated with a percentage of 34.0%, while the medium level predominated in suicidal ideation with 40.6%; in addition, a significant relationship was found between family functioning and suicidal ideation (p=.000), and a statistically significant relationship between the levels of family functioning and each of the dimensions of suicidal ideation with a Cramer's V association of median size (<.20). It was concluded that the higher the family functioning, the lower the suicidal ideation.Se buscó determinar la relación entre el funcionamiento familiar e ideación suicida en estudiantes de secundaria de instituciones educativas estatales de Villa El Salvador-Perú. El estudio fue de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental y de tipo correlacional. La muestra estuvo constituida por 225 estudiantes mujeres y 213 estudiantes varones, de 12 a 17 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala Apgar Familiar y la Escala de ideación suicida (SS-I). Los resultados mostraron que predominó el nivel de disfunción familiar leve con un porcentaje de 34.0%, mientras predominó en ideación suicida el nivel medio el 40,6%; además, se encontró relación significativa entre el funcionamiento familiar e ideación suicida (p=.000), y relación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles de funcionamiento familiar con cada una de las dimensiones de ideación suicida con asociación de V de Cramer de tamaño mediana (<.20). Se concluyó que a mayor funcionamiento familiar habrá menor ideación suicida

    Family functioning and suicidal ideation in Peruvian students

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    Se buscó determinar la relación entre el funcionamiento familiar e ideación suicida en estudiantes de secundaria de instituciones educativas estatales de Villa El Salvador-Perú. El estudio fue de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental y de tipo correlacional. La muestra estuvo constituida por 225 estudiantes mujeres y 213 estudiantes varones, de 12 a 17 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala Apgar Familiar y la Escala de ideación suicida (SS-I). Los resultados mostraron que predominó el nivel de disfunción familiar leve con un porcentaje de 34.0%, mientras predominó en ideación suicida el nivel medio el 40,6%; además, se encontró relación significativa entre el funcionamiento familiar e ideación suicida (p=.000), y relación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles de funcionamiento familiar con cada una de las dimensiones de ideación suicida con asociación de V de Cramer de tamaño mediana (<.20). Se concluyó que a mayor funcionamiento familiar habrá menor ideación suicida