99 research outputs found

    Salud e imagen del hombre actual en los gimnasios Santé Blue, Fittnes y el Ares gym

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    Esta investigación toma un enfoque metodológico el cual está encaminado en estudiar cuidadosamente el comportamiento del hombre actual y reconocer por qué determinadas elecciones, actitudes, pensamientos, comportamientos y demás, están relacionados directa o indirectamente con la vanidad, la belleza y la salud.Declaración: EL AUTOR-ESTUDIANTE, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la realizó sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto, la obra es de su exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma. PARÁGRAFO: en caso de presentarse cualquier reclamación o acción por parte de un tercero en cuanto a los derechos de autor sobre la obra en cuestión, EL ESTUDIANTE-AUTOR, asumirá toda la responsabilidad, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina actúa como un tercero de buena fe

    La responsabilidad del estado colombiano derivada del incumplimiento de obligaciones nacionales e internacionales adquiridas mediante tratados internacionales que versan sobre derechos humanos por las condiciones de insalubridad, hacinamiento y vulneración de derechos sexuales y reproductivos, en relación con la dignidad humana de la población carcelaria

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    El presente trabajo se orienta a demostrar el incumplimiento de las obligaciones nacionales y convencionales del Estado colombiano, por el tratamiento que le da a la población reclusa, que se encuentra en condiciones de existencia que carecen de dignidad y no se ajustan a las reglas mínimas para el tratamiento de los reclusos dadas en el Congreso de Naciones Unidas en 1955. Así mismo desarrollamos las bases para que los reclusos que han padecido de estos tratos inhumanos y degradantes acudan ante la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa a través del medio de control de reparación directa, y que se declare que fue causado un daño antijurídico que no tienen el deber de soportar, y que este bien tutelado se encuentra consagrado en la legislación colombiana y diferentes instrumentos internacionales

    Anysotropic relaxivity measurements of solubilized multiwall carbon nanotubes suspensions reveal molecular orientation

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    Trabajo presentado al 20th Annual Meeting & Exhibition International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, celebrado en Melbourne (Australia) del 5 al 11 de Mayo de 2012.Peer Reviewe

    Uptake and trophic transfer of nitrogen and carbon in a temperate forested headwater stream

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    In temperate headwater streams, riparian forests hinder the development of algae by reducing light availability and generate large inputs of detritus. Microbial assemblages associated with this detritus are expected to strongly influence in-stream elemental cycling. However, most research has focused on quantifying nitrogen (N) cycling while we know little about the coupling of N and carbon (C) cycling. We conducted a simultaneous whole-reach tracer addition of 15N-ammonium and 13C-acetate in a forested headwater stream to examine the importance of different primary uptake compartments (e.g. epilithic biofilm, leaves, small wood) on N and C uptake, storage, and transfer to consumers. We predicted high whole-reach uptake of N and C from the water column to satisfy requirements of microbial decomposers. We also predicted a dominant role of the abundant detrital compartments, especially leaf litter, in the uptake, storage and trophic transfer of these labile forms of N and C. Our results show efficient immobilization of both ammonium and acetate along the study reach. Leaf litter showed the highest percentage of contribution among all compartments to whole-reach ammonium and acetate uptake. We also found evidence of rapid transfer of N and C to higher trophic levels, thereby extending the retention time of these elements within the ecosystem. Overall, our study provides relevant insights into the influence of detritus on N and C cycling in headwater streams

    Radiocarbon Dates for Las Chimeneas (Cantabria, Spain) Palaeolithic Cave Art: Quality of Radiocarbon and Relevance to Parietal Art

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    AMS radiocarbon dating has been widely applied in Palaeolithic art research and its value has been proven over the past three decades. Yet it still suffers from issues that need to be discussed and analysed to improve future sampling strategies and strengthen the interpretation of the results. This study presents new AMS dates for the parietal art in Cueva de Las Chimeneas in northern Spain, describes the quality of the samples, and discusses their reliability. The joint assessment of the dates and its comparison with previously obtained dates as well as stratified and dated portable art makes it possible to put forward a hypothesis about the time of creation of the cave's parietal art and the degree of synchrony or diachrony in its production. Consequently, it is proposed that the cave art at Las Chimeneas was created in the lower Magdalenian, between 19,000 and 17,500 cal BP

    An expert system based on computer vision and statistical modelling to support the analysis of collagen degradation

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    [Abstract] The poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PDLGA) copolymers have been specifically designed and performed as biomaterials, taking into account their biodegradability and biocompatibility properties. One of the applications of statistical degradation models in material engineering is the estimation of the materials degradation level and reliability. In some reliability studies, as the present case, it is possible to measure physical degradation (mass loss, water absorbance, pH) depending on time. To this aim, we propose an expert system able to provide support in collagen degradation analysis through computer vision methods and statistical modelling techniques. On this base, the researchers can determine which statistical model describes in a better way the biomaterial behaviour. The expert system was trained and evaluated with a corpus of 63 images (2D photographs obtained by electron microscopy) of human mesenchymal stem cells (CMMh-3A6) cultivated in a laboratory experiment lasting 44 days. The collagen type-1 sponges were arranged in 3 groups of 21 samples (each image was obtained in intervals of 72 hours)

    Adaptación de la asignatura de Responsabilidad Social del grado de Periodismo a la docencia en línea, en tiempos de COVID-19.

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    La COVID-19 ha sido una oportunidad de mejora en la docencia de la asignatura de Responsabilidad Social en la UFV. La urgente necesidad de que los medios de comunicación informen con veracidad ha adquirido mayor relevancia durante la pandemia y eso es algo que ha de aprenderse ya desde la Universidad. La formación en valores como la ética y la justicia social de los estudiantes de periodismo también puede hacerse a través del aprendizaje-servicio en línea. Se procede a hacer un descriptivo de la asignatura, así como su adaptación curricular por el confinamiento utilizando nuevos recursos. Realizamos un análisis cualitativo, mediante Atlas.ti sobre el material producido por los estudiantes, para mostrar cómo estos se han convertido en agentes de cambio social. La principal consecuencia es el aumento significativo del grado de responsabilidad social del universitario durante la pandemia mediante formas de comunicación diferentes a las habituales. La pandemia ha supuesto una oportunidad para replantear la asignatura y ha enriquecido la experiencia del universitario en la búsqueda de soluciones colaborativas y de ayuda, reforzando su compromiso social con el bien común a través de las nuevas tecnologías.post-print558 K


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    Mihouse es una solución dinámica y sostenible para las condiciones reales del barrio en Cali, Colombia, con posibilidades de adaptarse a cualquier lugar. El objetivo principal del equipo es ofrecer un barrio innovador con condiciones de alta asequibilidad a través de una alta densidad de 128 unidades de vivienda que pueden expandirse pronto con fines productivos. Su diseño incluye un generoso entorno verde que ofrece una unidad habitacional confortable, flexible, progresiva y productiva a lo largo del tiempo. Teniendo en cuenta los principios de sostenibilidad, se ha diseñado un plan de gestión integral del agua diseñado un plan de gestión integrada del agua, en el que la recogida de agua de lluvia permite consumir menos agua potable y reutilizarla para la limpieza de los baños, entre otras cosas. Para la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos, se propone la creación de una pequeña empresa que gestione los residuos de la comunidad. Además, Mihouse aprovecha el Sol como fuente de energía gratuita mediante un sistema solar fotovoltaico conectado a la red con capacidad de almacenamiento, que producirá y utilizará su propia energía eléctrica además de poder vender el exceso de energía captada a la red, haciendo el sistema sostenible en el tiempoMihouse is a dynamic and sustainable solution for real neighborhood conditions in Cali, Colombia, with possibilities to be adapted anywhere. The team’s main goal is to offer an innovative neighborhood with high affordability conditions through a high density of 128 living units that can expand soon for productive purposes. Its design includes a generous green environment offering a comfortable living unit, flexible, progressive and productive along the time Considering sustainable principles, an integrated water management plan has been designed, in which rainwater harvesting allows us to consume less potable water and reusing it for cleaning bathrooms among others. For the integrated solid waste management, the creation of a small company to manage the community’s residues is proposed. Furthermore, Mihouse takes advantage of the Sun as a free energy source using a solar photovoltaic gridconnected system with storage capacity, that will produce and use its own electrical energy as well as being able to sell the excess of captured energy to the grid, making the system sustainable during the time.Primera edició

    Electronic structure analysis of the quasi-one-dimensional oxide Sr6Co5O15 within the LDA+U method

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    The quasi-one-dimensional cobalt oxide Sr6Co5O15 is studied using first-principles electronic-structure calculations and Boltzmann transport theory. We have been able to describe the electronic structure, characterized by the structural one-dimensionality and a particular type of charge ordering, with unexpected electronic structure of the different Co atoms. The origin of the large unquenched misaligned orbital angular momenta comes out naturally from a correct description of the different crystal-field environments. The evolution with the on-site Coulomb repulsion (U) of the electronic structure and the transport properties is discussed, with a best agreement with experiment found for the smallest value of U that allows to converge the correct in-chain ferrimagnetic ground stateThe authors thank the CESGA for the computing facilities, the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) for the financial support through the project MAT2009-08165, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) for the project MAT2007-60536 and the Xunta de Galicia for the project INCITE08PXIB236052PR. A.S.B. thanks MEC for a FPU grant. M.P. and J.B. thank Isabel Barreto program and Deputación da Coruña, respectively, for financial supportS

    Gold nanoparticles functionalised with fast water exchanging Gd3+ chelates: linker effects on the relaxivity.

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    This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C4DT03210AThe relaxivity displayed by Gd(3+) chelates immobilized onto gold nanoparticles is the result of the complex interplay between the nanoparticle size, the water exchange rate and the chelate structure. In this work we study the effect of the length of ω-thioalkyl linkers, anchoring fast water exchanging Gd(3+) chelates onto gold nanoparticles, on the relaxivity of the immobilized chelates. Gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd(3+) chelates of mercaptoundecanoyl and lipoyl amide conjugates of the DO3A-N-(α-amino)propionate chelator were prepared and studied as potential CA for MRI. High relaxivities per chelate, of the order of magnitude 28-38 mM(-1) s(-1) (30 MHz, 25 °C), were attained thanks to simultaneous optimization of the rotational correlation time and of the water exchange rate. Fast local rotational motions of the immobilized chelates around connecting linkers (internal flexibility) still limit the attainable relaxivity. The degree of internal flexibility of the immobilized chelates seems not to be correlated with the length of the connecting linkers. Biodistribution and MRI studies in mice suggest that the in vivo behavior of the gold nanoparticles was determined mainly by size. Small nanoparticles (HD = 3.9 nm) undergo fast renal clearance and avoidance of the RES organs while larger nanoparticles (HD = 4.8 nm) undergo predominantly hepatobiliary excretion. High relaxivities, allied to chelate and nanoparticle stability and fast renal clearance in vivo suggest that functionalized gold nanoparticles hold great potential for further investigation as MRI contrast agents. This study contributes to a better understanding of the effect of linker length on the relaxivity of gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd(3+) complexes. It is a relevant contribution towards "design rules" for nanostructures functionalized with Gd(3+) chelates as Contrast Agents for MRI and multimodal imaging.This work was financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal: PhD grant SFRH/BD/63994/2009 to Miguel Ferreira and Sabbatical Grant SFRH/BSAB/1328/2013 to José Martins at Bath University, UK; and Rede Nacional de NMR (REDE/1517/RMN/2005) for the acquisition of the Varian VNMRS 600 NMR spectrometer in Coimbra. T.B.R. was supported by a Marie Curie Fellowship (FP/- PEOPLE-2009-IEF 254380) and an EMBO Fellowship (ALTF 1145-2009). Financial support from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain, projects SAF2011-23622 (S.C.) and CTQ2010-20960-C02-02 (P.L.-L.), and Comunidad de Madrid, Spain, project S2010/BMD-2349 (S.C. and P.L.-L), is also acknowledged. B. Mousavi and L. Helm acknowledge financial support by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This work was carried out in the frame of the COST D38 Action “Metal Based Systems for Molecular Imaging” and COST TD1004 Action “Theranostics Imaging and Therapy”