43 research outputs found

    Ethnoveterinary Therapeutic Practices and Conservation Status of the Medicinal Flora of Chamla Valley, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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    Domestic animals play a very important role in the human civilization. Besides human being, plants are used as medicines for many domestic animals. The therapeutic practices are very common among the tribes of Chamla, rich in ethnoveterinary medicinal plants. Due to poor availability of modern healthcare facilities and poverty of indigenous people, they depend on local medicinal plants for the healthcare of their domestic animals. This study is the first attempt to document the indigenous knowledge and evaluate the conservation status of medicinal plants and practices of herbal remedies by the local people of Chamla Valley in the treatment of their livestock. Semi-structured questionnaire was used and 120 local inhabitants were interviewed to note the traditional practices regarding plant species uses. Well-known statistical indices, Use Value formula and Relative Frequency Citations were used for quantification of the recorded data. It was observed that 50 medicinal plants belonging to 38 families were reported, where Poaceae was the most cited. The common livestock are goats, sheep, buffalos, cows, bulls, and donkeys. Most of the herbs, which are used in livestock treatment, are wild and few plants are cultivated. The common livestock diseases are red water, 3 days sickness, diarrhea, tympany, and indigestion among others. Most of the plants are used in fresh condition. According to the results, Brassica nigra was used for placenta retention, Butea monosperma for constipation, Calotropis procera for indigestion and 3 days sickness. Canabis sativa, Cedrella serrata, Allium sativum, and Origanum vulgare were used for fever. The traditional plant collection techniques have resulted in huge losses of these valuable plant resources. The ethnobotanical conservation assessment revealed that due to increased exploitation and un-sustainable harvesting, 49% of these economically valued medicinal plant species are decreasing in last 30 years. Some of the plants are only present on high altitudes while they had been finished in the foothills like Paeonia emodi and Berberis lycium. Lack of scientific knowledge, ignorance, poverty, and joblessness, as well as land development, construction and fires, add more pressure on flora and fauna of the area and various species are under the threat of extinction

    Effects of ants on pollinator performance in a distylous pericarpial nectary-bearing Rubiaceae in Brazilian Cerrado

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    Besides the eff ectiveness of floral visitors, to better understand pollination systems is necessary to consider the role of predators. Ants are ubiquitous on the vegetation, especially on plants bearing extrafloral (EFNs) and pericarpial nectaries (PNs). Both EFNs and PNs reward ants which in turn provide to plants effective protection against herbivores. However, ants can also repel pollinators and cause an indirect cost for the plant partner, although the role of ants on pollinators’ performance has rarely been assessed in Neotropics, mainly on PN-bearing plants. Here, our main aim was, through an experimental field study in terms of ant’s presence versus absence, to test the hypothesis that ants dissuade floral visitors by decreasing the time spent during visits on the PN-bearing Declieuxia fruticosa. Additionally, we recorded floral phenology, and quantified and qualified floral visits. We showed that bees were the most frequent pollinators and the presence of ants dissuades them. In ant presence, pollinators were on average 30% faster than without ants. Since D. fruticosa produces fruits mainly after cross-pollination, the role of ants may be profi table to plants as they induce pollinators to do shorter visits and search for other fl owers in conspecifi c plants. Therefore, pollinators avoid stay at longer on plants with ants in order to avoid attacks, which may contribute to plant outcrossing. However, whether positive or negative the effects of ants on D. fruticosa reproduction are, they remain to be studied

    Are rare velvet ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) to feed on extrafloral nectar?

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    The family Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) is represented by solitary aculeate wasps with high sexual dimorphism. The adult females are wingless and usually immature parasitoids of other insects and males are most often winged and generally feed on nectar. There are few records in the literature of adults of mutillidae wasps feeding on extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and still less in Brazil. Here, we report six fortuitous observations of mutillid wasps feeding on extrafloral nectar and their behavior in different plants in a reserve of cerrado sensu stricto, in Uberlândia, Brazil. We observed six species of mutillid wasps: Traumatomutilla sp. and Traumatomutilla latevittata feeding on EFNs of Stryphnodendron polyphyllum, Hoplocrates sp. feeding on the EFNs of Eriotheca gracilipes,Timulla sp. feeding on the EFNs of Banisteriopsis malifolia, Hoplomutilla sp. feeding on the EFNs of Qualea grandiflora and an unidentified male species in Qualea multiflora. All mutillid wasps showed similar behavior on the plants. They quickly climbed on to the plant and foraged over with frequent movements of the antennas until they found the EFNs. We suggest that it is not a fortuitous observations, neither rare. We are just not looking with the needed attention to EFNs.

    Aquaculture in Brazil and worldwide: overview and perspectives

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    Aquaculture is the cultivation of aquatic organisms through a controlled cultivation process. Currently, half the fish consumed by the world population is produced by aquaculture activity. This review, and informed data, trends, and the general panorama of aquaculture in Brazil and worldwide, as well as the scenario of the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) production, in order to provide specific directions for future investments and researches. Globally, fish aquaculture productivity is approximately 110 million tons in 2016, with China being the country with the highest productivity (49 million tons). Brazil occupies the 13th place with about 700 thousand tons of aquaculture fish, where tilapia is one of the most cultivated. Furthermore, the ration production for aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country (930 thousand tons of ration represents 1.33% concerning the total feed produced to cultivation of the animals – data of 2016), with emphasis on the biofloc system, which represents a productive method with better cost-benefit and low environmental impact. In general, aquaculture trends are the real progress of this activity, but so that social, economic, and environmental aspects are interconnected and progressing concomitantly


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    A mensuração da altura é considerada difícil, exigindo um maior tempo para sua determinação. Por isso, em trabalhos de inventários em florestas equiâneas normalmente são mensuradas as alturas de poucas árvores em cada parcela e as alturas das demais árvores do povoamento são estimadas por meio de relações hipsométricas. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o ajuste e selecionar modelos hipsométricos para estimar a altura total de povoamento clonal de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. no sudeste do Estado de Goiás. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em um plantio florestal clonal de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. de um povoamento com área total de 76 hectares. Os dados utilizados no ajuste dos modelos foram provenientes da medição do diâmetro a 1,30 m de altura (DAP) e da altura total de 60 árvores. Foram ajustados os modelos hipsométricos de Assmann, Curtis, Henriksen, Stofel e Trorey e, a seleção do modelo mais adequado baseou-se no coeficiente de determinação ajustado (R²aj), erro padrão da estimativa absoluto (Syx) e relativo (Syx%) e na análise gráfica dos resíduos. O modelo de Stofel (Ln(Ht) = 1,75335 + 0,54334 * Ln(DAP) + ε) produz estimativas mais precisas e, portanto, é o mais adequado para a descrição da altura das árvores de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. no sudeste do Estado de Goiás

    Quantitative ethnoveterinary study on plant resource utilization by indigenous communities in high-altitude regions

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    For millennia, ethnic knowledge has been intricately tied to local biodiversity and woven into the fabric of rural communities. Growing scientific evidence suggests that merging ethnic knowledge with new scientific findings can lead to socially acceptable and environmentally friendly approaches essential for the long-term prosperity of local communities. In the high-altitude region, where livestock raising is a key income source, and plant-based utilization for ethno-veterinary practices is widely practiced. In this context, this study was conducted with the aim of documenting the ethno-veterinary use of plant resources in different bio-geographical regions of Jammu and Kashmir's Himalayas (J & KH). Semi-structured interviews and group discussions were used to collect information. Principal component analysis (PCA) and Pearson correlation were conducted to analyze the data. We documented 148 species from 53 families that locals used for various purposes: medicine, fodder, tonic, antidote, magic, and also used to protect themselves from ectoparasite such as Pediculus humanus capitis by the local inhabitants. There were significant differences in the relative usage of plant resources across the three biogeographic regions. Comparatively, the highest number (41%) of plant species were used for ethnoveterinary in the Jammu region, while the lowest number (28%) of species were used in Kashmir. Across the regions, Kashmir and Jammu had the highest level of species similarity (17%), while Jammu and Ladakh had the lowest (1%). A cross-regional assessment of plant resources revealed that 18% of plants were shared among the regions. The reported use of Amaranthus blitum, Morus alba, Ficus palmata, Vitex negundo, Juniperus semiglobosa, Ulmus wallichiana, and Rumex nepalensis are novel for the ethno-veterinary uses of this part of the Himalayan region. The various dry unique traditional fodder preparations (gaaslov, gass khor, pan baath, kaandbaath, Lovgooad, Karb, and Phungma) from plant resources are reported for the first time from the Himalayan region and can be ascribed to the novelty of this study. Plant resources were not only a source of fodder and medicine but also presented themselves as an opportunity for livelihood generation. Therefore, our findings bridge the knowledge gap by documenting key ethnoveterinary applications of native plant species from the study region that are used to cure livestock diseases and disorders by the mountain inhabitants.This research was funded by project IGYMERA, under grant agreement 101030604. AM-d is a recipient of a postdoctoral Marie Curie fellowship under grant agreement 101030604 (IGYMERA).Peer reviewe

    Uso de telas pela população pediátrica e seus impactos oftalmológicos a curto e a longo prazo: uma revisão sistemática : Use of screens by the pediatric population and its short and long-term ophthalmological impacts: a systematic review

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    Ao se discorrer sobre a formação e formatação da nossa sociedade, pode-se notar que cada vez mais esta está permeada pela tecnologia e pelos sistemas integrativos, processo esse benéfico para comunicação, gestão e tomada de decisões para além de ser uma ferramenta de trabalho e entretenimento, porém, com a progressiva quantidade de horas que ficamos expostos a este tipo de tecnologia também podem acarretar prejuízos a acuidade visual dos usuários. Juntamente a isso, nota-se que as crianças estão tendo cada vez mais precocemente acesso os equipamentos eletrônicos e deixando de lado as brincadeiras, desta forma a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa, feita a partir de um levantamento bibliográfico, pode-se dispor que esta busca compreender quais são os sintomas e efeitos do uso excessivo deste tipo de ferramenta e algumas formas de tratamento e profilaxia que podem ser dispostas sobre o tema, com enfoque na população pediátrica

    Ant-plant interaction: impact of variation in extrafloral nectar supply on ant foraging

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    As plantas, produtores da base das cadeias tróficas, apresentam diversos tipos de defesas contra a ação de consumidores, os herbívoros, podendo ser defesas físicas, químicas e bióticas. Nas defesas bióticas, plantas fornecem recursos alimentares (e.g. néctar extrafloral) e/ou moradia para predadores que em troca podem fornecer proteção contra herbívoros. Assim, a partir de comportamentos agressivos e/ou de patrulha, formigas são consideradas os principais protetores de plantas. Nessa perspectiva, a presente dissertação buscou investigar a influência que o néctar extrafloral tem sob a interação formiga-planta em uma área de Cerrado. O estudo foi realizado na Reserva Ecológica do Clube Caça e Pesca Itororó de Uberlândia, no município de Uberlândia, MG, em uma área com fitofisionomia de cerrado sentido restrito. A espécie de planta utilizada neste estudo foi Qualea multiflora (Vochysiaceae), uma das espécies mais abundantes do Cerrado, a qual apresenta nectários extraflorais (NEFs) na base do pecíolo foliar e nas inflorescências. Nossas hipóteses principais foram: a) que formigas visitantes dos NEFs de Q. multiflora impactam positivamente a planta, reduzindo a ação de herbívoros; b) que essas interações formigas-plantas são modificadas ao longo do desenvolvimento fenológico das folhas das plantas; c) que diferentes níveis de herbivoria nas plantas produzem também diferentes reações nas formigas visitantes; e d) que diferentes estruturas das plantas apresentam diferentes níveis de defesas. Os resultados demonstrados no Capítulo 1 comprovam que a herbivoria foliar em Q. multiflora foi baixa e similar nos diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento da folha, mostrando que as defesas expressas pela planta são eficientes. Das três defesas foliares avaliadas durante o desenvolvimento foliar, observou-se que a densidade de tricomas apresenta pico de efetividade no início do desenvolvimento, a defesa biótica (produtividade dos NEFs) apresenta pico de efetividade no período intermediário do desenvolvimento, e a dureza foliar apresenta pico de efetividade no período em que a folha já está adulta. Esses resultados comprovam a eficiência da variação temporal nas defesas foliares de Q. multiflora, o que interfere diretamente na interação formiga-planta. No Capítulo 2, foi mostrado que NEFs localizados em inflorescências produzem néctar mais volumoso e energético que atrai maior quantidade de formigas comparado ao néctar produzido pelos NEFs foliares. A produtividade e a atratividade dos NEFs, assim como o forrageamento de formigas, também foram afetados por variações na herbivoria (simulada experimentalmente). Esses resultados demonstram que Q. multiflora sincroniza suas defesas foliares ao longo do tempo garantindo a proteção contra herbívoros e que essas defesas (como evidenciado para defesa biótica) podem ser alteradas de acordo com o valor e probabilidade de ataque de suas estruturas.Plants, producers of food chains, have different types of defenses against action of consumers, herbivores, which can be physical, chemical and biotic defenses. In biotic defenses, plants provide food resources (e.g. extrafloral nectar) and/or shelter for predators, which in turn may provide protection against herbivores. Thus, from patrol and/or aggressive behavior, ants are considered main plants protectors. From this perspective, the present work aimed to investigate the influence that extrafloral nectar has under ant-plant interaction in an area of Cerrado. The study was conducted in Reserva Ecológica do Clube Caça e Pesca Itororó de Uberlândia, in Uberlândia, MG, in an area with cerrado stricto sensu vegetation. The plant species used was Qualea multiflora (Vochysiaceae), one of the most abundant species of Cerrado, which has extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) at the base of leaf petiole and in inflorescences. Our main assumptions were: a) EFNs visitors ants of Q. multiflora positively impact the plant reducing the herbivore action; b) these ants-plants interactions are modified along the phenological development of plant leaves; c) different herbivory levels in plants produce different reactions in visitors ants; and d) different plant structures have different defenses levels. Results presented in Chapter 1 show that foliar herbivore in Q. multiflora was low and similar to different stages of leaf development, showing that expressed plant defenses are effective. Of the three foliar defenses evaluated during leaf development, it was observed that density of trichomes presents effectiveness peak in early development, biotic defense (EFNs productivity) in intermediated period of development and leaf toughness in the period in which the leaf is adult. These results show the efficacy of temporal variation in foliar defenses in Q. multiflora, which directly affects ant-plant interaction. In Chapter 2, it was shown that EFNs located in inflorescences produce nectar more quantitative and qualitative, which attract large amount of ants, than EFNs located in leaves. EFNs productivity and attractiveness, as well as ants foraging, were also influenced by herbivory variation (experimentally simulated). These results show that Q. multiflora synchronizes its leaf defenses over time ensuring protection against herbivores and that these defenses (as evidenced for biotic defense) can be changed according to value and attack probability of their structures

    Revelando as especificidades da interação entre formigas e plantas portadoras de nectários extraflorais: impactos diretos sobre plantas, herbívoros, formigas e polinizadores

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    The ant-plant relationship mediated by extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) is a classic and well documented model of biotic plant defense, in which plants offer extrafloral nectar, a liquid food resource, and in return ants defend plants by preying on or repelling herbivores. On the other hand, the ant aggressive behavior might be detrimental to plants, since they can end up repelling or preying on pollinators and consequently influencing the plant\'s reproductive success. In this perspective, we evaluated the specificities of ant-plant interaction and the impacts of ants on herbivores and pollinators in plants bearing EFNs. The study was conducted from September 2015 to July 2018, in a reserve of cerrado stricto sensu, located in Uberlândia, Brazil. In Chapter 1, we presented a review of scientific texts of the last 30 years on the history of the art of protective mutualism between ants and plants with EFNs and the perspectives of this topic. In Chapter 2, we demonstrated the short- and long-term benefits of extrafloral nectar and artificial food source on ant colony fitness (number and weight of individuals) and survival, in which the presence of extrafloral nectar and food sources rich in carbohydrates and proteins positively influence the growth and survival of the colony. In Chapter 3, we showed that the activity of EFNs influences the ant-herbivore relationship leading to patterns of seasonality and synchronism of herbivore and ant populations, with different herbivore predation rates, and impacts on plant fitness. And finally, in Chapter 4, we observed that the protective mutualism between ants and EFN-bearing plants may negatively influence plant fitness via deterring visitation by pollinators. We showed that extrafloral nectar is a key factor in the regulation and structuring of ecological interactions, directly influencing the growth and survival of ant colonies, as well as in the interaction of ants with herbivores and pollinators in plants bearing extrafloral nectars. In this perspective, we should study each ecological system in detail, knowing all interacting beings, as well as their respective natural histories, to understand the patterns of interaction and the structuring of food chains, which directly influence the natural ecosystems dynamic.A relação formiga-planta mediada por nectários extraflorais (NEFs) é um modelo clássico e bem documentado de defesa biótica de plantas, em que plantas oferecem néctar extrafloral, um recurso alimentar, e em troca as formigas defendem as plantas predando ou repelindo os herbívoros. Por outro lado, o comportamento agressivo das formigas pode ser prejudicial às plantas, uma vez que elas podem acabar repelindo ou atacando os polinizadores e, consequentemente, influenciando o sucesso reprodutivo da planta. Nesta perspectiva, nós avaliamos as especificidades da interação entre formiga e plantas com NEFs e os impactos que as formigas apresentam sobre os herbívoros e polinizadores. O estudo foi realizado no período de setembro de 2015 a julho de 2018, em uma reserva de cerrado stricto sensu, localizada em Uberlândia, Brasil. No Capítulo 1, nós apresentamos uma revisão de estudos científicos dos últimos 30 anos sobre a história da arte do mutualismo de proteção entre formigas e plantas com NEFs e as perspectivas dentro deste tópico. No Capítulo 2, nós mostramos que a atividade dos NEFs influencia a relação formiga-herbívoro levando a padrões de sazonalidade e sincronismo da populações de ambos, com diferentes taxas de predação de herbívoros e impactos no fitness da planta. No Capítulo 3, demonstramos os benefícios de curto e longo prazo do néctar extrafloral e de fontes de alimento artificial no fitness (número e peso de indivíduos) e sobrevivência das colônias de formigas, em que a presença de néctar extrafloral e fontes alimentares ricas em carboidratos e proteínas influenciar positivamente o crescimento e a sobrevivência da colônia. E finalmente, no Capítulo 4, nós observamos que o mutualismo de proteção entre formigas e plantas com NEFs pode influenciar negativamente o fitness da planta através da dissuasão de polinizadores. A partir dos resultados dessa tese, podemos concluir que o néctar extrafloral é um fator chave na regulação e estruturação das interações ecológicas, influenciando diretamente no crescimento e na sobrevivência de colônias de formigas, bem como na interação entre formigas e herbívoros, e formigas e polinizadores em plantas com nectários extraflorais. Nesta perspectiva, devemos estudar cada sistema ecológico detalhadamente, conhecendo todos os seres interagentes, bem como suas respectivas histórias naturais, para entender os padrões de interação e a estruturação das cadeias alimentares, os quais influenciam diretamente a dinâmica dos ecossistemas naturais