24 research outputs found

    Le prime \u201clinee guida\u201d interpretative della Cassazione penale sulla riforma \u201cGelli-Bianco\u201d

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    Viene annotata la prima sentenza della Cassazione penale a seguito dell'introduzione dell'art. 590-sexies c.p. ad opera della legge n. 24/201

    La Cassazione detta le \u201clinee guida\u201d interpretative della disciplina penale della riforma Gelli-Bianco

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    Il contributo si sofferma su una pronuncia particolarmente rilevante (Cass., IV sez. pen., 20 aprile 2017, n. 28187), in quanto \ue8 la prima con la quale la Corte di legittimit\ue0 si dedica allo sforzo interpretativo della disciplina penale introdotta nel 2017 con la legge "Gelli-Bianco". Gli Autori, anche tramite richiami a dottrina e giurisprudenza, ne offrono una lettura critica, evidenziandone in particolare la ricchezza espositiva ma al contempo una probabile debolezza sul piano nomofilattico

    Una prima lettura della Legge "Gelli-Bianco" nella prospettiva del diritto penale

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    Le recenti scelte legislative in materia di responsabilit\ue0 penale del sanitario destano non poche perplessit\ue0 ed alimentano altrettanti interrogativi in merito all\u2019esatto perimetro applicativo della nuova disciplina. Tra i profili pi\uf9 critici, la \u201crottura\u201d del binomio \u201ccolpa grave-linee guida\u201d, che aveva invece contraddistinto la precedente riforma \u201cBalduzzi\u201d e sembrava aver segnato un punto di non ritorno in favore di una (a lungo) auspicata contrazione della colpa penale.The very recent \u201cGelli-Bianco\u201d Act, which amends the law on medical negligence, has raised several critical issues. In particular: the reference to the ambiguous parameter of medical guidelines and the removal of gross negligence as a basis for liability for medical malpractice

    Scheda introduttiva dell'incontro La l. 24/2017 (c.d. "Gelli-Bianco") e la riforma della responsabilitĂ  penale del sanitario

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    Trattasi della scheda introduttiva dell'omonimo incontro del ciclo di seminari "Lavori in corso" coordinati dal Prof. Gaetano Insolera. All'incontro, tenutosi a Bologna il 7 giugno 2017, i due Autori hanno illustrato in chiave critica le novitĂ  introdotte sul fronte della responsabilitĂ  penale per colpa del sanitario; novitĂ  di cui vi Ăš appunto cenno nella scheda introduttiva

    La Cassazione e il grado della colpa penale del sanitario dopo la riforma “Gelli-Bianco”

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    La sentenza in commento costituisce la prima occasione in cui la Corte di cassazione si ù interrogata sul “nebuloso” dettato del nuovo art. 590-sexies c.p., introdotto all’interno del codice dalla recente riforma “Gelli-Bianco”. La Corte sembra aver aderito alle perplessità già emerse nel dibattito dottrinale, al punto da stabilire, in una prospettiva intertemporale, la costante applicabilità della previgente disciplina - quella dell’art. 3 del D.L. “Balduzzi” - a tutti i casi verificatisi prima del 1° aprile 2017, data di entrata in vigore della riforma. Anche sulla scorta di alcune indicazioni della sentenza annotata, in particolare relative al rinnovato richiamo da parte della Corte all’art. 2236 c.c, il contributo si ripropone di ritagliare un possibile ambito applicativo dell’art. 590 sexies c.p., che tenga conto delle ineludibili difficoltà interpretative ma che, al contempo, valorizzi l’evidente ratio deflativa dell’intero intervento normativo

    Methods of evaluation of microvascular structure: state of the art

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    Cardiovascular diseases represent the leading cause of death in Western Countries. Among them, a key role is played by arterial hypertension, which causes macro- and microvascular alterations. Specifically, hypertension is associated with structural alterations in the microvessels, such as an increased ratio of the tunica media thickness to internal lumen (M/L ratio) in small resistance arteries and a reduction of capillary density. In order to evaluate the small resistance artery structure, the direct measurements of M/L ratio through wire or pressure micromyography has been considered the gold-standard method. Despite the availability of convincing evidence about the prognostic relevance of the M/L ratio, the invasiveness of these methods has limited its implementation in the daily clinical practice. Therefore, non-invasive techniques have been developed to evaluate microvascular morphology, particularly in the retina, since it is perhaps the most accessible microvasculature. Scanner laser Doppler flowmetry (SLDF) and adaptive optics (AO) represent the most promising approaches for the evaluation of morphological characteristics of retinal arterioles, in particular for the measurement of their wall-to-lumen ratio (W/L ratio). The possibility to evaluate microvascular morphology by non-invasive techniques represents a major clinical advancement, with possibly favorable implications in research and in stratification of cardiovascular risk. In this review we will address the different methods to investigate the microcirculation as well as their clinical usefulness

    Long-Term Bone Mineral Density Changes in Kidney Transplant Recipients Treated with Denosumab: A Retrospective Study with Nonequivalent Control Group

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    Data on the effectiveness of denosumab on osteoporosis after kidney transplantation are limited. We investigated the long-term bone mineral density (BMD) changes in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) treated with denosumab compared to untreated KTRs. We enrolled KTRs treated with denosumab 60 mg/6 months for 4 years. An untreated group of sex and age-matched KTRs with a 1:1 ratio was included. The primary outcome was BMD changes assessed by Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry over 4 years. Data on serum creatinine, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), parathyroid hormone, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D were collected. All patients received oral cholecalciferol and calcium supplementation. 23 denosumab-treated KTRs were enrolled, and 23 untreated KTRs. The median time from transplant to the start of denosumab was 4 years (range 0:24). The denosumab group showed a significant increase from baseline in BMD at the lumbar spine (LS) (9.0 +/- 10.7%, p < 0.001), and total hip (TH) (3.8 +/- 7.9%, p = 0.041). The untreated group showed a significant decrease at all sites (- 3.0 +/- 7%, p = 0.041 at the LS; - 6.3 +/- 9.2%, p = 0.003 at the TH; - 6.7 +/- 9.3%, p = 0.003 at the FN). The between-group differences in percent BMD changes were statistically significant at all sites. Similar results were found for the respective Z-scores. The ALP serum levels significantly decreased from baseline only in the denosumab group, with a significant between-group difference (p = 0.032). No significant differences in serum creatinine, hypocalcaemic events or acute graft rejection rates were observed. Four years of denosumab therapy were associated with increased BMD in KTRs, while untreated KTRs showed significant BMD losses at all sites

    The Italian version of the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Affective Disorders: performance of patients with bipolar disorder and healthy controls

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    Objectives: Cognitive deficits in Bipolar Disorder (BD) are significant enough to have an impact on daily functioning. Therefore, appropriate tools must be used to improve our understanding of the nature and severity of cognitive deficits in BD. In this study, we aimed to compare the cognitive profiles of patients with BD and healthy controls (HC) applying the Italian version of the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Affective Disorders (BAC-A). Methods: This cross-sectional study included 127 patients with BD and 134 HC. The participants' cognitive profiles were evaluated using the Italian version of the BAC-A, which assesses verbal memory, working memory, motor speed, verbal fluency, attention &amp; processing speed, executive functions, and two new measures of affective processing. The BAC-A raw scores were corrected using the normative data for the Italian population. In addition, we explored whether intelligence quotient (IQ) and specific clinical variables would predict the BAC-A affective, non-affective, and total composite scores of patients with BD and HC. Results: HC performed better than patients with BD in all BAC-A subtests (all p < .001), except for subtests of the Affective Interference Test. (p ≄ .05). The effect sizes varied in magnitude and ranged between d = 0.02 and d = 1.27. In patients with BD, lower BAC-A composite scores were predicted by a higher number of hospitalizations. There was a significant association between IQ and BAC-A composite scores in both bipolar patients and HC. Conclusions: The Italian BAC-A is sensitive to the cognitive impairments of patients with BD in both affective and non-affective cognitive domains