1,326 research outputs found

    Identification of sex hormone-binding globulin in the human hypothalamus

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    Gonadal steroids are known to influence hypothalamic functions through both genomic and non-genomic pathways. Sex hormone-binding globulin ( SHBG) may act by a non-genomic mechanism independent of classical steroid receptors. Here we describe the immunocytochemical mapping of SHBG-containing neurons and nerve fibers in the human hypothalamus and infundibulum. Mass spectrometry and Western blot analysis were also used to characterize the biochemical characteristics of SHBG in the hypothalamus and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of humans. SHBG-immunoreactive neurons were observed in the supraoptic nucleus, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, paraventricular nucleus, arcuate nucleus, the perifornical region and the medial preoptic area in human brains. There were SHBG-immunoreactive axons in the median eminence and the infundibulum. A partial colocalization with oxytocin could be observed in the posterior pituitary lobe in consecutive semithin sections. We also found strong immunoreactivity for SHBG in epithelial cells of the choroid plexus and in a portion of the ependymal cells lining the third ventricle. Mass spectrometry showed that affinity-purified SHBG from the hypothalamus and choroid plexus is structurally similar to the SHBG identified in the CSF. The multiple localizations of SHBG suggest neurohypophyseal and neuroendocrine functions. The biochemical data suggest that CSF SHBG is of brain rather than blood origin. Copyright (c) 2005 S. Karger AG, Base

    The Chiral Dipolar Hard Sphere Model

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    A simple molecular model of chiral molecules is presented in this paper : the chiral dipolar hard sphere model. The discriminatory interaction between enantiomers is represented by electrostatic (or magnetic) dipoles-dipoles interactions : short ranged steric repulsion are represented by hard sphere potential and, in each molecule, two point dipoles are located inside the sphere. The model is described in detail and some of its elementary properties are given ; in particular, it is shown that the that the knowledge of only three multipole spherical components (namely : Q10Q_{10}, Q21Q_{21} and Q22Q_{22}) allows to compute all multipole spherical components of the model. Despite, the simplicity of the model, it is shown also that the energy landscape of the interaction between two enantiomers is quite rich, this renders systems of chiral dipolar hard sphere very interesting and complicated to study. Few preliminary Monte Carlo simulation results are also reported in the paper. Last, but not least, this paper is dedicated to Jean-Jacques Weis.Comment: 28 pages, 14 Figures, 3 Tables. To appear in Molecular Physic

    High Fidelity Tape Transfer Printing Based On Chemically Induced Adhesive Strength Modulation

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    Transfer printing, a two-step process (i.e. picking up and printing) for heterogeneous integration, has been widely exploited for the fabrication of functional electronics system. To ensure a reliable process, strong adhesion for picking up and weak or no adhesion for printing are required. However, it is challenging to meet the requirements of switchable stamp adhesion. Here we introduce a simple, high fidelity process, namely tape transfer printing(TTP), enabled by chemically induced dramatic modulation in tape adhesive strength. We describe the working mechanism of the adhesion modulation that governs this process and demonstrate the method by high fidelity tape transfer printing several types of materials and devices, including Si pellets arrays, photodetector arrays, and electromyography (EMG) sensors, from their preparation substrates to various alien substrates. High fidelity tape transfer printing of components onto curvilinear surfaces is also illustrated

    Enhanced Mid -Infrared Reflectance with Graphene Coated Silicon Carbide Nanowires

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    © 2020 IEEE. The mid-infrared optical spectrum hosts a variety of promising photonic applications. Herein we simulate and experimentally demonstrate reflectance enhancement of MIR light using graphene-coated silicon carbide nanowires on silicon, showing promise for on-chip MIR Nano photonics

    Enhanced absorption with graphene-coated silicon carbide nanowires for mid-infrared nanophotonics

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    The mid-infrared (MIR) is an exciting spectral range that also hosts useful molecular vi-brational fingerprints. There is a growing interest in nanophotonics operating in this spectral range, and recent advances in plasmonic research are aimed at enhancing MIR infrared nanophotonics. In particular, the design of hybrid plasmonic metasurfaces has emerged as a promising route to realize novel MIR applications. Here we demonstrate a hybrid nanostructure combining graphene and silicon carbide to extend the spectral phonon response of silicon carbide and enable absorption and field enhancement of the MIR photon via the excitation and hybridization of surface plasmon po-laritons and surface phonon polaritons. We combine experimental methods and finite element sim-ulations to demonstrate enhanced absorption of MIR photons and the broadening of the spectral resonance of graphene-coated silicon carbide nanowires. We also indicate subwavelength confinement of the MIR photons within a thin oxide layer a few nanometers thick, sandwiched between the graphene and silicon carbide. This intermediate shell layer is characteristically obtained using our graphitization approach and acts as a coupling medium between the core and outer shell of the nanowires

    Mental health first aid training of the public in a rural area: a cluster randomized trial [ISRCTN53887541]

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    BACKGROUND: A Mental Health First Aid course has been developed which trains members of the public in how to give initial help in mental health crisis situations and to support people developing mental health problems. This course has previously been evaluated in a randomized controlled trial in a workplace setting and found to produce a number of positive effects. However, this was an efficacy trial under relatively ideal conditions. Here we report the results of an effectiveness trial in which the course is given under more typical conditions. METHODS: The course was taught to members of the public in a large rural area in Australia by staff of an area health service. The 16 Local Government Areas that made up the area were grouped into pairs matched for size, geography and socio-economic level. One of each Local Government Area pair was randomised to receive immediate training while one served as a wait-list control. There were 753 participants in the trial: 416 in the 8 trained areas and 337 in the 8 control areas. Outcomes measured before the course started and 4 months after it ended were knowledge of mental disorders, confidence in providing help, actual help provided, and social distance towards people with mental disorders. The data were analysed taking account of the clustered design and using an intention-to-treat approach. RESULTS: Training was found to produce significantly greater recognition of the disorders, increased agreement with health professionals about which interventions are likely to be helpful, decreased social distance, increased confidence in providing help to others, and an increase in help actually provided. There was no change in the number of people with mental health problems that trainees had contact with nor in the percentage advising someone to seek professional help. CONCLUSIONS: Mental Health First Aid training produces positive changes in knowledge, attitudes and behaviour when the course is given to members of the public by instructors from the local health service

    A Large Scale Double Beta and Dark Matter Experiment: GENIUS

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    The recent results from the HEIDELBERG-MOSCOW experiment have demonstrated the large potential of double beta decay to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. To increase by a major step the present sensitivity for double beta decay and dark matter search much bigger source strengths and much lower backgrounds are needed than used in experiments under operation at present or under construction. We present here a study of a project proposed recently, which would operate one ton of 'naked' enriched GErmanium-detectors in liquid NItrogen as shielding in an Underground Setup (GENIUS). It improves the sensitivity to neutrino masses to 0.01 eV. A ten ton version would probe neutrino masses even down to 10^-3 eV. The first version would allow to test the atmospheric neutrino problem, the second at least part of the solar neutrino problem. Both versions would allow in addition significant contributions to testing several classes of GUT models. These are especially tests of R-parity breaking supersymmetry models, leptoquark masses and mechanism and right-handed W-boson masses comparable to LHC. The second issue of the experiment is the search for dark matter in the universe. The entire MSSM parameter space for prediction of neutralinos as dark matter particles could be covered already in a first step of the full experiment - with the same purity requirements but using only 100 kg of 76Ge or even of natural Ge - making the experiment competitive to LHC in the search for supersymmetry. The layout of the proposed experiment is discussed and the shielding and purity requirements are studied using GEANT Monte Carlo simulations. As a demonstration of the feasibility of the experiment first results of operating a 'naked' Ge detector in liquid nitrogen are presented.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, see also http://pluto.mpi-hd.mpg.de/~betalit/genius.htm

    30 inch Roll-Based Production of High-Quality Graphene Films for Flexible Transparent Electrodes

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    We report that 30-inch scale multiple roll-to-roll transfer and wet chemical doping considerably enhance the electrical properties of the graphene films grown on roll-type Cu substrates by chemical vapor deposition. The resulting graphene films shows a sheet resistance as low as ~30 Ohm/sq at ~90 % transparency which is superior to commercial transparent electrodes such as indium tin oxides (ITO). The monolayer of graphene shows sheet resistances as low as ~125 Ohm/sq with 97.4% optical transmittance and half-integer quantum Hall effect, indicating the high-quality of these graphene films. As a practical application, we also fabricated a touch screen panel device based on the graphene transparent electrodes, showing extraordinary mechanical and electrical performances