104 research outputs found

    Orchestration of the S-phase and DNA damage checkpoint pathways by replication forks from early origins

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    The S-phase checkpoint activated at replication forks coordinates DNA replication when forks stall because of DNA damage or low deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate pools. We explore the involvement of replication forks in coordinating the S-phase checkpoint using dun1Δ cells that have a defect in the number of stalled forks formed from early origins and are dependent on the DNA damage Chk1p pathway for survival when replication is stalled. We show that providing additional origins activated in early S phase and establishing a paused fork at a replication fork pause site restores S-phase checkpoint signaling to chk1Δ dun1Δ cells and relieves the reliance on the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. Origin licensing and activation are controlled by the cyclin–Cdk complexes. Thus, oncogene-mediated deregulation of cyclins in the early stages of cancer development could contribute to genomic instability through a deficiency in the forks required to establish the S-phase checkpoint

    Whistle characteristics and daytime dive behavior in pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) in Hawai‘i measured using digital acoustic recording tags (DTAGs)

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    Funding to support P.L.T. was received from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland) and their support is gratefully acknowledged. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions.This study characterizes daytime acoustic and dive behavior of pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) in Hawai‘i using 14.58 h of data collected from five deployments of digital acoustic recording tags (DTAG3) in 2013. For each tagged animal, the number of whistles, foraging buzzes, dive profiles, and dive statistics were calculated. Start, end, minimum, and maximum frequencies, number of inflection points and duration were measured from 746 whistles. Whistles ranged in frequency from 9.7 ± 2.8 to 19.8 ± 4.2 kHz, had a mean duration of 0.7 ± 0.5 s and a mean of 1.2 ± 1.2 inflection points. Thirteen foraging buzzes were recorded across all tags. Mean dive depth and duration were 16 ± 9 m and 1.9 ± 1.0 min, respectively. Tagged animals spent the majority of time in the upper 10 m (76.9% ± 16.1%) of the water column. Both whistle frequency characteristics and dive statistics measured here were similar to previously reported values for spotted dolphins in Hawai‘i. Shallow, short dive profiles combined with few foraging buzzes provide evidence that little spotted dolphin feeding behavior occurs during daytime hours. This work represents one of the first successful DTAG3 studies of small pelagic delphinids, providing rare insights into baseline bioacoustics and dive behavior.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Validation of the modified Fresno Test: assessing physical therapists' evidence based practice knowledge and skills

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health care educators need valid and reliable tools to assess evidence based practice (EBP) knowledge and skills. Such instruments have yet to be developed for use among physical therapists. The Fresno Test (FT) has been validated only among general practitioners and occupational therapists and does not assess integration of research evidence with patient perspectives and clinical expertise. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a modified FT to assess EBP knowledge and skills relevant to physical therapist (PT) practice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The FT was modified to include PT-specific content and two new questions to assess integration of patient perspectives and clinical expertise with research evidence. An expert panel reviewed the test for content validity. A cross-sectional cohort representing three training levels (EBP-novice students, EBP-trained students, EBP-expert faculty) completed the test. Two blinded raters, not involved in test development, independently scored each test. Construct validity was assessed through analysis of variance for linear trends among known groups. Inter and intra-rater reliability, internal consistency, item discrimination index, item total correlation, and difficulty were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among 108 participants (31 EBP-novice students, 50 EBP-trained students, and 27 EBP-expert faculty), there was a statistically significant (p < 0.0001) difference in total score corresponding to training level. Total score reliability and psychometric properties of items modified for discipline-specific content were excellent [inter-rater (ICC (2,1)] = 0.91); intra-rater (ICC (2,1)] = 0.95, 0.96)]. Cronbach's α was 0.78. Of the two new items, only one had strong psychometric properties.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The 13-item modified FT presented here is a valid, reliable assessment of physical therapists' EBP knowledge and skills. One new item assesses integration of patient perspective as part of the EBP model. Educators and researchers may use the 13-item modified FT to evaluate PT EBP curricula and physical therapists' EBP knowledge and skills.</p

    Investigating Bacterial Sources of Toxicity as an Environmental Contributor to Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration

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    Parkinson disease (PD) involves progressive neurodegeneration, including loss of dopamine (DA) neurons from the substantia nigra. Select genes associated with rare familial forms of PD function in cellular pathways, such as the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), involved in protein degradation. The misfolding and accumulation of proteins, such as α-synuclein, into inclusions termed Lewy Bodies represents a clinical hallmark of PD. Given the predominance of sporadic PD among patient populations, environmental toxins may induce the disease, although their nature is largely unknown. Thus, an unmet challenge surrounds the discovery of causal or contributory neurotoxic factors that could account for the prevalence of sporadic PD. Bacteria within the order Actinomycetales are renowned for their robust production of secondary metabolites and might represent unidentified sources of environmental exposures. Among these, the aerobic genera, Streptomyces, produce natural proteasome inhibitors that block protein degradation and may potentially damage DA neurons. Here we demonstrate that a metabolite produced by a common soil bacterium, S. venezuelae, caused DA neurodegeneration in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, which increased as animals aged. This metabolite, which disrupts UPS function, caused gradual degeneration of all neuronal classes examined, however DA neurons were particularly vulnerable to exposure. The presence of DA exacerbated toxicity because neurodegeneration was attenuated in mutant nematodes depleted for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in DA production. Strikingly, this factor caused dose-dependent death of human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, a dopaminergic line. Efforts to purify the toxic activity revealed that it is a highly stable, lipophilic, and chemically unique small molecule. Evidence of a robust neurotoxic factor that selectively impacts neuronal survival in a progressive yet moderate manner is consistent with the etiology of age-associated neurodegenerative diseases. Collectively, these data suggest the potential for exposures to the metabolites of specific common soil bacteria to possibly represent a contributory environmental component to PD

    Genotyping Performance between Saliva and Blood-Derived Genomic DNAs on the DMET Array: A Comparison

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    The Affymetrix Drug Metabolism Enzymes and Transporters (DMET) microarray is the first assay to offer a large representation of SNPs conferring genetic diversity across known pharmacokinetic markers. As a convenient and painless alternative to blood, saliva samples have been reported to work well for genotyping on the high density SNP arrays, but no reports to date have examined this application for saliva-derived DNA on the DMET platform. Genomic DNA extractions from saliva samples produced an ample quantity of genomic DNA for DMET arrays, however when human amplifiable DNA was measured, it was determined that a large percentage of this DNA was from bacteria or fungi. A mean of 37.3% human amplifiable DNA was determined for saliva-derived DNAs, which results in a significant decrease in the genotyping call rate (88.8%) when compared with blood-derived DNAs (99.1%). More interestingly, the percentage of human amplifiable DNA correlated with a higher genotyping call rate, and almost all samples with more than 31.3% human DNA produced a genotyping call rate of at least 96%. SNP genotyping results for saliva derived DNA (n = 39) illustrated a 98.7% concordance when compared with blood DNA. In conclusion, when compared with blood DNA and tested on the DMET array, saliva-derived DNA provided adequate genotyping quality with a significant lower number of SNP calls. Saliva-derived DNA does perform very well if it contains greater than 31.3% human amplifiable DNA

    Revisión de la literatura integradora acerca de intervenciones de la enfermería volcadas hacia el incremento del autocuidado entre pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca

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    Objective: to analyze and summarize knowledge concerning critical components of interventions that have been proposed and implemented by nurses with the aim of optimizing self-care by heart failure patients.Methods: PubMed and CINAHL were the electronic databases used to search full peer-reviewed papers, presenting descriptions of nursing interventions directed to patients or to patients and their families and designed to optimize self-care. Forty-two studies were included in the final sample (n=4,799 patients).Results: this review pointed to a variety and complexity of nursing interventions. As self-care encompasses several behaviors, interventions targeted an average of 3.6 behaviors. Educational/counselling activities were combined or not with cognitive behavioral strategies, but only about half of the studies used a theoretical background to guide interventions. Clinical assessment and management were frequently associated with self-care interventions, which varied in number of sessions (1 to 30); length of follow-up (2 weeks to 12 months) and endpoints.Conclusions: these findings may be useful to inform nurses about further research in self-care interventions in order to propose the comparison of different modalities of intervention, the use of theoretical background and the establishment of endpoints to evaluate their effectiveness.Objetivo:analisar e sintetizar o conchecimento relacionado aos componentes críticos das intervençoes que têm, sido propostas e implementadas por enfermeiros(as) com objetivo de optimizar o auto-cuidado de pacientes portadores de insuficiência cardíaca.Método:PubMed e CINAHL foram as bases de dados electrônicas utilizadas para investigar artigos revisados por pares (peer review), apresentando as descrições das intervenções dirigidas ao paciente ou ao paciente e sua familia, visando melhorar o auto-cuidado. Foram incluídos 42 estudos na amostra final (n=4799 pacientes).Resultados:esta revisão apontou variedade e complexidade das intervenções de enfermagem. Como o auto-cuidado envolve diferentes comportamentos, as intervenções visaram em média 3,6 comportamentos. As Atividades de educação e aconselhamento foram combinadas ou não com estratégias cognitivo-comportamentais, mas somente a metade dos estudos utilizaram suporte teórico para guiar as intervenções. A avaliação e o manejo clínico foram frequentemente associados às intervenções de auto-cuidado, as quais variam em número de sessões (1 a 30), duração do seguimento (2 semanas a 12 meses) e desfechos.Conclusão:estes resultados podem ser úteis para guiar os enfermeiros no que se refere à futuros estudos sobre intervenções de auto-cuidado, de maneira a propor a comparação de diferentes modalidades de intervenção, uso de suporte teórico e estabelecimento de desfechos para melhor avaliar sua eficácia.Objetivo:analizar y sintetizar el conocimiento relacionado a componentes críticos de intervenciones que han sido propuestas e implementadas por enfermeros(as) con el objetivo de optimizar el autocuidado entre pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca.Método:PUBMED y CINAHL han sido las bases de datos electrónicas usadas para investigar artículos revisados por pares (peer review), presentando descripciones de intervenciones destinadas a perfeccionar el autocuidado dirigido al paciente o al paciente y a su familia. Se incluyeron 42 estudios en la muestra final (n=4799 pacientes).Resultados:esta revisión apuntó a una variedad y complejidad de intervenciones de enfermería. Como el autocuidado abarca varios comportamientos, las intervenciones tuvieron como blanco, en media, 3,6 comportamientos. Actividades de educación/consejería fueron combinadas o no con estrategias cognitivo-comportamentales, pero tan solo cerca de la mitad de los estudios tenían aporte teórico para guiar intervenciones. La gestión y la evaluación clínica fueron frecuentemente asociadas a intervenciones de autocuidado, las cuales oscilaron en número de sesiones (1 a 30), duración del seguimiento (2 semanas a 12 meses) y objetivos.Conclusiones:estos resultados pueden ser útiles para informar a las enfermeras acerca de nuevas investigaciones en intervenciones de autocuidado, de modo a proponer la comparación de distintas modalidades de intervención, el uso de un aporte teórico y el establecimiento de objetivos para evaluar su eficacia

    The impact of women's social position on fertility in developing countries

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    This paper examines ideas about possible ways in which the extent of women's autonomy, women's economic dependency, and other aspects of their position vis-à-vis men influence fertility in Third World populations. Women's position or “status” seems likely to be related to the supply of children because of its links with age at marriage. Women's position may also affect the demand for children and the costs of fertility regulation, though some connections suggested in the literature are implausible. The paper ends with suggestions for future research.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45660/1/11206_2005_Article_BF01124382.pd