9 research outputs found


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    In this work, a general algorithm is proposed to design the reconstruction of chemical/physical/biological process events as one of the most complicated today: the evolution of cancer cells. Studying the evolution of the boundary curves it is possible to make a three-dimensional (3D) integration, in addition the 3D figure obtained can be explained through a mathematical model to estimate its geometric evolution after physical/chemical reactions. In this work, there are analyzed images of each stage of the process based on the evolution of cancer cells. Each image was processed in order to obtain a mathematical equation as a reference to understand the geometry of the 3D structure based on its 2D image for each stage. On the other side, with this information and the processing of each stage image, a mathematical equation was achieved to describe the geometry of the structure between stages by "Optimal Prediction Analysis" which is so important to gain understanding of the geometry of the structure with the internal process.En este trabajo se propone un algoritmo general para diseñar la reconstrucción de eventos de proceso químico/físico/biológico como uno de los más complicados hoy en día: la "evolución de las células cancerígenas". Estudiando la evolución de las curvas de frontera es posible hacer una integración en tres dimensiones (3D), además la cifra 3D obtenida se puede explicar a través de un modelo matemático para estimar su evolución geométrica después de reacciones físicas/químicas. En este trabajo, hay imágenes analizadas de cada etapa del proceso basadas en la evolución de las células cancerosas. Cada imagen fue procesada con el fin de obtener una ecuación matemática como referencia para entender la geometría de la estructura 3D basada en su imagen 2D para cada etapa. En el otro lado, con esta información y el procesamiento de cada imagen de etapa, se logró una ecuación matemática para describir la geometría de la estructura entre etapas mediante "Análisis de Predicción Óptima" que es tan importante para obtener la comprensión de la geometría de la estructura con el proceso interno

    Wireless intelligent sensors based in nanostructures with energy self-sufficiency to study the consequences of high temperatures in combustion motors

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    In this research are proposed the consequences of high temperatures in Internal Combustion Motors (ICM) as correlation of its performance according to give information of the ICM fault detector, which also can be useful for preventive maintenance. It was possible to achieve the proposed target because of it was designed a smart sensor based in nanostructures prepared over Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO) samples, which proportionated short response time and high robustness in the measurement tasks of the smart sensor, as well as, the designed sensor has the possibility to work by energy self-sufficiency and sending the measurement data to external users by wireless. In fact, it is waited that this research could be a support for researchers of ICM enhancement, who could look for new techniques of environment conditions cares in compensation to keep the balance between the useful energy obtained from ICM and the environment conditions, where are developed economical activities such as public transport or mining in Peru


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    In this research is analyzed COVID-19 transmission by thermodynamic and energy balance between geographic areas and its correlation with possible COVID-19 transmission between 2 persons at least. In order to achieve parameters for medical doctors, as for example the minimal distance among two infected people, who have this virus, there were designed mathematical models that were based in statistical data to get information of COVID-19 propagation as the dependence on temperature of geographic areas, moreover the thermal effect of the minimal distance between two people avoiding COVID-19 infection. With this work, answers are sought to the questions: if it could be possible to find a relation between temperature and virus transmission? Or if it could be possible to get a correlation variable among thermal variables with minimal distance separation (it was described above) for two people? Hence, it is waited answers to these questions owing to be support for medical doctors, who are trying to find solution against COVID-19 propagation. It is worth mentioning that this research can be extended to more complex areas such as street markets, street fair or enclosed marketplaces, where products and services are sold, moreover, not every area has an air conditioning system in Peru. Nevertheless, in this research it is achieved the technique, how to solve this task: to obtain appropriated ventilation parameters as the dependence on the minimal distance that people need to be separated, according to avoid virus transmission between each other. Furthermore, it is suggested some geometrical/material characteristics for air filters and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection at the entrance of the main air duct.En esta investigación se analiza la transmisión de COVID-19 por equilibrio termodinámico y energético entre áreas geográficas y su correlación con la posible transmisión de COVID-19 entre al menos 2 personas. Con el fin de lograr parámetros para los médicos, como por ejemplo la distancia mínima entre dos personas infectadas que tienen este virus, se diseñaron modelos matemáticos basados en datos estadísticos para obtener información sobre la propagación de COVID-19 como la dependencia de la temperatura de áreas geográficas, además, el efecto térmico de la distancia mínima entre dos personas evitando la infección por COVID-19. Con este trabajo, se buscan respuestas a las preguntas: ¿Si fuera posible encontrar una relación entre la temperatura y la transmisión del virus? ¿O si fuera posible obtener una variable de correlación entre variables térmicas con una separación mínima de distancia (se describió anteriormente) para dos personas? Por lo tanto, se esperan respuestas a estas preguntas debido al apoyo de los médicos, que están tratando de encontrar una solución contra la propagación de COVID-19. Vale la pena mencionar que esta investigación puede extenderse a áreas más complejas como mercados y ferias abiertas al aire libre o mercados cerrados, donde se venden productos y servicios, además, no todas las áreas tienen un sistema de aire acondicionado en Perú. Sin embargo, en esta investigación se logra la técnica, cómo resolver esta tarea: obtener parámetros de ventilación apropiados como la dependencia de la distancia mínima que las personas necesitan para separarse, para evitar la transmisión del virus entre sí. Además, se sugieren algunas características geométricas / materiales para los filtros de aire y la desinfección mediante ultravioleta (UV) en la entrada del conducto de aire principal


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    Esta investigación explica las aplicaciones de reconstrucción tridimensional (3D) para las imágenes de las familias COVID-19, según la búsqueda de la correlación entre el modelo matemático "evento por evento" con efecto antiviral sobre el virus, además, el modelo matemático obtenido de la reconstrucción 3D está correlacionado con "Un modelado matemático general para las respuestas inmunitarias". Por lo tanto, el algoritmo diseñado, proporciona apoyo a los médicos a través de un análisis gráfico y predicciones con respecto a "¿Qué sucede con el virus antes de aplicar una acción como los medicamentos contra la malaria?". Muchos países están tratando de encontrar la vacuna contra COVID 19; sin embargo, muchos países sólo tienen estrategias estadísticas dadas por las restricciones de desplazamiento de la población, lo cual no es suficiente para evitar la rápida  transmisión del virus. Por lo tanto, en esta investigación se propone un análisis matemático para tratar el virus mediante un modelo predictivo basado en la reconstrucción de imágenes 3D del COVID 19, correlacionada con aplicaciones de análisis antiviral. Como consecuencia del modelo diseñado, el médico puede predecir las respuestas de las células dañadas por el virus después de aplicar antivirales o plasma sobre ellas. El algoritmo proporcionado se elabora para ser un soporte para el tratamiento del COVID 19

    Optimal Analysis for the Enhancement in the Thermal Variables Measurement by Smart and Modular Solid State Sensors

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    The proposed research aims to analyze and optimize the measurement of thermal physical variables during the operation of a hydrogen combustion engine. The optimal measurement of the flow, temperature, pressure, and volume is given over the hydrogen, which is the main fuel of the studied combustion motor. Hence, the success of the measurement is based on the polynomial analysis of the combustion motor operation, which needs nonlinear algorithms to get the optimal correlation of the measured physical variables as well as a high robustness and short response time during the transduction of the measured physical variable, which is achieved as a consequence of the anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) amorphous nanostructures properties that are modular solid state integration of the designed smart sensor. The short response time and high robustness is a good advantage for the designed smart sensor since it gives more time to execute sophisticated algorithms in order to get the optimal physical variables measurement. In fact, the proposed smart sensor keeps the possibility to be modular and solid state for the interaction with the hydrogen fuel as well as recognizing the presence of other molecules mixed in the fluid, which can alarm the user who is able to recognize whether it is joined oxygen or carbon residues. Therefore, the proposed research work toward a good compromise to care for the environment condition based on a cleaner combustion motor operation

    Natural environments, ancestral diets, and microbial ecology: is there a modern “paleo-deficit disorder”? Part II

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    This research explains the applications of the algorithm that was designed to provide statistical support for medical doctors. The support that was achieved from this research looks for an urgent interpretation of parameters such as the rate of infected people by COVID-19 and the rate of deceased people because of this virus. Furthermore, this research achieves prediction rates that were provided by a mathematical model that observes and adapts real statistical data from other countries, where governments are trying to find solutions against of COVID-19 propagation. It means, in order to get accuracy in prediction results, it was necessary to analyse what was the statistical behaviour from China and other countries that returned to normal activities as it was before virus imposed to confine population inside homes. On the other hand, it is summarized the virus problematic growth and some suggestions, how to avoid deep complications in health and economy of people (for instance, quarantine days as the main response to attenuate advance of this virus).En esta investigación se explica las aplicaciones del algoritmo que fue propuesto para proporcionar apoyo estadístico para los médicos. El apoyo que se realizó en esta investigación busca una urgente interpretación de parámetros como la tasa de personas infectadas por COVID-19 y la tasa de personas fallecidas a causa de este virus. Además, esta investigación logra predecir las tasas que fueron proporcionadas por un modelo matemático que observa y adapta datos estadísticos reales de otros países donde están tratando de encontrar soluciones contra la propagación del COVID – 19. Esto implica que, con el fin de obtener precisión en los resultados de la predicción, fue necesario analizar cuál fue el comportamiento estadístico de China y otros países que volvieron a la normalidad de sus actividades, tal como era antes de que el virus impusiera a la población a permanecer en sus hogares. Por otro lado, se resume el crecimiento problemático del virus y algunas sugerencias de cómo evitar complicaciones profundas en la salud y la economía de las personas (por ejemplo, los días de cuarentena, como principal respuesta para atenuar el avance de este virus)

    A synthesis of research on language of reading instruction for English language learners

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    This article reviews experimental studies comparing bilingual and English-only reading programs for English language learners. The review method is best-evidence synthesis, which uses a systematic literature search, quantification of outcomes as effect sizes, and extensive discussion of individual studies that meet inclusion standards. A total of 17 studies met the inclusion standards. Among 13 studies focusing on elementary reading for Spanish-dominant students, 9 favored bilingual approaches on English reading measures, and 4 found no differences, for a median effect size of +0.45. Weighted by sample size, an effect size of +0.33 was computed, which is significantly different from zero (p < .05). One of two studies of heritage languages (French and Choctaw) and two secondary studies favored bilingual approaches. The review concludes that although the number of high-quality studies is small, existing evidence favors bilingual approaches, especially paired bilingual strategies that teach reading in the native language and English at different times each day. However, further research using longitudinal, randomized designs is needed to determine how best to ensure reading success for all English language learners