7 research outputs found

    Discourse, power and acces

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    The Shadow of the Bomb:a study of degree-level nuclear physics textbooks

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    The author presents a textual analysis of 57 nuclear physics textbooks for senior-level physics degree students. The work investigates how the textbooks relate to an aspect that is relevant and important but almost wholly avoided, namely nuclear weapons. Most of the books do, however, contain expositions of other applications, notably nuclear power reactors. These expositions are often enthusiastic and occasionally extravagant. When the existing apocalyptic arsenals are borne in mind, the textbooks' asymmetry is seen to be problematic. The publication dates of the textbooks range from 1950 to 2010, yet for the question addressed in this study remarkably little has changed. This study emphasises the culture in which we all live, rather than individual specialists. The author concludes that a response to our nuclear situation, based on a rational programme for long-term survival, rather than on psychological defences, has to come from all. Experts do have special responsibilities but the author maintains that it is unrealistic to expect specialist groups, such as those involved in producing textbooks, to act independently of the wider culture

    Brinquedo, gênero e educação na brinquedoteca Toys, gender and education in a toy library

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    Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada com crianças de 2 a 10 anos de idade, freqüentadoras da Brinquedoteca da Faculdade de Educação da USP, de março de 2005 a março de 2006, tendo como objetivo o estabelecimento de relações entre brinquedo, gênero e educação. A pesquisa qualitativa, etnográfica, utiliza: diário de bordo, filmagens, transcrições de episódios de brincadeira e relatos. A partir da teoria pós-estruturalista feminista, que usa uma concepção de subjetividade precária, contraditória e constantemente se reconstituindo no discurso, propomos uma concepção de gênero performativa, instaurada pela performance repetida de atores sociais, para desenvolver a eqüidade no brincar de meninos e meninas. Os resultados indicam a difícil tarefa de eliminar os preconceitos de gênero, que dependem de fatores externos à Brinquedoteca, mas há indícios de mudança, reforçando a crença de que é possível adotar uma política de valorização de eqüidade no brincar infantil, estimulando meninos e meninas a brincarem juntos.<br>This text is about a research project carried out with children ranging from age 2 to 10, at the Education College Toy Library at the University of São Paulo from March 2005 to March 2006, with the objective of establishing relations between toys, gender and education. The qualitative and ethnographic research includes a logbook, video recordings, transcriptions of episodes in which children are playing and personal stories. Drawing on the post-structural feminist theory, based on a conception of subjectivity as precarious, contradictory and constantly reconstructed in discourse, the author suggests a concept of gender based on the performance of social actors as a means to develop equity in playing for both boys and girls. The results show the difficult task of eliminating gender preconceptions, which depends on factors that are external to the Toy Library environment. They also reveal the evidence of changes, strengthening the belief that it is possible do adopt a policy that stimulates equity in childhood playing, encouraging boys and girls to play together

    Sober on the holiday: is it un-Australian?

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    Tourism media research is focusing on the nexus where two areas meet; either where tourism is impacted upon by media, or where the media is affected by tourism practices and industries. This paper will primarily be situated in the first of these categories by examining travelogues in women\u27s magazines, in this case Marie Claire, and ask what influences the content of these can have on the consumers of the media. It could be argued that travelogues in actual fact would be part of the second category – simply subjective descriptions of actual tourist experiences. This paper will, however, suggest that the influence is to some degree mutual, and whereas the portrayals in travelogues do inform us about some experiences, they might simultaneously form a social tableau that readers are unconsciously emulating in their own behaviour. The extrinsic and intrinsic messages incorporated in travelogues will be examined here using qualitative content analysis and discourse analysis. The discussion of tourism and media influence will be related to debates regarding myths surrounding national identity construction, alcohol consumption, and Australianness. This paper rejects some of those constructs and raises further questions about the role media plays in naturalizing the link between alcohol and leisure, and about how Australian women might be shaping their beliefs, their identities, and their behaviour based on the media messages they are consuming