384 research outputs found

    Made in Italy. Values, identity, and relationships

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    The interpretation of “Made in Italy” values and their relationship with consumer perception are deeply intertwined with cultural and social aspects. With its strong connection to places of origin, the Made in Italy brand carries a profound symbolic value that resonates with our shared cultural heritage. Over the years, Made in Italy has evolved into a powerful collective brand, uniting numerous companies and embodying qualities, style, and historical culture. It stands as a beacon of design leadership, conjuring images of diverse productions, boundless creativity, and innovative prowess that we all contribute to. Yet, the perception of the current Made in Italy is a nuanced interplay of current production transformations and more profound shifts in the global, sociological, and cultural context. Understanding this dynamic can give us a richer perspective on the brand’s evolution

    Communication design for health. Territorial and digital networks

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    In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic emergency, there has been renewed interest in issues related to health, prevention and community well-being. Health communication and the promotion of disease prevention now require a theoretical and design approach that first and foremost requires the identification of appropriate tools to enhance ‘intersectorality’, ‘collaboration’ and ‘outreach’ among the different areas of expertise of the well-being and healthcare actors involved in the territory. The aim is to strengthen the process of community ‘empowerment’. This study investigates the communicative strategies suitable for enhancing the physical, virtual and digital relationships among the active presences in the territory, choosing those capable of mediating needs, promoting well-being and building a dialogue between citizens and health facilities, thus finally creating a ‘territorial health network’

    The Spin(7)Spin(7)-structures on complex line bundles and explicit Riemannian metrics with SU(4)-holonomy

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    We completely explore the system of ODE's which is equivalent to the existence of a parallel Spin(7)Spin(7)-structure on the cone over a 7-dimensional 3-Sasakian manifold. The one-dimensional family of solutions of this system is constructed. The solutions of this family correspond to metrics with holonomy SU(4) which generalize the Calabi metrics.Comment: 11 page

    Brane Resolution Through Fibration

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    We consider p-branes with one or more circular directions fibered over the transverse space. The fibration, in conjunction with the transverse space having a blown-up cycle, enables these p-brane solutions to be completely regular. Some such circularly-wrapped D3-brane solutions describe flows from SU(N)^3 N=2 theory, F_0 theory, as well as an infinite family of superconformal quiver gauge theories, down to three-dimensional field theories. We discuss the operators that are turned on away from the UV fixed points. Similarly, there are wrapped M2-brane solutions which describe smooth flows from known three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons matter theories, such as ABJM theory. We also consider p-brane solutions on gravitational instantons, and discuss various ways in which U-duality can be applied to yield other non-singular solutions.Comment: 35 pages, additional referenc

    Symplectic geometry on moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves

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    Let (M,\omega) be a symplectic manifold, and Sigma a compact Riemann surface. We define a 2-form on the space of immersed symplectic surfaces in M, and show that the form is closed and non-degenerate, up to reparametrizations. Then we give conditions on a compatible almost complex structure J on (M,\omega) that ensure that the restriction of the form to the moduli space of simple immersed J-holomorphic Sigma-curves in a homology class A in H_2(M,\Z) is a symplectic form, and show applications and examples. In particular, we deduce sufficient conditions for the existence of J-holomorphic Sigma-curves in a given homology class for a generic J.Comment: 16 page

    HyperK\"ahler quotients and N=4 gauge theories in D=2

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    We consider certain N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories in D=2 coupled to quaternionic matter multiplets in a minimal way. These theories admit as effective theories sigma-models on non-trivial HyperK\"ahler manifolds obtained as HyperK\"ahler quotients. The example of ALE manifolds is discussed. (Based on a talk given by P. Fr\'e at the F. Gursey Memorial Conference, Istanbul, June 1994).Comment: 22 pages, Latex, no figure

    Canonical transformations for hyperkahler structures and hyperhamiltonian dynamics

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    We discuss generalizations of the well known concept of canonical transformations fo symplectic structures to the case of hyperkahler structures. Different characterizations, which are equivalent in the symplectic case, give rise to non-equivalent notions in the hyperkahler ramework; we will thus distinguish between hyperkahler and canonical transformations. We also discuss the properties of hyperhamiltonian dynamics in this respect

    Numerical Ricci-flat metrics on K3

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    We develop numerical algorithms for solving the Einstein equation on Calabi-Yau manifolds at arbitrary values of their complex structure and Kahler parameters. We show that Kahler geometry can be exploited for significant gains in computational efficiency. As a proof of principle, we apply our methods to a one-parameter family of K3 surfaces constructed as blow-ups of the T^4/Z_2 orbifold with many discrete symmetries. High-resolution metrics may be obtained on a time scale of days using a desktop computer. We compute various geometric and spectral quantities from our numerical metrics. Using similar resources we expect our methods to practically extend to Calabi-Yau three-folds with a high degree of discrete symmetry, although we expect the general three-fold to remain a challenge due to memory requirements.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures; program code and animations of figures downloadable from http://schwinger.harvard.edu/~wiseman/K3/ ; v2 minor corrections, references adde

    Compact Einstein-Weyl four-dimensional manifolds

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    We look for four dimensional Einstein-Weyl spaces equipped with a regular Bianchi metric. Using the explicit 4-parameters expression of the distance obtained in a previous work for non-conformally-Einstein Einstein-Weyl structures, we show that only four 1-parameter families of regular metrics exist on orientable manifolds : they are all of Bianchi IXIX type and conformally K\"ahler ; moreover, in agreement with general results, they have a positive definite conformal scalar curvature. In a Gauduchon's gauge, they are compact and we obtain their topological invariants. Finally, we compare our results to the general analyses of Madsen, Pedersen, Poon and Swann : our simpler parametrisation allows us to correct some of their assertions.Comment: Latex file, 13 pages, an important reference added and a critical discussion of its claims offered, others minor modification

    Special biconformal changes of K\"ahler surface metrics

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    The term "special biconformal change" refers, basically, to the situation where a given nontrivial real-holomorphic vector field on a complex manifold is a gradient relative to two K\"ahler metrics, and, simultaneously, an eigenvector of one of the metrics treated, with the aid of the other, as an endomorphism of the tangent bundle. A special biconformal change is called nontrivial if the two metrics are not each other's constant multiples. For instance, according to a 1995 result of LeBrun, a nontrivial special biconformal change exists for the conformally-Einstein K\"ahler metric on the two-point blow-up of the complex projective plane, recently discovered by Chen, LeBrun and Weber; the real-holomorphic vector field involved is the gradient of its scalar curvature. The present paper establishes the existence of nontrivial special biconformal changes for some canonical metrics on Del Pezzo surfaces, viz. K\"ahler-Einstein metrics (when a nontrivial holomorphic vector field exists), non-Einstein K\"ahler-Ricci solitons, and K\"ahler metrics admitting nonconstant Killing potentials with geodesic gradients.Comment: 16 page
