97 research outputs found

    La voix d’une Caille : une martyre huguenote au xvième siècle, d’après l’Histoire des martyrs de Jean Crespin

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    Dans Les Tragiques (1616, « Les feux »), Agrippa d’Aubigné raconte que, alors que dans sa prison le célèbre martyr du Bourg était prêt de flancher : Ce cœur tremblant revint à la voix d’une Caille :Pauvre femme, mais riche, et si riche que lorsUn plus riche trouva l’aumône en ses trésors.O combien d’efficace est la voix qui console,Quand le conseiller joint l’exemple à sa parole,Comme fit celle-là qui, pour ainsi prêcher,Fit en ces mêmes jours sa chaire d’un bûcher. Cette Caille célébrée par ..

    De la comadrona a la obstetriz. Nacimiento y apogeo de la profesión de partera titulada en el Perú del siglo XIX

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    En el Perú como en el resto del mundo hispánico, el siglo XIX fue un momento de profunda transformación del ejercicio de la medicina y particularmente de la obstetricia. Unas de las actrices principales de esta evolución fueron las parteras tituladas cuya profesión nació y se asentó entonces. Hasta ahí, las matronas tradicionales eran las que se encargaban de acompañar a las parturientas, en un universo prácticamente totalmente femenino. A finales del siglo XVIII, los ilustrados peruanos comenzaron a interesarse en la maternidad y el periodo perinatal. Fustigaron principalmente la práctica de las parteras tradicionales y expusieron ante la opinión pública, la necesidad de darles una formación teórica que estuviera bajo la supervisión del cuerpo médico. El discurso ilustrado fue retomado después de la independencia por las autoridades públicas del Estado naciente. El proyecto se concretó gracias a la llegada al Perú de una partera francesa de excepción, Benita Paulina Fessel, mujer emprendedora deseosa de fundar una maternidad bajo el modelo de la de Port-Royal (París). La confluencia de estos factores permitió el nacimiento en 1826 de la primera Maternidad del mundo hispánico con un funcionamiento particular que asociaba un hospital y una escuela de partos, dirigida por Madame Fessel, ella misma ex alumna de la Maternidad de París. La maternidad limeña formó varias generaciones de parteras, que recibieron una excelente formación tanto teórica como práctica y que se impusieron como profesionales competentes. Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX las obstetrices, como se les llama desde esa época en Perú, acompañaron cada vez a más mujeres en el trance del parto y resistieron a la presión de los médicos por apropiarse de ese momento esencial en la vida de las mujeres

    Urinary Elimination of Coproporphyrins Is Dependent on ABCC2 Polymorphisms and Represents a Potential Biomarker of MRP2 Activity in Humans

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    MRP2 encoded by ABCC2 gene is involved in the secretion of numerous drugs and endogenous substrates. Patients with Dubin-Johnson syndrome due to mutation in ABCC2 gene have elevated urinary coproporphyrin ratio (UCP I/(I + III)). Here we investigated whether this ratio could serve as a biomarker of MRP2 function. Phenotype-genotype relationships were studied in 74 healthy subjects by measuring individual UCP I/(I + III) ratio obtained on 24-hour urine and by analyzing five common SNPs in ABCC2 gene. The UCP I/(I + III) ratio varied from 14.7% to 46.0% in our population. Subjects with 3972TT genotype had a higher ratio (P = .04) than those carrying the C allele. This higher UCP I/(I + III) ratio was correlated with a higher level of isomer I excretion. This study provides a proof of concept that UCP I/(I + III) ratio can be used as a biomarker of MRP2 function in clinical studies as it provides quantitative information about the in vivo activity of MRP2 in a given patient

    Le colonel Medina Galindo, la province indienne de Riohacha et la révolution néogrenadine (1792-1814)

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    Qu’est-ce qu’une révolution ? Sans aucun doute, l’un des traits essentiels qui distinguent ce phénomène politique d’une simple émeute, d’un soulèvement ou d’une insurrection réside dans son incidence, qui s’étend même aux territoires restant a priori étrangers au mouvement, lesquels, de manière paradoxale et inopinée, finissent par être le théâtre de manifestations issues, dans une certaine mesure, des fondements des troubles frappés d’anathème. À partir de l’étude des répercussions de la transformation politique de 1810 dans le très fidèle gouvernorat de Riohacha, le présent article voudrait s’attacher à montrer que la révolution néogrenadine s’étendit insidieusement à l’ensemble de la vice-royauté, et que, pour avoir une idée plus claire de ce phénomène, il est très important de prêter aussi attention aux provinces qui sont restées alors sous l’orbite de la Régence. Alors qu’elles sont d’ordinaire considérées dans les histoires de la révolution néogrenadine comme des obstacles ou des frontières, il est temps d’observer plutôt en elles le curieux aspect qu’elles offrent du mouvement indépendantiste. De même nous intéresserons-nous au rapport que gouvernants et gouvernés entretenaient en Riohacha à la veille de la crise monarchique, en y voyant peut-être une clé permettant de comprendre tout aussi bien les raisons de la fidélité que celles de la rupture.What is a Revolution ? Without doubt, one of the essential traits distinguishing this political phenomenon from a simple riot, or an uprising, or an insurrection lies in its effect on territories remaining generally foreign to the movement ; paradoxically and unexpectedly, these areas end up being affected by the movement itself. By examining the repercussions of the political transformation of 1810 in the loyal governorate of Riohacha, this article aims to show that the revolution in Neo-Granada insidiously extended to the entire viceroyalty. To have a clearer idea of this phenomenon, it is important to study the provinces that remained in the orbit of the Regency. While these are usually considered in the histories of the Revolution of Neo-Granada as obstacles or limits, it is necessary to observe in them the curious dimension they offer to the movement for independence. Similarly, the relationship between rulers and ruled in Riohacha on the eve of the crisis of the monarchy, itself a key, perhaps, to understanding the reasons for its loyalty and those of rupture will be addressed

    Fulton County News, July 26, 1940

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    Genome-wide analysis of the rice and arabidopsis non-specific lipid transfer protein (nsLtp) gene families and identification of wheat nsLtp genes by EST data mining

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Plant non-specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) are encoded by multigene families and possess physiological functions that remain unclear. Our objective was to characterize the complete <it>nsLtp </it>gene family in rice and arabidopsis and to perform wheat EST database mining for <it>nsLtp </it>gene discovery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we carried out a genome-wide analysis of <it>nsLtp </it>gene families in <it>Oryza sativa </it>and <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>and identified 52 rice <it>nsLtp </it>genes and 49 arabidopsis <it>nsLtp </it>genes. Here we present a complete overview of the genes and deduced protein features. Tandem duplication repeats, which represent 26 out of the 52 rice <it>nsLtp </it>genes and 18 out of the 49 arabidopsis <it>nsLtp </it>genes identified, support the complexity of the <it>nsLtp </it>gene families in these species. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that rice and arabidopsis nsLTPs are clustered in nine different clades. In addition, we performed comparative analysis of rice <it>nsLtp </it>genes and wheat (<it>Triticum aestivum</it>) EST sequences indexed in the UniGene database. We identified 156 putative wheat <it>nsLtp </it>genes, among which 91 were found in the 'Chinese Spring' cultivar. The 122 wheat non-redundant nsLTPs were organized in eight types and 33 subfamilies. Based on the observation that seven of these clades were present in arabidopsis, rice and wheat, we conclude that the major functional diversification within the nsLTP family predated the monocot/dicot divergence. In contrast, there is no type VII nsLTPs in arabidopsis and type IX nsLTPs were only identified in arabidopsis. The reason for the larger number of <it>nsLtp </it>genes in wheat may simply be due to the hexaploid state of wheat but may also reflect extensive duplication of gene clusters as observed on rice chromosomes 11 and 12 and arabidopsis chromosome 5.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our current study provides fundamental information on the organization of the rice, arabidopsis and wheat <it>nsLtp </it>gene families. The multiplicity of nsLTP types provide new insights on arabidopsis, rice and wheat <it>nsLtp </it>gene families and will strongly support further transcript profiling or functional analyses of <it>nsLtp </it>genes. Until such time as specific physiological functions are defined, it seems relevant to categorize plant nsLTPs on the basis of sequence similarity and/or phylogenetic clustering.</p

    Outlook Magazine, Spring 1972

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    13 étoiles: reflets du Valais = Wallis im Bild

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