4 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Linkage over Location-Enhanced Services

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    Topic-based influence computation in social networks under resource constraints

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    As social networks are constantly changing and evolving, methods to analyze dynamic social networks are becoming more important in understanding social trends. However, due to the restrictions imposed by the social network service providers, the resources available to fetch the entire contents of a social network are typically very limited. As a result, analysis of dynamic social network data requires maintaining an approximate copy of the social network for each time period, locally. In this paper, we study the problem of dynamic network and text fetching with limited probing capacities, for identifying and maintaining influential users as the social network evolves. We propose an algorithm to probe the relationships (required for global influence computation) as well as posts (required for topic-based influence computation) of a limited number of users during each probing period, based on the influence trends and activities of the users. We infer the current network based on the newly probed user data and the last known version of the network maintained locally. Additionally, we propose to use link prediction methods to further increase the accuracy of our network inference. We employ PageRank as the metric for influence computation. We illustrate how the proposed solution maintains accurate PageRank scores for computing global influence, and topic-sensitive weighted PageRank scores for topic-based influence. The latter relies on a topic-based network constructed via weights determined by semantic analysis of posts and their sharing statistics. We evaluate the effectiveness of our algorithms by comparing them with the true influence scores of the full and up-to-date version of the network, using data from the micro-blogging service Twitter. Results show that our techniques significantly outperform baseline methods (80% higher accuracy for network fetching and 77% for text fetching) and are superior to state-of-the-art techniques from the literature (21% higher accuracy)

    Location recommendations for new businesses using check-in data

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    Location based social networks (LBSN) and mobile applications generate data useful for location oriented business decisions. Companies can get insights about mobility patterns of potential customers and their daily habits on shopping, dining, etc. to enhance customer satisfaction and increase profitability. We introduce a new problem of identifying neighborhoods with a potential of success in a line of business. After partitioning the city into neighborhoods, based on geographical and social distances, we use the similarities of the neighborhoods to identify specific neighborhoods as candidates for investment for a new business opportunity. We present two solutions for this new problem: i) a probabilistic approach based on Bayesian inference for location selection along with a voting based approximation, and ii) an adaptation of collaborative filtering using the similarity of neighborhoods based on co-existence of related venues and check-in patterns. We use Foursquare user check-in and venue location data to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. Our experiments show promising results for identifying new opportunities and supporting business decisions using increasingly available check-in data sets