76 research outputs found

    Peptoniphilus duodeni sp. nov., a new bacterial species identified in human duodenum

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    We present here the main characteristics of Peptoniphilus duodeni strain Marseille-P2932 (= CSUR P2932, = DSM 103346) that was isolated from the duodenum of a 60-year-old male. Keywords: Culturomics, Taxonogenomics, Gut microbiota, Human gut, Peptoniphilus duoden

    Digital expression profiling of novel diatom transcripts provides insight into their biological functions

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    Background: Diatoms represent the predominant group of eukaryotic phytoplankton in the oceans and are responsible for around 20% of global photosynthesis. Two whole genome sequences are now available. Notwithstanding, our knowledge of diatom biology remains limited because only around half of their genes can be ascribed a function based onhomology-based methods. High throughput tools are needed, therefore, to associate functions with diatom-specific genes. Results: We have performed a systematic analysis of 130,000 ESTs derived from Phaeodactylum tricornutum cells grown in 16 different conditions. These include different sources of nitrogen, different concentrations of carbon dioxide, silicate and iron, and abiotic stresses such as low temperature and low salinity. Based on unbiased statistical methods, we have catalogued transcripts with similar expression profiles and identified transcripts differentially expressed in response to specific treatments. Functional annotation of these transcripts provides insights into expression patterns of genes involved in various metabolic and regulatory pathways and into the roles of novel genes with unknown functions. Specific growth conditions could be associated with enhanced gene diversity, known gene product functions, and over-representation of novel transcripts. Comparative analysis of data from the other sequenced diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana, helped identify several unique diatom genes that are specifically regulated under particular conditions, thus facilitating studies of gene function, genome annotation and the molecular basis of species diversity. Conclusions: The digital gene expression database represents a new resource for identifying candidate diatom-specific genes involved in processes of major ecological relevance

    Maternal Environment Influences Cocaine Intake in Adulthood in a Genotype-Dependent Manner

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    Background: Accumulating epidemiological evidence points to the role of genetic background as a modulator of the capacity of adverse early experiences to give rise to mental illness. However, direct evidence of such gene-environment interaction in the context of substance abuse is scarce. In the present study we investigated whether the impact of early life experiences on cocaine intake in adulthood depends on genetic background. In addition, we studied other behavioral dimensions associated with drug abuse, i.e. anxiety- and depression-related behaviors. Methodology/Principal Findings: For this purpose, we manipulated the maternal environment of two inbred mouse strains, the C57BL/6J and DBA/2J by fostering them with non-related mothers, i.e. the C3H/HeN and AKR strains. These mother strains show respectively high and low pup-oriented behavior. As adults, C57BL/6J and DBA/2J were tested either for cocaine intravenous self-administration or in the elevated plus-maze and forced swim test (FST). We found that the impact of maternal environment on cocaine use and a depression-related behavior depends upon genotype, as cocaine self-administration and behavior in the FST were influenced by maternal environment in DBA/2J, but not in C57BL/6J mice. Anxiety was not influenced by maternal environment in either strain. Conclusions/Significance: Our experimental approach could contribute to the identification of the psychobiological factor

    Hepatic Stem-like Phenotype and Interplay of Wnt/β-Catenin and Myc Signaling in Aggressive Childhood Liver Cancer

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    SummaryHepatoblastoma, the most common pediatric liver cancer, is tightly linked to excessive Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Here, we used microarray analysis to identify two tumor subclasses resembling distinct phases of liver development and a discriminating 16-gene signature. β-catenin activated different transcriptional programs in the two tumor types, with distinctive expression of hepatic stem/progenitor markers in immature tumors. This highly proliferating subclass was typified by gains of chromosomes 8q and 2p and upregulated Myc signaling. Myc-induced hepatoblastoma-like tumors in mice strikingly resembled the human immature subtype, and Myc downregulation in hepatoblastoma cells impaired tumorigenesis in vivo. Remarkably, the 16-gene signature discriminated invasive and metastatic hepatoblastomas and predicted prognosis with high accuracy

    Précarité énergétique en Europe : existe-t-il une relation de Kuznets ?

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    International audienceThe phenomenon of fuel poverty is a problem recently identified in Europe and inparticular in Southern and Eastern European countries. This paper investigates fuel povertyas an expression of environmental inequalities. It tests the existence of a Kuznets curve betweenfuel poverty and GDP per capita in Europe. The study covers 28 European countriesfrom 2004 to 2017 using aggregated data from Eurostat ’ s EU-SILC survey. To proxy the levelof fuel poverty, 2 indicators are alternatively tested, the percentage of individual unable tokeep home adequately warm and a composite indicator. The results show the existence ofa non-linear U-shaped relationship between fuel poverty and per capita income and notinverted U-shape as in the Kuznets relation. In Europe, economic development has beenan important factor in reducing energy poverty, but a per capita income threshold existsafter which economic growth no longer reduces fuel poverty. In conclusion, more futuregrowth will not systematically induce less fuel poverty, measures on energy efficiency and /or measures to increase the purchasing power of households must be developed especiallyat the national level to target the most vulnerable households

    Évaluation de l’effet revenu sur la précarité énergétique des ménages en France

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    National audienceAbout 2 million households report being unable to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature in their dwelling, according to the Household « Statistiques sur les ressources et les conditions de vie » survey. The aim of the paper is to assess the impact of a decrease in household income on fuel poverty. Our results show that over the period 2008-2019, on average, households below the poverty line are 7 times more likely than wealthier households to be in fuel poverty. During the 2008 crisis, this risk was 10 times higher. Furthermore, simulations of income shocks show that falling incomes can induce an additional 280,000 to 870,000 households into fuel poverty. These effects are minimal as the simulations leave other household characteristics unchanged.Environ deux millions de ménages déclarent être dans l’incapacité à payer pour maintenir une température suffisamment chaude dans leur logement selon l’enquête « Statistiques sur les ressources et les conditions de vie » des ménages. Cet article évalue l’impact non linéaire d’une baisse des revenus des ménages sur la précarité énergétique. Nos résultats montrent, sur la période 2008-2019, qu’en moyenne les ménages sous le seuil de pauvreté ont un risque sept fois plus élevé que les ménages aisés d’être en situation de précarité. Lors de la crise de 2008, ce risque était dix fois plus élevé. Par ailleurs, les simulations de chocs de revenu montrent que la baisse des revenus peut induire 280 000 à 870 000 ménages supplémentaires en précarité énergétique. Ces effets sont a minima car les simulations considèrent les autres caractéristiques des ménages inchangées

    Oocyte–cumulus dialog: a real time PCR and protein approach

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