132 research outputs found

    Coherent Waveform Consistency Test for LIGO Burst Candidates

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    The burst search in LIGO relies on the coincident detection of transient signals in multiple interferometers. As only minimal assumptions are made about the event waveform or duration, the analysis pipeline requires loose coincidence in time, frequency and amplitude. Confidence in the resulting events and their waveform consistency is established through a time-domain coherent analysis: the r-statistic test. This paper presents a performance study of the r-statistic test for triple coincidence events in the second LIGO Science Run (S2), with emphasis on its ability to suppress the background false rate and its efficiency at detecting simulated bursts of different waveforms close to the S2 sensitivity curve.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of the 8th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, in Classic and Quantum Gravit

    Gravitational wave burst vetoes in the LIGO S2 and S3 data analyses

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    The LIGO detectors collected about 4 months of data in 2003-2004 during two science runs, S2 and S3. Several environmental and auxiliary channels that monitor the instruments' physical environment and overall interferometric operation were analyzed in order to establish the quality of the data as well as the presence of transients of non-astrophysical origin. This analysis allowed better understanding of the noise character of the instruments and the establishment of correlations between transients in these channels and the one recording the gravitational wave strain. In this way vetoes for spurious burst were identified. We present the methodology we followed in this analysis and the results from the S2 and S3 veto analysis within the context of the search for gravitational wave bursts.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity for the special issue of the GWDAW9 Proceeding

    Null-stream veto for two co-located detectors: Implementation issues

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    Time-series data from multiple gravitational wave (GW) detectors can be linearly combined to form a null-stream, in which all GW information will be cancelled out. This null-stream can be used to distinguish between actual GW triggers and spurious noise transients in a search for GW bursts using a network of detectors. The biggest source of error in the null-stream analysis comes from the fact that the detector data are not perfectly calibrated. In this paper, we present an implementation of the null-stream veto in the simplest network of two co-located detectors. The detectors are assumed to have calibration uncertainties and correlated noise components. We estimate the effect of calibration uncertainties in the null-stream veto analysis and propose a new formulation to overcome this. This new formulation is demonstrated by doing software injections in Gaussian noise.Comment: Minor changes; To appear in Class. Quantum Grav. (Proc. GWDAW10

    Search algorithm for a gravitational wave signal in association with Gamma Ray Burst GRB030329 using the LIGO detectors

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    One of the brightest Gamma Ray Burst ever recorded, GRB030329, occurred during the second science run of the LIGO detectors. At that time, both interferometers at the Hanford, WA LIGO site were in lock and acquiring data. The data collected from the two Hanford detectors was analyzed for the presence of a gravitational wave signal associated with this GRB. This paper presents a detailed description of the search algorithm implemented in the current analysis.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of 8th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (Milwaukee, WI) (Class. Quantum Grav.

    LOOC UP: Locating and observing optical counterparts to gravitational wave bursts

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    Gravitational wave (GW) bursts (short duration signals) are expected to be associated with highly energetic astrophysical processes. With such high energies present, it is likely these astrophysical events will have signatures in the EM spectrum as well as in gravitational radiation. We have initiated a program, "Locating and Observing Optical Counterparts to Unmodeled Pulses in Gravitational Waves" (LOOC UP) to promptly search for counterparts to GW burst candidates. The proposed method analyzes near real-time data from the LIGO-Virgo network, and then uses a telescope network to seek optical-transient counterparts to candidate GW signals. We carried out a pilot study using S5/VSR1 data from the LIGO-Virgo network to develop methods and software tools for such a search. We will present the method, with an emphasis on the potential for such a search to be carried out during the next science run of LIGO and Virgo, expected to begin in 2009.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2) added acknowledgments, additional references, and minor text changes v3) added 1 figure, additional references, and minor text changes. v4) Updated references and acknowledgments. To be published in the GWDAW 12 Conf. Proc. by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Methods for Reducing False Alarms in Searches for Compact Binary Coalescences in LIGO Data

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    The LIGO detectors are sensitive to a variety of noise transients of non-astrophysical origin. Instrumental glitches and environmental disturbances increase the false alarm rate in the searches for gravitational waves. Using times already identified when the interferometers produced data of questionable quality, or when the channels that monitor the interferometer indicated non-stationarity, we have developed techniques to safely and effectively veto false triggers from the compact binary coalescences (CBCs) search pipeline

    Coherent method for detection of gravitational wave bursts

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    We describe a coherent network algorithm for detection and reconstruction of gravitational wave bursts. The algorithm works for two and more arbitrarily aligned detectors and can be used for both all-sky and triggered burst searches. We describe the main components of the algorithm, including the time-frequency analysis in wavelet domain, construction of the likelihood time-frequency maps, the identification and selection of burst events.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of Amaldi conference in Sydney, Australi

    The LSC Glitch Group : Monitoring Noise Transients during the fifth LIGO Science Run

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    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) glitch group is part of the LIGO detector characterization effort. It consists of data analysts and detector experts who, during and after science runs, collaborate for a better understanding of noise transients in the detectors. Goals of the glitch group during the fifth LIGO science run (S5) included (1) offline assessment of the detector data quality, with focus on noise transients, (2) veto recommendations for astrophysical analysis and (3) feedback to the commissioning team on anomalies seen in gravitational wave and auxiliary data channels. Other activities included the study of auto-correlation of triggers from burst searches, stationarity of the detector noise and veto studies. The group identified causes for several noise transients that triggered false alarms in the gravitational wave searches; the times of such transients were identified and vetoed from the data generating the LSC astrophysical results.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Contribution to 12th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop. Changes in response to referee comments. Accepted for publication in CQ

    X-Pipeline: An analysis package for autonomous gravitational-wave burst searches

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    Autonomous gravitational-wave searches -- fully automated analyses of data that run without human intervention or assistance -- are desirable for a number of reasons. They are necessary for the rapid identification of gravitational-wave burst candidates, which in turn will allow for follow-up observations by other observatories and the maximum exploitation of their scientific potential. A fully automated analysis would also circumvent the traditional "by hand" setup and tuning of burst searches that is both labourious and time consuming. We demonstrate a fully automated search with X-Pipeline, a software package for the coherent analysis of data from networks of interferometers for detecting bursts associated with GRBs and other astrophysical triggers. We discuss the methods X-Pipeline uses for automated running, including background estimation, efficiency studies, unbiased optimal tuning of search thresholds, and prediction of upper limits. These are all done automatically via Monte Carlo with multiple independent data samples, and without requiring human intervention. As a demonstration of the power of this approach, we apply X-Pipeline to LIGO data to search for gravitational-wave emission associated with GRB 031108. We find that X-Pipeline is sensitive to signals approximately a factor of 2 weaker in amplitude than those detectable by the cross-correlation technique used in LIGO searches to date. We conclude with the prospects for running X-Pipeline as a fully autonomous, near real-time triggered burst search in the next LSC-Virgo Science Run.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Minor edits and clarifications; added more background on gravitational waves and detectors. To appear in New Journal of Physics

    The ligo gravitational wave observatories: Recent results and future plans

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    The LIGO interferometers are operating as gravitational wave observatories, with a noise level near an order of magnitude of the goal and the first scientific data recently taken. This data has been analyzed for four different categories of gravitational wave sources; millisecond bursts, inspiralling binary neutron stars, periodic waves from a known pulsar, and stochastic background. Research and development is also underway for the next generation LIGO detector, Advanced LIGO