2,145 research outputs found

    Supervised Land Use Inference from Mobility Patterns

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    This paper addresses the relationship between land use and mobility patterns. Since each particular zone directly feeds the global mobility once acting as origin of trips and others as destination, both roles are simultaneously used for predicting land uses. Specifically this investigation uses mobility data derived from mobile phones, a technology that emerges as a useful, quick data source on people's daily mobility, collected during two weeks over the urban area of Málaga (Spain). This allows exploring the relevance of integrating weekday-weekend trip information to better determine the category of land use. First, this work classifies patterns on trips originated and terminated in each zone into groups by means of a clustering approach. Based on identifiable relationships between activity and times when travel peaks appear, a preliminary categorization of uses is provided. Then, both grouping results are used as input variables in a K-nearest neighbors (KNN) classification model to determine the exact land use. The KNN method assumes that the category of an object must be similar to the category of the closest neighbors. After training the models, the findings reveal that this approach provides a precise land use categorization, yielding the best accuracy results for the major categories of land uses in the studied area. Moreover, as a result, the weekend data certainly contributes to finding more precise land uses as those obtained by just weekday data. In particular, the percentage of correctly predicted categories using both weekday and weekend is around 80%, while just weekday data reach 67%. The comparison with actual land uses also demonstrates that this approach is able to provide useful information, identifying zones with a specific clear dominant use (residential, industrial, and commercial), as well as multiactivity zones (mixed). This fact is especially useful in the context of urban environments where multiple activities coexist.Unión Europea Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2011–2015Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PTQ-13-0642

    Secondary zoospores in the algal endoparasite Maullinia ectocarpii (Plasmodiophorea).

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    The present paper deals with the ultrastructure of zoospores produced by the plasmodiophorid Maullinia ectocarpii , living in the marine algal host Ectocarpus siliculosus. The zoospores described here are very similar to secondary zoospores of Polymyxa graminis and Phagomyxa sp. (the latter an algal endopara- site, also). Our results indicate that M. ectocarpii produces two types of plasmodia, and suggest that is a species with a complete life cycle, as it is known for all the Plasmodiophormycota that have been studied. Sporogenic and sporangial plasmodia produce, respectively, primary zoospores with parallel flagella within thick walled resting sporangia, and secondary zoospores with opposite flagella within thin walled sporangia.Fil: Parodi, Elisa Rosalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Caceres, Eduardo Jorge. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Laboratorio de Ficología y Micología; ArgentinaFil: Westermeier, Renato. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Muller, Dieter G.. Universität Konstanz; Alemani

    New Supergravity Backgrounds Dual to N=1 SQCD-like Theories with N_f=2N_c

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    We present new supergravity backgrounds generated by N_c D5-branes, wrapping the S^2 of the resolved conifold, in the presence of N_f = 2 N_c smeared flavor D5-branes. The smearing allows us to take their backreaction on the geometry into account. We discuss the consistency, stability, and supersymmetry of these types of setups. We find near horizon geometries that we expect to be supergravity duals of SQCD-like theories with N_f= 2N_c. From these backgrounds we numerically extract rectangular Wilson loops and beta functions of the dual field theory for the regime where our approximations are valid.Comment: 22+24 pages, 17 figures, Figure 12 replace

    A specific subset of SR proteins shuttles continuously between the nucleus and the cytoplasm

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    The SR proteins constitute a large family of nuclear phosphoproteins required for constitutive pre-mRNA splicing. These factors also have global, concentration-dependent effects on alternative splicing regulation and this activity is antagonized by members of the hnRNP A/B family of proteins. We show here that whereas some human SR proteins are confined to the nucleus, three of them-SF2/ASF, SRp20, and 9G8-shuttle rapidly and continuously between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. By swapping the corresponding domains between shuttling and nonshuttling SR proteins, we show that the carboxy-terminal arginine/serine-rich (RS) domain is required for shuttling. This domain, however, is not sufficient to promote shuttling of an unrelated protein reporter, suggesting that stable RNA binding mediated by the RNA-recognition motifs may be required for shuttling. Consistent with such a requirement, a double point-mutation in RRM1 of SF2/ASF that impairs RNA binding prevents the protein from shuttling. In addition, we show that phosphorylation of the RS domain affects the shuttling properties of SR proteins. These findings show that different SR proteins have unique intracellular transport properties and suggest that the family members that shuttle may have roles not only in nuclear pre-mRNA splicing but also in mRNA transport, cytoplasmic events, and/or processes that involve communication between the nucleus and the cytoplasm

    Inferring origin–destination trip matrices from aggregate volumes on groups of links: a case study using volumes inferred from mobile phone data

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    The origin–destination matrix is an important source of information describing transport demand in a region. Most commonly used methods for matrix estimation use link volumes collected on a subset of links in order to update an existing matrix. Traditional volume data collection methods have significant shortcomings because of the high costs involved and the fact that detectors only provide status information at specified locations in the network. Better matrix estimates can be obtained when information is available about the overall distribution of traffic through time and space. Other existing technologies are not used in matrix estimation methods because they collect volume data aggregated on groups of links, rather than on single links. That is the case of mobile systems. Mobile phones sometimes cannot provide location accuracy for estimating flows on single links but do so on groups of links; in contrast, data can be acquired over a wider coverage without additional costs. This paper presents a methodology adapted to the concept of volume aggregated on groups of links in order to use any available volume data source in traditional matrix estimation methodologies. To calculate volume data, we have used a model that has had promising results in transforming phone call data into traffic movement data. The proposed methodology using vehicle volumes obtained by such a model is applied over a large real network as a case study. The experimental results reveal the efficiency and consistency of the solution proposed, making the alternative attractive for practical applications.Spanish Ministry of Science through R&D National Programmes (TRA2005-09138, ENE2008-05552)Vodafone Spain through the Minerva Project (1C-021

    An upper limit on the mass of the circumplanetary disk for DH Tau b

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    DH Tau is a young (\sim1 Myr) classical T Tauri star. It is one of the few young PMS stars known to be associated with a planetary mass companion, DH Tau b, orbiting at large separation and detected by direct imaging. DH Tau b is thought to be accreting based on copious Hα{\alpha} emission and exhibits variable Paschen Beta emission. NOEMA observations at 230 GHz allow us to place constraints on the disk dust mass for both DH Tau b and the primary in a regime where the disks will appear optically thin. We estimate a disk dust mass for the primary, DH Tau A of 17.2±1.7M17.2\pm1.7\,M_{\oplus}, which gives a disk-to-star mass ratio of 0.014 (assuming the usual Gas-to-Dust mass ratio of 100 in the disk). We find a conservative disk dust mass upper limit of 0.42MM_{\oplus} for DH Tau b, assuming that the disk temperature is dominated by irradiation from DH Tau b itself. Given the environment of the circumplanetary disk, variable illumination from the primary or the equilibrium temperature of the surrounding cloud would lead to even lower disk mass estimates. A MCFOST radiative transfer model including heating of the circumplanetary disk by DH Tau b and DH Tau A suggests that a mass averaged disk temperature of 22 K is more realistic, resulting in a dust disk mass upper limit of 0.09MM_{\oplus} for DH Tau b. We place DH Tau b in context with similar objects and discuss the consequences for planet formation models.Comment: accepted for publication in A

    Notas taxonómicas en Asclepiadoideae (Apocynaceae)

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    Una nueva combinación, dos nuevas tipificaciones y seis nuevos sinónimos son aquí establecidos para la flora del Cono Sur.Fil: Caceres Moral, Sergio Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste (i); ArgentinaFil: Fontella Pereira, Jorge. Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro. Museu Nacional; Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimiento Cientf y Tec; BrasilFil: Santos, Renata G. P.. Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro. Museu Nacional; Brasi

    The First Science Results from SPHERE: Disproving the Predicted Brown Dwarf around V471 Tau

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    Variations of eclipse arrival times have recently been detected in several post common envelope binaries consisting of a white dwarf and a main sequence companion star. The generally favoured explanation for these timing variations is the gravitational pull of one or more circumbinary substellar objects periodically moving the center of mass of the host binary. Using the new extreme-AO instrument SPHERE, we image the prototype eclipsing post-common envelope binary V471 Tau in search of the brown dwarf that is believed to be responsible for variations in its eclipse arrival times. We report that an unprecedented contrast of 12.1 magnitudes in the H band at a separation of 260 mas was achieved, but resulted in a non-detection. This implies that there is no brown dwarf present in the system unless it is three magnitudes fainter than predicted by evolutionary track models, and provides damaging evidence against the circumbinary interpretation of eclipse timing variations. In the case of V471 Tau, a more consistent explanation is offered with the Applegate mechanism, in which these variations are prescribed to changes in the quadrupole moment within the main-sequence sta

    Hydrodynamics from the Dp-brane

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    We complete the computation of viscous transport coefficients in the near horizon geometries that arise from a stack of black Dp-branes for p=2,...,6 in the decoupling limit. The main new result is the obtention of the bulk viscosity which, for all p, is found to be related to the speed of sound by the simple relation \zeta/\eta = -2(v_s^2-1/p). For completeness the shear viscosity is rederived from gravitational perturbations in the shear and scalar channels. We comment on technical issues like the counterterms needed, or the possible dependence on the conformal frame.Comment: 15 page