1,950 research outputs found

    Los juegos didácticos como herramienta de aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera inglesa

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    En el presente trabajo de fin de grado se habla de la importancia que tienen los juegos como herramienta didáctica dentro del aula, y en especial, para la enseñanza de la lengua extranjera inglesa. En un inicio, se observa la importancia que tienen dentro de la enseñanza y posteriormente, la relevancia de este material didáctico dentro del aula de inglés, así como las ventajas que ofrece para el aprendizaje de esta lengua. Luego, se realiza una explicación sobre diferentes herramientas tecnológicas que el docente puede utilizar dentro del aula, para aumentar el interés del alumnado. Finalmente, se realiza una propuesta pedagógica para llevarla a cabo en la enseñanza del inglés, permitiendo la utilización de los juegos como una herramienta donde el docente, con la ayuda de las nuevas tecnologías, puede realizar una enseñanzaaprendizaje personalizada.This dissertation talks about the importance of games as a teaching tool within a classroom, in special for the English foreign language teaching. At first, the importance they have within education is observed, and later the relevance that this teaching materials has in the English classroom as well as advantages that this offers to learning this language. Then, an explanation is made about different technological tools that the teacher can use within a classroom, to improve the interest of the students. Finally, a pedagogical proposal is made to carry it out in the teaching of English, allowing the utilization of games as a teaching tool where the teacher, with the help of the new technologies, can realize a personalized teaching-learning

    Formación y Conocimiento del profesorado de Educación Primaria sobre Dificultades Específicas de Aprendizaje en Lectura en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias.

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    Las Dificultades Específicas de Aprendizaje en Lectura se encuentran presentes dentro del aula, por ello, es importante que los/as maestros/as sepan cómo actuar frente a ellas. Con esta investigación, se pretende conocer el grado de formación que tienen los/as docentes para atender al alumnado que presenta dislexia en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias. Se contó con la colaboración de 113 maestros/as de Educación Primaria, que respondieron a un cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron que los/as docentes de Canarias no cuentan con formación específica en la dislexia, además, los conocimientos que tienen los docentes son escasos tanto sobre las características de las DEAL como en las estrategias que se deben utilizar en el aula. También, se ha encontrado que existe relación entre dos variables de conocimientos sobre la dislexia atendiendo a la edad y la experiencia en la docencia de los encuestados. Con las conclusiones obtenidas en este estudio, se puede observar que las prospectivas tienen que girar en torno a la correcta implementación del modelo de respuesta a la intervención (RTI) dentro de los centros y realizar una formación correcta de los docentes, teniendo en cuenta los estándares establecidos por la International Dyslexia Association (IDA, 2018).Reading difficulties are present within the classroom, and therefore it’s important that teachers know how to help in the classroom. This research is aimed at understanding the training teachers who attend students with dyslexia in the autonomous community of the Canary Islands. We collaborated with 113 primary school teachers, who answered a questionnaire. The results showed that teachers in the Canary Islands are not given specific training in dyslexia. Moreover, teachers’ knowledge about the reading difficulties and about common strategies that should be employed in a classroom is scarce. It was also found that there is a relationship between two variables of knowledge about dyslexia according to age and the teaching experience of the respondents. These conclusions lead to thinking about the implementation of the RTI Model in schools and give an appropriate training to teachers, taking into account the standards established by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA, 2018)

    Evaluación del impacto de las terceras y cuartas líneas de tratamiento del Carcinoma Pulmonar No Microcítico

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    Introducción: Hasta hace tres décadas, los cuidados paliativos eran prácticamente la única opción válida para pacientes con carcinoma pulmonar no microcítico (CPNM) avanzado, hasta que la evidencia científica proveniente de varios metaanálisis demostró beneficios, empl eando tratamientos quimioterápicos basados en platino e incluso con el uso de una segunda línea de tratamiento. Posteriormente, los fármacos dirigidos contra el receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EGFR) dieron más opciones terapéuticas a la segu nda e incluso 3 a y 2 a a línea de tratamiento. Posteriormente, la adición de bevacizumab, el desarrollo de nuevas terapias dirigidas y la inmunoterapia aumentaron la eficacia del tratamiento médico en 1 línea. Debido al consiguiente aumento en la supervivenc ia es por lo que a que a muchos de los pacientes se les ofrece una 3ª y/o 4ª línea de terapia. Objetivos: Evaluación del efecto de las 3ª y 4ª líneas de tratamiento en pacientes afectos de CPNM, a través de un análisis retrospectivo. Se estudiaron la sup ervivencia, intervalo libre de progresión (ILP) de la enfermedad, toxicidades e ingresos para el control de complicaciones. Métodos y materiales: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de una cohorte de pacientes con diagnóstico de CPNM en el Hospital Univ ersitario Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (HUNSC) desde enero de 2015 hasta diciembre de 2021. La recolección de los datos se realizó a través del Registro Hospitalario de Tumores del HUNSC, el sistema informático “DRAGO” de atención especializada del Serv icio Canario de la Salud y el sistema de prescripción oncológica del SCS (“ONCOFARM”). Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 44 pacientes. Los tratamientos más utilizados fueron: en 1ª línea, carboplatino/paclitaxel/bevacizumab; en 2ª línea, atezolizumab; en 3ª línea, atezolizumab o nivolumab y en 4ª línea, gemcitabina. La mediana de supervivencia para la 4ª línea fue de 2,1 meses (95% intervalo de confianza 0,793,41), mientras que no fue posible obtener la mediana para la 3ª línea, observándose diferenci as significativas entre ambas líneas (p < 0,001). El ILP de los pacientes con mutaciones activadoras y sin las mismas fue muy similar. Presentaron una fuerte influencia de desviaciones típicas elevadas para la 1ª, 2ª, 3ª y 4ª línea de tratamiento. Sin emba rgo, estas diferencias numéricas en el ILP no fueron estadísticamente significativas. El tiempo de tratamiento de cada línea fue muy similar en 1ª, 2ª y 3ª línea, no así para la 4ª línea, teniendo una fuerte influencia de desviaciones típicas para las cuatro líneas. El ILP en cada línea fue muy similar en 1ª, 2ª y 3ª línea, no así para la 4ª línea, teniendo una fuerte influencia de desviaciones típicas para las cuatro líneas. Se hallaron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre índice IPA y edad, supervivencia global y edad, tiempo en 3ª línea y supervivencia global e ILP en 1ª línea y en 3ª línea. Conclusiones: No existe una evidencia científica sólida del beneficio del uso de 4a líneas de tratamiento en pacientes afectos de CPNM avanzado.Introduction: Three decades ago, palliative care was practically the only valid option for patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), until scientific evidence from several meta-analyses showed benefits using platinum-based chemotherapy and the use of a 2nd line of treatment. Subsequently, drugs directed against the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gave more therapeutic options to the 2nd and even 3rd line of treatment. With the addition of antiangiogenic drugs to chemotherapy and later with the use of immunotherapy, the efficacy of 1st and 2nd line of therapy increased. Due to this increase in survival, 3rd and/or 4th lines of therapy are offered to many patients. Objectives: Evaluation of the outcomes of 3rd and 4th lines of therapy in patients who suffer from non-small-cell lung cancer throughout a retrospective analysis. We evaluated survival’s time, progression free interval (PFI), toxicity and admissions for control of complications. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis was developed with a cohort of patients with NSCLC, treated at Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (HUNSC) from January 2015 to December 2021. We analyzed the date using the hospital’s electronic records, DRAGO and ONCOFARM). Results: A total of 44 patients were included. The two most used treatments were: carboplatin/paclitaxel/bevacizumab (1st line), atezolizumab (2nd line), atezolizumab or nivolumab (3rd line) and gemcitabine (4th line). The median survival time for the 4th line of therapy was 2.1 months (95% confidence interval 0.79-3.41). It was not possible to obtain the median survival time for the 3rd line, because of significant differences observed between both lines (p < 0.001). When comparing the progression-free intervals between mutated and wild-type patients, they were very similar and had a strong influence of high standard deviations for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines of treatment. However, these differences in PFI were not statistically significant. The survival times were very similar for 1st, 2nd and 3rd lines, but not for the 4th lines, which showed a strong influence of standard deviations. The PFI for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd lines were similar, in contrast the 4th line, where a strong influence of standard deviations occurred. Statistically significant correlations were found between IPA Index and age, overall survival and age, duration of 3rd line and overall survival, and 1st and 3rd PFI. Conclusions: There is no solid scientific evidence of the benefit of the use of 4th lines of treatment in patients with advanced NSCLC

    Mission specification in underwater robotics

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    This paper describes the utilization of software design patterns and plan-based mission specification in the definition of AUVs missions. Within this approach, a mission is described in terms of a set of task-oriented plans in order to simplify mission definition and favor reutilization of some aspects of a mission. Each plan organizes how and when basic tasks like measurement sampling, navigation or communication are to be carried out. The usage of design patterns for AUVs has been considered in order to ease system architecture design.This work has been partially supported by the following research projects: Project PI2007/039 funded by the Autonomous Government of Canary Islands (Gobierno de Canarias — Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, Spain) with FEDER funding; and Project TIN2008-06068 funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigación, Gobierno de España

    Broadband transverse susceptibility in multiferroic Y-type hexaferrite Ba0.5Sr1.5Co2Fe2O22

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    Producción CientíficaSingle phase multiferroics in which ordered magnetism and ferroelectricity coexist, are of great interest for new multifunctional devices, and among them Y-type hexaferrites are good candidates. Transverse susceptibility measurements, which have been proved to be a versatile tool to study singular properties of bulk and nanoparticle magnetic systems, have been carried out with a broadband system on polycrystalline Y type hexaferrites with composition Ba0.5Sr1.5Co2Fe2O22, optimal to exhibit multiferroic properties. In the temperature range 80–350 K transverse susceptibility measurements with DC fields up to ±5000 Oe reveal different behaviour depending on the sintering temperature. The thermal evolution of the anisotropy field peak exhibits four regions with different slopes: positive in 80–130 K, negative in 130–200 K, constant in 200–280 K and negative in 280–350 K, which can be considered a signature of spin transitions in this compound.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; Agencia Estatal de Investigación with FEDER ( project MAT2016-80784-P

    Propiedad privada y territorio indigenista: la dicotomía individualismo-colectivismo

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    This article aims to develop a comparative analysis of the private and indigenous property regime in Colombia. To achieve this, antecedents have been established on the rights of indigenous peoples in Colombia and a conceptual framework of indigenous territories and their collective character. A close approximation of the private and indigenous regime is attempted based on the theoretical framework of domain rights derived from the Roman tradition and embraced by the Colombian civil system. It is concluded that there are notable differences between both regimes from the individualism-collectivism dichotomy. Nonetheless, there are also similarities, such as the limits for the exercise of the right. The methodology used was descriptive since this document's general objective is constituted by a phenomenological object (domain right), which it is intended to characterize.Este artículo tiene por objetivo elaborar un análisis comparativo entre el régimen de propiedad privada e indigenista en Colombia. Para lograrlo se han fijado antecedentes de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en Colombia, así como un marco jurídico-conceptual de los territorios indígenas y su carácter colectivo. Por tanto, Se intenta una aproximación comparativa del régimen privado e indigenista a partir del marco teórico del derecho de dominio derivado de la tradición romana y acogido por el sistema civil colombiano. Se concluye que existen notables diferencias entre ambos regímenes desde la dicotomía individualismo-colectivismo, pero también hay semejanzas como los límites para el ejercicio del derecho. La metodología utilizada fue descriptiva, toda vez que el objetivo general de este documento está constituido por un objeto fenomenológico (derecho de dominio) el cual se pretende caracterizar

    Somatotype, BMI, and Sexual Dimorphism in Adolescent School Sports Players in Peru

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    Introduction and objectives (1): It is currently important to be able to establish logical plans for physical work and/or nutrition aimed at achieving optimal levels of performance and wellbeing. To achieve this, it is crucial to understand anthropometric data and how they relate to body type and, above all, how they associate with parameters linked to health. The present study, therefore, proposed to examine intersexual morphological differences and to determine the existing relationship between somatotype and BMI in a sample of school sports players from Huacho (Peru). Material and methods (2): A descriptive, comparative, correlational, and transversal study was delivered within a sample of 294 students (165 males and 129 females). Participants were aged between 12–16 years and regularly participated in team sports at competitive school level. All participants took part in the anthropometric examination in order to determine their somatotype and body mass index (BMI). Results (3): Significant differences were found to exist between the sexes in practically all of the anthropometric measures. The data demonstrated a high index of overweight and obesity. Further, the zones of occupation of the somatochart for both populations showed a displacement towards endomorphism, and that the level of typological similarity between populations was 30.54%. Conclusions (4): Results indicate a serious need for training so that adolescent students acquire healthy habits and lifestyles

    Extracellular vesicles derived from fat-laden hepatocytes undergoing chemical hypoxia promote a pro-fibrotic phenotype in hepatic stellate cells

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    Background: The transition from steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a key issue in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Observations in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) suggest that hypoxia contributes to progression to NASH and liver fibrosis, and the release of extracellular vesicles (EVs) by injured hepatocytes has been implicated in NAFLD progression. Aim: To evaluate the effects of hypoxia on hepatic pro-fibrotic response and EV release in experimental NAFLD and to assess cellular crosstalk between hepatocytes and human hepatic stellate cells (LX-2). Methods: HepG2 cells were treated with fatty acids and subjected to chemically induced hypoxia using the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) stabilizer cobalt chloride (CoCl2). Lipid droplets, oxidative stress, apoptosis and pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic-associated genes were assessed. EVs were isolated by ultracentrifugation. LX-2 cells were treated with EVs from hepatocytes. The CDAA-fed mouse model was used to assess the effects of intermittent hypoxia (IH) in experimental NASH. Results: Chemical hypoxia increased steatosis, oxidative stress, apoptosis and pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic gene expressions in fat-laden HepG2 cells. Chemical hypoxia also increased the release of EVs from HepG2 cells. Treatment of LX2 cells with EVs from fat-laden HepG2 cells undergoing chemical hypoxia increased expression pro-fibrotic markers. CDAA-fed animals exposed to IH exhibited increased portal inflammation and fibrosis that correlated with an increase in circulating EVs. Conclusion: Chemical hypoxia promotes hepatocellular damage and pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic signaling in steatotic hepatocytes both in vitro and in vivo. EVs from fat-laden hepatocytes undergoing chemical hypoxia evoke pro-fibrotic responses in LX-2 cells

    A new non-aggregative splicing isoform of human Tau is decreased in Alzheimer's disease.

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    Tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration with Tau pathology (FTLD-tau), are a group of neurodegenerative disorders characterized by Tau hyperphosphorylation. Post-translational modifications of Tau such as phosphorylation and truncation have been demonstrated to be an essential step in the molecular pathogenesis of these tauopathies. In this work, we demonstrate the existence of a new, human-specific truncated form of Tau generated by intron 12 retention in human neuroblastoma cells and, to a higher extent, in human RNA brain samples, using qPCR and further confirming the results on a larger database of human RNA-seq samples. Diminished protein levels of this new Tau isoform are found by Westernblotting in Alzheimer's patients' brains (Braak I n = 3; Braak II n = 6, Braak III n = 3, Braak IV n = 1, and Braak V n = 10, Braak VI n = 8) with respect to non-demented control subjects (n = 9), suggesting that the lack of this truncated isoform may play an important role in the pathology. This new Tau isoform exhibits similar post-transcriptional modifications by phosphorylation and affinity for microtubule binding, but more interestingly, is less prone to aggregate than other Tau isoforms. Finally, we present evidence suggesting this new Tau isoform could be linked to the inhibition of GSK3β, which would mediate intron 12 retention by modulating the serine/arginine rich splicing factor 2 (SRSF2). Our results show the existence of an important new isoform of Tau and suggest that further research on this less aggregation-prone Tau may help to develop future therapies for Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades from Spain (PGC2018-096177-B-00). Institutional grants from the Fundación Ramón Areces and Banco de Santander to CBMSO are also acknowledged. The Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer Scientific Foundation has financed Ricardo Gargini. We would like to acknowledge Daniela Rosiles for her technical support in cloning.S