122 research outputs found

    Niche evolution reveals disparate signatures of speciation in the ‘great speciator’ (white‐eyes, Aves: Zosterops )

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS J.O.E. and L.L. coordinated and secured project funding with the support from J.S.C.; we thank AT Peterson and CH Graham and two reviewers for critical feedback on earlier stages of the manuscript. The project was funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO; 1527918N & G042318N). J.O.E. received additional funds by an FWO Postdoctoral Fellowship (12G4317N). The authors declare no conflict of interest. No permits were needed to conduct the re- search presented here. DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT All data are available from open source platforms. Raw GBIF.org occurrence data used for this work (as accessed on 21st October 2016) can be accessed through GBIF Occurrence Download http://doi.org/10.15468/dl.erwqs6. We have deposited the prepared data used for this work on FigShare accessible through https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13042031.v1 as well as R scripts for data analysis in a GitHub repository accessible through https://github.com/JOEngler/ZostiNicheEvol.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt: a first look at Orion B with HARP

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    ‘The definitive version is available at www3.interscience.wiley.com '. Copyright Royal Astronomical Society.The Gould Belt Legacy Survey will survey nearby star-forming regions (within 500 pc), using Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme (HARP), Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 and Polarimeter 2 on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. This paper describes the initial data obtained using HARP to observe 12CO, 13CO and C18O J= 3 → 2 towards two regions in Orion B, NGC 2024 and NGC 2071. We describe the physical characteristics of the two clouds, calculating temperatures and opacities utilizing all the three isotopologues. We find good agreement between temperatures calculated from CO and from dust emission in the dense, energetic regions. We determine the mass and energetics of the clouds, and of the high-velocity material seen in 12CO emission, and compare the relative energetics of the high- and low-velocity material in the two clouds. We present a clumpfind analysis of the 13CO condensations. The slope of the condensation mass functions, at the high-mass ends, is similar to the slope of the initial mass function.Peer reviewe

    The generalized second law for the interacting generalized Chaplygin gas model

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    We investigate the validity of the generalized second law (GSL) of gravitational thermodynamics in a non-flat FRW universe containing the interacting generalized Chaplygin gas with the baryonic matter. The dynamical apparent horizon is assumed to be the boundary of the universe. We show that for the interacting generalized Chaplygin gas as a unified candidate for dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE), the equation of state parameter can cross the phantom divide. We also present that for the selected model under thermal equilibrium with the Hawking radiation, the GSL is always satisfied throughout the history of the universe for any spatial curvature, independently of the equation of state of the interacting generalized Chaplygin gas model.Comment: 8 page

    SEDIGISM: The kinematics of ATLASGAL filaments

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    Analysing the kinematics of filamentary molecular clouds is a crucial step towards understanding their role in the star formation process. Therefore, we study the kinematics of 283 filament candidates in the inner Galaxy, that were previously identified in the ATLASGAL dust continuum data. The 13CO(2 – 1) and C18O(2 – 1) data of the SEDIGISM survey (Structure, Excitation, and Dynamics of the Inner Galactic Inter Stellar Medium) allows us to analyse the kinematics of these targets and to determine their physical properties at a resolution of 30'' and 0.25 km s?1 . To do so, we developed an automated algorithm to identify all velocity components along the line-of-sight correlated with the ATLASGAL dust emission, and derive size, mass, and kinematic properties for all velocity components. We find two-third of the filament candidates are coherent structures in position-position-velocity space. The remaining candidates appear to be the result of a superposition of two or three filamentary structures along the line-of-sight. At the resolution of the data, on average the filaments are in agreement with Plummer-like radial density profiles with a power-law exponent of p ? 1.5 ± 0.5, indicating that they are typically embedded in a molecular cloud and do not have a well-defined outer radius. Also, we find a correlation between the observed mass per unit length and the velocity dispersion of the filament of m ? ?V^2. We show that this relation can be explained by a virial balance between self-gravity and pressure. Another possible explanation could be radial collapse of the filament, where we can exclude infall motions close to the free-fall velocity

    SEDIGISM-ATLASGAL: Dense Gas Fraction and Star Formation Efficiency Across the Galactic Disk

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    By combining two surveys covering a large fraction of the molecular material in the Galactic disk we investigate the role the spiral arms play in the star formation process. We have matched clumps identified by ATLASGAL with their parental GMCs as identified by SEDIGISM, and use these giant molecular cloud (GMC) masses, the bolometric luminosities, and integrated clump masses obtained in a concurrent paper to estimate the dense gas fractions (DGFgmc=Mclump/MgmcDGF_{gmc} = ∑M_{clump}/M_{gmc}) and the instantaneous star forming efficiencies (i.e., SFEgmc=Lclump/MgmcSFE_{gmc} = ∑L_{clump}/M_{gmc}). We find that the molecular material associated with ATLASGAL clumps is concentrated in the spiral arms (∼60 per cent found within ±10 km s1^{−1} of an arm). We have searched for variations in the values of these physical parameters with respect to their proximity to the spiral arms, but find no evidence for any enhancement that might be attributable to the spiral arms. The combined results from a number of similar studies based on different surveys indicate that, while spiral-arm location plays a role in cloud formation and HI to H2_2 conversion, the subsequent star formation processes appear to depend more on local environment effects. This leads us to conclude that the enhanced star formation activity seen towards the spiral arms is the result of source crowding rather than the consequence of a any physical process

    Large-scale Velocity-coherent Filaments in the SEDIGISM Survey: Association with Spiral Arms and Fraction of Dense Gas

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    Context. Filamentary structures in the interstellar medium are closely related to star formation. Dense gas mass fraction (DGMF) or clump formation efficiency in large-scale filaments possibly determine their hosting star formation activities. Aims. We aim to automatically identify large-scale filaments, characterize them, investigate their association with Galactic structures, and study their DGMFs. Methods. We use a modified minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithm to chain parsec-scale 13CO clumps previously extracted from the SEDIGISM (Structure, Excitation, and Dynamics of the Inner Galactic InterStellar Medium) survey. The MST connects nodes in a graph such that the sum of edge lengths is minimum. Modified MST also ensures velocity coherence between nodes, so the identified filaments are coherent in position-position-velocity (PPV) space. Results. We generate a catalog of 88 large-scale (> 10 pc) filaments in the inner Galactic plane (with −60◦ < l < 18◦ and |b| < 0.5◦). These SEDIGISM filaments are larger and less dense than MST filaments previously identified from the BGPS and ATLASGAL surveys. We find that eight of the filaments run along spiral arms and can be regarded as “bones” of the Milky Way. We also find three bones associated with the Local Spur in PPV space. By compiling 168 large-scale filaments with available DGMF across the Galaxy, an order of magnitude more than previously investigated, we find that DGMFs do not correlate with Galactic location, but bones have higher DGMFs than other filaments

    The first Galaxy scale hunt for the youngest high-mass protostars

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    The origin of massive stars is a fundamental open issue in modern astrophysics. Pre-ALMA interferometric studies reveal precursors to early B to late O type stars with collapsing envelopes of 15–20?M? on 1000–3000?AU size-scales. To search for more massive envelopes we selected the most massive nearby young clumps from the ATLASGAL survey to study their protostellar content with ALMA. Our first results using the intermediate scales revealed by the ALMA ACA array providing 3–5?? angular resolution, corresponding to ?0.05 ? 0.1?pc size-scales, reveals a sample of compact objects. These massive, dense cores are on average two-times more massive than previous studies of similar types of objects. We expect that once the full survey is completed, it will provide a comprehensive view on the origin of the most massive star

    The SEDIGISM survey: First Data Release and overview of the Galactic structure

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    The SEDIGISM (Structure, Excitation and Dynamics of the Inner Galactic Interstellar Medium) survey used the APEX telescope to map 84 deg2^2 of the Galactic plane between ℓ = −60° and +31° in several molecular transitions, including 13^{13}CO (2 – 1) and C18^{18}O (2 – 1), thus probing the moderately dense (∼103^3 cm3^{-3}) component of the interstellar medium. With an angular resolution of 30 arcsec and a typical 1σ sensitivity of 0.8–1.0 K at 0.25 km s1^{-1} velocity resolution, it gives access to a wide range of structures, from individual star-forming clumps to giant molecular clouds and complexes. The coverage includes a good fraction of the first and fourth Galactic quadrants, allowing us to constrain the large-scale distribution of cold molecular gas in the inner Galaxy. In this paper, we provide an updated overview of the full survey and the data reduction procedures used. We also assess the quality of these data and describe the data products that are being made publicly available as part of this First Data Release (DR1). We present integrated maps and position–velocity maps of the molecular gas and use these to investigate the correlation between the molecular gas and the large-scale structural features of the Milky Way such as the spiral arms, Galactic bar and Galactic Centre. We find that approximately 60 per cent of the molecular gas is associated with the spiral arms and these appear as strong intensity peaks in the derived Galactocentric distribution. We also find strong peaks in intensity at specific longitudes that correspond to the Galactic Centre and well-known star-forming complexes, revealing that the 13^{13}CO emission is concentrated in a small number of complexes rather than evenly distributed along spiral arms