115 research outputs found

    On the 4d superconformal index near roots of unity: Bulk and Localized contributions

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    We study the expansion near roots of unity of the superconformal index of 4d SU(N)SU(N) N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM. In such an expansion, middle-dimensional walls of non-analyticity are shown to emerge in the complex analytic extension of the integrand. These walls intersect the integration contour at infinitesimal vicinities and come from both, the vector and chiral multiplet contributions, and combinations thereof. We will call these intersections vector and chiral bits, and the complementary region bulk, and show that, in the corresponding limit, the integrals along the infinitesimal bits include, among other contributions, factorized products of either Chern-Simons and 3d topologically twisted partition functions. In particular, we find that the leading asymptotic contribution to the index, which comes from collecting all contributions coming from vector bits, reduces to an average over a set of NN copies of three-dimensional SU(N)SU(N) Chern-Simons partition functions in Lens spaces L(m,1)L(m,1) with m>1 m>1\,, in the presence of background ZmN−1\mathbb{Z}^{N-1}_m flat connections. The average is taken over the background connections, which are the positions of individual vector bits along the contour. We also find there are other subleading contributions, a finite number of them at finite NN, which include averages over products of Chern-Simons and/or topologically AA-twisted Chern-Simons-matter partition functions in three-dimensional manifolds. This shows how in certain limits the index of 4d SU(N)SU(N) N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM organizes, via an unambiguously defined coarse graining procedure, into averages over a finite number of lower dimensional theories.Comment: 62pp. Significantly improved version, product of a deeper understanding of some of the results presented in v1. Two new sections added, one with a summary of results and discussion, another with further developments. Abstract changed accordingl

    Generalised asymptotic equivalence for extensive and non-extensive entropies

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    We extend the Hanel and Thurner asymptotic analysis to both extensive and non-extensive entropies on the basis of a wide class of entropic forms. The procedure is known to be capable to classify multiple entropy measures in terms of their defining equivalence classes. Those are determined by a pair of scaling exponents taking into account a large number of microstates as for the thermodynamical limit. Yet, a generalisation to this formulation makes it possible to establish an entropic connection between Markovian and non-Markovian statistical systems through a set of fundamental entropies S±S_{\pm}, which have been studied in other contexts and exhibit, among their attributes, two interesting aspects: They behave as additive for a large number of degrees of freedom while they are substantially non-additive for a small number of them. Furthermore, an ample amount of special entropy measures, either additive or non-additive, are contained in such asymptotic classification. Under this scheme we analyse the equivalence classes of Tsallis, Sharma-Mittal and R\'enyi entropies and study their features in the thermodynamic limit as well as the correspondences among them.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    About the phase space of SL(3) Black Holes

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    In this note we address some issues of recent interest, related to the asymptotic symmetry algebra of higher spin black holes in sl(3,R)×sl(3,R)sl(3,\mathbb{R})\times sl(3,\mathbb{R}) Chern Simons (CS) formulation. We compute the fixed time Dirac bracket algebra that acts on two different phase spaces. Both of these spaces contain black holes as zero modes. The result for one of these phase spaces is explicitly shown to be isomorphic to W3(2)×W3(2)W^{(2)}_3\times W^{(2)}_3 in first order perturbations.Comment: improved presentatio

    Heterotic Mini-landscape in blow-up

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    Localization properties of fields in compact extra dimensions are crucial ingredients for string model building, particularly in the framework of orbifold compactifications. Realistic models often require a slight deviation from the orbifold point, that can be analyzed using field theoretic methods considering (singlet) fields with nontrivial vacuum expectation values. Some of these fields correspond to blow-up modes that represent the resolution of orbifold singularities. Improving on previous analyses we give here an explicit example of the blow-up of a model from the heterotic Mini-landscape. An exact identification of the blow-up modes at various fixed points and fixed tori with orbifold twisted fields is given. We match the massless spectra and identify the blow-up modes as non-universal axions of compactified string theory. We stress the important role of the Green-Schwarz anomaly polynomial for the description of the resolution of orbifold singularities.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure
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