46 research outputs found

    Growth curve estimation for retinto beef cattle: practice aspects for tipification of weights

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    The growth curve in Retinto cattle from Extremadura and Andalusia is studied, taking in account the birthing sequence, season and type of birth, type of mating and offsprings sex. The function of lineal regression, Weight = 39.043 + 0.909 Age, was fitted. Excepting birth and mating types all other effects were significant in the growth curve.Se analiza la curva de crecimiento hasta el destete en dos lotes de animales procedentes de rebaños andaluces y extremeños de ganado vacuno Retinto. El mejor ajuste general corresponde a la regresión lineal de acuerdo con la ecuación: Peso = 39,043 + 0,909 Edad. Se estudió el efecto del lote, número, estación y tipo de parto, tipo de cubrición y sexo de la cría. Todos, salvo tipo de parto y cubrición, fueron significativos

    Optogenetic Mimicry of the Transient Activation of Dopamine Neurons by Natural Reward Is Sufficient for Operant Reinforcement

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    Activation of dopamine receptors in forebrain regions, for minutes or longer, is known to be sufficient for positive reinforcement of stimuli and actions. However, the firing rate of dopamine neurons is increased for only about 200 milliseconds following natural reward events that are better than expected, a response which has been described as a “reward prediction error” (RPE). Although RPE drives reinforcement learning (RL) in computational models, it has not been possible to directly test whether the transient dopamine signal actually drives RL. Here we have performed optical stimulation of genetically targeted ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine neurons expressing Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in mice. We mimicked the transient activation of dopamine neurons that occurs in response to natural reward by applying a light pulse of 200 ms in VTA. When a single light pulse followed each self-initiated nose poke, it was sufficient in itself to cause operant reinforcement. Furthermore, when optical stimulation was delivered in separate sessions according to a predetermined pattern, it increased locomotion and contralateral rotations, behaviors that are known to result from activation of dopamine neurons. All three of the optically induced operant and locomotor behaviors were tightly correlated with the number of VTA dopamine neurons that expressed ChR2, providing additional evidence that the behavioral responses were caused by activation of dopamine neurons. These results provide strong evidence that the transient activation of dopamine neurons provides a functional reward signal that drives learning, in support of RL theories of dopamine function

    Effect of ketogenic mediterranean diet with phytoextracts and low carbohydrates/high-protein meals on weight, cardiovascular risk factors, body composition and diet compliance in Italian council employees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There has been increased interest in recent years in very low carbohydrate ketogenic diets (VLCKD) that, even though they are much discussed and often opposed, have undoubtedly been shown to be effective, at least in the short to medium term, as a tool to tackle obesity, hyperlipidemia and some cardiovascular risk factors. For this reason the ketogenic diet represents an interesting option but unfortunately suffers from a low compliance. The aim of this pilot study is to ascertain the safety and effects of a modified ketogenic diet that utilizes ingredients which are low in carbohydrates but are formulated to simulate its aspect and taste and also contain phytoextracts to add beneficial effects of important vegetable components.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study group consisted of 106 Rome council employees with a body mass index of ≥ 25, age between 18 and 65 years (19 male and 87 female; mean age 48.49 ± 10.3). We investigated the effects of a modified ketogenic diet based on green vegetables, olive oil, fish and meat plus dishes composed of high quality protein and virtually zero carbohydrate but which mimic their taste, with the addition of some herbal extracts (KEMEPHY ketogenic Mediterranean with phytoextracts). Calories in the diet were unlimited. Measurements were taken before and after 6 weeks of diet.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no significant changes in BUN, ALT, AST, GGT and blood creatinine. We detected a significant (p < 0.0001) reduction in BMI (31.45 Kg/m<sup>2 </sup>to 29.01 Kg/m<sup>2</sup>), body weight (86.15 kg to 79.43 Kg), percentage of fat mass (41.24% to 34.99%), waist circumference (106.56 cm to 97.10 cm), total cholesterol (204 mg/dl to 181 mg/dl), LDLc (150 mg/dl to 136 mg/dl), triglycerides (119 mg/dl to 93 mg/dl) and blood glucose (96 mg/dl to 91 mg/dl). There was a significant (p < 0.0001) increase in HDLc (46 mg/dl to 52 mg/dl).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The KEMEPHY diet lead to weight reduction, improvements in cardiovascular risk markers, reduction in waist circumference and showed good compliance.</p

    Arqueologia e história indígena no Pantanal

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    O artigo apresenta uma síntese dos dados arqueológicos sobre o Pantanal e o seu entorno, principalmente em Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. Elaborado com base na noção de arqueologia como história indígena de longa duração, o artigo considera as trajetórias de estabelecimento e consolidação territorial da ocupação indígena regional, os processos de formação da configuração etnográfica encontrada pelos europeus e os impactos do colonialismo. O principal objetivo consiste em mostrar que a diversidade cultural característica do cenário etnográfico pantaneiro está associada à dinâmica histórica e cultural da ocupação indígena desde períodos anteriores à chegada dos conquistadores e colonizadores de origem europeia.The article presents an overview of the archaeological data on the Pantanal and its surrounding areas, mainly in Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. Prepared based on the notion of archeology as long term indigenous history, the article considers the trajectories of territorial establishment and consolidation of the regional indigenous occupation, the formation processes of ethnographic setting found by Europeans and the impact of colonialism. The main objective is to show that cultural diversity characteristic of the Pantanal ethnographic scenario is associated with historical and cultural dynamics of indigenous occupation from periods prior to the arrival of the conquistadors and settlers of European origin

    Variabilidad interanual y evolución durante el periodo de montanera de bellotas de Quercus rotundifolia Lam

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    Eighty-eight samples of Quercus rotundifolia acorns were analyzed during three consecutive years (2005/06, 2006/07 and 2007/08) to determine variations in their morphology, sanitary condition, and nutritional composition throughout the same period of montanera (free-range swine-raising system of SW Iberia) and between different years of study. Results showed that morphological characteristics remained constant throughout montanera season. Fungal damage increased, and Curculio sp. and Cydia sp. pests decreased over the course of the montanera season. Dry matter content decreased in both kernel and pericarp (P < 0.001), while the crude fiber and protein contents were not modified. The ash, nitrogen-free extract, and fat contents, however, were also affected by sampling date within a montanera season. With respect to the interannual variability, variations (P < 0.05) were observed in all the variables studied. It is therefore confirmed that there is variability in the sanitary condition and nutritional composition of acorns within the same montanera season and between different years of study. These could explain the differences in the chemical characteristics of Iberian pig tissues from animals raised in different montanera seasons, and even during the same montanera season.Ochenta y ocho muestras de bellotas de Quercus rotundifolia fueron analizadas durante tres años consecutivos (2005/06, 2006/07 y 2007/08), para determinar variaciones en la morfología, estado sanitario y composición nutritiva de las mismas durante un mismo periodo de montanera y entre diferentes años de estudio. Los resultados mostraron que las características morfológicas permanecen constantes durante la montanera. El ataque debido a la presencia de hongos aumentó, mientras que el de los insectos Curculio sp. y Cydia sp. disminuyó durante la montanera. El contenido en materia seca, tanto de la semilla como del pericarpio, también disminuyó (P < 0,001), mientras que el contenido en fibra bruta y en proteína no sufrió modificaciones. Sin embargo, el contenido en cenizas, sustancias extractivas libres de nitrógeno y grasa también se vio afectado por la fecha de muestreo dentro de una montanera. Con respecto a la variabilidad interanual, se observaron variaciones (P < 0,05) en todas las variables estudiadas. Por tanto, se puede afirmar que existe variabilidad en el estado sanitario y la composición nutritiva de bellotas dentro de una misma montanera y entre diferentes años de estudio. Esto podría explicar las variaciones en las características químicas de los tejidos de cerdo ibéricos de animales criados en diferentes periodos de montanera, e incluso en una misma campaña

    Interannual variability and evolution during the montanera period of Holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia Lam.) acorns

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    Eighty-eight samples of Quercus rotundifolia acorns were analyzed during three consecutive years (2005/06, 2006/07 and 2007/08) to determine variations in their morphology, sanitary condition, and nutritional composition throughout the same period of montanera (free-range swine-raising system of SW Iberia) and between different years of study. Results showed that morphological characteristics remained constant throughout montanera season. Fungal damage increased, and Curculio sp. and Cydia sp. pests decreased over the course of the montanera season. Dry matter content decreased in both kernel and pericarp (P < 0.001), while the crude fiber and protein contents were not modified. The ash, nitrogen-free extract, and fat contents, however, were also affected by sampling date within a montanera season. With respect to the interannual variability, variations (P < 0.05) were observed in all the variables studied. It is therefore confirmed that there is variability in the sanitary condition and nutritional composition of acorns within the same montanera season and between different years of study. These could explain the differences in the chemical characteristics of Iberian pig tissues from animals raised in different montanera seasons, and even during the same montanera season.Ochenta y ocho muestras de bellotas de Quercus rotundifolia fueron analizadas durante tres años consecutivos (2005/06, 2006/07 y 2007/08), para determinar variaciones en la morfología, estado sanitario y composición nutritiva de las mismas durante un mismo periodo de montanera y entre diferentes años de estudio. Los resultados mostraron que las características morfológicas permanecen constantes durante la montanera. El ataque debido a la presencia de hongos aumentó, mientras que el de los insectos Curculio sp. y Cydia sp. disminuyó durante la montanera. El contenido en materia seca, tanto de la semilla como del pericarpio, también disminuyó (P < 0,001), mientras que el contenido en fibra bruta y en proteína no sufrió modificaciones. Sin embargo, el contenido en cenizas, sustancias extractivas libres de nitrógeno y grasa también se vio afectado por la fecha de muestreo dentro de una montanera. Con respecto a la variabilidad interanual, se observaron variaciones (P < 0,05) en todas las variables estudiadas. Por tanto, se puede afirmar que existe variabilidad en el estado sanitario y la composición nutritiva de bellotas dentro de una misma montanera y entre diferentes años de estudio. Esto podría explicar las variaciones en las características químicas de los tejidos de cerdo ibéricos de animales criados en diferentes periodos de montanera, e incluso en una misma campaña

    Estimación de la curva de crecimiento en vacuno Retinto: aspectos prácticos para la tipificación de pesos

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    Se analiza la curva de crecimiento hasta el destete en dos lotes de animales procedentes de rebaños andaluces y extremeños de ganado vacuno Retinto. El mejor ajuste general corresponde a la regresión lineal de acuerdo con la ecuación: Peso = 39,043 + 0,909 Edad. Se estudió el efecto del lote, número, esta-ción y tipo de parto, tipo de cubrición y sexo de la cría. Todos, salvo tipo de parto y cubrición, fueron significativos

    Estimación de la curva de crecimiento en vacuno Retinto: aspectos prácticos para la tipificación de pesos

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    Se analiza la curva de crecimiento hasta el destete en dos lotes de animales procedentes de rebaños andaluces y extremeños de ganado vacuno Retinto. El mejor ajuste general corresponde a la regresión lineal de acuerdo con la ecuación: Peso = 39,043 + 0,909 Edad. Se estudió el efecto del lote, número, esta-ción y tipo de parto, tipo de cubrición y sexo de la cría. Todos, salvo tipo de parto y cubrición, fueron significativos