13 research outputs found

    Feocromocitoma canino: reporte de un caso

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    This paper reports a case of pheochromocytoma in a 20-year old mongrel breed dog female submitted to a consultation at the Small Animal Vet Hospital “Dr. Santiago Reyes Amaya” in Bucaramanga. Patient had clinical neurological symptoms (seizure episodes and ataxia), among other symptoms. Clinical examination found a patient with severe symptoms of pain, tachypnea, tachycardia, tetraparesis, nystagmus, anterior-and-posterior limb proprioception loss, impaired mental status, hyper-reflexia, and abdominal pain. The neurological examination of cranial nerves I-III-V-VII-XI resulted in abnormality, cephalic and cervical inclination towards left side. A hematological examination was performed, including complete blood count and blood biochemistry (liver and renal profile), and also skull radiographies, but everything was normal. After reporting neurological status with a medical report of poor prognosis, and taking into account the patient’s general condition and age, owner decided to perform euthanasia. So patient was available to the clinic with the owner permission to perform autopsy for academic purposes. The goal of this paper is review general aspects of canine pheochromocytoma, reporting a case.Este artículo reporta un caso clínico de feocromocitoma en un paciente canino hembra, de raza criolla con 20 años de edad, que se presentó a consulta en la clínica veterinaria de pequeños animales “Dr. Santiago Reyes Amaya” de Bucaramanga. La paciente presentaba un cuadro clínico con sintomatología nerviosa (episodios convulsivos y ataxia), entre otros síntomas. Al examen clínico se encontró una paciente con fuertes manifestaciones de dolor, taquipnea, taquicardia, tetraparesia, nistagmos, pérdida de propiocepción tanto en miembros anteriores como posteriores, alteración de su estado mental, hiperreflexia, dolor abdominal. En la evaluación neurológica de los pares craneales I-III-V-VII-XI, se encontró anormalidad, inclinación cefálica y cervical hacia lateral izquierdo. Se realizó análisis hematológico, incluyendo hemograma y bioquímica sanguínea (perfil hepático y renal), encontrándose todos dentro de los parámetros normales, así como también radiografías de cráneo.El propietario, después de recibir el informe del estado neurológico de paciente con un parte médico de pronóstico reservado, y teniendo en cuenta la condición general del paciente y su edad (20 años), decide realizar la eutanasia. El paciente es dejado a disposición de la clínica con autorización para la realización de necropsia con fines académicos. El objetivo principal de este artículo es abordar los aspectos generales sobre el feocromocitoma canino, reportando un caso clínico

    BIBO stabilisation of continuous time takagi sugeno systems under persistent perturbations and input saturation

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    [EN] This paper presents a novel approach to the design of fuzzy state feedback controllers for continuous-time non-linear systems with input saturation under persistent perturbations. It is assumed that all the states of the Takagi¿Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model representing a non-linear system are measurable. Such controllers achieve bounded input bounded output (BIBO) stabilisation in closed loop based on the computation of inescapable ellipsoids. These ellipsoids are computed with linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) that guarantee stabilisation with input saturation and persistent perturbations. In particular, two kinds of inescapable ellipsoids are computed when solving a multiobjective optimization problem: the maximum volume inescapable ellipsoids contained inside the validity domain of the TS fuzzy model and the smallest inescapable ellipsoids which guarantee a minimum *-norm (upper bound of the 1-norm) of the perturbed system. For every initial point contained in the maximum volume ellipsoid, the closed loop will enter the minimum *-norm ellipsoid after a finite time, and it will remain inside afterwards. Consequently, the designed controllers have a large domain of validity and ensure a small value for the 1-norm of closed loop.The authors wish to thank the Editor-in-Chief and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. This work has been funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) through the research project DPI2015-71443-R and by Generalitat Valenciana (Valencia, Spain) through the research project GV/2017/029.Salcedo-Romero-De-Ávila, J.; Martínez Iranzo, MA.; Garcia-Nieto, S.; Hilario Caballero, A. (2018). BIBO stabilisation of continuous time takagi sugeno systems under persistent perturbations and input saturation. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (Online). 28(3):457-472. https://doi.org/10.2478/amcs-2018-0035S45747228

    T-S Fuzzy Bibo Stabilisation of Non-Linear Systems Under Persistent Perturbations Using Fuzzy Lyapunov Functions and Non-PDC Control Laws

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    [EN] This paper develops an innovative approach for designing non-parallel distributed fuzzy controllers for continuous-time non-linear systems under persistent perturbations. Non-linear systems are represented using Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models. These non-PDC controllers guarantee bounded input bounded output stabilisation in closed-loop throughout the computation of generalised inescapable ellipsoids. These controllers are computed with linear matrix inequalities using fuzzy Lyapunov functions and integral delayed Lyapunov functions. LMI conditions developed in this paper provide non-PDC controllers with a minimum *-norm (upper bound of the 1-norm) for the T-S fuzzy system under persistent perturbations. The results presented in this paper can be classified into two categories: local methods based on fuzzy Lyapunov functions with guaranteed bounds on the first derivatives of membership functions and global methods based on integral-delayed Lyapunov functions which are independent of the first derivatives of membership functions. The benefits of the proposed results are shown through some illustrative examples.This work has been funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain (research project RTI2018-096904-B-I00) and Conselleria de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte-Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (research project AICO/2019/055).Salcedo-Romero-De-Ávila, J.; Martínez Iranzo, MA.; Garcia-Nieto, S.; Hilario Caballero, A. (2020). T-S Fuzzy Bibo Stabilisation of Non-Linear Systems Under Persistent Perturbations Using Fuzzy Lyapunov Functions and Non-PDC Control Laws. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (Online). 30(3):529-550. https://doi.org/10.34768/amcs-2020-0039S52955030

    Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome after liver transplantation: A multicenter observational study

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    Diagnosis of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is based on clinical criteria including weight gain, ascites, hepatomegaly, and jaundice.[1] However, clinical and histological features and prognosis of SOS after liver transplantation (LT) seem to differ from SOS after HCT.[2, 3] We aimed to determine the characteristics and outcomes of SOS after LT

    Analysis of basic emotions through elctroencephalographies and physiological data

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Desarrollo de Videojuegos, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Curso 2023/2024. El código del preprocesado se encuentra disponible en el repositorio de GitHub: https://github.com/javics2002/EmotionTracker.La electroencefalografía y los sensores biométricos han existido desde hace años. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría de videojuegos todavía no utilizan este tipo de sensores para adaptar su jugabilidad al estado emocional del jugador. Usando un electroencefalógrafo y sensores fisiológicos, hemos creado un sistema de predicción de emociones que permitiría a un videojuego cualquiera adaptar su estado al estado anímico del jugador en tiempo real. Se han recogido 48 minutos y 11 segundos de datos EEG y fisiológicos de tres sujetos que han jugado videojuegos distintos, cuya finalidad es evocar emociones distintas con la mayor intensidad posible. Las emociones evaluadas se representan mediante escalas de Likert de cinco valores que enfrentan dos emociones consideradas como opuestas. Estas parejas son relajación-concentración, frustración-diversión, anticipación-sorpresa, seguridad-miedo y distracción-inmersión. Los datos recogidos se han usado para entrenar un modelo predictivo de aprendizaje automático. Según los resultados obtenidos, el mejor modelo de predicción de emociones es random forest. El desempeño de este modelo en tiempo real es similar para los pares de emociones de concentración y diversión, en cambio, para las demás predicciones no es tan preciso. Cabe destacar que la frecuencia de predicción no es un factor significativo para la precisión, pero al comparar los resultados separando los datos EEG y fisiológicos, los datos fisiológicos son prescindibles para todos los pares de emociones a excepción de la diversión.Electroencephalography and biometric sensors have been around for years. However, the vast majority of video games still do not use this type of sensors to adapt their gameplay to the emotional state of the player. Using an electroencephalograph and physiological sensors, we have created an emotion prediction system that would allow any video game to adapt its state to the player's mood in real time. We have collected 48 minutes and 11 seconds of EEG and physiological data from three subjects who have played different video games, the purpose of which is to evoke different emotions with the highest possible intensity. The emotions evaluated are represented by five-value Likert scales that face two emotions considered as opposites. These pairs are relaxation-focus, frustration-amusement, anticipation-surprise, security fright and distraction-immersion. According to the results obtained, the best emotion prediction model is random forest, with a mean value for each emotion pair of 0.2545, which is considered slightly inaccurate since a value is acceptable below 0.25. The real-time performance of this model is similar for the concentration and fun emotion pairs, in contrast, for the other predictions it is much worse, raising the mean value to 1.0667. It should be noted that prediction frequency is not a significant factor for accuracy, but when comparing the results by separating EEG and physiological data, physiological data are dispensable for all emotion pairs except for amusement.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome after liver transplantation: A multicenter observational study

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    To the editor,Diagnosis of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is based on clinical criteria including weight gain, ascites, he-patomegaly, and jaundice.[1] However, clinical and histological features and prognosis of SOS after liver transplantation (LT) seem to differ from SOS after H CT.[2,3] We aimed to determine the characteristics and outcomes of SOS after LT

    Bronchopulmonary infection-colonization patterns in Spanish cystic fibrosis patients: Results from a national multicenter study

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    Background: Clinical and demographical knowledge on Spanish cystic fibrosis (CF) patients is incomplete as no national registry exists. CF-microbiology has not been studied at national level. The results of the first Spanish multicenter study on CF microbiology are presented.Methods: 24 CF-Units for adult (n = 12) and pediatric (n = 12) patients from 17 hospitals provided sputa and clinical data from 15 consecutive patients. Cultures and susceptibility testing were performed. Colonization impact on pulmonary function was assessed.Results: 341 patients [mean (SD) age 21 (11) years, 180 >= 18 years, mean (SD) FEV1 = 68 (25)%] were included. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was reported as chronic, intermittent or absent in 46%, 22% and 32% of patients, respectively. The annual prevalence was 62%. Positive P. aeruginosa and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus cultures were significantly associated with lower FEV1 (p = 18 years, mean (SD) FEV1 = 68 (25)%] were included. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was reported as chronic, intermittent or absent in 46%, 22% and 32% of patients, respectively. The annual prevalence was 62%. Positive P. aeruginosa and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus cultures were significantly associated with lower FEV1 (

    Local de ensayo : programa de educación en valores

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    El trabajo obtuvo un premio de la Modalidad B de los Premios Tomás García Verdejo a las buenas prácticas educativas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura para el curso académico 2014/2015Se describe un proyecto llevado a cabo en el IES Tamujal (Arroyo de San Serván, Badajoz) en el que la música y la banda del centro 'Tamujo Music Project', es el eje vertebrador de una serie de actividades dirigidas a mejorar la convivencia en el centro y a potenciar el desarrollo integral del alumnado, contando con la participación de toda la comunidad educativa. Entre los objetivos del proyecto se encuentran: aumentar la autoestima, el autocontrol y la toma de decisiones, apreciar el valor de ser distintos, conocer la existencia de otras culturas, razas, religiones e ideologías superando sentimientos etnocentristas, fomentar la participación en acciones solidarias y de voluntariado, rechazar los estereotipos que supongan discriminación entre hombres y mujeres, afianzar los hábitos de cuidado y salud corporales, fomentar el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, promover el uso de las lenguas extranjeras, etc.ExtremaduraES