55 research outputs found
Cultural Angle and Degrees of Transculturation in Multicultural Societies
Current Western societies are characterized by cultural diversity. Europe has gradually become a place populated by very diverse groups, due mainly to an influx of immigration. Various adaptation mechanisms have developed in the receiving society, and in turn, in immigrant groups. Due to a variety of factors, including well-embedded social prejudices, stereotypes and cultural distance, there are different expressions of ethnocentrism and degrees of transculturation in multicultural contexts. The main focus of this paper is to establish an original and realistic classification of these social responses, based on systematic observation and direct interaction
Ecos del enfrentamiento armado guatemalteco veinte años después del conflicto. El arraigo de la violencia
Peace Agreements were signed in Guatemala on December 29, 1996. This was a significant milestone in the country’s recent history, insofar as they held out hope that the 36-year-old conflict would end, as would human rights violations and ethno-genocide. Notwithstanding the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Accords, violence continues to be at the forefront in the Land of Eternal Spring. The root causes of the current situation probably lie in the armed confrontation. The focus of this paper is to describe the well-embedded, ongoing violence in Guatemala, as a consequence of the previous period. To this end, we use a descriptive methodology to undertake a thorough inquiry, with data from various sources and from an analysis of a questionnaire prepared by the author. I conclude that the current post-conflict period will involve continuity of this criminal paradigm.El 29 de diciembre de 1996 marcó un hito en la historia reciente de Guatemala al suscribirse los acuerdos de paz que pusieron fin a 36 años de enfrentamiento. Veinte años después la violencia continúa presente en el país. Se describe la situación actual de la violencia en Guatemala como consecuencia de lo experimentado en el periodo de enfrentamiento. Se utiliza una metodología descriptiva, ilustrada con datos cuantitativos procedentes de diversas fuentes y con el análisis de una encuesta cerrada de elaboración propia. Se concluye que el periodo posconflicto supone la continuación de un paradigma similar de violencia
La identidad maya-poqomchi´ guatemalteca en sus manifestaciones espirituales y religiosas*
Guatemala es un país caracterizado por una diversidad cultural considerable. Entre los más de veinte grupos mayas que pueblan su geografía, los poqomchi´es que habitan en Alta y Baja Verapaz han mantenido gran parte de su idiosincrasia particular, heredada de los antiguos mayas. El principal objeto de este artículo es analizar los aspectos más destacados de la espiritualidad y religiosidad poqomchi´, como herencia del pueblo maya del que proceden y producto tanto de la interacción con otros colectivos mayas cercanos como del sincretismo como respuesta de supervivencia. Para ello, nos basaremos en la observación sistemática y participante y la entrevista, para llegar a la conclusión de cómo aún en la actualidad los principales rasgos de la espiritualidad poqomchi´ continúan vigentes, no exentos de la influencia de los pueblos con los que comparte espacio.Guatemala is a country of considerable cultural diversity. Among the more than twenty Mayan groups that populate its territory, the Poqomchi´ who inhabit Alta and Baja Verapaz have preserved a great deal of their particular idiosyncrasy inherited from the ancient Maya. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the most important aspects of Poqomchi´ spirituality and religiosity as the legacy of the ancient Maya from whom they descend, as well as a product both of their constant interaction with other Mayan groups and syncretism as a survival mechanism. For this purpose, it is based on systematic participant observation and interviews which have led to conclude that the main features of Poqomchi´ spirituality remain alive even today, although not free from the influence of the peoples with whom they share space.A Guatemala é um país caracterizado por uma diversidade cultural considerável. Entre os mais de 20 grupos maias que povoam sua geografia, os poqomchi’es que habitam na Alta e Baixa Verapaz têm mantido grande parte de sua idiossincrasia, herdada dos antigos maias. O principal objetivo deste artigo é analisar os aspectos mais destacados da espiritualidade e religiosidade poqomchi’, como herança do povo maia do qual procedem e produto tanto da interação com outros grupos maias próximos quanto do sincretismo como resposta de sobrevivência. Para isso, tomaremos como base a observação sistemática e participante e a entrevista para chegar à conclusão de como ainda na atualidade os principais traços da espiritualidade poqomchi’ continuam vigentes, não isentos da influência dos povos com os quais compartilham espaço
Social fission and ways of ethnocentrism in Guatemala
Guatemala puede considerarse como uno de los países de mayor población indígena de toda Latinoamérica. No obstante, y a pesar de la diversidad cultural y las raíces mayas, el complejo proceso sociohistórico del país y los rigores del dilatado Enfrentamiento han conllevado una profunda escisión social entre indígenas y los denominados ladinos. Este artículo pretende establecer, por medio de la observación in situ en el trabajo de campo, el acercamiento a la metodología cuantitativa del cuestionario cerrado en distintos puntos del país, tanto rurales como urbanos, y la revisión bibliográfica, una clasificación de los modos de etnocentrismo presentes en Guatemala, y que puede ser aplicada a las sociedades latinoamericanas y otras que, en términos generales, han experimentado un proceso de transculturación similar.Guatemala can be considered as one of the most noteworthy countries in Latin American in terms of high percentages of indigenous population . Despite the cultural diversity and the Mayan roots, its complex social and historic process, and due to the rigors of its hard Armed internal Conflict, deep social splintering has developed between ladinos and indigenous groups. This paper seeks to establish one classification for the different ways of ethnocentrism in Guatemala that can be applied to similar societies in Latin America which have undergone a similar transculturation process. The instruments and methodology adopted are based mainly on the direct observation in field work, i.e. assessment by quantitative methodology of the closed questionnaire in different places of the country (rural and urban points).- Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada. - Área de Antropología Social. Universidad de Jaén. - Laborarorio de Antropología Social y Cultural (HUM-472). Universidad de Almería. - Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada
The Guatemalan Mayan-Achi' religiosity as the foundation of their cultural identity
En el contexto general de Guatemala, caracterizado por la diversidad étnica y cultural, y mayoritariamente indígena, los achi’es constituyen menos de uno por ciento de la población. Sin embargo, y a pesar de que han sufrido la imposición cultural de pueblos vecinos, de los españoles, y posteriormente, un atroz genocidio, continúan conservando parte de su patrimonio cultural intangible, manifestado en la lengua, las danzas, el Rabinal achi’, y diversas sus expresiones religiosas, que, sin duda, se constituyen en el garante de su identidad cultural. El presente artículo pretende llenar el vacío existente actualmente sobre la etnia achi’, ante la ausencia de estudios sobre ésta. De igual modo, trata de profundizar sobre los mecanismos adaptativos de sincretismo que se han desarrollado a nivel cultural y religioso como medio de supervivencia a través de nuevos modos de transculturación, que garantizan la pervivencia de la cultura y religiosidad maya tradicional en el contexto de la fe católica, vigente y mayoritaria entre los miembros de este pueblo maya.In the general context of Guatemala, characterized by its ethnic and cultural diversity, and predominantly indigenous, the achi’ people constitute less than one per cent of the total population. Nevertheless, and despite they have suffered from the imposition of diverse cultural groups, and a cruel genocide as well, they still preserve a significant part of their cultural heritage, including the language, traditional dances, the Rabinal achi’ and diverse religious expressions, guarantor of their cultural identity. This research attempts to fill the gap on this ethnical group, due to owing to the current absence of studies about the Ach´ies. Likewise, it tries to delve into the adaptation and syncretism mechanisms this collective has develop, culturally and religiously, as a means of survival through new ways of transculturation. These guarantee the continuity of the Mayan traditional culture and religiosity, in the context of the current catholic faith, predominant among the members of this Mayan people
Development and implementation of the MobILcaps application for the teaching and development of information literacy in Higher Education
This paper aims at develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the MobIlCaps mobile application. On the basis of cognitive, constructivist and connectivist theories, it has been developed on an instructional design model, based on the user experience. In the context of mobile teaching in higher education, an innovative application is proposed for the self-learning of information literacy by students of Social Sciences. With the collaboration of both teachers and students, the application was developed, following the ADDIE model, through the phases of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The last phase provided the improvement proposals for the optimization of the final version of the tool, a progressive open access website. The application is organized into six capsules that follow the framework of ACRL (2015): learn, search, evaluate, create, research and disseminate. It includes multimedia resources in the form of microcontents that highlight readability, organization and visualization as characteristics. The app focuses on the user and is a relevant instrument to facilitate teaching The different analyses, followed by proposals for improvement and revisions, led to the achievement of a very useful application for students, teachers and librar
Belief in Importance of Information Literacy Abilities among Undergraduates. Underlying Factors and Analysis of Variance
Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the levels of belief-inimportance of information literacy abilities (BILA) among an undergraduates´ sample.
The aim is, on the one hand, to discover if there is a representative latent structure,
and, on the other hand, to know the existing differences according to external variables
such as academic degree, course, gender and age.
Design/methodology/approach. A self-assessment questionnaire (ILHUMASS) was applied to a sample of 749 students in English Studies, Translation &
Interpreting, and Education in Spain. Three types of statistical methods have been
used to study the results: descriptive, factorial, and analysis of variance.
Findings: Students’ levels of BILA are acceptable but improvable. A framework
of six underlying factors has been uncovered: evaluation-ethics, searching-using,
technological processing, communication, dissemination, and cognitive processing of
the information. Significant differences on degree, course and gender have been found.
Practical implications. This research is intended for a broad academic sector,
including faculty, librarians and students in higher education. The BILA construct helps
to improve the diagnosis of the perception of the belief in importance of information
literacy abilities. Its representation through a reduced number of latent factors simplifies
results and possible applications. The results show that variations in degree, course
and gender are significant and should be taken into account.
Originality. Although much has been written about information literacy abilities
we still know little about the importance students place on them. The BILA construct is
intended to improve that knowledge
Harry Potter como recurso educativo para futuros maestros Propuesta desde la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y la Didáctica de la Expresión Corporal
La saga literaria de Harry Potter y su equivalente cinematográfica se ha convertido en un referente a nivel social. En poco más de dos décadas han pasado a ser parte inherente del imaginario colectivo. Amplios sectores sociales y un rango significativo de generaciones se han visto influidos por el universo mágico de Potter, si bien la denominada generación millenial se ha constituido en el punto de referencia tanto de los libros como de las películas que, de forma originaria, sirvieron de punto de partida para la difusión de este mundo caracterizado por la magia, las referencias sociales, culturales e histórica, así como los valores más relevantes para el propio ser humano.
Se propone la saga de Harry Potter como herramienta para la enseñanza interdisciplinar de las Ciencias Sociales y la Expresión Corporal. Por medio de recursos sencillos que se pueden aplicar a múltiples contextos proponemos una serie de aspectos que pueden servir de referencia para futuros maestro
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