187 research outputs found

    Analysis on Hamlet

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    En este artículo analizamos el popular personaje de Shakespeare, Hamlet. La obra en general cuenta la historia de la Familia Real Danesa, cuya imagen se marca por el asesinato del padre de Hamlet por su propio hermano, quien después se casa con la madre de Hamlet. Hamlet finge que está loco para vengar la muerte de su padre. A través de la obra, podemos analizar dos temas principales: la venganza de Hamlet y la determinación de Hamlet para vengar la muerte de su padre en las manos de Hamlet. Todos estos aspectos serán apoyados por medio de citas del texto.In this article we will focus on analysing Shakespeare's Hamlet. The play tells the tale of the Danish Royal family, marked by the murder of Hamlet's father by his own brother, who then marries Hamlet's mother. Hamlet feigns madness to avenge his father's death. Through the play we can see two principal topics: Hamlet's revenge and Laertes' determination to avenge his father's death at Hamlet's hands. All this aspects will be supported by means of quotations from the text

    Attention to Diversity

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    En cada clase hay estudiantes con diferentes ritmos de aprendizaje y niveles de motivación. Nuestro objetivo como profesores es que cada estudiante participe en el proceso de aprendizaje con plena satisfacción para lograr el éxito de acuerdo a su nivel de habilidad e interés. Para lograrlo, es necesario seguir una metodología dinámica y activa basada en el trabajo en parejas, grupal e individual para detectar diferencias y resolverlas mediante actividades de extensión o refuerzo.In every class, there are students with different rhythms of learning and levels of motivation. Our goal as teachers is that every student participates in the learning process with full satisfaction in order to achieve success according to their level of ability and interest. To achieve this, it is necessary to follow a dynamic and active methodology based on group and individual work in order to detect differences and to solve them by means of extension or reinforcement activities

    Generic and Stylistic Contrast between The Knight’s Tale and The Miller’S Tale

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    La distincióm más ramarcable entre las obras de Chaucer es la presente entre El cuento del Caballero y El cuento del Molinero. En primer lugar, ambos cuentos difieren en género. La segunda diferencia se presenta en términos de narración e imagénes. Las variaciones entre los dos cuentos prevalecen en género y estilo. Como Benson indica en su libro, Derek Brewer considera que "el contraste entre los dos cuentos es muy refrescante muy típico de Chaucer".The most remarkable literary distinction in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is that between the Knight’s Tale and the Miller’s Tale. First of all, both tales diverge in genre. The second difference is in terms of narration and images. Variations between the two tales prevail in genre and style. As Benson states in his work, Derek Brewer considers that “the contrast between the two tales is very refreshing, and very typical of Chaucer”

    Teaching Programme: Cinema and TV

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    En este trabajo, se presenta una programación didáctica centrada en el curso de tercero de Educación Secundaria. Haremos un análisis de objetivos, contenidos y competencias que se centran en el tema del cine y la televisión, que es la unidad didáctica dónde nos vamos a centrar. Además se incluyen los instrumentos y criterios de evaluación y una secuencia de actividades tipo, centrada en la enseñanza dinámica y por un enfoque basado en tareas.In this work, a didactic program is presented focused on the third course of Secondary Education. We will do an analysis of objectives, contents and skills that focus on the theme of film and television, which is the didactic unit in which we are going to focus. In addition to including evaluation tools and criteria and a sequence of type of activities, focused on dynamic teaching and a task-based approach

    Doctor Faustus

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    En esta obra de Marlowe, Doctor Fausto es el protagonista. Desde un primer análisis observamos que es un personaje antagonista y ciertamente ambicioso. La primera vez que Fausto aparece, se esta preparando para iniciar su carrera como mago. Fausto representa el espirítu del Renacimiento, con su rechazo de Dios. Habiendo decidido que el pacto con el diablo es la única manera de cumplir sus ambiciones, Fausto se ciega felizmente con dicho pacto.Faustus is the protagonist and tragic hero of Marlowe’s play. We can tell he is a contradictory character who possesses ambition. The first time that Faustus appears, he is just preparing to start his career as a magician. He represents the spirit of the Renaissance, with its rejection of God. Having decided that a pact with the devil is the only way to fulfill his ambitions, Faustus blinds himself happily to what such a pact means

    La nueva economía institucional y la economía de los recursos naturales: comunes, instituciones, gobernanza y cambio institucional

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    In recent decades, the New Institutional Economics has brought about the “return of institutions†to the economic mainstream, and institutional theory and analysis have been developed from Ronald Coase’s notion of transaction costs and Douglass North’s view on institutions. The Nobel Prize award in Economics to Oliver Williamson and Elinor Ostrom in 2009 has pointed out the relevance of the new institutional approach. Natural Resource Economics has included the institutional determinants of the management of natural resources into its research agenda. In this sense, the advances of the New Institutional Economics allows the development of institutional analysis in the field of the Economics of Natural Resources, such as Elinor Ostrom’s work has shown. This paper presents an integral and updated perspective of the foundations of the New Institutional Economics that constitute a set of theoretical inputs for the analysis of institutions and governance in the management of natural resources.Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, B52, Q00, L22,

    Acquisition Process of Second Languages

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    A diferencia de la adquisición inconsciente de la lengua materna, el proceso de aprendizaje o adquisición de una segunda lengua es consciente En otros términos, el aprendizaje se lleva a cabo mediante la instrucción, la planificación de la enseñanza, con una metodología concreta para alcanzar dicho fin. Para alcanzar todo este sistema de aprendizaje, podemos distinguir tres etapas en la adquisición de una lengua extranjera: cognitiva, asociativa y autónoma, que serán analizados en detalle a lo largo de este artículo.Contrary to the unconscious acquisition of the mother tongue, the learning process or the acquisition of a second language is conscious. In other words, learning is carried out through instruction, teaching planning, with a concrete methodology for the purpose. In order to achieve this whole system of learning, we can distinguish three stages in the acquisition of a foreign language: cognitive, associative and autonomous, which have been analyzed in detail throughout this article

    Language Communicative Processes

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    Para hablar, escribir, escuchar o leer, el alumno tiene que llevar a cabo una secuencia de acciones realizadas con destreza por medio de un texto. El término «texto» se utiliza para referirse a cualquier fragmento de lengua, ya sea un enunciado o una pieza escrita, que los usuarios o alumnos reciben, producen o intercambian. El texto es fundamental para cualquier acto de comunicación lingüística y es el enlace externo y objetivo entre el emisor y el receptor, se comuniquen cara a cara o a distancia.To speak, write, listen or read, the student has to carry out a sequence of actions carried out with skill by means of a text. The term "text" is used to refer to any piece of language, either a statement or a written piece, which users or students receive, produce or exchange. The text is fundamental for any act of linguistic communication and is the external link between the sender and the receiver, in order tocommunicate face to face or in the distance

    Supply Chain Integration Capability: An Organizational Routine Perspective

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    Previous research suggests that the inconsistent results about the relationship between supplier chain integration and performance are due to incomplete and inappropriate conceptualization of supply chain integration dimensions. Therefore, since the resource-based view has been recognized as the most suitable framework to understand these capabilities, we identify and examine routines bundles that make up them. This paper contributes to expand the organizational routines research and provide theoretical guideline for future research in the supply chain management field

    Supply Chain Integration Capability: An Organizational Routine Perspective

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    Previous research suggests that the inconsistent results about the relationship between supplier chain integration and performance are due to incomplete and inappropriate conceptualization of supply chain integration dimensions. Therefore, since the resource-based view has been recognized as the most suitable framework to understand these capabilities, we identify and examine routines bundles that make up them. This paper contributes to expand the organizational routines research and provide theoretical guideline for future research in the supply chain management field