10 research outputs found

    Retinoid-dependent mRNA expression and poly-(A) contents in bovine oocytes meiotically arrested and/or matured in vitro

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    The presence of retinoic acid (RA) during in vitro maturation (IVM) improves bovine oocyte quality and developmental potential. In this work, we investigated the underlying molecular mechanisms. Cumulus–oocyte complexes were meiotically arrested by roscovitine and/or matured in defined medium containing RA, 1% ethanol (vehicle), or no additives. Cumulus-free oocytes were analyzed for poly-(A) mRNA contents and relative mRNA expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation (cyclin B1 and H1) and antioxidative defence (Mn-superoxide dismutase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase). Poly-(A) mRNA increased after meiotic inhibition and decreased with IVM completion, both in meiotically arrested and permissively matured oocytes, i.e., matured without previous meiotic arrest. RA dramatically increased poly-(A) mRNA in meiotically arrested oocytes, but more than half of the poly-(A) mRNA disappeared during maturation. Irrespective of oocyte origin, transcripts were detected for all the genes analyzed. IVM, with or without previous meiotic inhibition, increased expression of cyclin B1 and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and decreased cyclin H1 and Mn-superoxide dismutase. Except for a decreasing of Mn-superoxide dismutase in meiotically arrested and matured oocytes, RA did not affect mRNA expression. Ethanol led to an abnormal poly-(A) mRNA profile and expression of all the genes analyzed. RA does not modify expression of cyclin B1 and HI genes in the bovine oocyte, and probably does not generate oxidative stress. In addition, RA enhanced mRNA amount as measured by poly-(A) mRNA contents

    Jesucristo, Pan de Vida, comunión fraterna

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    This reflection has been proposed by a group of professors of our Faculty in order toconsider how the Eucharist may help to understand the vocation to fulfillment of allCreation. In the framework of the bicentennial of our homeland, the cry of the outcasts, the pain of those who suffer, the incomprehension experienced by human beings becomes a presence of Jesus that questions us from the Eucharistic Mystery. This is sign of the promise but also prophecy and mission; it anticipates the eternal communion, but –precisely for that reason− it constitutes a challenge for history.Esta reflexión ha sido propuesta por un grupo de profesores de nuestra Facultad para poner nuestra mirada en una dimensión de la Eucaristía que ayude a comprender su sentido dentro de la vocación de toda la creación de llegar a su plenitud. En el marco del bicentenario de nuestra Patria, el grito de los postergados, el dolor de los que sufren, las incomprensiones que vive todo hombre se vuelven también presencia de Jesús que interpela desde el misterio eucarístico. Ella es signo de la promesa pero también profecía y misión; nos anticipa la comunión eterna, pero –precisamente por ello− se constituye en desafío para la historia

    Characterization of the Germplasm Bank for the Spanish Autochthonous Bull Breed “Asturiana de la Montaña”

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    [EN] Semen cryobanks are critical for preserving autochthonous and rare breeds. Since sperm cryopreservation has been optimized for commercial breeds, non-commercial ones (often endangered) must be characterized to ensure the germplasm’s viability. This study reports an investigation of the “Asturiana de la Montaña” breed (AM), a valuable Spanish autochthonous cattle breed adapted to the mountainous Atlantic environment. The survey included cryopreserved semen doses from 40 bulls stored at the Principado de Asturias Germplasm Bank. Data were obtained from the routine fresh semen analysis, CASA (motility), and flow cytometry analyses of fresh and post-thawing semen, and the 56-day non-return-rate (NRR) in heifers and cows (all results as 1st and 3rd quartiles). Fresh samples (artificial vagina) were within the normal range for cattle (4–6 mL, 5–10 × 109/mL; mass motility 5). Post-thawing results showed motility below typical for commercial breeds (total motility 26–43%, progressive 14–28%), with higher values for viability (47–62%). Insemination results showed a good performance for this breed (NRR: 47–56%; higher for heifers). Sperm volume increased with age, with little or no effects on sperm quality. Few associations were found between post-thawing quality or freezability and NRR, LIN being the variable more strongly associated (positively). The AM semen bank shows a good prospect for preserving and disseminating the genetics of this breed. This survey indicates that dedicated research is needed to adapt freezing protocols to this breed, optimizing post-thawing resultsSIThis study was funded by MINECO (Spain) grant numbers RZP 2013-006-00-00, RZP 2017-00008-00-00, and AGL2016-81890-REDT (PIVEP research network)

    Biological differences between in vitro produced bovine embryos and parthenotes

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    Parthenotes may represent an alternate ethical source of stem cells, once biological differences between parthenotes and embryos can be understood. In this study, we analyzed development, trophectoderm (TE) differentiation, apoptosis/necrosis, and ploidy in parthenotes and in vitro produced bovine embryos. Subsequently, using real-time PCR, we analyzed the expression of genes expected to underlie the observed differences at the blastocyst stage. In vitro matured oocytes were either fertilized or activated with ionomycin C6-DMAP and cultured in simple medium. Parthenotes showed enhanced blastocyst development and diploidy and reduced TE cell counts. Apoptotic and necrotic indexes did not vary, but parthenotes evidenced a higher relative proportion of apoptotic cells between inner cell mass and TE. The pluripotence-related POU5F1 and the methylation DNMT3A genes were downregulated in parthenotes. Among pregnancy recognition genes, TP-1 was upregulated in parthenotes, while PGRMC1 and PLAC8 did not change. Expression of p66shc and BAX/BCL2 ratio were higher, and p53 lower, in parthenotes. Among metabolism genes, SLC2A1 was downregulated, while AKR1B1, PTGS2, H6PD, and TXN were upregulated in parthenotes, and SLC2A5 did not differ. Among genes involved in compaction/blastulation, GJA1 was downregulated in parthenotes, but no differences were detected within ATP1A1 and CDH1.Within parthenotes, the expression levels of SLC2A1, TP-1, and H6PD, and possibly AKR1B1, resemble patterns described in female embryos. The pro-apoptotic profile is more pronounced in parthenotes than in embryos, which may differ in their way to channel apoptotic stimuli, through p66shc and p53 respectively, and in their mechanisms to control pluripotency and de novo methylation

    Extension of the equilibration period up to 24 h maintains the post-thawing quality of Holstein bull semen frozen with OPTIXcell®

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    [EN] Semen cryopreservation in bovine livestock is well established, but logistics often require deviations from standard protocols. Extending the equilibration time to the following day is convenient in many situations. To improve our knowledge of the effects of this modification, we studied the post-thawing and post-incubation (4 h, 38 °C) sperm quality after freezing with 4 or 24-h extension in the OPTIXcell extender by using an ample panel of analyses: CASA for motility; flow cytometry for viability, physiology, oxidative stress, and chromatin parameters (DNA fragmentation, chromatin compaction, and thiol groups status); and spectrometry for malondialdehyde production. Semen was obtained from 12 Holstein bulls. The 24-h equilibration time showed few significant effects, with only a tiny decrease in progressive motility and a positive impact on chromatin structure. The incubation removed some of these effects, with the pattern for chromatin compaction remaining the same. No detrimental oxidative stress or increase in apoptotic or capacitation markers was detected. Additionally, the individual bull interacted with the effects of the incubation and the equilibration, especially regarding the chromatin status. Whereas this interaction did not critically affect sperm quality, it could be relevant in practice. Bull fertility as non-return rates (NRR56) was associated with some sperm parameters (especially with an improved chromatin structure) but not in the 4-h post-thawing analysis. Our study supports that extending the equilibration time by at least 24-h is feasible for bull semen freezing with the OPTIXcell extender.S

    Use of native chicken breeds (Gallus gallus domesticus) for the development of suitable methods of Cantabrian capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) semen cryopreservation

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    8 Pág.The Cantabrian capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) is critically endangered. This subspecies has the lowest genetic variability and it is in regression. It belongs to Phasianidae family; therefore, the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) could be a good model for developing reproductive technologies for use in capercaillie populations with low availability of animals.Fundación Biodiversidad-Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (Ref-DOC-2017458); Zoitechlab S.L.-INIA, Grant/Award Number: CON18-141Peer reviewe

    4to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    Este volumen acoge la memoria académica de la Cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2017, desarrollado entre el 29 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2017 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) en su sede de Guayaquil. El Congreso ofreció un espacio para la presentación, difusión e intercambio de importantes investigaciones nacionales e internacionales ante la comunidad universitaria que se dio cita en el encuentro. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la gestión de los trabajos de investigación como la plataforma Open Conference Systems y la web de presentación del Congreso http://citis.blog.ups.edu.ec/, hicieron de CITIS 2017 un verdadero referente entre los congresos que se desarrollaron en el país. La preocupación de nuestra Universidad, de presentar espacios que ayuden a generar nuevos y mejores cambios en la dimensión humana y social de nuestro entorno, hace que se persiga en cada edición del evento la presentación de trabajos con calidad creciente en cuanto a su producción científica. Quienes estuvimos al frente de la organización, dejamos plasmado en estas memorias académicas el intenso y prolífico trabajo de los días de realización del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad al alcance de todos y todas

    Post-Thaw Sperm Quality and Functionality in the Autochthonous Pig Breed Gochu Asturcelta

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    Genetic resource banks (GRB) preserve the genetic material of endangered, valuable individuals or genetically relevant breeds. Semen cryopreservation is a crucial technique to reach these goals. Thus, we aimed to assess the sperm parameters of semen doses from the native pig breed Gochu Asturcelta stored at the GRB of Principado de Asturias (GRB-PA, Gijón, Spain), focusing on intrinsic and extrinsic (boar, season) factors. Two straws per boar (n = 18, 8–71 months of age) were thawed, pooled, and assessed after 30 and 150 min at 37 °C by CASA (computer-assisted sperm analysis system; motility and kinematic parameters) and flow cytometry (viability, acrosomal status, mitochondrial activity, apoptosis, reactive oxygen species, and chromatin status). The effects of age, incubation, and season on post-thawing quality were determined using linear mixed-effects models. Parameters were on the range for commercial boar breeds, with chromatin status (SCSA: fragmentation and immaturity) being excellent. Incubation decreased sperm quality and functionality. The boar age did not have a significant effect (p > 0.05), but the between-boar variability was significant (p < 0.001). The season significantly affected many parameters (motility, kinematics, viability, acrosomal status, mitochondrial activity), especially after 150 min of incubation. In general, samples collected in spring and summer showed higher quality post-thawing, the lowest in winter. In conclusion, the sperm doses from the Gochu Asturcelta breed stored at the GRB-PA showed excellent chromatin status and acceptable characteristics after thawing. Therefore, boar and seasonal variability in this autochthonous breed could be relevant for cryobank management