714 research outputs found

    Características hidráulicas y efecto del estrés hídrico en cuatro clones de Eucalyptus globulus Labill

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    Se estudió el efecto del déficit hídrico combinado con altas temperaturas sobre la tasa de transpiración, conductancia estomática y conductividad hidráulica de tallo y raíces en planta de pequeño tamaño de cuatro clones selectos de Eucalyptus globulus. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre clones en los valores de la conductividad hidráulica de la parte aérea por unidad de superficie foliar (Kshoot), conductividad hidráulica específica (Ks) y conductividad foliar (Kfoliar). Los menores valores de Ks y Kfoliar se midieron en el clon que alcanzó el menor crecimiento y menores valores de conductancia estomática. El máximo crecimiento se midió en el clon que alcanzó mayor valor de Kfoliar. No se encontró una relación positiva entre los valores de Kshoot y el crecimiento. El clon con mayor sensibilidad estomática a las temperaturas elevadas presentó valores altos de Kshoot, Ks y Kfoliar. Este resultado demuestra que se debe estudiar las “necesidades hidráulicas” de cada genotipo para interpretar adecuadamente la relación entre conductividad hidráulica, conductancia estomática y tasa de transpiración.______________________________We examined the combined effect of water shortage and high temperatures on the evapotranspiration rate, stomatal conductance and hydraulic conductivity of stems and roots in small-sized plants of four selected Eucalyptus globulus clones and found significant differences in hydraulic conductivity of the aerial part per leaf area unit (Kshoot), specific hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and leaf conductivity (Kleaf) between clones. The smallest Ks and Kleaf values were those for the clone exhibiting the lowest growth and stomatal conduction. On the other hand, the greatest Kleaf value was that for the clone exhibiting the highest growth. No positive correlation between Kshoot and growth was found in any clone, however. The clone with the highest stomatal sensitivity to high temperatures had large Kshoot, Ks and Kleaf values. This result shows that accurately interpreting the relationship between hydraulic conductivity, stomatal conductance and evapotranspiration in each genotype entails carefully establishing its water requirements


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    The purpose of this study is the evaluation of the stiffness and viscosity of a particular muscle-tendon complex (MTC), the Surae Triceps (ST). The knowledge of these properties is essential for assessing and monitoring the physical condition of an athlete or sportman. A measurement procedure based on the free vibration technique, assuming that a part of the body behaves as a one degree of freedom system, has been developed to obtain the aforementioned properties. The apparent properties of MTC are obtained adjusting the experimental record of a force to a theoretical record assuming a one degree of freedom system. Assuming a Hill model for the behaviour of the muscle, the knowledge of these apparent properties leads, by a fitting procedure, to obtain the separate values of these properties for the soleus and the Achilles tendon

    Total recovery from monoclonal gammopathy and autoimmune phenomena after parathyroidectomy

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    Based on the observation of a patient with a causal relationship between hyperparathyroidism and development of both autoimmune disease and paraproteinemia, we hypothesize a novel cause of autoimmunity triggered in the context of hyperparathyroidism. © Cañas et al.; Licensee Bentham Open

    The Role of Emotional Intelligence on Psychological Adjustment and Peer Victimization in a Sample of Spanish Adolescents

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    In the last decades, interest in the study of the negative consequences of bullying for the victims has increased. Victims are often known to show emotional adjustment issues, such as negative self-concept and low life satisfaction. Moreover, some studies have observed important associations between self-concept and life satisfaction, in which a positive self-concept is related to high levels of life satisfaction. Other studies have pointed out the importance of emotional intelligence (EI), as a regulatory and protective factor against the negative impact of victimization on adjustment in adolescents. The main objective of this work was to analyze the mediating effect of self-concept on life satisfaction and the moderated mediation effect of EI on self-concept and life satisfaction in the context of peer victimization. The participants in the study were 1,318 Spanish students of both sexes and aged between 11 and 18 (M = 13.8, SD = 1.32) years, from four compulsory secondary education centers. The results indicated that, on the one hand, self-concept mediated the relationship between victimization and life satisfaction. On the other hand, EI was not only positively associated with self-concept, but it also significantly moderated the negative influence of victimization on self-concept. EI may also indirectly moderate the relationship between victimization and life satisfaction through the self-concept. These data show the importance of EI as a possible protective and moderating factor of the negative effect of bullying on emotional adjustment, which is interesting for the design of future prevention and intervention programs in school contexts.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund—FEDER—“One way to make Europe,” grant number PID2019-109442RB-I00, with EE as the Principal Researcher

    Certifying an irreducible 1024-dimensional photonic state using refined dimension witnesses

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    We report on a new class of dimension witnesses, based on quantum random access codes, which are a function of the recorded statistics and that have different bounds for all possible decompositions of a high-dimensional physical system. Thus, it certifies the dimension of the system and has the new distinct feature of identifying whether the high-dimensional system is decomposable in terms of lower dimensional subsystems. To demonstrate the practicability of this technique we used it to experimentally certify the generation of an irreducible 1024-dimensional photonic quantum state. Therefore, certifying that the state is not multipartite or encoded using non-coupled different degrees of freedom of a single photon. Our protocol should find applications in a broad class of modern quantum information experiments addressing the generation of high-dimensional quantum systems, where quantum tomography may become intractable.Comment: Journal version (except for small editorial modifications), 4+12 pages, 7 figure

    Uso do espaço e atividade de Tapirus terrestris em uma área do Pantanal Sul.

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    Tapirus terrestris é um dos maiores mamíferos do Neotropico, distribui-se desde Venezuela até Argentina. Esta espécie tem sido estudada em vários dos seus aspectos ecológicos e populacionais, porém, levando em conta sua ampla distribuição, estudos sobre sua área de vida nos diferentes ecossistemas onde ocorre, são ainda limitados. Foi estudado o uso do espaço de três antas na fazenda Nhumirim, Pantanal Sul, Brasil. Duas fêmeas adultas e um macho sub-adulto foram capturados e equipados com colares de telemetria VHF desde julho até novembro de 2009. Foram capturadas duas antas por perseguição e dardejamento e uma usando laço e cavalo. Monitorei as antas por rádio-telemetria, usando um quadriciclo, em diferentes períodos: 07:00-13:00, 13:00-19:00, 19:00-01:00 e de 01:00- 07:00. Cada período foi realizado num dia diferente, ou seja, após quatro dias completei um período circadiano para cada animal. No total obtive 249 localizações das antas, com uma média de quatro pontos/dia. Uma das fêmeas adultas morreu em agosto, apenas 21 dias após a captura e é provável que em conseqüência dela. A segunda fêmea morreu em novembro, 82 dias após a captura, em um período que coincidiu com restrição de água na área de estudo e é possível que sua morte não esteja ligada ao estresse de captura. O macho sub-adulto persistiu por todo o período de estudo e após. As áreas de vida, estimadas pelo Mínimo Polígono Convexo 95% variaram entre 200 a 530 ha. Os tipos de hábitat mais utilizado pelas antas foram cordilheiras (cordão de mata e/ou cerradão) e campos. As antas usaram abrigos diurnos localizados no interior de cordilheiras, geralmente em áreas com abundância da palmeira acuri. A relação entre as antas e cordilheiras mostra a necessidade de conservar as florestas existentes na região.Orientação: Dr. Guilherme de Miranda Mourão