9,639 research outputs found

    Flutuação populacional de Rhynchophorus palmarum (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) em palmeiras oleíferas no Amazonas.

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    As coleobrocas são umas das principais pragas das palmeiras devido aos seus danos diretos e indiretos resultarem na morte de diversas plantas. O levantamento populacional destes insetos é de extrema importância, visto a necessidade de se manejar adequadamente o controle realizado na área. Este estudo teve como objetivo monitorar a flutuação populacional de Rhynchophorus palmarum em plantios comerciais de Elaeis guineensis Jacq. e E. oleífera (HBK) Cortes, no estado do Amazonas

    Ductility and durability of strain hardening cementitious composites in the marine environment

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    Modern structures are being exposed to severe environments and the lack of durability is one of the most serious problems in concrete infrastructures. Structural concrete exposed to marine environment deserves special attention as the sea salts chemically react with the cement matrix and the steel reinforcement which results in loss of strength, cracking, spalling, etc. The challenges of Civil Engineering, especially within the structures in extreme environments, pose considerable expectations with regards to the development of fibre reinforced materials for the development of more resistant and durable solutions. In the present work, the behaviour of an Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC) was studied. All the specimens prepared were cured in 4 types of environments: exposed to air (20ºC of temperature and 60% of humidity) immersed in tap water, immersed in salted water and immersed in seawater, all at an average temperature of 18ºC. A series of experiments, including compressive and direct tension tests were carried out to characterize the mechanical properties of the ECC materials while exposed to different environments. The most important characteristic of ECC, which include multiple-cracking behaviour at increasing tensile strains when subjected to increasing tensile loading, was confirmed in all types of curing environments. In all cases the cementitious composites performed well with regards to the strain hardening behaviour typically observed in these materials, although the cracking processes have shown different characteristics. Due to the ability of the material to control crack opening below extremely low values, typically under 100 µm, the durability of structures can be significantly improved when ECC materials are used in the in marine environments. It was shown also that the salted water does not represent well the effect of seawater while characterising ECC mechanical characteristics in the laboratory.The authors acknowledge the material suppliers Secil, Civitest, Sika, Saint-Gobain (Fibraflex) and Eurocálcio – Calcários e Inertes SA for providing the materials used in this study

    Melhoramento genético do dendezeiro visando à obtenção de materiais melhorados, adaptados às condições locais, pela utilização de germoplasma de caiaué (Elaeis oleifera).

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    O fator limitante à exploração comercial do híbrido interespecífico de dendê consiste na sua baixa produção em óleo, quando comparado aos híbridos dura e psifera. A busca de uma solução a longo prazo para esse problema consiste no estabelecimento de um programa de retrocruzamentos para o dendê, tendo por objetivo elevar a produtividade em óleos desses materiais, preservando ao mesmo tempo características agronômicas relevantes do caiaué como, por exemplo, a provável resistência ou tolerância às principais pragas e doenças do dendezeiro.bitstream/item/89197/1/PA-10-Raimundo-Nonato.pd

    Melhoramento genético do dendezeiro visando ao aumento da produtividade.

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    O presente trabalho visa ao aumento da produtividade do dendezeiro, através do melhoramento genético.bitstream/item/89199/1/PA-09-Raimundo-Nonato.pd

    Abundances in bulge stars from high-resolution, near-IR spectra I. The CNO elements observed during the science verification of CRIRES at VLT

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    The formation and evolution of the Milky Way bulge is not yet well understood and its classification is ambiguous. Constraints can, however, be obtained by studying the abundances of key elements in bulge stars. The aim of this study is to determine the chemical evolution of CNO, and a few other elements in stars in the Galactic bulge, and to discuss the sensitivities of the derived abundances from molecular lines. High-resolution, near-IR spectra in the H band were recorded using VLT/CRIRES. Due to the high and variable visual extinction in the line-of-sight towards the bulge, an analysis in the near-IR is preferred. The CNO abundances can all be determined simultaneously from the numerous molecular lines in the wavelength range observed. The three giant stars in Baade's window presented here are the first bulge stars observed with CRIRES. We have especially determined the CNO abundances, with uncertainties of less than 0.20 dex, from CO, CN, and OH lines. Since the systematic uncertainties in the derived CNO abundances due to uncertainties in the stellar fundamental parameters, notably Teff, are significant, a detailed discussion of the sensitivities of the derived abundances is included. We find good agreement between near-IR and optically determined O, Ti, Fe, and Si abundances. Two of our stars show a solar [C+N/Fe], suggesting that these giants have experienced the first dredge-up and that the oxygen abundance should reflect the original abundance of the giants. The two giants fit into the picture, in which there is no significant difference between the O abundance in bulge and thick-disk stars. Our determination of the S abundances is the first for bulge stars. The high [S/Fe] values for all the stars indicate a high star-formation rate in an early phase of the bulge evolution.Comment: Accepted by A&