237 research outputs found

    Review of optical breast imaging and spectroscopy

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    Diffuse optical imaging and spectroscopy of the female breast is an area of active research. We review the present status of this field and discuss the broad range of methodologies and applications. Starting with a brief overview on breast physiology, the remodeling of vasculature and extracellular matrix caused by solid tumors is highlighted that is relevant for contrast in optical imaging. Then, the various instrumental techniques and the related methods of data analysis and image generation are described and compared including multimodality instrumentation, fluorescence mammography, broadband spectroscopy, and diffuse correlation spectroscopy. We review the clinical results on functional properties of malignant and benign breast lesions compared to host tissue and discuss the various methods to improve contrast between healthy and diseased tissue, such as enhanced spectroscopic information, dynamic variations of functional properties, pharmacokinetics of extrinsic contrast agents, including the enhanced permeability and retention effect. We discuss research on monitoring neoadjuvant chemotherapy and on breast cancer risk assessment as potential clinical applications of optical breast imaging and spectroscopy. Moreover, we consider new experimental approaches, such as photoacoustic imaging and long-wavelength tissue spectroscopy

    Optical detection of mealiness in apples using laser TDRS.

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    Mealiness is a textural attribute related to an internal fruit disorder that involves quality loss. It is characterised by the combination of abnormal softness of the fruit and absence of free juiciness in the mouth when eaten by the consumer. Recent research concluded with the development of precise instrumental procedure to measure a scale of mealiness based on the combination of several rheological properties and empirical magnitudes. In this line, time-domain laser reflectance spectroscopy (TDRS) is a new medical technology, used to characterise the optical properties of tissues, and to locate affected areas like tumours. Among its advantages compared to more traditional spectroscopic techniques, there is the feasibility to asses simultaneously and independently two optical parameters: the absorption of the light inside the irradiated body, and the scattering of the photons across the tissues, at each wavelength, generating two coefficients (µa, absorption coeff.; and µ's, transport scattering coeff.). If it is assumed that they are related respectively to chemical components and to physical properties of the sample, TDRS can be applied to the quantification of chemicals and the measurement of the rheological properties (i.e. mealiness estimation) at the same time. Using VIS & NIR lasers as light sources, TDRS was applied in this work to Golden Delicious and Cox apples (n=90), conforming several batches of untreated samples and storage-treated (20°C & 95%RH) to promote the development of mealiness. The collected database was clustered into different groups according to their instrumental test values (Barreiro et al, 1998). The optical coefficients were used as explanatory variables when building discriminant analysis functions for mealiness, achieving a classification score above 80% of correctly identified mealy versus fresh apples

    Clinical trial of time-resolved scanning optical mammography at 4 wavelengths between 683 and 975 nm

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    The first time-resolved optical mammograph operating beyond 900 nm (683, 785, 913, and 975 nm) is presently being used in a clinical trial to test the diagnostic potential of the technique in detecting and characterizing breast lesions. Between November 2001 and October 2002, 101 patients with malignant and benign lesions were analyzed retrospectively. Scattering plots, as derived from a homogeneous model, and late gated intensity images, to monitor spatial changes in the absorption properties, are routinely used. The intensity images available at four wavelengths provide sensitivity to the main tissue constituents (oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin, water, and lipids), in agreement with expected tissue composition and physiology, while the scattering plots mirror structural changes. Briefly, tumors are usually identified due to the strong blood absorption at short wavelengths, cysts to the low scattering, and fibroadenomas to low absorption at 913 nm and high at 975 nm, even though the optical features of fibroadenomas seem not to be uniquely defined. The effectiveness of the technique in localizing and discriminating different lesion types is analyzed as a function of various parameters (lesion size, compressed breast thickness, and breast parenchymal pattern).

    Selection Models for the Internal Quality of Fruit, based on Time Domain Laser Reflectance Spectroscopy

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    Time domain laser reflectance spectroscopy (TRS) was applied for the first time to evaluate internal fruit quality. This technique, known in medicine-related knowledge areas, has not been used before in agricultural or food research. It allows the simultaneous measurement of two optical characteristics of the sample: light scattering inside the tissues and light absorption. Models to estimate non-destructively firmness, soluble solids and acid contents in tomato, apple, peach and nectarine were developed using sequential statistical techniques: principal component analysis, multiple stepwise linear regression, clustering and discriminant analysis. Consistent correlations were established between the two parameters measured with TRS, i.e. absorption and transport scattering coefficients, with chemical constituents (soluble solids and acids) and firmness, respectively. Classification models were created to sort fruits into three quality grades (‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’), according to their firmness, soluble solids and acidity

    Detection of internal quality in kiwi with time-domain diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

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    Time-domain diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (TRS), a medical sensing technique, was used to evaluate internal kiwi fruit quality. The application of this pulsed laser spectroscopic technique was studied as a new, possible non-destructive, method to detect optically different quality parameters: firmness, sugar content, and acidity. The main difference with other spectroscopic techniques is that TRS estimates separately and at the same time absorbed light and scattering inside the sample, at each wavelength, allowing simultaneous estimations of firmness and chemical contents. Standard tests (flesh puncture, compression with ball, .Brix, total acidity, skin color) have been used as references to build estimative models, using a multivariate statistical approach. Classification functions of the fruits into three groups achieved a performance of 75% correctly classified fruits for firmness, 60% for sugar content, and 97% for acidity. Results demonstrate good potential for this technique to be used in the development of new sensors for non-destructive quality assessment

    High throughput detection chain for time domain optical mammography

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    A novel detection chain, based on 8 Silicon Photomultipliers (forming a wide-area custom-made detection probe) and on a time-to-digital converter, was developed to improve the signal level in multi-wavelength (635-1060 nm) time domain optical mammography. The performances of individual components and of the overall chain were assessed using established protocols (BIP and MEDPHOT). The photon detection efficiency was improved by up to 3 orders of magnitude, and the maximum count rate level was increased by a factor of 10 when compared to the previous system, based on photomultiplier tubes and conventional time-correlated single-photon counting boards. In the estimate of optical parameters, the novel detection chain provides performances comparable to the previous system, widely validated in clinics, but with higher signal level, higher robustness, and at a lower price per channel, thus targeting important requirements for clinical applications

    Attractive new technologies for 7-wavelength time domain optical mammography

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    An 8-channel Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM) probe and Time-to-Digital-Converter (TDC) realize a higher-throughput, cheaper and compact detection chain for time-resolved optical mammography than photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) boards, providing comparable estimate of optical properties with increased optical responsivity

    Evaluation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy-induced changes in contralateral healthy breast tissue through diffuse optical spectroscopy

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    This study aims at evaluating the effect of NeoAdjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) on the contralateral tumor-free breast tissue through time domain diffuse optical spectroscopy. The breast tissue composition consisting of hemoglobin, water, lipid, and collagen concentrations is quantitatively derived using our seven-wavelength (635-1060 nm) optical mammograph. Preliminary analysis of ten patients' data shows compositional changes occurring in the non-tumor breast in addition to the tumor breast. This includes reduction in breast density and components’ concentrations through the course of the therapy. The final goal is to eventually identify if there is a correlation of these effects with pathological complete response
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