406 research outputs found

    Zootherapeutics utilized by residents of the community Poço Dantas, Crato-CE, Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Animals have been used as a source of medicine in Brazil since ancient times, and have played a significant role in healing practices. Specifically in Northeast Brazil, zootherapy is a very common practice, and together with medicinal plants, it plays an important role as a therapeutic alternative. In the state of Ceara, no works have been carried out on rural communities with regard to use of zootherapeutics, even though the practice of zootherapy is common in this region. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the use of medicinal animals in a rural community (Poco Dantas) in the municipality of Crato, Ceara, Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The field survey was carried out from October 2008 to January 2009 by conducting interviews using structured questionnaires with 72 people (33 men and 39 women), who provided information on animal species used as remedies, body parts used to prepare the remedies, and ailments for which the remedies were prescribed. We calculated the informant consensus factor (ICF) to determine the consensus over which species are effective for particular ailments, as well as the species use value (UV) to determine the extent of utilization of each species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 29 species, distributed in 17 families were categorized as having some medicinal property. The taxa most represented were: mammals (9), insects (7), reptiles and birds (4). <it>Progne chalybea</it>, a species not previously recorded as being of medicinal use, was cited in the present work, where it is utilized in the treatment of alcoholism. The animals are used in the treatment of 34 diseases or symptoms, where sore throat, inflammations and cough are the ailments with the greatest number of citations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data show that zootherapy represents an important therapeutic alternative for the inhabitants of the community. New studies on medicinal fauna should be conducted with the aim of determining the exploitation level of the species utilized, promoting sustainable development of medicinal species that are eventually threatened, and preserving and disseminating the knowledge developed by traditional individuals of the community.</p

    Avaliação de serviços em saúde mental no Brasil: revisão sistemática da literatura

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    ResumoA avaliação em saúde mental é um mecanismo capaz de produzir informações que contribuam positivamente para a tomada de decisão na área. Logo, é preciso apropriar-se das discussões existentes, refletindo sobre desafios e possibilidades na produção de conhecimento neste campo. Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da produção científica brasileira sobre avaliação de serviços em saúde mental, identificando e discutindo métodos, perspectivas avaliativas e resultados. A busca de artigos ocorreu nas bases de dados IBECS, Lilacs e Scielo, com recorte temporal da publicação da lei 10.216. Foram encontrados 35 artigos por meio dos descritores e critérios de inclusão e exclusão utilizados. A produção da área concentrou-se nas regiões Sul e Sudeste, com diversos âmbitos e participantes, visando contribuir para o aprimoramento de serviços e decisões na área. Destacam-se os avanços no cuidado, com tratamento humanizado, participativo e comunitário, mas carecendo de maiores investimentos, qualificação profissional e melhorias organizacionais. Postula-se maior integração entre pesquisas, com as avaliações ultrapassando aspectos estruturais e a comparação com modelos hospitalocêntricos

    The role of population movement in the epidemiology and control of schistosomiasis in Brazil: a preliminary typology of population movement

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    This paper examines recent developments in migration studies. It reviews literature related to the potential role of internal population movement in the occurrence of schistosomiasis in Brazil and modifies Prothero's typology of population movement for use in Brazil. This modified classification system may contribute to a better understanding of schistosome transmission as well as improved research and control programs. The results of this study indicate that population movement in Brazil primarily involves economically-motivated rural-urban and interregional movement. However, several movement patterns have become increasingly important in recent years as a result of changing socioeconomic and urbanisation dynamics. These patterns include urban-urban, intracity and urban-rural movement as well as the movement of environmental refugees and tourists. Little is known about the epidemiological significance of these patterns. This paper also highlights the role of social networks in the decision to migrate and to settle. Prothero's classic population movement typology categorises movement as either one-way migrations or circulations and examines them along spatial and temporal scales. However, the typology must be modified as epidemiological information about new patterns becomes available. This paper identifies areas that require further research and offers recommendations that can improve the measurement and spatial analysis of the relationship between population movement and schistosomiasis
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