3 research outputs found

    Il Distretto Culturale Evoluto Flaminia Nextone. Innovazione digitale nel nuovo museo virtuale della Via Flaminia a Fano

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    Il Museo della Via Flaminia a Fano è il primo pilot realizzato all’interno del progetto Distretto Culturale Evoluto Marche: Flaminia Nextone. Il lavoro si colloca tra le iniziative strategiche per la promozione del valore identitario del territorio lungo la via consolare con gli obbiettivi di creare nuovi modelli di turismo sostenibile e sviluppare tecniche di comunicazione digitale. Il Museo Digitale così concepito è incubatore di mezzi di comunicazione culturale innovativa, a partire da una molteplicità di sistemi di rilievo e rappresentazione tramite Mixed Reality e dispositivi tecnologici

    Integrated Strategies of Promotion and Communication For Diffuse Cultural Heritage: a Pilot Project Inside Flaminia Nextone Dce

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    This study means to examine new ways to improve the promotion and awareness of an ancient and hidden consular route: The Via Flaminia. The main goal is to develop new methodology to create a diffuse museum throughout a tangible and intangible digital project highlighting the route. Nowadays the increase of transport infrastructures erases a lot of archaeological evidences, covered by newer and faster road infrastructures. In the Marche Region, especially from Scheggia Pass to Fano, the roman traces of this route are not so easily identifiable because of vegetation and lack of maintenance. Moreover, each evidence doesn’t raise such an interest in both tourists or resident. For all of these reasons, it is necessary to promote a sustainable cultural tourism along all path, integrated with local development, to amplify the cultural identity linked with the Via Flaminia. The results of the analysis focus on the importance in using resources to activate an appreciation process, linked with cultural, economic and touristic aspects involving industries’ and citizens’ interests. The best methodology consists in promote the re-appropriation of the area by everyone: the diffuse musealization has to be reinterpreted. The first step consists in mapping the area, localizing the Via Flaminia’s path and all the archaeological evidences. Several drawings, survey, spherical panoramas and 3D models on the Flaminia road and its evidences, has been carried out about by Univpm’s researchers. Along the road four areas are identified as focal point of the diffuse museum system: POI and Pilot are linked to a cloud platform that leads to a better comprehension of spaces and innovative communication systems. Another important aspect consists in the creation of a unique language for the all route, a coordinated image project to give immediate legibility and recognisability. Each municipality crossed by the Flaminia is part of a unique system designed through the idea of those large stones (basoli) that paved roman street. Starting from the project’s logo (made of basoli), its shape gives origin to the idea of website, app and signages. As well urban furnitures’ design is developed by the logo’s idea. Finally, we focused on a pilot area: Mallio Bridge at Cagli is designed as the entrance to the city and one of the main point of interest of the all Flaminia in Marche