20 research outputs found

    A Case Study of Nearshore Wave Transformation Processes along the Coast of Mexico near the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant Using a Fast Simulation Method

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    A numerical model based on the mild-slope equation of water wave propagation over complicated bathymetry, taking into account the combined effects of refraction, diffraction, and reflection due to breakwater, is presented. The numerical method was developed using a split proposed version of the mild-slope equation and solved by an implicit method in a finite volume grid; this technique easily allows model the wave effects caused by the breakwater building in coastal waters, where industrial and other economic activities take place. Controlled case studies have been made and the results match very well with the reference solution. The capability and utility of the model for real coastal areas are illustrated by application to the breakwater of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant (LVNPP)

    3D Gravity Modeling of Complex Salt Features in the Southern Gulf of Mexico

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    We present a three-dimensional (3D) gravity modeling and inversion approach and its application to complex geological settings characterized by several allochthonous salt bodies embedded in terrigenous sediments. Synthetic gravity data were computed for 3D forward modeling of salt bodies interpreted from Prestack Depth Migration (PSDM) seismic images. Density contrasts for the salt bodies surrounded by sedimentary units are derived from density-compaction curves for the northern Gulf of Mexico’s oil exploration surveys. By integrating results from different shape- and depth-source estimation algorithms, we built an initial model for the gravity anomaly inversion. We then applied a numerically optimized 3D simulated annealing gravity inversion method. The inverted 3D density model successfully retrieves the synthetic salt body ensemble. Results highlight the significance of integrating high-resolution potential field data for salt and subsalt imaging in oil exploration

    Modelación numérica hidrodinámico-hidrológica en zonas de inundación con presencia de infraestructura

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    Se presenta la modelación numérica computacional de la hidrodinámica superficial e hidrológica de la zona de estudio donde se pretende construir infraestructura para la exploración de hidrocarburos en las márgenes del río Grijalva, México; para ello se muestra el análisis de la información meteorológica, determinando los valores de intensidad de precipitación, temperaturas, evaporación y una estimación de los gastos, correspondiente al año 2014; las zonas de inundación se estimaron con el uso de programas desarrollados en Fortran y Matlab, que resuelven las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes-Reynolds para flujos a superficie libre y la intensidad de precipitación con la distribución de Gumbel, con parámetros estimados mediante el método de Momentos Ponderados con Probabilidad (MPP), con los cuales, mediante una malla numérica de la topografía, en conjunto con los valores meteorológicos, como condiciones iniciales y forzantes, se determina la magnitud de la inundación del área de estudio, así como la obtención de gastos, velocidades y el funcionamiento hidráulico de las obras de mitigación propuestas para preservar el balance hidrológico del sistema

    Educación ambiental y sociedad. Saberes locales para el desarrollo y la sustentabilidad

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    Este texto contribuye al análisis científico de varias áreas del conocimiento como la filosofía social, la patología, la educación para el cuidado del medio ambiente y la sustentabilidad que inciden en diversas unidades de aprendizaje de la Licenciatura en Educación para la Salud y de la Maestría en Sociología de la SaludLas comunidades indígenas de la sierra norte de Oaxaca México, habitan un territorio extenso de biodiversidad. Sin que sea una área protegida y sustentable, la propia naturaleza de la región ofrece a sus visitantes la riqueza de la vegetación caracterizada por sus especies endémicas que componen un paisaje de suma belleza

    Simulation of Supersonic Flow in an Ejector Diffuser Using the JPVM

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    The ejectors are used commonly to extract gases in the petroleum industry where it is not possible to use an electric bomb due the explosion risk because the gases are flammable. The steam ejector is important in creating and holding a vacuum system. The goal of this job is to develop an object oriented parallel numerical code to investigate the unsteady behavior of the supersonic flow in the ejector diffuser to have an efficient computational tool that allows modeling different diffuser designs. The first step is the construction of a proper transformation of the solution space to generate a computational regular space to apply an explicit scheme. The second step, consists in developing the numerical code with an-object-oriented parallel methodology. Finally, the results obtained about the flux are satisfactory compared with the physical sensors, and the parallel paradigm used not only reduces the computational time but also shows a better maintainability, reusability, and extensibility accuracy of the code

    Analysis of Flow Evolution and Thermal Instabilities in the Near-Nozzle Region of a Free Plane Laminar Jet

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    This work focuses on the evolution of a free plane laminar jet in the near-nozzle region. The jet is buoyant because it is driven by a continuous addition of both buoyancy and momentum at the source. Buoyancy is given by a temperature difference between the jet and the environment. To study the jet evolution, numerical simulations were performed for two Richardson numbers: the one corresponding to a temperature difference slightly near the validity of the Boussinesq approximation and the other one corresponding to a higher temperature difference. For this purpose, a time dependent numerical model is used to solve the fully dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. Density variations are given by the ideal gas law and flow properties as dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity are considered nonconstant. Particular attention was paid to the implementation of the boundary conditions to ensure jet stability and flow rates control. The numerical simulations were also reproduced by using the Boussinesq approximation to find out more about its pertinence for this kind of flows. Finally, a stability diagram is also obtained to identify the onset of the unsteady state in the near-nozzle region by varying control parameters of momentum and buoyancy. It is found that, at the onset of the unsteady state, momentum effects decrease almost linearly when buoyancy effects increase

    Carbon Nanofoam by Pulsed Electric Arc Discharges

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    The aim of this article was to report the carbon nanofoam synthesis by a new method and a new catalytic mixture. Using the pulsed electric arc discharge method, carbon nanofoam was synthesized. The synthesis was carried out in a controlled atmosphere at 200 torr of hydrogen pressure. The pulsed electric arc discharge was established between two graphite electrodes with 22.8 kVA of power and 150 A DC current; the cathode was relatively motionless and was made of a pure carbon rod of 6 mm diameter, and the spinner anode was a pure carbon disc spinning at 600 rpm; over the disc was an annular cavity where the new catalytic mixture of 93.84/2.56/1.43/0.69/1.48 of C/Ni/Fe/Co/S molar fraction was deposited in a geometrically fixed way by 8 catalytic mixture blocks and 8 empty spaces, and the discharge frequency was 80 Hz. After the synthesis was made, the resulting products were deposited on the electrodes, proving that our method can synthesize different carbon nanostructures easily and at low cost

    Accelerating Electromagnetic Field Simulations Based on Memory-Optimized CPML-FDTD with OpenACC

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    Although GPUs can offer higher computing power at low power consumption, their low-level programming can be relatively complex and consume programming time. For this reason, directive-based alternatives such as OpenACC could be used to specify high-level parallelism without original code modification, giving very accurate results. Nevertheless, in the FDTD method, absorbing boundary conditions are commonly used. The key to successful performance is correctly implementing the boundary conditions that play an essential role in memory use. This work accelerates the simulations of electromagnetic wave propagation that solve the Maxwell curl equations by FDTD using CMPL boundary in TE mode using OpenACC directives. A gain of acceleration optimizing the use of memory is shows, checking the loops intensities, and the use of single precision to improve the performance is also analyzed, producing an acceleration of around 5X for double precision and 11X for single precision respectively, comparing with the serial vectorized version, without introducing errors in long-term simulations. The scenarios of simulation established are common of interest and are solved at different frequencies supported by a Mid-range cards GeForce RTX 3060 and Titan RTX