33,101 research outputs found

    Catalisadores químicos utilizados na síntese de biodiesel.

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    Effective restoration of chiral and axial symmetries at finite temperature and density

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    The effective restoration of chiral and axial symmetries is investigated within the framework of the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The topological susceptibility, modeled from lattice data at finite temperature, is used to extract the temperature dependence of the coupling strength of the anomaly. The study of the scalar and pseudoscalar mixing angles is performed in order to discuss the evolution of the flavor combinations of qqˉq \bar q pairs and its consequences for the degeneracy of chiral partners. A similar study at zero temperature and finite density is also realized.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at Strange Quark Matter 2004, Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 September, 200

    Avoided crossings in mesoscopic systems: electron propagation on a non-uniform magnetic cylinder

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    We consider an electron constrained to move on a surface with revolution symmetry in the presence of a constant magnetic field BB parallel to the surface axis. Depending on BB and the surface geometry the transverse part of the spectrum typically exhibits many crossings which change to avoided crossings if a weak symmetry breaking interaction is introduced. We study the effect of such perturbations on the quantum propagation. This problem admits a natural reformulation to which tools from molecular dynamics can be applied. In turn, this leads to the study of a perturbation theory for the time dependent Born-Oppenheimer approximation

    Zoneamento socioeconômico da população ribeirinha do Pantanal: Comunidade do Castelo, Corumbá, MS.

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    Este trabalho descreve brevemente informações socioeconômicas da população moradora da Baía do Castelo. Foram realizadas entrevistas e vistas locais para levantamento de dados. Observamos que a maior parte da população é idosa, existem poucas crianças no local devido a ausência de escolas. População predominantemente masculina e com atividade econômica divida entre a pesca (50%) e pecuária em pequena escala (50%). Apesar dasdificuldades existentes a maior parte da população prefere morar e trabalhar no local. Afirmandoque o pantanal, apesar de possuir características inóspitas não é só um espaço natural cênico, ele é todo um modo de vida que alimenta e determina uma cultura própria, ímpar de sua populaçãolocal

    Kaons and pions in strange quark matter

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    The behavior of kaons and pions in strange quark matter in weak equilibrium, is investigated within the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio [NJL] model. This work focuses a region of high densities where the behavior of mesons has not been explored in the framework of this model. It is found that above the density where strange valence quarks appear in the medium, ρ=3.8ρ0\rho = 3.8 \rho_0, a change of behavior of different observables is observed indicating a tendency to the restoration of flavor symmetry. In particular, the splitting between charge multiplets, K+,K;K0,Kˉ0andπ+,πK^+, K^-; K^0, {\bar K^0} {and} \pi^+, \pi^- decrease and the low energy modes with quantum numbers of K,Kˉ0andπ+K^-, \bar K^0 {and} \pi^+, which are excitations of the Fermi sea, are less relevant than for lower densities.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures included; revised version, some changes in the discussio

    Two Decades Of Pelagic Ecology Of The Western Antarctic Peninsula

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    Significant strides in our understanding of the marine pelagic ecosystem of the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) region have been made over the past two decades, resulting from research conducted aboard ARSV Laurence M. Gould and RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer. These advances range from an understanding of the physical forcing on biology, to food web ecology (from microbes to top predators), to biogeochemical cycling, often in the larger context of rapid climate warming in the region. The proximity of the WAP to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and WAP continental shelf bathymetry affects the hydrography and helps structure the biological community. Seasonal, spatial, and interannual variability at all levels of the food web, as well as the mechanisms supporting their production, are now more clearly understood. New tools and technologies employed in the region were critical for making this research possible. As a result, our knowledge of the WAP pelagic ecosystem during a time of rapid climate change has vastly improved

    Universal relaxation function in nonextensive systems

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    We have derived the dipolar relaxation function for a cluster model whose volume distribution was obtained from the generalized maximum Tsallis nonextensive entropy principle. The power law exponents of the relaxation function are simply related to a global fractal parameter α\alpha and for large time to the entropy nonextensivity parameter qq. For intermediate times the relaxation follows a stretched exponential behavior. The asymptotic power law behaviors both in the time and the frequency domains coincide with those of the Weron generalized dielectric function derived from an extension of the Levy central limit theorem. They are in full agreement with the Jonscher universality principle. Moreover our model gives a physical interpretation of the mathematical parameters of the Weron stochastic theory and opens new paths to understand the ubiquity of self-similarity and power laws in the relaxation of large classes of materials in terms of their fractal and nonextensive properties.Comment: Two figures. Submitted for publicatio

    First-order transitions and triple point on a random p-spin interaction model

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    The effects of competing quadrupolar- and spin-glass orderings are investigated on a spin-1 Ising model with infinite-range random pp-spin interactions. The model is studied through the replica approach and a phase diagram is obtained in the limit pp\to\infty. The phase diagram, obtained within replica-symmetry breaking, exhibits a very unusual feature in magnetic models: three first-order transition lines meeting at a commom triple point, where all phases of the model coexist.Comment: 9 pages, 2 ps figures include

    Velocity quantization approach of the one-dimensional dissipative harmonic oscillator

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    Given a constant of motion for the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with linear dissipation in the velocity, the problem to get the Hamiltonian for this system is pointed out, and the quantization up to second order in the perturbation approach is used to determine the modification on the eigenvalues when dissipation is taken into consideration. This quantization is realized using the constant of motion instead of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure