5,679 research outputs found

    Cremona maps defined by monomials

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    Cremona maps defined by monomials of degree 2 are thoroughly analyzed and classified via integer arithmetic and graph combinatorics. In particular, the structure of the inverse map to such a monomial Cremona map is made very explicit as is the degree of its monomial defining coordinates. As a special case, one proves that any monomial Cremona map of degree 2 has inverse of degree 2 if and only if it is an involution up to permutation in the source and in the target. This statement is subsumed in a recent result of L. Pirio and F. Russo, but the proof is entirely different and holds in all characteristics. One unveils a close relationship binding together the normality of a monomial ideal, monomial Cremona maps and Hilbert bases of polyhedral cones. The latter suggests that facets of monomial Cremona theory may be NP-hard

    Economic Growth and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Italy, 1861-2003

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    This paper examines the relationship between economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions in Italy for the period 1861-2003. Using cointegration, rolling regression and error correction modeling techniques, we find that growth and carbon dioxide emissions are strongly interrelated, and elasticity of pollutant emissions with respect to income has been decreasing over time. For the period 1960-2003 EKC estimates provide evidence for the existence of a reasonable "turning point". However, given the heavy dependence of Italian economy upon fossil fuels, meeting the emissions targets in the accomplishing of the Kyoto Protocol is a very challenging task.Environmental Kuznets Curve; Carbon Dioxide Emissions; Time Series Analysis; Italian Economy

    Labour market programmes and labour market outcomes: a study of the Swedish active labour market interventions

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    This paper assesses the impact of Swedish welfare-to-work programmes on labour market performance including wages, labour market status, unemployment duration and future welfare-to-work participation. We develop a structural dynamic model of labour supply which incorporates detailed institutional features of these policies and allows for selection on observables and unobservables. We estimate the model from a rich administrative panel data set and show that training programmes - which account for a large proportion of programmes - have a little effect on future outcomes, whereas job experience programmes have a beneficial effect.Labour market programmes; labour market outcomes

    A Provisional Appraisal

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    The following working paper (the English translation of “Soziale Ungleichheiten und globale Interdependenzen in Lateinamerika: eine Zwischenbilanz” desiguALdades.net Working Paper Series 4, 2013) lays out the baseline from which the research approach of the research network desiguALdades.net was developed. Starting from diverse social inequality phenomena in Latin America, the network seeks to underline the multidimensionality of inequalities and their transregional interdependencies, taking a synchronic as well as a diachronic perspective into account. It thereby draws, first, on the discourse on global approaches to the study of inequalities, particularly world system approaches and transnationalism. Secondly, it is based on a critical examination of key concepts (like figuration and regime). Lastly, it seeks to link these to subjects and areas, especially the environmental dimension, that until now have received little consideration in research on inequalities

    eine Zwischenbilanz

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    Im Folgenden werden die grundlegenden Überlegungen dargelegt, von denen aus der Forschungsansatz von desiguALdades.net entwickelt wurde. In diesem Kompetenznetz geht es darum, ausgehend von in Lateinamerika beobachteten PhĂ€nomenen sozialer Ungleichheiten die MehrdimensionalitĂ€t von Ungleichheiten und ihre transregionalen Interdependenzen in synchroner und diachroner Perspektive zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Diese Überlegungen speisen sich erstens aus der Auseinandersetzung mit AnsĂ€tzen, die Ungleichheiten global erforschen – insbesondere im Feld des Weltsystemansatzes und der Transnationalismusforschung. Zweitens basieren sie auf einer kritischen Reflexion von SchlĂŒsselbegriffen (wie Figuration und Regime). Sie versuchen drittens, bislang von der Ungleichheitsforschung nicht berĂŒcksichtigte Themen, insbesondere Umweltfragen, mit dieser zu verbinden

    Hollow viscus injuries. Predictors of outcome and role of diagnostic delay

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    INTRODUCTION: Hollow viscus injuries (HVIs) are uncommon but potentially catastrophic conditions with high mortality and morbidity rates. The aim of this study was to analyze our 16-year experience with patients undergoing surgery for blunt or penetrating bowel trauma to identify prognostic factors with particular attention to the influence of diagnostic delay on outcome. METHODS: From our multicenter trauma registry, we selected 169 consecutive patients with an HVI, enrolled from 2000 to 2016. Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative data were analyzed to assess determinants of mortality, morbidity, and length of stay by univariate and multivariate analysis models. RESULTS: Overall mortality and morbidity rates were 15.9% and 36.1%, respectively. The mean length of hospital stay was 23±7 days. Morbidity was independently related to an increase of white blood cells (P=0.01), and to delay of treatment >6 hours (P=0.033), while Injury Severity Score (ISS) (P=0.01), presence of shock (P=0.01), and a low diastolic arterial pressure registered at emergency room admission (P=0.02) significantly affected postoperative mortality. CONCLUSION: There is evidence that patients with clinical signs of shock, low diastolic pressure at admission, and high ISS are at increased risk of postoperative mortality. Leukocytosis and delayed treatment (>6 hours) were independent predictors of postoperative morbidity. More effort should be made to increase the preoperative detection rate of HVI and reduce the delay of treatment
